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JL: War

Watched the new DC animated movie "Justice League: War" last night, and it really felt like a weaker version of their universe after blowing through better stuff on Netflix like "Doom" and "Batman Year One".  The voices really threw me off, with the awesome Nathan Fillion replaced as Green Lantern by some guy, and the usual crew of George "Superman" Newbern and Kevin "Batman" Conroy nowhere to be found.  Instead we got Wash as Superman and the guy from Life On Mars as Batman.  Really off-putting.  It's very very faithful to the terrible first arc of Justice League, complete with Hal Jordan being a total douchebag for some reason.  Oh, and they replaced Aquaman with Shazam, which I don't get.  Also, this wouldn't normally bug me, but it's REALLY violent.  Like, Wonder Woman graphically murders hundreds of Parademons in some pretty scary ways and they just treat it like it's no big thing.  Not to mention the League's solution to stopping Darkseid.  Yikes.  Definitely not for kids and it even kind of bothered me after an hour of it.  Also, I didn't like how it was, I dunno, feeling entitled to certain mythologies about itself, I guess.  Like Superman and Wonder Woman are flirting through the movie and we as fans are supposed to be like "Oh, hey, just like the comics!" as though this was something that's been building for years instead of popping up a few months ago because Dan Didio decided that now they're dating, even though Wonder Woman's own comic totally ignores it.  The New 52 hasn't earned that kind of history yet, given they still can't decide who was actually Robin and when.   

Anyway, it was mostly entertaining, but tying the animated movies to their scattershot comics universe is a huge mistake, I think.  They were better off using classic versions of the characters and telling their own stories.  Mild recommendation to avoid. 


  1. I always think of Tim Daly as Superman, I dunno.

    Conroy should be contractually obligated to always voice Batman until he's dead though.

  2. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 25, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    I bet WWE wishes it was Nash instead of Benoit.

  3. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 25, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    We're not going to see a nasty Byran sex tape? This is a bad thing?

  4. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 25, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    I can't believe that they used to bill the 1-2-3 Kid at 212 lbs. Back then he was the same size as me if not smaller, and I weigh 150 on a good day.

  5. It is based on a story written by Geoff Johns, after all!

  6. Hamil rarely does the Joker anymore, but for health reasons. He said doing the voice - especially the laugh - kills his throat.

  7. I'm tired of WB and DC trying to darken their heroes. See also: Man of Steel's infamous ending.

    It's ironic in a way These characters have essentially become what they fought AGAINST in Mark Waid and Alex Ross' Kingdom Come.

  8. But Jason Todd wasn't in Return of the Joker?

  9. They certainly nailed Flashpoint, all right. It was just as horrible as the comic.

  10. You got what I was saying in your next to last sentence. 'Most people'...I was referring to the ones who aren't appreciative (which is why I said 'some people here')

  11. You really think so? I was pretty happy with the movie, much more so than the comic storyline.

    The DVD was streamlined to the point where it made much more sense than the comic story, especially considering how the comic ended. Plus, you didn't need to watch six other minimovies to get the full story on the DVD.

  12. I actually really, really, really liked the ending to Man of Steel, especially since I feel he wasn't Superman yet at that point. The idea that he made THAT choice, to kill that person, could set up all manner of things going forward, where he vows to never kill again and is then forced to do so or something.

    I liked that ending far more than the rest of movie, which included a magical Dad hologram, and very little in the way of truth, justice, and the American way. I would have preferred Synder just spun out Dr. Manhattan's origin into this film more.

  13. Isn't return of the Joker the one that got censored because it was too violent for kids?

  14. I hate that argument that he should've killed in order to learn that killing is bad. I've never killed someone and yet I think it's bad to do so. Maybe I should go kill someone just to be sure.

  15. Sure was. There was a directors cut that uncensored it. But it Jason Todd wasn't in it.

  16. I didn't like the ending, but it wasn't specifically that he killed him that did it (he did that in the comics). It was two things. First, that it was such an avoidable scenario in which he kills him (fly slightly upward, cover his eyes, throw him through yet another building; all these options save the people he was threatening to laser without killing him), and second, that there's no lasting impact. He's making out with Lois (among the corpses of thousands) like one scene later, isn't he?

  17. The kiss was earlier, before the final fight with Zod. But next two scenes were the "I think he's hot" and then the Clark Kent bit.

  18. So...Chyna is taller than him?

  19. While I agree I'd rather they do their own versions of the classic characters (the early origin movies with Green Lantern and Wonder Woman were great) I actually like the Justice League story arc this is based on.

  20. Which fuels my fears about them only doing New 52/original stories for their animated films. The adaptions of past works were aces. On the other hand, nothing about New 52 in general appeals to me. With Cartoon Network constantly destroying DC Nation, and Marvel replacing their good series withh awful ones, we might be entering -- nay, in the midst of -- another Dork Age as far as comic-based cartoons go.

  21. Damn, I was hoping this would be good. From what I've read, they are moving away from Conroy/Newbern/Daly for this new DC animated universe. I know Conroy was used in Flashpoint, but going forward they are using Jason O'Mara as Batman, who will be in Son of Batman. I haven't read too much of the new 52 yet. How is the "Trinity Wars/Forever Evil" storylines?

  22. That's a good point...I agree with Scott's Newbern love in the OP, and think HE has been underused in these animated movies. So Scott, what is your opinion on Daly vs. Newbern?
    Hulk vs. was good, but Marvel had not much else with the animated films. But as I say elsewhere, the days of good DCAMU releases may be over if they stick to New 52 and originals based on such. And since they have nothing left as far as TV series, and Marvel's now suck too, well, it is not a happy time for comic fans.

  23. I know I could google this, but...

    Dick Grayson - Night Wing
    Jason Todd - Dead Robin / Red Hood?

  24. I agree there were probably about 17 different ways to finish it, but at the same time Superman ALSO finally had ZOZ in a position where he could stop the slaughter and such.

    I didn't really like the movie very much, but I did like that particular moment more for what it COULD mean versus what it probably does.

    Hopefully they attempt what the new Spider-man is doing, I.E Making the first movie essentially Superman fucking up without fail, in order to set up a second film where he has all his shit together and is the hero we know and love.

  25. Threadjack:

    Does anyone else think Electro in the new Spider-man movie looks 1) like an ice-powered villain and 2) Stupid?

  26. Well get your friends (hope there's a million or so) to buy up old copies of the GL and Wonder Woman movies, and maybe they'll change their minds.

  27. This. Because Jason Todd never existed in the DCAU proper. Tim Drake was a combo of himself and Jason here.

  28. Because, you know, BATMAN. As if we didn't know he was the Poochie of the DCU as it was.

  29. They never really did that much, not like WCW. And they were in a ratings war. No reason for Brock/Austin to happen on tv with no buildup in 2002. They kill WCW all the time for Goldberg/Hogan on Nitro but trying to do Brock/Austin on Raw was 10x worse.

  30. It's worse than War. So yeah, it's bad. There are plenty of great comics outside of DC and Marvel that could be read instead of that.

  31. Like his original look was any better:

  32. Well, I just tried watching it for myself. Their plan to beat Darkseid was to stab his eyes out. And Superman kills Desaad by snapping his neck.

    I couldn't finish it. These are not the heroes I grew up on.

  33. Eh, I at least get 'Electric' from that. From the current Electro stuff for the new movie I keep thinking "Chilly McFreise"

  34. Forever Evil has a fantastic setup.

  35. Do you not enjoy dc comics? I can't tell.

  36. Not these days. I used to be a huge DC fanboy and most of my favourite comics are still DC comics, especially Superman.

    I grew disinterested with their comics for awhile before even their new 52 universe, but now it's grown to complete disgust.

  37. So far, though, Forever Evil has felt like a lot of filler to me.

  38. Meekin, you and I are on the same page when it comes to Man of Steel.

    This, exactly.

  39. You should probably stop reading them.

  40. I have, but I still see bits and pieces of them on comic news sites. And sampled some, like the JL: War comic. There are PLENTY of great comics out there these days and almost none of them are by DC or Marvel.

  41. So have you read Forever Evil? My top two comics were from Marvel. I can't remember the last time that was true. Probably Heroes Return.

  42. Really? Doom was pretty boring. And it's obvious the whole thing was The Tower of Babel story with Vandal Savage in Ra's Al Ghul's place. Also that version of Vandal Savage was downright laughable compared to Young Justice's take on him.

  43. He looks fine, if they would just admit that Spiderman is fight the protagonist from the 1995 super-powered adolescent film Powder and not the comic book villain known as Electro ( I imagine Sean Patrick Flanery is upset about having his signature role recast.

  44. See, here's my problem with that argument and all the other "he's not *really* Superman yet, so it's ok if he kills now as long as he learns from it;"

    THAT'S NOT WHY SUPERMAN IS INTERESTING. Superman isn't interesting because he had to grow into his responsibility like 99% of other heroes; he's interesting because he's an absolute paragon of morality with the powers of a God in a world CONSTANTLY daring him to step over that line. In the comics, whether or not you like the story, there were real stakes when Superman killed Zod because it was Superman's impenetrable morality vs. the lives of millions; he literally could not stop Zod and the others without killing them, at least not in time to save the people they'd murder while he was looking for other solutions. In this movie, not only is Superman flush with other options, but we haven't seen his morality, really. He isn't a paragon of virtue and truth. He's just a (kinda douchey) guy with powers; there are no stakes to the murder. It's just another action movie, except they're wearing tights.

  45. Oops, I thought this was going to be about Jerry Lynn's work in Genichiro Tenryu's promotion.

  46. I liked Year One but the voice acting was pretty weak. Especially Batman. Cranston worked as Gordon. I thought the voice acting in Dark Knight Returns was miles better.

  47. I tried to read the first and is a trainwreck,the JL book got so much better with Ivan Reis on the team.

  48. Pete Weller owning as he delivers the monologue.

  49. What I find disappointing is that for once they actually seem willing to downplay Cena at Wrestlemania, opening up the opportunity for someone else to be the big hero of the night....and it's going to be Batista.

  50. this!

    Superman or Spider-Man (to choose the direct rival) movies shouldn't have a too dark "feel" to them. it's really not what appeals to most of the people that like these characters.

  51. Really, I thought Doom was pretty weak. In fact I liked that storyline better when it was called TOWER OF BABEL. I don't get why they didn't just switch Ra's Al Ghul in for Vandal Savage. Also watching this version of Vandal Savage and standing him NEXT TO the Young Justice iteration made JL: Doom's version look laughable by comparison.

  52. Doom was probably the biggest mistake with the new Animated movies. Tower of Babel was an amazing storyline, and they really watered it down and changed it unnecessarily. A lot like the Superman: Doomsday film.

  53. I've read enough of it to see it's crap. And yeah, Marvel's putting out a couple of great, quality books. I assume you're talking about Daredevil and Hawkeye.

  54. So, no, you haven't read it. And I'm talking about hawkeye and superior foes.

  55. His original is awesome.

  56. When you're a guy who can casually juggle planets, it's a little different.

  57. No it's not because it's Superman. For all his power, he's supposed to be the most morally upright guy.

  58. No, I haven't and from what I've seen, I'm not missing out. Like I said, I've read enough of it on places like Scans Daily. DC in general these days looks, reads, and feels more like Image.

  59. What, that the bad guys take over? Seen it billions of times before. All the set up in the world doesn't take away that it's still badly written.

  60. Lol. You haven't even read it. Your opinion is uninformed and therefore discarded. But, by all means, keep discussing things that you are completely ignorant of. I just won't be a party to it.

  61. YES! I was so stoked for that Doomsday film because I remember being ENTHRALLED in the idea of there being like 5 different Supermans and I wanted to know how it panned out as a kid. Come to find out in the movie there's only one fake Superman. Da Fuq! I was jibbed like three extra supermen.

  62. Like I said, I read enough of it to make an informed opinion about it based on my 20-year history of reading comics as well as studying literature. I said I read ENOUGH of it, meaning that I've read pieces of it, skimmed through issues at the store, etc. And I'm unimpressed by the art, the story, the cliche writing. Oh look, the villains are killing off Z-level obscure heroes to make themselves look badass. Johns does that ALL the time. I wonder how many characters in the story have daddy issues, too. Cyborg, for one.

    It's another overblown event, nearly impossible to follow because it crosses over with so many other books, and includes the most unlikable heroes since NuDC started.

    If you enjoy it, fine. By all means. But to say I'm COMPLETELY ignorant of it is wrong because that would assume I don't know what the story is even about. So fuck off with your hyperbole.

  63. The switched-in feel-good ending there really didn't work for me, either.

  64. Yeah, that sequence just came off as sloppy, regardless of Snyder's intentions.

  65. See also: Hustle, American.

  66. Wasn't there some ridiculous Batman arc a few months ago where the Joker ripped off everyone's faces? How did that go?

  67. Doomsday was largely flat for me, but I did find it interesting that they depicted Luthor's Superman obsession in a tone similar to Joker's fixation on Batman.

  68. Agreed. I think they went easy on the whole American thing and more about a 'citizen of our world' because 1) Being American is kind of not a popular thing ATM, and 2) Who wants their Superhero to believe in virtue! Tortured and dark and brooding is where it's at!

  69. My issue with Flashpoint was, they picked the wrong guy as the lead babyface. Barry is DC's Vanilla Midget.
    Now, if they'd done a feature based on Azzarello's Batman mini from that story, that would've been something.

  70. I dug Bruce Greenwood's take on him in Young Justice and the Red Hood flick. John DiMaggio wasn't bad as Mr. J, either.

  71. I was good with everybody there except Weller, oddly enough. I thought some of DKR!Bats' lines called for some more exuberance in the voice.

  72. His original look is dated.

  73. You haven't read it. Therefore, your

  74. There was another Justice League animated film that came out the same day aimed at a younger audience called JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time. This one is a Target exclusive for now. The plot is similar to the Challenge of the Superfriends episode "Secret Origins of the Superfriends." The plot has the Legion of Doom preventing the origin of Superman, thus preventing the age of super heroes from happening.

    Some more details available here:

    I haven't seen it yet but I'll probably buy a copy next weekend.


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