July 19, 2013
Dunkin' Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island
Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield
Reviewed by Tommy Hall
Money in the Bank passed we're now in the period of waiting for
Sandow to cash in. After Monday night we have some of the main
events set for Summerslam which means we need some blue matches to
balance it out. Also Ziggler is officially a face after breaking up
with AJ and being destroyed by Langston. Let's get to it.
sequence again, which I think is the norm now.
Teddy Long to get things going. Tonight there's going to be a new
general manager named and Teddy wants to throw his name in the hat.
He doesn't know how good he'd be but he'll be better than Vickie
Guerrero. Vince will be here in person tonight to give Teddy a job
evaluation. Teddy polls the crowd who seems to like the idea of Long
being the boss long term.
brings out the returning Booker T to thank Teddy for filling in while
Booker was out getting triceps surgery. Booker is back to be the GM
now but here's Vince with something to say on the subject. Vince
asks Teddy what match he would make to impress the fans so Teddy
suggests Axel vs. Jericho for the Intercontinental Title. Booker's
offer is Del Rio vs. Orton, which brings out Raw GM Brad Maddox. He
thinks he should be GM of both shows because he was going to suggest
both matches as well as the Smackdown return of RVD.
pick for the permanent Smackdown GM: Vickie freaking Guerrero. Well
of course she is, because if there's one thing WWE needs it's ANOTHER
heel boss character. She blames the fans for getting her fired from
Raw so she hates us all. Vickie goes into crazy mode, yelling about
how she runs this show and is going to take everything out on the
fans. You know, because we haven't done this same idea for the last
year or so on Raw.
Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler
the match we get a clip from Raw of Ziggler breaking up with AJ and
then having her cost him a match against Del Rio. A rollup sends
Swagger to the floor as AJ and Langston are watching in the back.
Back in and Dolph pounds away in the corner and takes Jack down with
a dropkick. Cesaro trips Dolph off the apron and hits an uppercut,
earning him an ejection along with Colter. Back in and a sunset flip
gets two for Dolph but he has to escape the Patriot Lock. The Zig
Zag is good for the pin at 3:13.
D+. Ziggler was fine here and
the fans loved him which is the right idea. It's a lot easier to get
behind a feud with Langston instead of Del Rio as the matches and
promos will actually be entertaining. This is a big upgrade for
Dolph as he can go after the title later on and get some character
development against Big E.
match Ziggler says he's sorry he dumped AJ on Monday because he
should have done it a lot sooner. That's the kind of stuff he's been
needing to say to help cement his face turn.
freaks out in the back and throws a lot of chairs. Langston grabs
her to calm her down and they look at each other but he kisses her on
the forehead.
Rollins/Roman Reigns vs. Usos
The Usos charge the ring and the fight is on before the bell.
Ambrose comes in as well until Mark Henry comes out to clear the
ring. The good guys stand tall and Henry is a face.
Bryan vs. Wade Barrett
place goes NUTS for Bryan. Barrett catches a cross body and puts
Bryan stomach first on the top rope for some forearms to the back. A
slingshot into a backbreaker gets two and it's off to a bow and arrow
submission. Bryan fires off kicks in the corner and backflips over
Barrett, only to be caught in the Winds of Change which are countered
into a crucifix into the YES Lock for the submission at 1:54.
runs into Vickie in the back and Vickie slaps him in the face for
taking her job.
for MizTV with guest Paul Heyman. Heyman says he doesn't want to
answer any of Miz's questions but is cut off by a CM Punk chant. The
fans don't realize how hard this is for Heyman because he still loves
Punk. He advises Punk to stay down and leave the WWE Universe behind
because if he comes back Brock Lesnar will take his head off. Miz
doesn't believe a thing Heyman is saying because he swore on the life
of his children and still lied. He walks out but Heyman introduces
Axel as the man who beat Miz at MITB.
Title: Curtis Axel vs. Chris Jericho
takes over with a headlock to start but Jericho dropkicks him down.
A top rope elbow to the jaw gets two for Jericho but Axel punches him
back down. Axel cranks on an armbar but gets caught in a northern
lights suplex for two. Jericho tries to jump over the champion in
the corner but gets clotheslined in the back of the head for two
instead. The Codebreaker is countered into a spinebuster for two but
Jericho sends him into the corner as we take a break.
with Jericho fighting out of a chinlock but going shoulder first into
the post to stop his comeback. Axel misses a middle rope elbow and
Jericho gets two off a quick enziguri to make Heyman even more
nervous. Axel comes back with the McGillicutter for two but misses a
dropkick, allowing the Lionsault to get two. Axel blocks the top
rope ax handle into a PerfectPlex but Jericho counters into a Walls
distracts Jericho into dropping the hold but the second attempt has
Axel in a lot of trouble. Curtis hangs on for a very long time and
finally crawls over to the ropes. He goes to the floor but gets
caught by a suicide dive from the Canadian. As they head back in
though Heyman shouts at Jericho, allowing Axel to hit the
neckbreaker/cutter for the pin at 9:15 shown of 12:00.
C. This was a decent back and
forth match but Jericho going after the Intercontinental Title is
hard to get into anymore. Axel still isn't where they want him to be
but he's not a total disaster either. This was a fine enough way to
kill fifteen minutes and the fans got into the Walls so there isn't
much to complain about here.
match Ryback comes out and destroys Jericho with a Shell Shock. This
is Jericho's last appearance for awhile as he's going to be on tour
with Fozzy.
Damien Sandow to talk about forgiveness with quotes from Gandhi. He
did NOT screw Cody in the Money in the Bank match, which makes him
wonder why Cody attacked him on Raw. We get a clip from Raw but
Sandow says he isn't going to hold this against Cody. That would
make him a mouth breathing knuckle dragging halfwit like the
audience. He invites Cody out here to talk through this because
they're still best friends.
gets in the ring but Sandow says there's no explanation required
because he's forgiven. Damien did prevent Cody from being Mr. Money
in the Bank but Sandow has an olive branch for him: Cody can be the
keeper of the case until Sandow is ready to cash it in. Cody has
earned this but he hits Sandow in the head with the case, sending
Damien running off. Rhodes throws the case at him and the fans seem
quite pleased.
Van Dam vs. Darren Young
takes him down with an armdrag worth millions of dollars. Van Dam
hits his step over kick and a standing moonsault for two, sending
Young out to the floor. Back in and Titus distracts RVD's Rolling
Thunder attempt, allowing Young to take over for a bit. Van Dam
comes back with a kick to the head and a springboard spinning cross
body for two. A springboard kick to the face puts Young down and
after kicking Titus to the floor, Van Dam hits the Five Star for the
pin at 3:16.
D+. Not much to see here again
but Van Dam getting another win makes sense. Also it's nice to see
people like the Players being used to put over bigger stars. A loss
to a former world champion doesn't hurt their credibility at all so
why not do it more often? I still don't see the appeal of Young but
Titus at least has charisma.
Raw ReBound focuses about the Wyatt Family.
offers to bury the hatchet with Teddy but she's just kidding and has
Teddy escorted out by security.
Show returns on Raw.
Del Rio vs. Randy Orton
again. Orton rains down punches in the corner to start but Del Rio
counters into the armbreaker over the ropes. He stomps away on Orton
and chokes on the ropes for a few seconds. Orton bails to the floor
to hold his arm but he drops Del Rio ribs first onto the barricade.
Alberto whips him into the steps but Orton dropkicks Del Rio out of
the air back inside. He loads up the powerslam but Del Rio holds the
ropes to send Orton to the mat.
armbreaker doesn't go on full as Orton is in the ropes and Del Rio is
getting frustrated. A backbreaker gets two on the champion but the
Elevated DDT is countered by an enziguru for two. Del Rio kicks him
in the shoulder and loads up an RKO of his own, only to be countered
into the powerslam for two. The Elevated DDT connects but the RKO is
countered into a Backstabber for two. Not that it matters as Orton
rolls out of the armbreaker, ducks the superkick and hits the RKO for
the pin at 8:50.
C. Del Rio is officially a
jobber to the stars. There was almost no chance he was going to beat
Orton here and he lost clean to the RKO after two straight wins where
he escaped through interference. The match was ok but nothing more
than that as the ending was barely in doubt at all. Both guys were
their usual selves here and didn't seem all that interested in
Rating: D+. The show was just
there this week with some ok matches but nothing we haven't seen
before. This is the kind of show that made Smackdown very boring for
a long time and I really hope that doesn't become the standard again.
Vickie being GM again made me roll my eyes as this is her fourth
stint as full time boss of a show. That sums up this episode: we've
seen all this before.
Ziggler b. Jack Swagger – Zig Zag
Bryan b. Wade Barrett – YES Lock
Axel b. Chris Jericho – Neckbreaker into a cutter
Van Dam b. Darren Young – Five Star Frog Splash
Orton b. Alberto Del Rio – RKO
Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and check out my website at
The WHC has been demoted from secondary title to tertiary title.
ReplyDeleteAs a fan of wrestling, here's why WWE offers no compelling reason to watch their shows:
ReplyDeleteThe world heavyweight champion was defeated handily in a throwaway match on an inconsequential show.
Repeat that last sentence over and over.
Then what's the order of titles if it is the 3rd best title?
ReplyDeleteIf Del Rio is a JTTS, then what is Ziggler who lost to him 3x in a row?
ReplyDeleteA much more interesting jobber to the stars with potential.
ReplyDeleteLevel 1: being John Cena, WWE Champion (currently unified)
ReplyDeleteLevel 2: WWE MitB holder, WWE Title Contender status, or ordained WWE Main Eventer.
Level 3: WHC, WWE Part Time Legends, WHC MitB holder
Level 4: IC Champ, US Champ, Tag Champ, Diva Champ, or anyone that appears on RAW more than once a month.
Level 5: Main roster member.
Level 6: NXT member
You pick a single aspect of the show to prove that there is NO compelling reason to watch WWE programming?
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't work that way. The opposite is true though...I only need to give one example to show that WWE does provide compelling programming.
Daniel Bryan.
Where do guys like Brock and Triple H fit in? They are definitely in Level 1 as well IMO.
ReplyDeleteNo. They are both Level 2.
ReplyDeleteLevel 3 should just be Part time legend. Level 4 is the rest, and all others drop down a level.
ReplyDeleteYou'll be jobbing to Triple H within a week for daring to say he is Level 2.
ReplyDeleteMy reasoning proves that, despite claiming that "they tell stories" and certainly are on an episodic-based platform, they have no clue what they're doing and they don't care.
ReplyDeleteThe Daniel Bryan argument shows that the fans like him despite the company having little to do with it. Being a fan of his is just that: being a fan of the character and not the show he's in. Case in point: Bryan has been shoehorned into the SummerSlam main event because of his popularity, but the storyline hardly backs it up.
This wouldn't hold water on a daytime soap opera.
They need to unify those "World" titles in the worst way. Well, they needed to do it years ago, but ya know
ReplyDeleteHe is below John Cena. Everyone is below John Cena.
ReplyDeleteVickie Guerrero has grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit for Eddie, right? Blackmail of that sort is really the only possible explanation for her continued presence.
ReplyDeleteHe's definitely a #2.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Bryan is currently a Level 2 but Vince will do anything to make sure he's Level 4 after Summerslam.
ReplyDeletePart time legend is Level 1. And switch WHC and MITB.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, any WWE character who gets intimately involved with AJ is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteThe Miz was laying it on so thick in his segment with Heyman, I thought they were going to turn him and have him join Heyman's crew. ("You're deplorable, and you're exactly who I need to get to the top of this business.") Which makes me wonder: Do you think Heyman's crew should only consist of guys who need Heyman to talk for them, like Lesnar and Axel? Is it "wasting" a good mic worker (like Miz) to put him with Heyman?
ReplyDeleteIf Vince really hated Bryan so much, he wouldn't let him main event SummerSlam in the first place, let alone give Bryan the sustained push he's had for the last few months.
ReplyDeleteThus why Big E kissed her on the forehead. "You're my friend. And that is as far as it's going because you are INSANE."
ReplyDeleteBut...dem abs.
ReplyDeleteADR is a better worker than Ziggler.
ReplyDeleteAnd your proof of this is what exactly?
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't add anyone without subtracting another. Heyman is excellent but I don't want the show to become oversaturated with him and make him less effective.
ReplyDeleteHAving Miz with Heyman would make people hate him again though which would go better than this face run.
I could see that in the ring but as far as character goes it's no comparison.
ReplyDeleteOr let him go into Wrestlemania as a world champion.
ReplyDeleteWell, you could say Heyman's next addition would be the replacement for Punk, unless Axel is actually Punk's replacement. I think giving Heyman two full-timers (Axel + Miz or Big Show) and one part-timer (Lesnar) works, especially if one of the full-timers is a midcarder.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember now since I was a kid then, but how many wrestlers would guys like Jimmy Hart, Bobby Heenan and Mr. Fuji manage at the same time?
My cat does not like Vickie at all.
ReplyDeleteThat's the one feature you choose to point out?
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I dig her kneecaps.
Ziggler's a goober.
ReplyDeleteLets look him over.
Loses a majority of his matches. Wins MiTB. Retains MiTB with help of AJ. Wins some matches with help of AJ and Big E (and still manages to lose a good deal of them). Cashes in on crippled ADR (and still almost loses). Gets kicked in head and gets a concussion. Loses first title defense completely clean. Makes racist jokes. Loses (again) and blames his girlfriend who was trying to prevent him from getting horribly injured again (and is also the only reason he's had what little success he's had).
Dolph is inconsiderate, racist, delusional and a loser.
Undertaker is like the Spy in Stratego. He only exceeds John Cena on one night per year.
ReplyDeleteNo more than 3-4 guys, IIRC. Stables didn't get huge until the nWo.
ReplyDeleteAnd Show doesn't really need Heyman. Know who does? Barrett. (He's not a bad promo or anything, but he could be seen as being just as "young and hungry" as Axel.)
You guys are all idiots. Have you seen her knuckles? Talk about fap.
ReplyDeleteShe has the hottest philtrum I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry KB, this douche is a nihilist.
ReplyDeleteHeyman could use a monster tag team. Give him two big guys with power moves and no Mic skills. It's like peanut butter and jelly. He needs bodyguards/enforcers who can appear on every show.
ReplyDeleteBy all rational criteria, AJ is the face here.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about the elbows, dude. I don't dig her elbows. She's out.
ReplyDeleteHeenan used to manage a ton of guys at the same time. At one point he had Andre, Haku, the Brain Busters, Barbarian and Rude in The Heenan Family.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that she does. No one forced Eddie to take what he was taking.
ReplyDeleteOr he could have a mad forehead fetish.
ReplyDeleteSo, going from challenging for the world title on two straight PPVs to feuding with your bodyguard is a big upgrade? I don't think so, despite your reasoning about developing character or whatever.
ReplyDeleteADR is like your anti-Angle. Logic and rationality have long since disappeared when it comes to your opinion.
ReplyDeleteAnd being a better worker would mean he'd need to be better all around, and he's not. Ziggler is the best bumper and seller in the business.
For point of comparison, how many main events did Cena wrestle on Smackdown this year? At least one less than Taker....
ReplyDeleteIt's called sarcasm that is my proof. Don't take things so literally!
ReplyDelete;plus the ziggler vs adr matches were really good
ReplyDeleteI thought it was the most heated world title feud since Sheamus/Bryan last year, I'm disappointed they aren't having the final blow-off at Summerslam, although the direction they are going at least makes sense.
ReplyDeleteGiven the value of that title at the moment and how Del Rio can drag anyone down to his level, yeah I'd see it as an upgrade.
ReplyDeleteWhen did anyone stop hating Miz?
ReplyDeleteI don't think he's as bad as he's made out to be. His heel stuff wasn't bad at all. The face run is horrendous though.
ReplyDeleteI just disagree completely. Del Rio is awesome. The title doesn't mean anything argument is tired. Get over the fact that the World Title is not the same level as it should/use to be. It's not going to change. Its essentially the IC title at this point. All that being said, feuding with a guy whos had maybe a dozen national TV matches instead of challenging for the World TItle is not an upgrade.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather watch Langston than Del Rio any day. Del Rio has done the same schtick for years now and I'd like something new. Langston at least amuses me at times and will mix things up a bit.
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding right? She gets one of the biggest heel reactions every night.
ReplyDeleteThe IC Title is above the World Title at this point, basically because the guy who manages Brock Lesnar also manages the champ.
ReplyDeleteJust for Heyman managing the IC Champ I'd put the IC Title above the World Title.
ReplyDeleteBumper, maybe. Seller, no. He does not change how he wrestles because of the injuries he's accrued. That's what selling is all about.
ReplyDeleteHey, I like Ziggler, but to say he's a better worker than ADR is just wrong. Ziggler has charisma and athleticism and technical chops, but ADR beats him out in terms of intensity and psychology, and that's what wrestling is all about.
P.S. Angle sucks.
That's not sarcasm...
ReplyDeleteIn '86-'87 Jimmy Hart had The Hart Foundation, Danny Davis, The Funk Brothers (w Jimmy Jack), Adrian Adonis, the HonkyTonk Man and the Glamour Girls.
ReplyDeleteIf anything the WWE should sue Vickie.. If I had to hear that voice every morning, I'd take a shitload of drugs too.