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Promo of the Day

I have selected this promo only due to the fact that it needs to be seen to be believed. From Memphis, Randy Savage and David Schultz cut a promo on Jerry Lawler. Schultz's part is probably the most politically incorrect wrestling promo of all time. Take a look at the shirt he is wearing too. If the WWE ever got rights to this promotion, this promo will never be seen on the network. Ever.


  1. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    I find no fault thin this.

  2. If they really cared about PC at the Network they wouldn't even look at Memphis. Tojo Yamamoto alone is a lawsuit.

  3. It's over the top, but I've heard worse (namely Doug Gilbert's 1999 promo on Lawler and Randy Hales). Political correctness be damned, it's all an act. If it offends someone, it offends someone. I'm sure Lawler got his revenge in the end.

  4. Not even the fact that Schultz is wearing a Swastika on his shirt?

    I know it was for cheap heat but still, that was pretty bad

  5. He always did that. Because he was insane.

    "Intercontinental Champion of the World".

  6. I didn't find anything offensive in it, but you are right, this will never be aired on WWE tv. Schultz was always doing stuff like this for heat. Didn't he say wrestling was a shoot to him?

  7. I know it is just used for cheap heat but still, the swastika shirt is pretty offensive to some

  8. Stranger in the AlpsApril 21, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    Meh...not offended. I guess I'm not a progressive-minded human being. As an aside, there was nothing wrong with the 80's. So why did we "fix" it?

  9. I thought the swastika shirt was a bit much but not personally offended or anything. Just thought this was a pretty out there promo.

  10. Fuck Randy Hales...he's never even been in the ring!

  11. Stranger in the AlpsApril 21, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    I agree that accusing Lawler of having AIDS was out there. LOL Something you don't hear anymore.

  12. That was just a product of the times though. The public was very ignorant about AIDS back then

  13. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    No, because it's the South and he could get away with that then. Plus I expect stuff like that out of his character.

  14. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 21, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    Ah, the early 80s. When men were men and political correctness wasn't really a thing yet.

  15. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    If he said, "Lawler was at some elementary school giving your daughters candy and AIDS" THEN I would have thought it was over the top.

  16. I am not offended by it personally, but that would piss off a lot of people.

  17. I'm here in San Francisco, and I'm lookin to get me a WOman, Gene... a real WOman!

  18. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    Greatest. Promo. Ever.

  19. That was great

  20. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    Rednecks are supposed to be doing redneck things. I'd like to have Doctor D have his own talk show on current events.

  21. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Billy Graham did it too.
    "Florida Heavyweight Championship of the world."

  22. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 21, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    I didn't see no women, I seen a lot of men who looked like women!

  23. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    That promo wouldn't get aired because it has Savage in it.

  24. As was often the case in Memphis, the real star of the show was the man holding the mic looking really disappointed by these crazy guys.

  25. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    "What's wrong with YOU, Gene?!?!"

  26. For those of us who are deaf, and can't understand this without captioning, can anybody recap?

  27. Great stuff. Not offended, but as people have noted the Swastika shirt is pushing the envelope.

    Side tangent: I knew a kid in undergrad who had a T shirt that said "Real Men Drive Drunk" in big letters on the back. Who the fuck even makes a shirt like that?

  28. Back in the 80s/early 90s, AIDS were routinely under mainstream ridicule. You ever see Eddie Murphy's "Delirious" stand-up special? If a comedian, let alone the biggest in the world, said this today, his career would be over by the time the special ended.

    Also, when Magic Johnson announced he had the disease, some of the comments from other players were pretty inconsiderate by today's standards.

  29. In all fairness, Savage was half-Jewish. If he was cool with it as part of the angle, then it's probably fine. I'm 100% Jewish, and lost family in the Holocaust, and even I understand that it's all part of the show. No different than Ed Norton having a swastika on his chest in American History X

  30. Way back then AIDS was still thought of as a gay disease. Schultz was just spreading his usual homophobia. I'm surprised he even bothered to use code words since Memphis had no problem with casual racism and homophobia.

  31. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    It was considered a gay disease back then so he was really calling Lawler gay.
    And Eddie is the LAST person to talk about gay people and AIDS with all the rumors going on about him...even if that standup routine is insanely funny.

  32. Let's get him on Steve Austin Unleashed.

  33. How about that one where Lawler calls Goldust a flaming f-word, and then insinuates everyone's had a shot at 4-year-old Dakota?

  34. Considering it's Lawler that one WAS really scary.

  35. Just beat me to it.

  36. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    He was just mad the HE didn't have a shot at 4-year old Dakota.

  37. The same guys who did all the Big Johnson shirts?

  38. Considering the nature of wrestling, I'm actually surprised there haven't been worse displays of racism in promos or anything else throughout the years

  39. Dr. Death was one of the straight up looniest dudes in the history of the business. Between mollywhopping John Stossel, his performance on Morton Downey and this promo, he forever lives in infamy.

  40. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    "I'm looking at these two queers Justin Beaver and Miler Cyrus...which one of these queers is supposed to be a woman?? Am I in San Francisco again?"

  41. Come on if we can't have Swastikas and AIDS in wrestling what's left?

  42. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    ...dancing Negroes?

  43. And you forgot this beauty:

  44. Quality storytelling where 2 men have a problem with one another and decide to settle in a professional fighting contest... or is that crazy talk?

  45. ...can we at least get a little person playing an illegitimate kid or something?

  46. Yeah I think the closest we got was this, from the heir to the throne of the WWE no less...

  47. Piper painting half of his face black to wrestle Bad News has asked to speak to you

  48. Good call. Has he ever addressed that?

  49. So did Lawler ask for Brody's help or did Brody enlist the AIDs of Lawler?

  50. IDK. It is a sign of how times have changed though... as a kid I didn't find it all that bad but when we did Wrestelmania 6 for the PPV live thread a while back I found it very jarring (I had forgotten about it). Someone would get fired for SUGGESTING that today let alone actually doing it.

  51. I go back and forth on this...definitely comes off racsit, and I'm not gonna argue with those that think it is. However, is it really that much different from the B+ Bryan promos or other heel promos he's done?

    - people like "you" aernt meant to be competitors (exactly what he'd say in the B+ promos)
    - you're here to entertain me (general condescending stuff)
    - nappy hair (is that really that offensive. He's slammed Bryans look and beard)
    - go ahead and dance for me (Booker did dance to help him get over)

  52. Come on, he was just distinguishing the Hot Rod from the Hot Scot. Without the color markings, it would have been fairly difficult to tell the two apart.

  53. You say "I go back and forth on this" a lot. Just an observation.

  54. That always seemed more suicidal than bigoted. I wouldn't go near Bad News' grave painted like that for fear of a beating.

  55. Dr. D was the man! The promo he cuts on John Stossel is legendary, i'm surprised he never made a bigger impact in the biz. But then again he cost Vince money in that Stossel encounter and that's never a good career move.

  56. Yea. Stuff that I don't have a strong opinion on I can be swayed on by strong arguments. Say it at work ALL the time (# fake doctor)

    I've heard shoots debate this promo and have changed my stance on it a few times

  57. David Schultz said that he was going to beat up Jerry Lawler because Jerry Lawler has AIDs. Then he said that he's been with Bruiser Brody's significant other and pleasured her more greatly than Brody himself has proven capable. Then the camera pans out and you remember he's wearing a Swastika shirt and has just asserted that not only does Lawler have AIDs, but also that this is a reason for which Lawler should be beaten up.

  58. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    Only if you work around Black, Asian, Jews, Hispanics, Arabs, women, gays, non-Americans, kids under 18 and the elderly.

  59. Does it mean something different if the Swastika is crooked? Like maybe you just strongly dislike Jewishly faithed folks rather than out and out hate them?

  60. Thanks - that was very helpful, and appreciated! Wish my ears worked better, because that sounds wild!

  61. That is a little ambiguous... can you clear up for me if I should listen to it here or not?

  62. Also AIDs testing wasn't as thorough back then. I believe around this time, the most prominent test for AIDs was simply checking which ear you had pierced.

  63. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    I'd wait until you got home.

  64. So basically the only job you'd be safe watching this at would be the Republican Party headquarters?

  65. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Yes. and only when no women are present.

  66. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Their conventions need waitresses and strippers too.

  67. Bunch of thin-skinned, no-humor pansies! You tell them an ice-breaker
    or two about women's libbers, gays, environmentalists, several
    minorities, the homeless, couple of religions, anorexics, obese people,
    the handicapped, old farts, baldness, and people who walk real goofy
    because they've just had a vasectomy, and suddenly, they get all
    sensitive, like I offended one of them or something!

  68. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    Hi Dr D.!!

  69. Funny story: My wife's extended family is made up of your typical midwest conservatives. Last nigh at Easter dinner, two of most conservative were arguing very liberal positions. One was arguing that college is too expensive and should be more affordable and accessible to more students. The other was arguing that the Keystone Pipeline should not be built (we live in ND by the way) because its just shit "oil" from Canada and the promised jobs aren't going to come with it and if anything spills it going to be black tar to clean up and China is just going to buy the oil anyway and our prices will go up.

    Of course, neither of them knew they were arguing progressive positions, and of course come Nov. they'll still check the name with the "R" by it.

  70. Its harmless and people are being way too oversensitive to the Piper b/w cookie thing. Was it stupid yes, but Vince has done a million things worse in the last ten years. Shit, akeem on the same card is worse

  71. Stuff like that makes me appreciate my cushy IT job more than when I was trying to change the world.

  72. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 21, 2014 at 11:39 AM

    The Akeem character offended a LOT of my Muslim friends.
    Hell. that "Jive Soul Bro" intro was offensive as fuck.

  73. Slick in general was very offensive

  74. "I am the southern heavyweight champion of the world"


  75. After he told Mr T to keep his big black nose out of it....


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