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Classic Belts, New Wrestlers upped yet another feature, this time with current superstars posing with Classic Belts. And it's pretty awesome. 

Granted, this draws painful attention to the superiority of previous belt designs to pretty much every title they have now. But it's worth it for the nostalgia boner. Anyhow, keep doing what you're doing, friend.  


I wish they would have expanded it to stuff like the Hogan 86 belt and Attitude Era Gold Eagle, but this was pretty cool.  Cesaro with the European title needs to happen, though.  

Daniel Bryan with the classic winged eagle?  MEANT TO BE.


  1. I want to burn my eyes out with acid after seeing the Miz with the classic title.

  2. It's been so long since the Winged Eagle was on screen, and if anything the retro IC title look proved that going old school could work. The new WWE Championship isn't bad necessarily, but I don't think it has a lot of character (still an improvement over the insipid spinner belt I guess). I wouldn't mind them taking the Winged Eagle on a nostalgia run one of these days.

    But yes, Cesaro needs that European Title in the worst way, preferably after rendering the useless U.S. Title extinct.

  3. Is this e-mailer a 16 yo girl? If not, change your account back to a regular format, dude. Nobody wants to read white on black.

  4. They can't tease us like this! Too much awesomeness...

  5. This album makes me want to see AJ drop the Divas belt in the trash, Madusa-style.

  6. Im waiting for the Euro-title tourney.

  7. Why'd they have Sandow pose with the winged eagle belt? He's never been WWE champ, unlike Bryan, Del Rio or Miz.

    I had to laugh at seeing McIntyre posing with the IC belt since it's been so, so long since Drew was worth anything in this company.

  8. Those tag belts still look awesome. Way better than the copper pennies tag belts.

  9. Once you go white on black, you can never go back.

  10. That was the dirty one that stood out for me.

    For a minute, I thought the Usos were the Headshrinkers with those classic belts!

  11. Wwe has been on fire with their YouTube/website lately. Is this their way of apologizing for exposing us to so much HHH over the last 2 months?

  12. Would've been cool to have Big Show with Andre's custom belt. Also, I think that Sandow and the old NWA TV title go together well for some reason.

  13. Re: Sandow, I mean this belt:

  14. That was a mistake on my part. I copy-pasted from another website where I posted this, and I guess it posted the formatting too.

    Still, what a silly thing to get upset about.

  15. I. Want. The. Old. Titles. Back. PLEASE! DAMMIT! Man they are all looking so much more like WWF Champions, than they do with this toys r us things they are wearing today.

  16. Im not your friend, guy.

  17. Well I'm not your guy, buddy!

  18. ANGLE: Barrett "steals" the European title from the photo shoot, defends it as an "unofficial title" daring anyone to come get it.

  19. 1) This made me sad.
    2) Miz with the Winged Belt made me laugh. If that belt were still around, Miz would be a SuperStars jobber.
    3) Why did Regal pose with a belt he actually wore at some point?

  20. Bryan with the winged eagle belt is awesome.

    But for some reason, The Usos wearing the classic WWF World tag team titles is a level of awesome I can't quite comprehend.

  21. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 27, 2013 at 7:38 AM

    Put me in the minority, but I never liked the "Winged Eagle" belt.
    And being that they just released the Mid-South DVD, it would have been cool to show DBiase with the UWF belt or the big-ass North American belt.

  22. None of these should have been redesigned in the first place.

    The one thing WCW got right was keeping the Big Gold Belt to the end, apart from when Flair jumped. Even the belt they had in the interim is better than anything WWE has introduced since, although I did dig the Undisputed belt.

  23. LOL at the Miz.

  24. Isn't the current IC title basically the retro design with a few tweaks?

  25. Sorry, I was grumpy last night.

  26. Why would they apologize? HHH is Best for Business.

  27. It's all good.

  28. I don't think I've seen anything in wrestling this year that provoked such an immediate, viscerally negative reaction.

  29. I adore the Winged Eagle, but for some reason, it was the classic tag titles that really brought out the nostalgia.

    I would love to see them bring those titles back and ditch the giant pennies.

    Also, seeing Cesaro with the European title reminded me of the United Kingdom angle from WWE '12 where Sheamus brings it back. Such great stuff. In fact, that story mode was generally awesome all-around, between the United Kingdom, the WCW storyline, and Austin Aries voicing the top babyface. It might have been my favorite story mode of any wresting game, although I admit to being utterly puzzled by the random, inexplicable scene where Kevin Nash walks into the locker room, powerbombs HHH and leaves, which is never set up prior, never commented upon after, nor referred to or acknowledged again.

  30. That's actually the one that's a quasi-improvement, but mainly because I hated the original women's belt so much that the butterfly's an improvement in my eyes.

  31. Well, the Players haven't held the tag titles either. I think it was more that they just gave them to whomever happened to be around that day (which was probably a Smackdown taping).

  32. LOVE Santino in the classic pose.

  33. It was jarring.

  34. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 27, 2013 at 8:43 AM

    It reminds me a little of the classic tag belts.

  35. That would be a great fit with the brawler gimmick.

  36. Threadjackery!

    Hey Scott et al, what do we think of a NBC Constantine show, and a FOX Pre-Batman Gotham show?

    Casting in both seems pretty much make or break for both shows.

  37. I have the opposite opinion. I don't really like the old Women's title, but it's much better than the tramp-stamp belt.

  38. Would have rather seen CM Punk with the winged eagle belt than the Miz but whatevs, still awesome.

  39. "Punk's busy and Cena's hurt. Who's someone with nothing to do who's a former WWE champ?"
    "I got it! :picks up phone: Hey, Miz, want to do a photoshoot holding the classice WWF winged eagle belt?"
    "DO I?!"

  40. Was there a reason you didn't like the Winged Eagle belt? I always enjoyed that it looked like something I could imagine a boxer wearing. The WWE title under Cena was awful but I didn't mind the bigger Attitude Era belt.

  41. My theory about Regal was that it was actually just a promo photo they had in archive that they photoshopped.

  42. They do 'look' like a old-school Samoan/Islander tag-team.

  43. I'm not your buddy, friend.

  44. They should do the opposite of this and show Bruno with the Spinner belt

  45. It's the only title belt that ever came about by divine intervention.

    One second, Hogan is doing his interview with his old belt and then, as he marches off to fight Andre The Giant...POOF! The Winged Eagle sprung forth from his ample loins.

  46. I'm usually a pretty big HHH hater but he's been like 90% amazeballs with his current character. Other than slipping into cool face mode with Heyman a couple times he's been perfect.

  47. Yeah, the current belt looks like a Lisa Frank sticker.

  48. The current WWE title reminds me of a UFC title.

  49. He and Sheamus could just savage each other across the country. It would give both of them something meaningful.

  50. Yea, HHH, and especially Steph, have been great in their roles so far. I just hate the storyline in general, and have grown tired of authority figure based wrestling stuff.

  51. The miz with the winged eagle made me throw up in my mouth a little.

  52. i love dbry, but the new wwe belt looks too big on him

  53. i'm not your friend, guy

  54. isnt this joey jo-jo jr styles-adoo's domain?

  55. i always thought the lettering on the old women's belt looked off kilter a bit

  56. hey, does anyone have any thoughts on miz holding the winged eagle belt?

  57. Tag Titles are still the best.

  58. joey styles is in charge of the webite, iirc

  59. To me it's a combination of a really good look and the fact they've been taken seriously lately.

  60. The winged eagle is nice, but I always compared it to the Big Gold Belt which is unfair as that spendthrift Crockett went HAM having it made. The old US title Magnum carried was cool too. I liked that it was silver because it made the World title pop even more.

  61. I'm not your guy, buddy!

  62. To be fair, I would totally do it.

  63. I think it's terrific. It's like Watts and Sammartino had a child.
    (Erik and David)

  64. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 27, 2013 at 10:37 AM

    It was small. I've always felt your main title should be bigger, like the one that came after it:

  65. This series could be pretty sweet. Imagine if the old champions brought in some of their old belts and did photos. Bockwinkel with the BGB, Dusty with the winged eagle...

  66. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 27, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    I agree. I like when the secondary belts are smaller variations of the World belt. I don't know if it was planned but the WWE and U.S. belts come off that way, as did a lot of the '80's versions of NWA belts.

  67. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 27, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    Can he dress like Cena as well?

  68. Oh god I forgot they used TV broadcasting logos on the sideplates. Oh god the lawsuits... still a gorgeous belt.

  69. Holy god I must buy this

  70. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 27, 2013 at 11:27 AM

    I want to see a picture of John Cena holding every belt the WWF/E has ever made!!!!(not really I just want to see if I can cause Jesse to have a total breakdown)

  71. The Love-Matic Grampa!September 27, 2013 at 11:32 AM

    I really want to know the story behind that belt...

  72. Yeah, these days the side plates would probably be Nickelodeon and Disney.

    Also, I never really thought about it but that belt is pretty much exactly the same as the Hogan '85 belt. I'm not sure of the timeframe when it comes to NWA belts but I wonder if that had anything to do with the switch to the '86 belt?

  73. Seeing McIntyre hold any kind of title seems out of place

  74. Yeah, The Shield with the old school tag belts is my favorite of this set.

  75. Disagree...I might be the last one on the "give him a real push" bandwagon, though.

  76. I thought those tag titles on everyone looked sweet. Especially the guys who've never been champs...if it's my first time taking photos with the belts, those are the ones I'd want.

  77. Looks a bit small to me. BGB is bigger, right? I like the design, just want to see the main faceplate be bigger.

  78. Sandow just looks outright sinister with that belt. Needs to happen.

  79. Damn, how well have those tag belts held up design wise? They still look great.

  80. Yeah I just loved the idea of getting all the company's Europeans to hold that belt.


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