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Would you happen to know if the DVDVR message board is dead?

The subject line pretty much says it all. For the past month or so, the DVDVR board has been going through random periods of being down for a day or two before coming back online. The powers that be stated it was just the general server issues but that it would be fine. However, the board's now been down for about a week, which is much longer than normal. Being that your blog and the DVDVR board are pretty much my main two sources of wrestling discussion, this recent turn of events sucks. I was wondering if you or anyone else might know if the board is now gone for good.
Please don't you and the blog disappear either.

I have no idea about the DVDVR status.  Mine is Blogger, and if BROCKAMANIA 2012 couldn't bring down this version of the blog, there's nothing I can conceive of doing it.  Plus I've still got Scotsman's server as an emergency backup if need be, although it would have to be a severely scaled down version of Wordpress if I ever needed to go back there again.  So short answer, have no fear about this blog going anywhere anymore.  

Anyway, if Dean or anyone else on the Death Valley board is reading, can you offer an update for people?  


  1. Anyone here remember mdb?  He was a hardcore WCW supporter/WWF hater and I think he posted on DVDVR but I knew him from  The last column I read from him was from June 2000 so sadly I was never able to read his reactions to WWF purchasing WCW.

  2. The name rings a bell, but that's about it.

  3. 12 years.. and i still read internet wrestling shit.. don't know if that's awesome or depressing..

  4. 20 for me.  Trust me, it's awesome, not depressing.  ;)

  5. Over 50% of my life and I'm 30. Gotta read something online though.

  6. 17 or 18 here..

    I've been talking wrestling on the web now longer than not in my life.

  7.  fair enough.. spending my time touting other people's accomplishments is fine.. as long as i have a healthy list of my own.. i do.. but how many more would i have, i ponder.....

  8. I kept trying to create an account so I discuss 24/7 in the dedicated thread, and no one would ever validate my account creation requests (apparently they stopped doing automated approval b/c of spammers and bots).  I ever tried writing to people who were admins, and they pretty much blew me off.

  9. 14 for me. And hell yes it's awesome!

  10. I miss the old The Smart Marks forum. That's where I discovered Scott back in 2002.

  11. Same here. They never approve any new members. 

  12.  Think I'm at 14 but I had a lot of in & out times.

  13. I've been follwing off and on since 1998.  However I completely dropped off in 2002 due to the constant negativity of everything.  Not saying people didn't have a right to bitch back then and now for that matter but I just got sick of it.  I got back in during the Benoit thing sadly.

  14. I've been online since Canada Day 1996 so 16 years for me.  It was quite interesting using WebCrawler to find wrestling stuff and reading about  The Outsiders and speculation about The Third Man.  Since the Apter mags were always two months behind and we didn't get Nitro in Canada at that point, I wasn't sure what had happened to Razor and Diesel.  I assumed they had jumped to WCW but I really didn't know.

  15.  Some people have Star Trek, others have Buffy, but at least wrestling is still going as the longest episodic action/adventure show on cable...ever and stuff.  I don't think it has nearly as big of a stigma as it used to.  There's so many people, from pre-adolescents to seniors, that are addicted to or are mainstays on things like facebook. 

    And I have to say, after not posting a bloody thing and just lurking for about 14 years, it's been really fun to participate in debates and trade one-liners with other fans this past year.

    15 for me.  I had my stints heavily following MMA (and the Underground Forum), Buffy, boxing, and basketball... but I've always been able to find and be engaged by wrestling writing, reporting, and discussion.

  16. What happened to them?  I go to that board every now and then for morbid curiosity sake, and it looks like a ghost town.  For a while it seemed like they had a good thing going, but I stopped watching for a few years, and when I came back it was a big shock.


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