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Fwd: Extra Life 2012

Hey Scott-

I was wondering if you'd be able to plug this for me again.  On October 13th, I will be participating in Extra Life for the fourth year in a row.  Extra Life is a 24 hour video game marathon in which we raise money for the Children's Miracle Network.

My brother was born with a cleft palate years ago.  With help from this organization and the Children's Hospital in Richmond, VA our family was able to afford the many surgeries, years of therapy, and doctors visits needed to fix his mouth.  Today you'd never even notice anything had ever been wrong, and that's all because of the wonderful work and care he received.

All donations are tax deductible and can be made with a credit/debit card or Paypal.  100% of the funds donated go straight to the Children's Miracle Network...there are no administrative fees.  

Right now I've raised over $1,600 dollars and am inching slowly to my goal of $2,000.  EVERY DONATION HELPS.  It doesn't matter if it is small or large.  Each dollar raised puts me closer to the goal of $2,000.

Here is the link to my fundraising page where you can donate: 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and/or possibly post this.  Hopefully one of your many readers will find it in their heart to help some very needy children today.

-Keith (kingofkeith)


  1. I'm also going to be participating in this.  My son was born with a heart problem and the IWK childrens hospital in Halifax saved his life.  He's now 10 months old and as happy as can be.  Thanks to them I can one day take my two kids to see Wrestlemania!

    You don't realize how special these hospitals are until your life is touched by one.

  2. I think you're exactly right about this.  You don't understand the level of care that you receive and all they do for a child unless you're there watching.  I was fortunate enough to be invited to tour the facility earlier this year and the programs and things they have there are amazing.  Children's Hospital in Richmond has a whole program that teaches children how to eat.  Let that sink in for a minute.  I'm not talking about the program teaching them WHAT to eat but HOW to eat.  It's one of the only programs on the east coast for that sort of thing.  

    I'm glad to hear that your son is doing well.  Best of luck in your fundraising!  

  3. Also, have you set up your page yet?  What's your link?


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