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Great Match of the Day: 1-2-3 Kid v. Owen Hart (The Rematch)

From Monday Night RAW.  That was also pretty damn good.


  1. We want a star rating, Scott since you never reviewed the match before.

    But yeah, Waltman/Owen always had tremendous chemistry in the ring together and I was always confused with Kid winning by DQ since Kid was essential a JTTS guy and Owen heading towards his biggest match in his career with Bret, so Owen losing here kinda made him look pretty weak leading into it.

  2. to me even deserving a bigger mention: the suplex to the outside (8:50 ff). when did this EVER work in a match?

  3. Savage was cracking me up during this one. "You can't blink an eye out HEYAA!" "DOUBLE KIP-UPS!!!" "LET'S PLAY SOME DOMINOES!" I miss that crazy bastard.

  4. to me, the suplex to the outside (8:50 ff) is even more deserving of being mentioned: when did that spot EVER actually end this way?

  5. Most recently at 2011 Money In the Bank PPV.

  6. 1-2-3 Kid died for our sins.

  7. 1-2-3 Kid died for our sins.

  8. Exactly. Owen was selling the leg like death and made it seem like Kid had him beat clean by submission.

  9. I miss Owen Hart.

    I miss Randy Savage. This may be a silly Q 'round these here parts, but how was Savage's WCW stuff? I didn't watch it AT ALL. EVER.


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