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Judy Bagwell On A Pole

Hey Scott, Colin from the Blog here. So I'm just sitting back and watching an old Nitro from 2000 (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) and once again here comes Judy fuckin' Bagwell on my television (or rather, computer) screen. What gives man? Was this all some big rib on Buff by Nash and the boys backstage? IIRC Buff was infamous for being a "momma's boy" or whatever, and isn't that why he was fired from the WWF in 2001 when the Invasion started, because he had his mother call him in sick or something along those lines? You were a stalwart of the IWC at the time so I figured you'd be the best person to ask about this one. It just seems like it was all a big rib on Buff. I wonder if he noticed.

Yeah, you’ve got it right.  The whole thing with Judy Bagwell was basically a huge rib on Buff (and one on the fans, really), and “his mama called in sick to WWE” really did happen as well.  That’s what WCW does to you, I guess.
