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The first sign of the apocolypse
HHH cut his hair.
It is truly the end times.
(Now it makes all those hair jokes from your 2003 rants even funnier).
- Joe

His hair was in pretty rough shape anyway.  Now Kevin Nash still knows how to maintain and condition, even at 70.  By the way, their image link was done wrong, so here's the picture:

You sold out, HHH.  I expect this sort of thing from Edge, but not you.  Not you.


  1. His power has been vanquished! Vanilla midgets and mid-carders rejoice! The long reign of terror is over! All hail Brutus the Barber Beefcake!

  2. Looks like he'll be Terra Ryzin some barbers from now on.

  3. It's hard to sit in investor's meetings with Prince Valiant's haircut.

    He looks good. Maybe even a little younger.

  4. Sorry for the threadjack, but very interesting ratings numbers.  

    Hour 1 had 4.31 million. 
    Hour 2 with the promised Punk/Sheamus match had 4.40 million.
    Hour 3 with the promised Cena main event had 3.91 million.

  5. Jesus Christ, now I know why he kept his so long.


  6. Now everyone else will have to grow their hair long. 

  7. Yawn, let me know when HBK cuts his hair.   (Will he ever?)

    Hunter's looking rather Val Venis-like.

    Do fans hang out at Titan Tower's entrance just waiting for photo ops?

  8. I was already having  "nothing makes sense in the world" kind of day already. This is not helping

  9. HBK should just buzz it all off like Andre Agassi.

  10. People had no way of knowing that Punk/Sheamus would start the second hour.

    Maybe people were just sticking around long enough to see the end of the Daniel Bryan/Kane interaction...

  11. So..... once the fans were told Punk was leaving, they tuned out? Makes sense to me! 

  12. You would think that if was going to post this story, they would use a better, more exclusive picture than the one TMZ got a hold of.

  13. The Nineties are truly dead. RIP.

  14. It makes you appreciate a guy like Bret Hart who had ugly long hair at the best of times and still holds onto it today.

  15. HBK should have cut it short at the first sign of thinning, then he might have a regular head of hair today. All he can do is accept his eventual Paul Heyman or buzz it off Bruce Willis style.

  16. Although you can't see it in the picture, the link said he still has his arm in a cast.  So kudos for selling the injury.

    Hopefully he's not going to the same doctor as "Cowboy" Bob Orton.  

  17. He's starting to even LOOK like Vince now.

  18.  I was just gonna say, that's not just any cut, that's a damn MCMAHON cut

  19.  Well he is Canadian.  I'm a little shocked he's not rocking a mullet. 

  20. I couldn't even picture Shawn with short hair.

    Is that Steph in the pic with him? She looks good. And yeah, HHH does kinda look like Val Venis. Not a bad look though, I always thought he should have cut his hair during the Reign of Terror, makes him look more heelish, IMO.

  21. Am I the only one partly disgusted, partly unsurprised that the WWE website posted this news blurb as the 'BREAKING NEWS! FRONT PAGE TOP STORY!' this afternoon? I mean Cheez-Its, it's absolutely asinine to treat a man's trip to the barber shop as a big deal. Edge chopped his locks off and it didn't even cause a ruffle. Triple H chops it off and we're doing breaking news reports? What a stupid ass company; if they put as much energy into their WRESTLING PROGRAM as they did their fixation on Terra Ryzin's hair, they might not suck so much ass.

    (Rant Over.) (For Now.)

  22.  Settle's a 'slow news day'.   Websites like change their front page content at least once a day, it's not always easy to find new stuff to put.

    And it probably took some web developer all of 10 minutes to slap that on the front page.

  23.  Not sure if you're joking or not, but that's just a couple of random fans, neither of which is Steph. 

  24. holy fuck, same thought/

  25. Pretty much every wrestling fan on the internet overreacts to everything but you take it to a whole new level. Congrats.

  26. Now he looks less like Sean Bean playing Boromir and more like Sean Bean playing Alec Trevelyan.

  27. I like how you guys are cherry-picking the things you personally like (or don't like) to support your theory.

    Instead of blaming Cena for the drop-off, I'd personally blame it that immediately prior to the main event we got Santino Marella and his puppet, Ryder vs. Slater for the Jobberweight Championship, and Vickie yelling at CRAZY AJ.   I'll grant you that Cena vs. ADR is a pretty stale matchup and and there may not have been much interest in seeing it again....but you also have to admit that the segments leading up to it were horrible.

  28. Better this than another wrestler dying young.


  30. I shall wear it with a badge of honor, good sir.

  31. Judging by the reactions here (the Land of the Smarkiest Smarks that ever Smarked), this is indeed a "wow" moment.

    Your point would have more validity if this thread had 3 comments. People care.

  32. Yes, this one week that the ratings breakdown look promising for CM Punk, we'll decide to analyze it and take it as gospel.

  33. I think HHH's new haircut is awful. He should have gone for something with a little more length. 

  34. I give him some credit for this.  It's a good way to definitively close the wrestler chapter of Triple H's career.  Now I really don't expect him to ever throw himself onto the main roster again.  Not that I'd be floored if it happened, but this really does give the impression that he's moving on.

  35. This is terrible.  I hope someone had the foresight to send his hair to Antarctica.  If not, by now its slowly moving from indy show to indy show consuming vanilla midgets as it gains in size.

  36. Came here just to post this. All he needs is a powder blue blazer and khakis.

    Or maybe a leather jacket with RAW plastered all over it

  37. ..and yet he still doesn't know how to properly line up his beard.

  38. In his book he said he'd never cut his hair. He needs to bite the bullet, call Chavo or Matt Morgan and ask who their hook up is at Hair Club for men.

  39. Shawn, or Triple H?

  40. Simon Dean needs to grow his hair out if he ever hopes to make it to TV.

  41. Trips doesn't look too bad. Matt Dillon looks rough though. Very gaunt. Like he has AIDs or something. And Stephanie is either shorter than she looks on TV or standing a step below them.

  42. Yeah, his transformation to a McMahon is indeed complete. Who else anywhere wears their hair like that? Only person I can think of is Scott Caan on "Entourage," and I suppose his more famous dad when he was younger.

  43. I really have nothing to say, I just wanted to get a thread where a bunch of grown men talk about another grown man's haircut up to 50 comments. Seemed like a valuable way to spend a minute!

    JK yall.

  44. HHH's new haircut is all headkicks and no-selling.. plus only 12 people saw it.. so it doesn't count..

  45. Yes, he's clearly closed the book on a storied chapter in his life and career, accepted and come to terms with his destiny and bridged a gap to the second half of his life... by cutting his hair.

  46. Bobby Roode - Trendsetter.

  47. Really, dude? Let it go.

  48. Well, we're bi-something, and it definitely isn't lingual.

  49.  Easy there, champ.. Just because I don't think it's a 5 Star haircut doesn't mean that I don't love THIS BUSINESS~!

  50.  I can't be the only one who caught this reference. KOTR, I think? I forget which year though.

  51. This is the darkest day in the history of our sport.

    Will Raw be a 3-hour tribute to Hunter's hair? Will Steph compare its loss to the Federal government pursuing her dad? And will HHH's barnet go into the Hall of Fame?

    Tune in on Monday to find out!

  52. Happened during a Ken Shamrock/Rock match...

  53. Someone post a Youtube link, this sounds hilarious. 

  54. My thoughts exactly. He looks more and more like The Big Valbowski with each passing year.

  55. Maybe HHH is a fan of Bawbee ROOOOOOOOOOOOO

  56. So, you know how people used to talk about Vince having an odd relationship with Steph (Exhibit A: the RAW where she almost 'marries' HHH again)...?

    ...yeah, this new look makes me uncomfortable...

  57. Wasted opportunity for a Hair Vs Hair match. You've missed a trick there Hunter

  58.  Well, he couldn't have done it with Lesnar.  Brock has a haircut that screams "I don't give a fuck about haircuts." 

    Actually, a beard vs beard match would have worked.  Brock grows one of the manliest beards I've ever seen.

  59. This made me laugh.

  60. Now all that's left is to learn how to powerwalk like a McMahon.


    Apparently HHH and Vince have some tension over HHH's role. HHH feels he's better as a heel, while Vince wants him to stay a face.

    I'll laugh my ass off if this all leads to HHH forcing Vince out of power like Vince did to his father.

  62. The Love-Matic Grandpa!September 6, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    He looks like the villain in a "direct-to-DVD" action flick.

  63. HHH is right, he is awful as a face.

  64. It's interesting that he looks a lot more like vince.

  65. That haircut is good for "the business".

  66. The photo was set up by WWE.  They're not real fans.

  67. That's what you're supposed to think.  It's an angle, see.  People will be like "Holy shit, HHH can't come back and fight Brock now, HE CUT HIS HAIR!"  And they'll make millions.  

  68. Shawn should do the same, though it will ultimately reveal his thinness/baldness more.  However, he just won't look as silly.

  69. Looks like his hair when he did that god awful Shane/Vince DX impression a few years back with Shawn. 

  70. They're just telling stories. And that story is "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street".


  72. Funny stuff. That would never happen today, with all the commentary dictated through the headset. Not exactly PG either.

  73.  Eh, Punk has said some pretty risque stuff on commentary and gotten away with it.  It's well, not exactly subtle, but he's not beating you over the head with the joke.

  74.  If HHH was casting himself as a Biblical figure, I don't think he'd settle on Samson. Pretty sure he'd be the guy on the cross.

  75. Eighty three comments about a middle aged man's haircut.

    We're a pretty happening bunch.

  76. Or maybe by the third hour, most fans started thinking to themselves, "Why am I watching this shit?"  then changed the channel.

  77. Which means he'll have to get into a motorcycle accident............................... too much?

  78.  And what is wrong with a mullet? Business in the front, PARTY in the back!!! It gave Billy Ray Cyrus a career! :-)


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