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The SmarK DVD Rant for Superstar Collection: Randy Orton

The SmarK DVD Rant for Superstar Collection: Randy Orton

I know we just got an Orton DVD set, but this is the 90 minute cheaper version with just four matches on it. I still really like this concept, actually.

WWE title, Three Stages of Hell: Randy Orton v. HHH

This is from The Bash 2009, a point where I wasn’t even watching the product outside of Wrestlemania and the Backlash where Orton won the title from HHH in a six-man. So this is a regular match first up. HHH gets the high knee and pounds him in the corner, but Orton goes for the knee and ends up running himself into the post. HHH suplexes him into the ring for two. Orton blocks a Pedigree attempt by clipping the knee and works on that for a bit, but HHH hits him with the spinebuster to slow down the torrid pace. HHH bails and grabs a chair, and beats on Orton for the DQ at 5:00. HHH absolutely destroys him with the chair, setting up the fall count anywhere portion. KICK WHAM PEDIGREE on the floor evens it up at 6:18. So it’s the stretcher match for the third part, which means the first two were basically pointless. Like really, 6 minutes for two falls? Why even bother? HHH puts him on the stretcher and can’t get him across the YELLOW LINE OF DEATH, as Orton escapes and goes to the knee again. Orton boots him into the crowd, right onto the JEFF HARDY CHAIRS, and they fight over to the sound board. Like really, would you want to be sitting on Jeff’s face at a wrestling show? Who even knows where it’s been? They fight back to ringside, tearing up the poor barricade in the process, and Orton drops HHH back-first onto the STEEL railing, and whips him into the STEEL stairs. Orton brings the stairs in, but HHH gives him the drop toehold to counter and drags him to the stretcher. Orton recovers and they both fall off the stretcher. Orton gives him the draping DDT off the stretcher, to the ramp, which is a pretty nice bump actually. The punt misses and Orton has to kick the stretcher on the follow-through in order to not have that sequence look ridiculous, but he gets HHH onto the stretcher again and sloooooooooooowly pushes the stretcher up. This is like slow-climbing in a ladder match, but even MORE boring. Orton’s RKO is countered by HHH and it’s KICK WHAM PEDIGREE on the stage. Orton is on the stretcher, but Cody Rhodes runs out and blocks the stretcher. HHH beats him up and tries again, but now Ted Dibiase comes out for the save and HHH has to beat them both up single-handedly. Finally they manage to beat him down, but HHH locates his SUPER SECRET SLEDGEHAMMER and beats them up, but Orton hits him with a cheapshot from behind and puts him on the stretcher at 21:30 to retain. Boring match, terrible finish, as it took three guys to put down the THE MIGHTY HHH. The actual work was fine, but it felt like a bunch of wankery between them and the first two stages were a complete waste of time. **3/4

WWE title: Randy Orton v. HHH v. John Cena

From Night of Champions 2009, so we get another round of Orton v. HHH. Orton wisely slithers out of the ring, but the other two chase him and HHH beats on him in the corner. Orton bails and the babyfaces continue taking turns on him, but Orton bumps Cena into HHH and takes over on Cena. Cena comes back with the FIVE MOVES OF DOOM, but HHH breaks up the FU. HHH stops to glare at Cena, however, and Orton hits him from behind with a clothesline for two. Dropkick gets two. Orton with the chinlock, but HHH fights out and they slug it out. Orton with the powerslam, but HHH counters the RKO into a DDT. Both guys are down in contrived manner, so Cena gives them both the top rope legdrop. That looked ridiculous. Orton takes Cena out again with a neckbreaker and he bails, and then Orton backdrops HHH out of the ring as well. Another contrived spot sees Orton trying the double draping DDT, but the faces backdrop him out and now Orton gets to play dead for 5 minutes. So now it’s HHH v. Cena and they slug it out for the boo/yay spot. Cena gets his shoulderblocks, but HHH hits him with the high knee. Cena comes back with the neckbreaker and FU, but HHH counters out and they reverse each other until HHH gets the spinebuster. KICK WHAM PEDIGREE gets two, as Orton saves. He preps the table, but HHH goes low and Orton gets tossed into the crowd. Cena puts HHH in the STF on the table, so it must be extra painful. Back in the ring, Orton and Cena slug it out, but Cena blocks the RKO. They head up and tease the Tower of Doom spot, but Cena slingshots HHH into Orton and hooks him into the STF. HHH makes the ropes, so Cena does it again, leaving himself open for the punt. That misses and Cena rolls up Orton for two. That was a good moment, with Orton realizing his chance. Orton puts Cena down and gives both guys the Garvin Stomp and kneedrops. Finally he misses one, and the babyfaces go to work on his knee, but HHH turns on Cena and puts him on the floor. HHH actually uses a Sharpshooter on Orton, which is weird until Cena also hooks the STF on him and it’s clear why he did that. Orton taps but we don’t know who to, so Legacy runs in for the beatdown. Cena tries to give Cody the FU, and Orton gets the RKO on Cena to retain at 22:22. That was clever, but man did Cena look stupid there. Hey, two matches, two fuck finishes. No wonder I wasn’t watching in 2009. ***

Randy Orton v. Ted Dibiase

From RAW, March 2010. This would be after Orton’s babyface turn and setup of their boring three-way at Wrestlemania. Orton gets a clothesline, but Dibiase hammers away in the corner and dropkicks him. They fight to the floor and Dibiase runs away, and we take a break. Back with Dibiase stomping him down and choking away in the corner, and a boot to the head gets two. Dibiase with a clothesline for two. They slug it out and Orton gets the powerslam and Garvin Stomp. Cody Rhodes runs out to prevent the RKO, and Dibiase rolls him up for two before Cody comes in for the DQ at 5:41. Odd choice for inclusion. *1/2

World Heavyweight title: Randy Orton v. Christian

From Capital Punishment 2011. There was concern at this point about whether Orton would actually be cleared due to concussion problems. Christian attacks to start and Orton gets the Thesz Press and works on a headlock. Christian goes up and misses a dropkick, but Orton bails and Christian gets the baseball slide instead. A dive misses and Orton takes over, hammering away in the corner. Back to the floor, where Christian escapes a DDT and runs Orton into the stairs. Back in, Christian gets two. He chokes Orton out in the corner and a neckbreaker gets two. Christian with the neck vice, but Orton rolls him up for two. Christian with a spinebuster for two and Orton is selling like he’s concussed again. He manages to whip Christian into the corner and comes back with a backdrop. Christian tries the inverted DDT, but Orton hits the powerslam and a belly to belly suplex for two. Why doesn’t he ever do that move, it looked good! Christian gets a cheapshot and tries to suplex Orton from the apron, but Orton blocks with a headbutt and they go up for an Orton superplex. And again Orton’s head is compromised, but he gets two anyway. They slug it out and Orton gets the backbreaker drop for two. Christian escapes the RKO, but Orton hits the draping DDT. Christian with his own DDT for two. Spear misses, but Christian escapes the RKO and hits it on a second try for two. Orton comes back with the dropkick, but Christian goes up and lands in the RKO at 14:02. Although his feet were under the ropes, so THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE. Good chemistry from them, as usual. ***1/4

The Pulse

Kind of a strange selection of stuff, but decent enough for $7 I guess.


  1. I've seen that triple threat somewhere (most likely saw the ppv on wwe cod) and I thought it was garbage but I loved the finish.

  2. I wouldn't watch an Orton DVD set, 90 minutes or 8 hours, if you gave it to me for free.  Easily my least favorite guy working today.

  3. I still don't get the love for this format. $7 for four matches when I could get 16 matches on a $15 (Amazon) set? No thanks.

    I'd rather get the three-disc version.

  4. The christain feud was pretty awesome though.

  5.  Except for Christian.

  6. Not a Christian fan? I thought he did his best heel work (and imo he's done some top notch heel work) in that angle and I think the mitb and summerslam 11 matches are ortons two best matches ever. I don't see why creative doesn't just re run that feud.

  7. I completely forgot about the HHH/Orton 3 Stages of Hell match. I usually have at least a vague memory of what was going on but I must have been completely checked out at that time. Although I think it was Legacy's constantly getting the better of HHH due to the numbers that led to DX reforming at Summerslam so I must have been partially watching...I lived with some hard partying roommates and traveled a lot in the summer of 2009 so almost everything is a blur to me though....anyway, I don't know if six minutes into the match is the time to do it, but I like the idea of HHH taking the DQ. I didn't get the love for him doing it in the Iron Man against The Rock - he gives up a fall, to get two falls. Seemed kind of risky considering he needed to get two falls just to end up plus it makes sense given the match. Give up the first fall so you go into the no dq part with Orton damaged. Ideally after the second fall you can throw him on the stretcher and end it right away. It makes more sense.

  8.  I'm a Christian heel fan, hate him as a face.

    The matches were good but the feud didn't do him any favors. He was made to look like the jobbiest jobber that ever jobbed against Orton.

  9. That's for sure. Now that orton has dropped a tier maybe they should revisit that feud and let Christian get a few w's before ultimately losing the feud.

  10. I do like the smaller, quick releases, as well. That said, I would have bought Daniel Bryan's DVD if it had his Superstars match with Regal. That alone would be worth it.

  11.  I didn't really mind him losing the first couple of Orton before the heel turn. Establish that Orton's the better man, so there's more heat on Christian when he turns into the sneaky little shit heel he's great at being. He somehow wins back the title and uses every cheap trick in the book to retain it against Orton. If it goes well maybe he even goes to WM and can be the guy Sheamus kicks in the head in 18 seconds.

    But as it is all they did was have Christian lose over and over again until the feud was over and he dropped back to the midcard. Did him no favors.

  12. This just reminds me how bad the Legacy dissolution turned out to be for all parties concerned.  Orton is less over now than he was then even after doing pretty good business for the better part of a year, Ted isn't even on TV anymore and Cody had to reboot his character three separate times to stay relevant (and should seriously consider going for #4 since his push has completely stalled out). 

    What a waste.

  13. I blame Ted for Ted sucking. He has no charisma. Orton's fault too, why should they push a guy to the moon that is one failed test away from being fired.

    With you on Cody though, he is too talented to be a jobber.

  14. Slightly off-topic, but here's an interesting piece of trivia about that Orton-Cena-HHH match: it went on the middle of the show while a CM Punk-Jeff Hardy World Title match was the main event.

    In fact, for the next two shows (Summerslam and Breaking Point), Cena and Orton had WWE Title matches, but the main event of both PPVs featured Punk defending the World title.

    I know, three years later, it's hard to fathom that for THREE consecutive PPVs, they would let a CM Punk title match go on last instead of John Cena! Quite a contrast, isn't it?

  15.  I wouldn't watch an Orton DVD set either.

  16.  They only did that because Jeff Hardy was opposite Punk and they were hoping to get every last dime they could from the Jeff Hardy fangirls before he left them....

  17. I hate Orton so I'm all for him being buried. haha. Rhodes deserves much better though.

  18.  I'm still completely puzzled over what's happened to Rhodes.  As soon as he brought back the old IC design with the white strap, he got jobbed out, lost the best, got jobbed out some more aaaand that brings us to today. 

    I know some of the posters were hoping the IC belt would catapault him to the main event.  What the hell happened?

  19. Problem is, Christian's dropped a tier too and now he's still lower than Orton on the card. 

  20. Not only an Orton DVD but an Orton DVD mainly featuring matches from the long boring time period when he nearly killed the company? You could use this as interrogation tactics against me. My distaste for Orton in the ring knows no bounds. I really hope no one gets the idea that he needs another main event push because he is seriously past his sell-by at this point and needs to be put out to pasture. The fact that, without roids, he's practically a cruiserweight is just desserts, too, because most Orton fanboys are the ones who'd piss on someone for being "too small" and yet of course you don't hear anything about Dorkboy being thin as a rail. 

  21. Huh. He's easily one of my five favorite guys working in WWE today.

  22. Nice generalizations there.

    I'm an Orton fan. I find his work very enjoyable, and the only times I didn't enjoy him in some form or other were during his 2004/5 face run and the entirety of 2010. Otherwise, I dig the dude, and it has nothing to do with his damn physique.

    Thanks, Internet, for reducing differences of opinion on subjective matters to blanket statements like "most Orton fanboys are the ones who'd piss on someone for being "too small"".

  23. If only Jeff were capable of cutting good promos.

  24. I'm the opposite. I like Christian's mic work as a heel, but his matches are infinitely better as a face ... barring the Orton feud, which produced a series of tremendous matches.

  25. I watched wrestling back in 2009 and outside some of the stuff CM Punk did, I can barely remember any of this. I don't know what matches they could have put on there, but surely Orton had better matches in this period.

  26. I wish they'd picked a different third match and just extended the running time to two hours. As Orton's #1 fan (No, not in the Kathy Bates sense), I thought it was an okay release for the price. I'd love for them to use this brand to put out highlights of classic mini-feuds like Rockers Vs. Brain Busters or Luger Vs. Flair.

  27.  agreed.  I'll never get the love for Sid, Scott Steiner post 96, Ultimate Warrior, Val Venis, etc. but opinions on wrestlers are opinions.  There is no right or wrong answer.  I like Ahmed Johnson.  I liked Corporal Kirschner back in the day.  I liked Hercules.  We all have our guys that others may not agree with, and in the case of Orton, as much as I personally despise him, he certainly has some fans.  Maybe not enough to justify his position on the card over the years, but certainly enough to not be doing jobs on Superstars.

  28. The Orton/Christian fed was a co-highlight of the Summer of Punk

  29. I agree for the most part that Ted is responsible for his own failure but crowd support and an interesting gimmick can really help launch you.  Using Cody as an example until he did the Dashing gimmick, he had not been interesting for even one second and he'd been on TV for years.  During Legacy Ted looked like the guy who could be the star and he was getting the crowd reactions and Cody was just...there.

    I still think if they had pulled the trigger when the crowd was literally BEGGING Ted to crack Orton, everything turns out different.  The crowd wanted to cheer Ted they just never got the chance until it was too late.  He probably would have been exposed in the end but you never know, I honestly never would have dreamed Cody would have had the past 2 years in him in 2009.

  30. Triple H's SUPER SECRET SLEDGEHAMMER is one of the goofiest things in WWE history that's played up as serious.

  31. The writing staff was informed they weren't focusing enough on John Cena. 

  32. Because obviously I was talking about you specifically. Orton fanboys are very often the same anti-smark losers who spew boring redundant opinions about people being too small. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to include the vast ocean of multitudes of Orton fans from all the spectrum of wrestling fandom in my post. I just went with what I know, which is that there's a big crossover between Boreton fans and anti-smark douchebags.

    If your reasons for liking Orton aren't based on physique, that's fine, but I assure you of this: whatever your reasons are, they aren't good ones. I've said before and I'll say again, there is no objective reason to think Orton is good besides that he's booked to win a lot and that matters to some people. Any other reasoning and you're just giving him more credit than he deserves, because he fails on every objective point. How's that for a generalization? 

  33. Well they could have included him winning the belt against he that shall not be named, know. Maybe the cage match against Flair or the hardcore match against Foley?

  34. For about the last decade,I've been an EXTREMELY casual viewer of WWE,not following the behind the scenes stuff,and probably only seeing maybe ten matches a year. I didn't get back into following the show until this year,mostly because of Punk and Bryan.
    Why's everyone online hate Orton? He seems decent enough to me. I've seen people allude to him doing drugs,but I'm not his dad,WTF do I care what he does on his own time. As a wrestler

  35. These would be worth it if they, you know, put good matches on the disc. But $7 is too much for four ordinary matches. 

  36. Personally, I don't hate him, I just find him incredibly boring and lame. It doesn't help he reminds me of the jock-o you hated in high school.

  37. I think "distaste" is a perfect word to sum up my feelings on Orton. The guy has done virtually nothing for me for almost 10 years now. What makes it worse is he seems like an ass in real life who somehow has enough King Shit credits to influence decisions on who should(nt) get pushed. Heaven forbid someone screws up *a* move in the ring, because as we all know, no one who's anyone has ever made a mistake, especially like dislocating your own shoulder by pounding the mat.

  38. I think they wanted stuff from the last few years. The Flair and Foley matches were on his set. I think there was at least one other match against DiBiase that was pretty decent on RAW or Smackdown! from the past two years. They picked the wrong one. Or at least throw in a Orton-Rhodes match to complete the break-up of "Legacy" angle setup by showing them getting involved in the first two matches on the disc. I recall Orton-Rhodes having a good TV match even as recently as last year.

  39. Well, the IC title hasn't meant belly button lint in ages, so I never considered him getting that as a sign he was going to break through.

  40. Yep, you nailed it by admitting your own bias against him. The fan boys hate Orton because they become MARKS around him. They hate his character!!! (I have the same problem with hating the Gen-X, super snarky CM Punk and the white rapper wannabe black guy John Cena. I don't care for people that have those type of personalities, therefore I don't like them.)

  41. I wouldn't exactly call Luger/Flair a mini-feud.

  42. Especially the RUBBER SLEDGEHAMMER OF DEATH that he makes sure to NEVER slam on the steps before using it. Easily the goofiest weapon since Scott Steiner's FOAM LEAD PIPE OF DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT in WCW.

  43. Good point about the 2009 dark period when Orton was on top of the RAW brand. What's next, a 3-disc "Best Of RAW Guest Hosts" set?

  44. Come to think of it, when's the last time the IC belt has elevated anybody? The last one I can think of is Jeff Hardy and even that took awhile as there was an almost one year gap between his last IC title reign and his first world title.

  45. I meant they had could put their four PPV matches on a DVD.

  46. Randall Keith Orton:  yawn.  He's just never done it for me.

  47. Orton's just dull. Puts on the same match over and over, no-sells any discernible psychology, a total snooze on the mic, pounds the mat like a hyperactive infant (but whatever, the fans eat it up). They've booked him better over the last year or so, but for a while there his matches would irritate me to no end. He'd get pounded on and pounded on before winning out of nowhere with the RKO. He's even worse than Cena in that regard.


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