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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating Rises to a 2.9

It should also be noted that the show lost a half-million viewers in the third hour.

Big Show Not Cleared for Action

That is the storyline they are going with

Kayfabe Commentaries Announces Release Date for Next Project with Jim Cornette

The "Breaking Kayfabe" with Jim Cornette will be released on January 7th.


  1. Raw Rating: HAHAHAHAHA! Called it! Let's see where it goes this coming week before the usual suspects break out in "IT'S FIXED!" chants and celebrations.

    Having to face Saints/Seahawks on Monday Night for the #1 seed in the NFC won't be fun... ;)

  2. The NFL is the Lloyd Braun to Vince's George Costanza.

  3. According to ringside physician Dr. Chris Amann, the giant “did
    sustain some head trauma from Randy Orton’s punt. Thankfully, at that
    time his neurological exam was normal. He passed all of his impact
    testing, and he was able to get in the ring without any headaches,
    dizziness or problems at that time.”

    Dr. Amann noted that in
    addition to Big Show's resiliency and toughness, the immense size of The
    World’s Largest Athlete allows him to absorb more punishment than most
    Superstars, which thereby led WWE doctors to clear him for in-ring
    action. “The trauma that would have caused a concussion in another
    competitor," he explained, "did not, in fact, cause any concussive
    symptoms in him.”

    If this was real the WWE would be looking at a zillion dollar lawsuit. What doctor would be dumb enough to say this crap on the record?

  4. Upvote for great Seinfeld reference.

  5. Show would settle the lawsuit for getting his job back and a title shot, so what difference does it make?

  6. I said this in another thread but this concussion stuff makes me just a tad uncomfortable. I get its a simulated sport, and concussions are a part of that but...ugh, it just strikes me the wrong way. This coming from a person who didnt bat an eye at the lawler heart attack stuff, the Paul Bearer mocking, the Bossman hanging, etc.

    It just seems hypocritical that they'd run with a concussion angle While at the same time trying to erase the career and skirt any indirect responsiblity in a tragedy partially caused by concussions.

  7. I think he would be smart enough to settle for at least two title shots this time.

  8. You would probably know more about this than me, but what bothers me is their reasoning. They cleared Big Show to wrestle cause he's fat.

  9. I don't know how much of what Cornette says is true, or if his mind is anywhere near as good with wrestling and booking as he thinks it is, but I am nearly always entertained by what he has to say and the way in which he says it.

  10. The only explanation that would be remotely logical would be HHH paying off the doctor to rush Big Show back into the ring to attempt to cause further injury.

  11. It seems to me that they initially were going with a concussion angle but now are backtracking after thinking about it for a few days, because their kayfabe explanation makes absolutely zero sense.

  12. If this Big Show things leads to a fucking lawsuit type angle against HHH, I'll nothing. It'll just be terrible and fucking suck

  13. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    HHH: You could sue us for all that money Show, or you can try to win this shiny gold belt." *pulls out belt*
    Show: "OooooooooooooH, SHINY!" *signs contract*
    Show's lawyer: "NO!!"
    Show: "But it's....shiny!!"

  14. Totally made me flash on Young Frankenstein for some reason. That, and Kramer settling for free coffee for life. Well done. :-)

  15. Unrelated image, but what I would consider a true WTF moment, along with some truly honest reactions.

    (Jef safe)

  16. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:30 AM


  17. Love the guys sprinting out at the end.

  18. Tiger needs a Big Gulp. Or the generic equivalent.

  19. Funny thing is... Nash is in the exact same boat.

  20. Right? One of my first thoughts was "What in the FUCK would I do?" I suppose I'd run, though not as quickly as those two guys. I will say that if you ever see me running, it's probably best to follow suit, cause I don't do that shit for any small reason.

  21. Would love to have audio for it.

    I also love the timing for some reason.

    < entrance >

    < clerk freaks out and goes for a phone >

    < beat or two >

    < two guys fucking BOOKING >

  22. That's certainly a different take on the old, "Any normal man would be out 2-3 years... Triple H came back in 7 months!"

  23. He seemed to certainly have a destination in mind.

  24. In fairness this is still the same guy that fell off of Cobo Hall and then went and won the title, so Show's grit and heart are legendary

  25. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    What cracks me up is how calm the tiger is when he comes into the store. I was expecting him to say, You got any Newport Lights?"

  26. True, but I'm more apt to listen to Cornette; possibly because he's more enthusiastic.

  27. I dare someone to slap the "generic" meat stick out of his hand and replace it with a Slim Jim.

  28. It's clear that he wasn't a white tiger... so the Newports must make him a black tiger.

  29. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    Nah, when you go to a bodega you see all colors.

  30. and...LLOL. Nice.

    He doesn't even glance at the clerk though; not even a damn head bob.

    and what in the blue hell does he have in his mouth?

  31. Now all I can see is Savage taking him out with an elbow from the top of the dairy case.

  32. You an take the washer and dryer where the lovely Smithers is standing, or you can trade it all for WHAT'S IN THIS BOX!

  33. 'llax would do it.

    If it was a female tiger.

    And it was married.

    Well, actually, he would probably use his meat sti-

    ****PLEASE STAND BY****

  34. I thought Cornette was done with Olivet after he interviewed Russo.

  35. Ok, I'm laughing, but I shouldn't be. Only here do we go from that image to racist comedy.

  36. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    That tiger is mixed. As you can clearly see, he's both black AND white.

  37. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 27, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    Tigers, no.
    Cougars, however...

  38. 1. Next week it will drop. Statistical blip on the high end.
    2. Oh sweet jesus make it stop. Just stop.

  39. I'll take the box! Although I really need a new washer ;-)

  40. Off topic question.

    I'm going to buy either a new XBox 360 (mine doesn't have wifi) or a PS3 now that they're more affordable. I'm not much of a gamer - I'll play hockey/football games in the winter, baseball games in the summer, and I don't do online. I really just want something to stream Netflix on. Which should I go for? I'm mainly talking about which system will continue to get the newer sports games the longest? Having already had XBox I'd like to switch to PS3 but I don't want to buy it next week and by next year can't get any new games for it - which again would only be sports or the occasional Batman game.

  41. I like to think of Vince having George like meltdowns when seeing the Monday Night Football ratings.

    "We have to do a live sex celebration with lesbians and a Triple H interview right here..."

    But why?

    "Don't you see? To FOOL THE NFL!"

  42. I've never had an XBox, and I'm also not much of a gamer. I really like my PS3, though I've had to buy two of them. The first one died not long after the extended warranty ended, and I'm still a little bitter about that.

    However, it does Netflix streaming very well. It will automatically adjust the picture quality based on how good or bad your net connection is. That means if you get a drop in bandwidth while you're watching but still have a connection, the program will continue instead of crapping out. If your bandwidth goes back up, your picture will get better. I really like this feature, and my Roku box (granted, an older one) does not do this.

    However, this might be more of a feature of the Netflix app; the Amazon Video app does not do the same thing. If the Xbox 360 Netflix app does, it's a bit of a wash. Still, I do love having the built in Blu-Ray player.

  43. On second thought, running might be a bad idea. Backing up while facing the tiger might be best. Think about what happens when a cat sees something running. And, this:

    The bit about wearing a mask backwards is what sticks in my mind. Granted, it apparently isn't 100%, and is likely less effective if the animal is familiar with humans....but I can't get past the whole "pounce the quick moving thing" cats have.

    Of course, this is thinking about it now. In the moment, I might just revert to "panicking shrieking little girl."

  44. yeah, read all the comments. Some funny stuff. :-)

  45. Another unrelated gif, but sticking with the cat theme. Not a WOW moment like the one earlier, but pretty damn funny to me.

  46. Yeah, I'm not good with concussion angles. But, this is a company that build an angle around a war, so it's not like standards are all that high.

  47. I could totally see Vince being irate if someone else stole his nickname. "God damnit, I'm T-Bone!!"


    Well, here you go, Triple H finally clears it up.


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