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Promo of the Day: "The Prince"

I have it skipped to 1:32 to where it starts... Just watch...

I bet Debbie Combs is scared now.  


  1. When Corky from Life Goes On gets the same electric shock therapy as George the Animal Steele, The Prince is the result.

  2. What the fuck did I just watch? That was Doug Gilbert, burn-my-fucking-career-to-the-ground levels of insane.

  3. Anyone skip ahead to the Cactus Jack promo where he threatens to tear down the WTC?

  4. Brilliant! I was thinking that "The Prince" looked a little mentally challenged myself. Fucking...hilarious.

  5. I could watch politically incorrect promos ALL...DAMN...DAY. Ya hear that? No man should have his lines spoonfed to him, all in the name of corporate goodwill. Mattel has a problem with that? You can tell Mattel to make a Barbie that parts her lips, because Ken hasn't gotten any since 1950! Mattel....the company that poked out the eyes of curious little boys everywhere. If they wanted to make a more realistic blonde bimbo, that should have made boobie tassels an accessory. These guys cutting promos today, are just like sack.
    *drops mic*

  6. You're confusing confusing for offensive.

  7. After re-reading if, I think I've confused rambling for coherent.

  8. Honestly, when that came up, I didn't know what the problem was with that promo. I guess I've moved on a little too much. Now I just feel bad.

  9. The "if" just makes it all good. Here, have a +1

  10. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 6, 2013 at 3:16 PM

    After re-reading my response to a response, I realize that I should just back out of the room slowly. *pics mic up, hits the off switch*


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