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I know she's completely screwed up her own life and this is essentially all her own fault, but damn… I still can't help but feel a little bit sorry for her. It would've been nice to see her make some kind of return to the WWE but I'm sure that won't ever happen.
Never say never. She is a hall of famer, after all.
I still would.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I was gonna use that exact same joke.
ReplyDeleteI mean, it's not a "joke", but you know what I mean.
I hope she recovers but if not, how far does she have to fall before she's co-starring with Chyna?
ReplyDeleteI think it was obvious that when she said "Free at last!" when she got out of rehab that she wasn't really serious about getting her shit together. My question is how does someone get $25,000 bail, get arrested a few hours later, then only get $2,500 bail? Better yet, how does someone get pinched for the same crime 3 times in 3 days and get bail at all?
ReplyDeleteWell the report didn't say whether she was using again. She might have been sober through the whole thing but in a really bad mode due to, ya know, craving drugs.
ReplyDeleteNever say never. She is a hall of famer, after all.
ReplyDeleteAs much as it pains me to say it, and as big a margin there is for unlikely returns, I feel pretty safe saying "Never" on this score.
Damn legal system making passionate people look bad.
ReplyDeleteI still would, too.
I wish!
ReplyDeleteI was in the "I still would" category until I looked at that mugshot. She looks early 50s instead of late 30s. Drugs have not been kind to her.
ReplyDeleteAnd for those in the "I still would" group, wouldn't you just freak the F out when going to the Sunny highlight reel in your head and then opening your eyes to that.
It's sad. I do hope she seeks help. She either seems wounded by past events or just has never been able to grow up. I remember listening to a radio interview she did not too long ago and she'd always go back to talking about Candido or Shawn Michaels. Thankfully for Shawn, she ultimately went back to Chris, and HBK found Jeebus and Whysper and eventually found stable ground. I shudder to think where Shawn and Sytch would be if they were a permanent item back in the day.
Does anyone think that of all the things that could bankrupt the WWE, it would be the constant footing of the bill for all of the former wrestlers going to rehab?
ReplyDeleteI mean, I can't seem them deciding to cut that RIGHT NOW due to Linda' campaign. But it's hilarious to note the lengths their going to to protect her in this campaign, as they just removed a bunch of stuff from the Attitude Era from the site a day after an attack ad showed that same footage.
I feel like anyone coming out of rehab would have a very hard time making a success of themselves without a loving, supporting community around them to help. But, I don't think you end up with a drug addiction proboem unless you lack that supporting community in the first place. This whole thing is so sad.... She needs to walk away from wrestling and find something else to do with her life.
ReplyDeleteIt's a combination of things, but I had her on my FB for a while and there's a significant degree of "just didn't grow up" going on there. There's teenagers who come off as more mature and together than she does, constantly whining, airing personal business, jealous bitch fits about other divas, bragging about her sex life in her status, daring "the sheets" to report her status, throwing a fit when they do. Just really immature and bizarre behavior for an adult, and one in the public eye at that. I do feel bad for her, there's clearly some deep emotional issues that are the root of her problems. I saw a shoot she did before going to rehab and the woman's clearly fucked up, and I've known people who aren't bad people but who let substance take over their lives due to not being able to handle emotional pain...but there's a huge amount of natural immature bitch there to, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI saw this shoot interview she did a couple of years ago talking about running into Shawn again at the Raw 15h. Apparently he was really humble and nice to her, happy to see her again. Then she proceeded to make fun of his hair and crossed eyes. Pretty much sums up the different paths they went in their lives.
Yeah, it's not like she's been too busy the last few years, she practically begs to come back and they haven't been interested. This doesn't help her chances.
ReplyDeleteDrugs r bad, m'kay?
ReplyDeleteI see what you did there. And I approve.
ReplyDeleteSunny does need to get away from wrestling, but it's gonna be pretty hard for her. I think she got into the biz when she was about 17, it's basically been her whole adult life. And there's plenty of people with a "supporting community" that have drug problems.
ReplyDeleteThey need to stop doing shoot interviews with her. It's clearly exploitative ("hey, check out this fucked-up broad"), and it's not like she has anything new or relevant to say.
ReplyDeleteIf bret is back anything is possible
ReplyDeleteNo doubt. She'd have to get much much worse for me to say no (besides you have to assume she still cleans up nice, mug shot photos aren't exactly high fashion). She's still sunny.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Sunny will be back before Jeff Jarrett will.
ReplyDeleteShe was posting on facebook this morning that Dr.Phil wanted her on the show, which comes off more as "I get to be on tv because I'm the original Diva!" than "I must be really fucked up if Dr.Phil wants me on his show"....and now it's ""Lesson to men: Cheat on a good woman, You get choked out." Good to know she's taking things seriously.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there are, I dunno. The people I've met that have been through rehab certainly seemed to have much less support in their lives than I have and I can only relate through my personal experiences. But pointing the finger at someone who's tried doing something extremely difficult and failed and saying they're a bad person doesn't feel to me like what that person needs if they're ever going to succeed. And who's to say what a "supporting community" is. I know there are plenty of bad parents in the world who will tell anyone who will listen how wonderful they are at being parents. I just see more value with empathizing with someone who's been through bad times and trying to support them the best I can.
ReplyDeleteThis is why she won't get cleaned up, because people keep rewarding her for being an addict.
ReplyDeleteYou should see the responses from her facebook followers for the ridiculous shit she says. I mean, I know it's only facebook, but if you're looking to justify your behavior having a couple of hundred people tell you it's not your fault because you're awesome is a good start.
ReplyDeleteThe shitty parent who brags about how great a parent they are is one of my pet peeves. That and the ones who think having kids makes them an all around great person. I blame Eminem for this generation of crazy assholes who think they're the salt of the earth because they love their kids.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the rehab policy will remain as it is forever. It was more of a proactive move to say "yes, another one of our wrestlers dropped dead at 40 but before you say anything we're going to start doing something to prevent it!", once Linda gives up on the campaign dreams and enough time passes I'm sure they'll alter their policy. Not that I completely blame them - maybe if people know they don't have 3 or 4 shots at this they'll take the first one more seriously.
ReplyDeleteand add the fact that she is said to have gotten into the business originally because she was a rabid fan (which I guess makes a gigantic difference to those models-turned-wrestlers).
ReplyDeleteThey did the last one the night before she went to rehab and she was a mess. I mean, if you want to talk about her demons, fine, do it when she gets out. She said she was fine with it but was she in any condition to make a good decision there? And unless she wants to talk about her sexual exploits with various wrestlers there's really not much else to say that she hasn't said. Dated Shawn Michaels, first diva, most downloaded celebrity, hates Sable, we know, we heard.
ReplyDeletefrom that famous Chris Rock bit: "A n***** will brag about some s*** a normal man just does. A n***** will say some shit like: 'I take care of my kids!' .... you're supposed to, you dumb motherf*****!"
ReplyDeleteThere is no "maybe." I'm an ex-husband of a drug addict. My family, her family, and I did everything we possibly could for her. I was working the full-time job while taking her to therapists, visiting her at rehab, and doing everything I possibly could to show her how beautiful she was and all of the potential that was in front of her.
ReplyDeleteShe had compassionate, spiritual/religious, educated, empathetic and sympathetic people around her at all times. (She also played on these traits to manipulate many situations).
I stood by her. We all stood by her and gave her support and love. She still managed to disappear and run off with a drug dealer. You will never have any idea how draining and life-changing that experience was for this supportive community of hers.
So, if you somehow think a lack of support has a direct correlation with addiction, I think you're mistaken. Addiction is a disease that CONSUMES a person. Support can be a factor in helping a person out of it, but the desire and ability to change has to come from within. Even then, the ugly thing that is addiction can still take a person down the wrong path after detoxing, a support system, a plan, and establishing reasons to be clean.
Sorry, Kenny, but the last 6 years of my life directly contradict with your statement and these experiences have severely screwed me up emotionally to the point where I'm still not ready to talk to a shrink or a support group about it yet.
I was hoping you'd show up to this post/comment section. Like it or not, you're the closest person we have to a Sunny expert.
ReplyDeleteI think you're assessment of her may very well be dead on. Like most of us, I've known drug addicts; I was married to one for years. And there's so much truth in some of the phrases you used in your first paragraph about past emotional issues being a root cause, good people letting drugs take over their lives (and they won't realize it until much much later), etc.
George Carlin once said: "Everybody loves their children, doesn't make you special. John Wayne Gacy loved his children."
ReplyDeleteExactly - there's no reason that WWE should keep footing the bill once it becomes evident that the person doesn't really want to help him/herself.
ReplyDeleteSable tried to sue for, like, $100 million or some ridiculous figure, and she was brought back. Hell, Snuka friggin' killed his girlfriend, and he's always been welcomed back with open arms.
ReplyDeletePlus, it's not like Vince has ever turned down an opportunity to humiliate a former employee that dared find more success elsewhere, Brock and Bischoff being the biggest examples. If and when Jarrett is ever out of TNA, you can be sure Vince will pay him a shitload to make him dress Baby New Year or whatever.
I think Jarrett would probably tell Vince to go fuck himself. One person who I'm kind of surprised ever came back was Hogan. If someone testified against me in a criminal trial I'd never speak to him again, much less do business with him and put my world title him, regardless of how much money it would make me. That in my mind is FAR worse than anything anyone else ever did to Vince.
ReplyDeleteHey John, this probably sounds odd for posting on this blog in particular, but I really appreciate you sharing this, it must have been painful to even write. I can't imagine.
ReplyDeleteYou blame Eminem?
ReplyDeleteWell, by most accounts he actually is a good father, drug problems aside.
Not everyone loves their children.
ReplyDeleteThere's plenty of parents who think their children are garbage, most aren't afraid to tell them either.
Vince gets a lot of shit, but how many owners/promoters are willing to pay for the rehab of any past employee?
ReplyDeleteWell, he won the case, so maybe that motivated his forgiveness. I mean, if a guy had attacked you, and kicked your ass, I'd be much less willing to forgive a guy who attacked me, and got their ass kicked.
ReplyDeleteNot for poor parenting, just for this whole "I love you so much I'd rather kill you than be without you and that's what true love is all about" attitude.
ReplyDeletePeople take that shit seriously? I thought everybody saw that for a desperate cry for psychological help.
ReplyDeleteIt annoys me because I've had a personal run in with that type. The guy who acts like he's fucking super dad and only cares for raising his kids and their best interested is all that matters to him....does he use his kids to gain leverage over his ex? Sure. Does he verbally and physically abuse his wife in front of them? Naturally. Does he refuse to pick them up and take them on his scheduled days unless she spends the night with him? Yes. Does he get his 4-year-old to deliver a death threat to her mother? Well, yeah, what caring parent wouldn't? But he'll still portray himself as #1Dad just because he has kids.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your situation...I was in a similar one myself to be honest. A girl who didn't have the best role models of a healthy relationship growing up, who fell into an abusive relationship when she grew up....and turns into a drunken train wreck to deal with it all. Thinks she has it all under control and her drinking and subsequent behavior because of it is justified because there's a deep rooted reason for it...it's frustrated, even if you know it's not really "them" acting that way...
ReplyDeleteAs for Sunny....young attractive girl who gets involved in the wrestling business. Drugs, sex, alcohol, any temptation you name available and at the time considered to be part of the job...becomes a huge celebrity and sex symbol over night, and just as quickly drops from the spotlight...the only stability she has dies....it's not hard to see how she ended so screwed up. Even today, her fame is marginal but when she goes on facebook and has hundreds of people justify her actions it just enables her....when I first started to notice her updates I thought she was just an immature bitch, but now I can see there's a lot more going on there, and I really hope she gets the help she needs. She needs extensive rehab and to just get out of the wrestling community all together.
I've ran into a couple. I don't come from the best of places as far as people goes, so it might just be limited to here....but I've ran into a few who's attitude is basically an Eminem song. That attitude where they did everything right and unfortunately fell in love with a thankless bitch who doesn't see who great they really are, and therefor want to kill them to prove their love, which would be justifiable because anyone treated that poorly would have every right to kill their girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that you hang out with a higher caliber of person.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to thank you for the thank you. The divorce was finalized two months ago, and sometimes I still say "the wife" instead of "the ex"--it's still kinda fresh, I guess. Unless you feel like an addict or latent addict just happened to be your soulmate/"the one"/whatever, you (the general "you", not you you) just can't know what it's like. The odd thing is that the addict doesn't even know what it's like and can't really see the effects the lifestyle has on the people around her. She's just in desperation mode for more drugs while trying not to disrupt home life is a secondary priority...and an addict can really become a master manipulator, so it's okay to move family down the priority list. For me, the end of it was her leaving in the middle of the night while I was sleeping and not hearing from her for 3-4 weeks. She then lets me know--while high as a kite-- she's been with some dealer she had met in rehab.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, I just can't stress enough how loving and selfless some of the people around her were. Getting involved in the addiction/drug world can happen to ANYONE, in my opinion, be it as a friend/family member or as someone who is susceptible to drugs themselves. It doesn't matter if you're the kindest person or prefer to show tough love. It can happen.
And like Scream said, deep down, you know this isn't the "real" person, and you keep waiting for her to start returning in some way.
Sorry for the rambling. But thanks again for the comment. I really appreciated it.