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The SmarK RAW Rant–07.15.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 07.15.13

Live from Brooklyn, NY, which I guess is a big enough market to where they’ll admit to coming from there.

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL

Brad Maddox joins us to start the Brad Maddox Era, but is quickly interrupted by John Cena. Maddox announces that Cena will get to choose who gets the title shot at Summerslam, which gives us some Cena comedy. Randy Orton and his briefcase interrupt, but he doesn’t want a title shot until Cena least expects it. Fandango joins us next, crazy over as a babyface for some reason, but Orton attacks him to set up…

Randy Orton v. Fandango

We’re joined in progress after a break, as they brawl on the floor and Orton suplexes him onto the railing. Back in, Fandango takes over with a neck vice while the crowd amuses themselves with various chants while Orton escapes and pounds away in the corner. They brawl outside again and Fandango sends him into the stairs as we take another break. Back with Fandango holding that neck vice again, but Orton fights out again and they end up on top for a superplex while the crowd does the wave. Fandango goes up as you’d think they’d just go home already and take the hint. Orton finally hits the draping DDT and finishes with the RKO at 13:13. This was ridiculously long, but the crowd messing with Orton was pretty fun. *1/2

Meanwhile, Dolph Ziggler breaks up with AJ.

Mark Henry joins us in another sharp suit, and the crowd gives him shit for tapping out. Henry agrees with them, but he wants to get the shot at Summerslam regardless. The Shield interrupts him and then beats the shit out of him for whatever perceived slight against them that occurred, and although Henry holds his own he succumbs to the triple powerbomb, which is pretty awesome. So there you go, Mark Henry’s babyface turn.

Meanwhile, Chris Jericho meets up with GM Brad (“What is that shirt, an extra-Medium?”) and gets booked against RVD.

Alberto Del Rio v. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler with a dropkick for two, and a neckbreaker gets two. Ziggler drops the 10 elbows and the crowd is hip to the deal right away. That’s good solid babyface spot to get him over. Del Rio gets a cheapshot and takes over with an inverted superplex for two. Del Rio chokes him out, but the crowd rallies Ziggler back and he hits a clothesline before charging and landing on the floor. We take a break and return with Del Rio in control with a backdrop suplex. The superkick misses, but he still faceplants Ziggler before getting caught with a tornado DDT that gets two. They slug it out and Del Rio wins that one, but misses a charge and both guys are down. Del Rio recovers first with a german suplex for two. He tries the armbar, but Ziggler reverses to a neckbreaker for two. Ziggler is still hurt, so Del Rio hits an enzuigiri for two. He hangs Ziggler in the Tree of Woe and pounds away, but Dolph bridges up to escape a charge and hits the fameasser for two…and AJ rings the bell. Dolph is distracted by this, so Del Rio superkicks and pins him at 14:38. I sense that dumping the crazy chick may have been a bad idea. In my experience, you’re best to do the cold and distant passive aggression thing until she breaks up with you because she’s sick of your bullshit, and that way you don’t have blood on your hands and she thinks it’s her idea. Anyway, Big E hits the ring and destroys Dolph, which is a much more interesting program anyway. Call this ***, just like last night.

R-Truth is out for a match that’s never decided, as the Wyatt Family joins us for a beatdown and Bray preaches the gospel. Truth returns with a chair and Bray gives him a chance at a free shot and then they beat the shit out of him again. I don’t know what it meant, but I LIKED IT.

The Real Americans v. The Usos

Jesus, my plasma screen is having burn-in issues as it is, and the Usos’ neon green tights are NOT gonna help matters. An Uso gets caught in the corner as Cesaro hits the gutwrench and double-stomp, but it’s over to the other Uso with a bodypress for two. Cesaro gets another throw, but the Uso reverses into a rollup for the pin at 2:20. Nothing here. *

Damien Sandow v. Christian

Sandow runs away and manages to shove Christian to the floor, which gets two for him. He pounds away in the corner, but Christian gets a tornado DDT for two. He goes up with a high cross for two and then a back elbow off the middle rope, but Sandow blocks the Killswitch and tries the Elbow of Disdain, which Christian reverses for the pin at 3:10. And HEEEEEERE’S Cody for the sneak attack to cement his turn. Not sure why Sandow goes right back to losing, but it was quick and fine. **

Naomi v. Brie Bella

Brie gets some kicks, but Naomi dumps her, only to fall victim to Bella cheating. Brie tosses her around and goes to a chinlock that goes on FOREVER before Naomi makes the comeback and bored fans amuse themselves again. Naomi finishes with a high cross at 4:09 of awful. DUD

CM Punk is out to open the third hour and hopefully get this ship straightened out again. And he’s calling out BROCK LESNAR. Paul Heyman answers instead, and gives Punk the tough love answer: He failed Paul when he couldn’t beat Undertaker, and even worse he thought of himself as better than PAUL HEYMAN. He gets personal by pointing out that Punk has no real family and craves affection from the crowd to make up for that. And really, he can’t beat Lesnar, so Heyman dumped him. This makes Punk good and pissed off, and he’s gonna get EVERYONE associated with Heyman and kill them real good. Heyman seems nervous about this threat, but then Brock comes out and it’s gonna be clobbering time. Punk, however, is not in the mood to be clobbered and fights back, until taking an F5 on the table. This is the pedigree of pro wrestling of which I am a fan. Fantastic stuff. Punk and Heyman had personal issues with each other which can only be settled by men fighting like men in a wrestling ring because THEY FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER.

Meanwhile, The McMahon-Helmsley Regime harass Brad Maddox about letting Cena pick his own opponent, specifically if Cena picks the guy everyone thinks he’ll pick.

Rob Van Dam v. Chris Jericho

Rob wins a brief battle and stops to POINT! TO! SELF!, which has the crowd declaring that he’s still got it. That’s what convinced them? Spinkick puts Jericho down and he follows with a monkey flip and a standing moonsault for two. Jericho catches him with an enzuigiri to take over as we take a break. Back with Jericho catapulting RVD for two. What bump was Rob supposed to be taking there? Baseball slide puts Rob on the floor, and they fight over a suplex on the apron. Rob wins that battle and gets two off a spinkick. They do some awkward mat wrestling and Jericho powerbombs him for two. Jericho misses a dropkick and Rob tries Rolling Thunder, but Jericho bails to escape. So RVD hits him with a moonsault off the apron and we take ANOTHER break. Back with Van Dam putting him down with a spinkick in the corner, but Jericho comes back and misses the Lionsault. Rolling Thunder gets two for RVD. Jericho with a DDT for two. Jericho tries the Walls, but Rob escapes and superkicks him. Jericho tries a bulldog and gets sent into the corner, but the moonsault misses and Jericho hits the Lionsault for two. Rob puts him down again and goes up, but Jericho brings him down and fights for a superplex. Rob wins that one and hits a flying senton for two. Rob tries a rana, which is reversed to the Walls, but Rob’s all good and bloody now and mans up to make the ropes. They slug it out and RVD puts him down with another kick and goes up, finishing with the frog splash at 23:23. This was something pretty special to top off a pretty great show. ****1/4

John Cena is here to make his choice of challenger, which has the entire roster at the entrance waiting to hear. So Cena asks the fans what match they’d like to see, and the crowd is already hip to the room before he even gets to the punchline as they chant for Daniel Bryan. So Cena names guys before finally leading up to Daniel Bryan as his choice. So there’s your main event, and they actually manipulated it so that the fans feel empowered and get to rocket push “their guy”. That’s pretty great. Hopefully they don’t fuck it up.

The Pulse

Wow, I was joking around when I said Punk might save things in the third hour, and in fact we got one of the most incredible hours of RAW in history out of it. What a great weekend to be a wrestling fan this was.


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 16, 2013 at 12:37 AM

    Statler: “Loyalty, hustle, respect! Do you believe in any of that nonsense?”

    Waldorf: “Just the hustle.”

    Statler: “Oh yeah?”

    Waldorf: “Yeah! As soon as RAW is on my TV, I hustle to the remote!”


  2. Now if they can just bust Raw back down to a one hour show we'll be ready for another surge in business and quality content!

  3. CM Punk and Brock Lesnar brawling around the ring for a few minutes was 4 stars, I can't even imagine what a real match between them is going to be like.

  4. WWE may be changing. Although Sandow's MITB win led to an expected loss, Orton won his match the night after winning MITB! Typically, anyone who has a title shot coming up jobs like crazy leading up to it.

    Oh, and Bray Wyatt is Husky Harris.

  5. Bill Simmons has mentioned many times that teams should hire a VP of common sense. WWE should do the same thing. They should just hire a guy and say, "Your idea doesn't make any sense; why should that option happen?"

    For example on this show, they would wonder:
    1) Why is Sandow losing to Christian? He should have lost due to Cody interfering or just have Sandow beating Christian.

    2) Why is the shield attacking Mark henry for no reason?

  6. They wouldn't be so cruel as to have Bryan win at Summerslam, only to have Orton cash in on him right away, would they?

  7. I didn't really like the RVD/Y2J match as it seemed like RVD was moving in slow motion and was blown up right from the start, just about. It felt like Jericho was wrestling himself a lot of the time.I don;'t watch TNA so can anyone tell me if this is better than he was in TNA, worse, or the same?

  8. I'd rather watch slow motion than two guys going at 200% speed not selling anything.

  9. Way better. To say that TNA RVD was mailing it in was an understatement. Everything about TNA RVD was 2nd rate from his workrate, to storylines, even his theme music was 2nd rate.

    I agree that it wasn't a **** match but so far in 2 matches for WWE he's put forth more effort than he has in his 3 years combined in TNA.

  10. They wouldn't be so cruel as to have Punk win at Summerslam, only to have Alberto Del Rio cash in on him right away, would they?

  11. Damn that was an amazing Raw.

    RVD vs. Jericho was fantastic. I didn't see much of RVD's TNA run but I wouldn't be surprised if that was his best match in years. Special stuff. Especially following the first commercial break. When the crowd hit the first "This is Awesome" chant I thought let's slow down, it's been nice but let's not whore out this is awesome. Then by the end I was agreeing with the crowd.

    Punk/Heyman/Lesnar segment. Brock got to look like a destructive monster and Punk didn't have to take his dick out and swing it to show how badass he is. He fought but he took a beating.

    Wyatt Family segment. My favorite entrance in Pro Wrestling. Another great segment. I'm glad WWE actually had Bray get physical and cut a promo. I'm very much in on the Wyatt family and I'm actually looking forward to next week just so I can see what Bray'll be up to.

    The final segment was dynamite(had to dig into my mental thesaurus because there was a lot of good) The fans wanted Bryan and the segment was set up to prove that. I have NO illusions of Bryan beating Cena, or making him tap out, or even leaving LA with the championship. But the fact is, he's in that spot. WWE is confident enough in him to put him in the main event(unless Punk/Brock headlines) and they were confident enough to know the fans would "vote" him in as well. Great stuff all around.

  12. Randy Orton being Randy Orton > Randy Orton being MITB briefcase holder

  13. Vince would fire the guy after one week. :p

  14. So at Summerslam we've got Lesnar/Punk and Bryan/Cena. I've got just 6 words for the E' right now:

  15. I swear on Paul Heyman's children, that will never happen.

  16. True story, they had a writer who was big into continuity and Steph basically called him a dork until he left.

    The little things are nice, like RVD should have been REAL mad at Randy Orton, instead of politely standing around waiting for the MITB ladder match to start.

  17. But what if Bryan has his moment, Orton cashes in...and then LOSES?

  18. Personally I can't tell either of them apart. Since both of them are pretty boring.

  19. RVD doesn't get mad at anyone

  20. I honestly think that could be his "beat the Rock and Austin in the same night" moment.

    I don't think it would ever happen (either half of it honestly) but that would be the ultimate stamp of approval from Vince.

  21. Thank you for giving RVD vs. Jericho ****1/4.

  22. The ole' "downvote in less than 30 seconds."

    Harsh, guy.

  23. After watching that closing segment again, I have come to the conclusion that Daniel Bryan is the second coming of Randy Savage. Insane worker who is almost incapable of having a bad match, bizarre persona that connects with audiences across all demographics, universally respected by his peers, and possesses a pretty rocking beard.

  24. That's what I thought WWE's logic was when I read that Orton was winning the MITB, my immediate thought was they were gonna do Orton/Bryan/Cena triple threat.

  25. Ah so there's hope he might improve then. And CS, I agree, no-selling at ludicrous speed is bad but this felt like RVD was having to stop and breathe between moves frequently. It didn't feel like he was at normal speed yet. Maybe he just needs to knock off the ring rust first.

  26. "He liked a match we didn't like! FUCK HIM!" -- idiots on here

  27. I think he means that Bryan beats Cena, then Orton attempts to cash-in and Bryan beats him as well.

  28. Bill Simmons says *lots* of things.



  30. how does kane fit into the whole megapowers theory then?

  31. Yeah, I got that.

  32. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 16, 2013 at 1:52 AM

    Yeah, RVD's definitely putting in a far better effort than he ever did with Dixie and co. This was his best singles match since ECW ONS IMO.

    Ick, too many acronyms.

  33. To the guy who downvoted all my comments out of petty weirdness : YOU MISSED THIS ONE DICKHEAD

  34. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 16, 2013 at 1:53 AM

    You know when he's mad when there's a slight inflection when he says "Duuuuuuude".

  35. So with the best big guy in the business, and the best small guy in the business, I'd expect nothing less than MOTY from Punk-Lesnar, and I have to think that Punk at least knows that this is another real chance to steal the show and make the WWE look silly for not booking him in the main event. Not that I agree he should be, I just get that vibe from him that he's out to be the talking point of every PPV he fights on regardless of how high or low on it he is.

  36. maybe they downvoted your comments because they didn't agree with you?

  37. They disagreed with like, 15 comments? Some of which were pretty neutral?

    Pretty suspicious, you guys.





  41. I downvoted you just to make sure that other guy didn't feel bad about being singled out.

    *hulks up*

  43. Sorry, kid. I don't think you're going to tear your Hulk underoos by flexing.


  45. Don't forget the masculine, voice-cracking-as-you-hit-puberty growl.

  46. 10 times the money = 10 times the effort! That's how capitalism works!



  48. Re: RVD Jericho -

  49. Paul Heyman's kids really ought to be the new legal standard for truthiness.

  50. Scott Keith: "This match... *weeps*... is what I've been looking for my whole life. *****1/4!"

  51. An extra digit in ones pay will do that.

  52. But CM Punk has all of that AND the elbow drop.

  53. I seriously want a stable with Heyman, Axel, Lesnar and RVD. Yeah I know, RVD's perpetually a face, but it's funny that he's in with the heels and is too high to care.

    Then to complete it, bring back Rhyno so I can hear GORE! GORE! GORE! again.

  54. That was 13 years ago. Bush won fair and square. Let it go, man...

  55. " And HEEEEEERE’S Cody for the sneak attack to cement his turn."

    So...Cody is a heel again?

  56. Then you should check out Heroes of Wrestling.


  58. And NEEEEEWWWW WWE Champion, Yoenis Cespedes!

  59. I freaked out tonight.



  60. Just for the record, I'm a big fan of... like, NOT Hulkamania.

  61. How is he going to make them look silly for not booking him in the main event, when he's booked in the main event? Granted that's not because of him, but Brock goes on last unless the Rock is there.

  62. To be fair, Kane is a much better worker than Zeus. But Zeus was awesome in Friday.

  63. Only thing that would scare me is that Punk is a big MMA mark and Brock obviously works that style. So maybe Punk outthinks himself in planning the match. I think if Brock is on and they worked more of a straight wrestling match, it could be incredible. He's got a guy who can sell all of his shit and isn't booked to be an invincible superhero.

  64. Northeast crowds may try to rattle Randy Orton, but truthfully, the guy is money as a babyface.

    Hell, even last night when he was setting up for the RKO he was getting mad, Hogan in the 80s-esque reactions.

  65. I was sitting up in the cheep seats of the Barclays Center last night, and I was pretty happy being there live last night. I was worried about the show and the crowd when it kicked off with Fandango and Randy Orton - the crowd started a wave 25 minutes into the show and the match was ridiculously boring - but the Mark Henry-Shield segment saved the show after that.

    Definitely a smark crowd from sitting up in Section 227 (both the Titan Tron and the screens above the ring were blocked, so we actually relied on the ring, just like old times), but at least there were no big "Husky Harris" chants when the Wyatt Family came out.

    Absolutely a great time in Brooklyn, and I hope they come back for Raw again sometime soon.

  66. RVD could have spent five minutes doing nothing but that spinning pointing to himself thing he does and he would have been over huge last night. I was getting a bit bored with the match, too, but like others have said, it was was much better RVD than TNARVD and the crowd absolutely went BATSHIT the entire match. It was pretty awesome.

  67. I don't know ... something about three backwoods hillbillies beating up R-Truth, and The Shield beating up Mark Henry (I know Reigns isn't White, but he could pass) ... so close to the Martin-Zimmerman verdict ... just didn't smell good. If the Prime Time Players had won the rigged app contest to face the "Real Americans," I would've been convinced the show had gone from unfortunate bad timing to intentionally making a statement.
    And Truth's hairline has gone beyond LeBron territory. He needs a big headband.

  68. I don't want to assume anything regarding the main event. considering that Brock is probably going over, they might decide to end the show with a babyface win, which is win/win for Cena/Bryan.

  69. The one phrase that would make Cena/Bryan the greatest thing ever:

    "Accompanied to the ring by AJ Lee and Big E Langston..."

  70. I'm surprised they haven't brought back Rhyno. That dude is ripped to the gills, you'd think they'd be all over him. Of course he's probably a walking Wellness violation.

  71. I've always wanted to see them do that, have a MitB winner tease joining a match part way through to cash in. It'd be like a weird triangle match where both guys are only trying to pin the champ.

  72. Awesome show (and an awesome ppv last night), and I continue to be perversely entertained by the huge pops Randy Orton gets (no matter the city), followed by people on this blog insisting the man isn't over. You can hate him all you want, but you can't deny the fact that everyone (men, women and children) loves the guy, and therefore he should be featured prominently.

  73. Love that about this blog. The guy gets MASSIVE pops and people on here write paragraphs about why doesn't Vince just drop him already.

  74. Big Show has been at the "analyst" table for at least the last two PPVs ... is he being groomed for an announcing gig when his in-ring days are over? I'm assuming Show will be a face when he comes back, but I think he'd be interesting as a Paul Heyman guy; an indestructible enforcer for Heyman who will be able to work more often than Brock.

  75. Kane is Elizabeth.

  76. Well, this time around they need to get a cell phone jammer as to keep anyone from getting any txts.

  77. I love how in the live thread people were making "2002" jokes about RVD and Jericho and then they go tear shit up and have a great match.

  78. While there is a fair bit of Orton hate, I'd be worried about him getting his 3rd Wellness strike right before/after winning the WWE title, IF he's cashing in successfully.

  79. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonJuly 16, 2013 at 6:02 AM

    "In my experience, you’re best to do the cold and distant passive aggression thing until she breaks up with you because she’s sick of your bullshit, and that way you don’t have blood on your hands and she thinks it’s her idea."

    In my experience you move without telling her.

  80. Michael Cole saying ‘does anyone get any higher?’ During the replay of the 5-Star Frog Splash was pretty damn funny

  81. Couple quick thoughts...Maddox ain't bad as a tv presence. Sure his character needs to evolve but it did feel a little fresh.

    Fuck, Bray can talk.

    Asked this in the thread last night, who does a loss hurt more...a 2-2 Brock or Punk coming off losses to Rock, Cena, UT? Don't think they can book a nondecisive finish in the Summerslam main event.

    I'm just as glad they're going with Cena/Bryan as everyone else, but did it seen strange the way they got there? Why not have Bryan win a 4 way or something instead of just having Cena choose him? Seemed strange.

  82. I've always wanted them to cash in mid match as well... but wouldn't that make it its own separate match? That would be a great heel thing... someone cashes in mid match and wins the title... and the original match must continue which the challenger ends up winning, but now doesn't get to be champion. Instant new feud!

  83. The reaction Brock Lesnar gets when that entrance music hits is a thing of beauty. It's a blend of pop, heat, and gasp that comes basically comes off as the audience collectively saying "OH SHIT! HERE COMES TROUBLE!"

  84. So basically the Wyatt family are just a shield re-paint? Three guys come out, beat up somebody, babble about the world of philosophy or something, explain nothing and leave. I guess in six months they'll have the tag and ic titles? I'm honestly asking, because it really seems like exactly the same.

  85. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 16, 2013 at 6:12 AM

    Great Raw! Punk vs Heyman/Lesner is gonna be a blood feud, and everyone HAD to be smiling when Bryan was standing on the ropes leading the YES chant.
    I agree with a comment from last nights Raw thread in that the random chants by the fans have gotten old. However they can still chant for Randy Savage anytime they want :)

  86. I can see the comparison but Wyatt eventually is going to "brainwash" dudes into following his teaching and add members to the group. Seems like Kane's going to be the first.

    The dynamic of Bray being the clear cut leader gives it a different dynamic then the Shield also.

  87. Have they given the other two names yet?

  88. Are they going with Ziggler vs. Del Rio again at SummerSlam? If they're not, and Ziggler is moving on to feud with Big E, who's next for Del Rio? Jericho or Sheamus would make sense.

  89. Husky & Harris? Cole can wonder why the fans are cheering for them when they're trying to act smart.

  90. I guess Christian had Toothless Aggression last night

  91. Why can't they make themes like that anymore? Enough of this One Direction crap..

  92. No idea, bet its Sheamus. Or they just completely forget about the World title for a few more weeks.

  93. Just watched that Punk/Heyman/Lesnar segment. So fucking awesome. That alone made the show.

  94. Speaking of themes, am I the only one who thinks Main Event Mafia has the worst theme on TV right now? And they're supposed to be, you know, main eventers! TNA needs to remix that thing ASAP.

  95. I'm not even sure what The Shield is at this point. I like them and everything, I just don't get the logic behind their "justice" sometimes. What did Christian do to deserve his beatdown a few weeks ago? What did Henry do last night? Or is The Shield just a crew of crazies who attack anybody whenever they feel like it?

  96. I really hope that they're grooming Maddox to be a Bischoff-type General Manager, considering I would bet he was only put in that role for his resemblance to a certain former head of WCw.

  97. I think it's going to become a 3-way thing, Big E wanting to take Zigglers #1 contender spot and such

  98. I think they are just taking out guys who have been in the WWE for a while that were "holding back" the new guys from taking over.

  99. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan

  100. Just googled it.. Yuck!! Sounds like a closing credits scene from one of those 90's street fighting arcade games.. Who makes these crappy songs? There's like a million up and coming music producers ont he 'net that would kill for their song to be used in TNA and they pick this crap??

  101. And the one great TNA theme isn't being used right now and belongs to the terrible Ken Anderson.

  102. He's rehabbing a torn labrum at the moment.

  103. Punk and Bryan are so different personality wise though. They are both great and both fit that sorta mold. I think of Punk more like the Austin, take no crap shit kicker, whose always serious unless it's at the expense of his opponent.

  104. When did they say that?

  105. Well I guess your right they haven't named them on anything other than NXT

  106. I do think you saw a template last night -- Punk will do a lot of HBK-style bumping.

  107. Except when he "didn't like" Steve 2001.

  108. Well after watching that show I had to get on the internet...not to bitch about the show, but to buy tickets to summerslam!!!! 2nd year in a row baby!

  109. It shows how lazy they are. You come up with one great idea for a segment, and just beat into the ground for 3 months straight.

    I'm willing to bet they have no long term plan for either group.

  110. I must admit, I kinda like Anderson's theme music too. In theory at least, if not execution.

  111. It's a great pump up the crowd, face charging in music, I think it had a lot to do with Anderson being over for a bit.

  112. Fandango and Swagger prove they still got
    it, Wyatt family and Sandow prove they can still rip appropriate music from others.

  113. I like that they manipulated it to let the fans feel empowered that they picked "their guy", but in general I thought that was a mighty lame way to set up the Summerslam ME...Cena just goes out and picks somebody more or less at random. I'm sure Bryan will do a ton of shit to give the match some emotion and drama behind it leading up to the show, but still...this felt pretty thrown together last minute. Bryan's in the main event though so huzzah!

    I don't really want a face Henry, I like him better as an unstoppable monster, but they don't really know how to book one of those properly & they have too many strong heels now so I get it. And lest I sound like a total downer, that little mini-vignette Bray did before walking down the ramp where he held the lantern and said "We're here." was just CHILLING. On the mic he's still a lot of words with not a lot of cohesion (that'll get better I'm sure), but the little things they do with him like that and the quick flashes of creepy goat mask they do before they go to commercial are just magnificent.

  114. Again, group think or GTFO!

  115. I think they were trying to rebuild the Shield into a threat last night with the attack on Mark Henry. If this was 20-30 years ago, that attack would have been used to write Henry off the program for a while. Is he taking more time off?

  116. When I watched the segment on DVR this morning, I'm pretty sure I heard Cole refer to them as Harper and Rowen when they were attacking Truth.

  117. It's gotta be against popular opinion, but I think it's better long term to pull Brock/Punk from Summerslam and replace with Punk/Axel or better yet Punk/new Heyman guy. Heyman just set himself up as the new Hennan with a stable of guys protecting him from Punk. He needs to throw everybody in Punk's way, with Brock being the big bad last obstacle before Punk gets his five minutes in a cage with Heyman. Set up three domino guys between now and then, with Brock running interference to stop Punk from winning every month...Brock/Punk in a cage at WMXXX, Punk wins and gets the old school five minutes alone with Heyman as his reward.

  118. It's gotta be Ziggler-Langston at SummerSlam, no?

    Del Rio probably moves into a feud with Sheamus, although I wouldn't mind Del Rio-RVD. That could be fun.

  119. Who would down vote this? "YOU ENJOYED YOURSELF YOU PRICK!!!"

  120. I seem to have gotten a few down votes in this thread and another one where I mentioned I was going to Raw yesterday.

  121. Wow, that B-Rad sure made a better show!

  122. In my experience the crazy ones are usually a beast in the sack and the WHC means dick, and you always lose anyway so you hang onto her and just deal with the crazy.

  123. The amazing thing about Daniel Bryan is that he wasn't on the show until the last minute of the third hour and the crowd still went absolutely batshit crazy.
    He's got one month to sell Summerslam, at some point he will have to cut his money promo. None of this Bellas crap, talk about his journey and this is his moment, etc.

  124. Great show all around. Something a bit odd, however, was the crowd behavior during the Jericho/RVD match. They would pop huge for the spots, start the occasional chant, but then would go several minutes in absolute silence. You could hear a pin drop at certain points of that match. Strange.

    And I'm glad to see that all is right with the world and Cesaro and Sandow are back to doing three-minute jobs on TV, and that Swagger is still completely useless.

    And thank GOD they didn't swerve us on Cena picking Bryan. That crowd might have rioted. I just hope when Bryan wins the title he gets an actual reign before Orton cashes in and ruins everything.

    And I'm starting to wonder if perchance Sandow is going to put his MITB up against Cody Rhodes at Summerslam.

    Overall, terrific show and I didn't really dislike anything.

  125. The only problem? ONE heel win. The Americans should have either beaten the Usos or not wrestled them and beaten another team.

  126. Now THAT is a great idea.

  127. Well, it appears that WWE wants to build the Usos into something special, culminating the tag belts at some point. Hence, jobbing them to the Real Americans doesn't make sense. If you want to build the Real Americans up, feed them PTP or 3MB for a little while.

  128. The nice thing about Maddox is that, inasmuch as the crowd has no vested interest in him yet, he can build his own character and develop his own heat. The whole living with him mom thing has great comedy potential.

    Unfortunately, this is probably leading to a horrible comedy match against Vickie with the RAW GM job on the line.

  129. Absolutely. I'd have had the Usos beat established choads (tm Frankie Kazarian) while the Americans do the same in parallel. Usos win the titles, boom instant challengers.


  131. Yeah I don't get it. Jealousy?

  132. Not to mention Big E.'s theme as well

  133. Well there was only one face win the night before at the pay per view

  134. I wonder if the number of down votes would decrease if they listed who down voted you...

  135. Without a doubt

  136. I personally thought Jericho/RVD was slow and plodding with some 'nostalgia' spots thrown in. I couldn't get into it at all.

    The Punk/Heyman segment was WONDERFUL though.

  137. Kip Frey.

  138. B-Rad Maddox < B-Rad from Workaholics

  139. I can't wait for the "Don't Hinder Jinder" T-Shirts in the WWE Shopzone!!!

  140. Christian is Canadian - Shield hates Canada.

    Mark Henry hasn't shaved in a while - Shield hates lazy people who don't use razors.

    I'm available for all booking meetings.

  141. " Rob tries a rana, which is reversed to the Walls, but Rob’s all good and bloody now and mans up to make the ropes."

    Wait, when did they start allowing this again?

  142. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonJuly 16, 2013 at 8:21 AM

    Yes. They ride you like no tomorrow. But then you piss them off and all hell breaks loos.

  143. (Pictured: Me and WWE)

  144. I feel like an idiot for just realizing Bray Wyatt was talking to Kane the entire time during his promo, which I thought was just philosophical ramblings with no direction by WWE creative:

    "They been lying to you, man. There ain't no such thing as a hero, not anymore. But you... you and you and you and you... have become addicted to the illusion of what a hero is. You've become addicted to the illusion of what a hero does for you. You think you need someone to pat you on the back. You think you need someone to tuck you in bed at night and kiss you on the cheek and tell you that everything is alright. But everything... everything... everything... everything is not alright. What if I was to tell you that the man who made you is a liar. What if I was to tell you that your own flesh and blood turned his back on you. I would never turn my back on you. And maybe... maybe the answers you seek have been slapping you right in the face. Or maybe, just maybe, I, Bray Wyatt, the eater of worlds, have been the answer all along. [Reenter R-Truth.] You are not the truth we seek. Kane, follow the buzzards."

    Much different than the Shield, the Wyatt family is recruiting Kane and maybe more to their cult. Kane joins their cult, goes back to his mute monster character, and you have the intimidating monster to give the stable more kayfabe physical credibility, not just a bunch of hillbillies who ramble nonsensically. Maybe add some other guys who need a repackaging after Kane. I think it's a great direction.

  145. The staples on his head from MitB just opened up, that's all. It was inevitable.

  146. Maybe. But this seems to happen about once a month. Someone with multiple accounts goes nutso with the downvotes and picks on people without even reading the post (like, placing a downvote within 5 seconds of the post). We're better off just ignoring it.

  147. OK, realizing it was a statement directed at Kane does make it a lot better...I too thought it was just a bunch of words he was spitting out, eloquent as he may be. At the end though I would've had him say "Kane...follow the sound of my voice." with that creepy smile on his face.

  148. I think he mentions his kids repeatedly just to prove he is not a virgin.

  149. CAPS LOCK MAN, BITCHESSSSSJuly 16, 2013 at 8:43 AM








  150. seems like gibberish to me

  151. Hey downvoter have fun watching Cena vs Bryan on a stream at your shitty house. I'll be there live

  152. my longest relationship is only a year as well

  153. I am honored to now be a part of this club. Let the down votes commence!

  154. The shield are just asshole heels that beat people down. Mark Henry was out there acting like a big time star and people are intimidated by then so they came out and fucked him out. That segment was fantastic

  155. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 16, 2013 at 8:50 AM

    It definitely has the trappings of gibberish, but I think the message —once you realize it's directed at Kane— is pretty clear. Kane's spent the last year trying to be the hero, against the Shield and such. He's been wrapped up in caring about his little buddy D-Bry, patting him on the back and hugging it out and such.

    Paul Bearer was a liar. The Undertaker is never there to help him. JOIN THE WYATT FAMILY.

    It all makes sense.

  156. NOT fair and square but yes we should let it go

  157. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 16, 2013 at 8:57 AM

    So I was at the show last night, and holy crap the Punk-Heyman-Lesnar segment was just one of the best wrestling things I've ever seen. What made it great was that the crowd was just 100% wrapped up in what was happening— just total legit mark behavior in the best sense. People absolutely loved Punk, and HATED Heyman. Not like "Wow, Heyman is doing such a great job at playing a heel" observational shit. No, this was a visceral old school "we hate this bad guy and we want to see him get his ass kicked" feeling.

    Christ, when Heyman started in on the "you have no family" stuff, you could feel the crowd wanting to jump in the ring and get Punk's back. Then times that by 1000 when lesnar hit the ring.

    Just a goddamn clinic in what a great artform pro wrestling can be at it's best. You had 15,000 people completely buying in, and cheering their hero against a villain. Can't say enough how great that was.

  158. One thing that stuck out to me about the RVD/Jericho match that I liked was that both guys seemed exhausted after the first 12-15 minutes. To me, that made it more believable. These are older guys spending all of their energy to win a match. It's refreshing and realistic. I can, and love to, watch Cena/Punk repeatedly. But they seem they could go for 3 hours and never seem tired or hurt after their match is over. To me, that takes away from its believability.

  159. I'm down with that! Everyone should get a taste of Jinder Ale!

  160. The reports of the Shield's demise were grossly exaggerated, and we got the Cena/Bryan match we all wanted, good night!

  161. The Shield was pretty straightforward: we perceive this as "injustice," and we're going to kick someone's ass over it.

    The Wyatts are a different animal, toeing the line between cult gibberish and something that, by pro wrestling standards, is really avant-garde. (In other words, like I've said before, a ripoff of the Crowder family from Justified.)

    Other than both of them being heel groups with three dudes from developmental who got/are getting a big push right out of the gate, I don't see the similarity.

  162. I don't know, the stuff with the Wyatts- from the vignettes to their first two appearances- has gotten a bit more pointed each time. For whatever reason, they're targeting Kane and we learn a bit more about the why each time.

    I'm also not 100 percent that they're gonna be able to follow through with something high-concept like this, but I love what I've seen so far.

    I think they realized The Shield had gotten a little aimless, so it was nice to see them refocus and get back to what they are- upstart, renegade, assholes who are gonna rip apart anyone they perceive as deserving it- in that awesome Henry segment last night.

  163. You may want to start paying closer attention then.

  164. If you don't have a counterargument, there's no rule saying that you have to post something.

  165. If you can't see the similarities that I pointed out, I'm not going to bother trying to teach you. I'm not a third grade teacher.

  166. Yea, the collective gasps from the crowd when Heyman talked about Punks estrangement from his parents and lack of family made it feel like such a huge deal on tv (and it was.)

  167. Have fun cramming yourself into an arena seat surrounded by weird people you don't know or want to talk to, drinking overpriced beer. I'll watch it in my living room on my giant TV, eating ribs I grilled with my friends, drinking Sierra Nevada that I paid 14 bucks for the whole 12-pack for.

  168. Well said. I wish they'd go back to doing this camera held video promos to reseat abolish their message tho.

  169. So RVD gets just for men, and a new pair of airbrushed tights and all of a sudden he cares again???? Because in TNA I would change the channel everytime he came out on tv. Another thing is I wish he could have brought heis TNA music with him to RAW. "The whole f'n SHow, RobVand Dam (repeat x 10)"

  170. I like this idea as well. I had hoped they would draw out the Punk/Heyman stuff a little longer. Maybe he accidently bumps the ladder when Punk is on it, etc. Stuff that everyone knows is BS, but Punk/Paul are friends so Punk just assumes it's accidental.

  171. I don't know why you got downvoted for that, Summerslam is gonna kick ass. I wish I'd be able to go

  172. Man, didnt even think of the inevitable Vickie vs Maddox match. I can see it now, HHH special first referee with a pedigree for each.

  173. agreed on both accounts

  174. Punk/Cena both seemed pretty exhausted when they had their great match prior to WM 29.

  175. Any rhyme or reason as to why The SHield has cooled off so much??? They seem stuck in midcard he;; and their push seems over and done with after victories over big time players (and no not the prime time players).

  176. Yeah I don't think that'll be the Main Event. I think it'll be Bryan/Cena.

  177. "In my experience, you’re best to do the cold and distant passive aggression thing until she breaks up with you because she’s sick of your bullshit, and that way you don’t have blood on your hands and she thinks it’s her idea. "

    Chandler: "You know about that?"

  178. I can see them just fine. As broad of strokes as you're using to paint the situation, anyone could. If you don't think the vast differences between the two groups make a difference because of where you think they'll end up in six months, cool. Their respective "philosophies," physical appearances and makeup of the group are vastly different. The Shield was three cocky upstarts tired of waiting their turn and fixing what they perceived to be injustices by kicking ass. The Wyatts have a clear leader/star that the group is a vehicle for, with very different motivations for their behavior.

    Like I said before, I'm not fully confident they can pay off a high concept like this. But I'm not going to shit on it because of where I think it might be in six months. That kind of attitude is what I have the White Sox for. It'll entertain me until it doesn't.

    I know that getting into these petty little bitchfights is your thing and all, so I'm gonna go ahead and end this interaction now. But I hope someday you figure out that being a dick and trying to be the cynical, snarky guy isn't a substitute for actually having something interesting to say.

  179. Apparently Vince is pissed at Rollins for some petty ass reason, not shaking his hand properly or something

  180. OK thanks I will have fun. Also I only really eat healthy food so I won't be cramming to into any seat. I'll be comfortably fitting into a floor seat and having carrot sticks or maybe an apple!

  181. I just can't believe that the promo was directed at Kane. I feel like the liar thing was a generic crazy talk thing because I can't believe Steph and the writers would be able to work that out

  182. I don't care how healthy you eat, you won't be as comfortable as I am on my couch.

    I'm just giving you a hard time because you were taunting an anonymous downvoter. I've personally reached a point where I would rather watch most events at home. Haven't gone to a White Sox or Bulls game in two years. Only go to Illinois basketball games if I get great tickets. I've never been to a televised wrestling show; even a PPV seems like it's more downtime than I'd care to sit through.

  183. Some guy is in the ring talking. Three guys come out and beat him up. One of the three babbles for a little while, sometimes explaining something, sometimes not. If that doesn't sound familiar to you, you may want to start paying closer attention. BUT THESE GUYS HAVE FUSTY BEARDS! It's totally different! Yeah, okay.

    And I'm sorry for pointing out how unobservant and uninsightful you are. That was probably dirty pool.

  184. So then why try to dump on someone with a different opinion than you? He likes going to shows, still. You don't. Big deal.

    And actually, a PPV in person has much less down time than a TV show, although I don't know if that gap's been closed with all the App stuff now.

  185. This is 100% correct

  186. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 16, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    I'd bet we might get RVD vs Del Rio at Summerslam. RVD is over as hell right now, and it feels like WWE actually wants to capitalize on it. (Based on his return being maybe the main selling point of the MITB PPV, and how he was showcased last night.) I could see RVD winning the WHC right out of the gate and WWE milking whatever he has left. Could certainly add some juice to Smackdown.

  187. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 16, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    apparently the same dude does their tights

  188. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 16, 2013 at 10:17 AM


  189. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 16, 2013 at 10:19 AM


  190. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 16, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    rvd used to say 'no one gets higher than rvd' in ecw, but of course wwe has to make it about them

    just like all night lawler was taking credit for calling rvd 'mr monday night' when again it was rvd who came up with that in ecw during the height of the monday night wars when he said he'd love to work monday nights

  191. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 16, 2013 at 10:22 AM

    They're in the midcard, but they're dominating the midcard. I mean, it's not like they're Wade Barrett losing every time they're on TV— they're still winning matches, kicking ass, holding titles, getting big crowd reactions. I really don't see the problem with where they are right now. You can't have EVERYONE in the main event, so by necessity some guys are in the midcard.

    Plus, having established acts like The Shield wrestling midcarders can raise the profile of their midcard opponents. Hell, look at how over the Usos have gotten in the last month by virtue of wrestling Shield. That PPV pre-show match had main event heat, and bam, now The Usos might be legitimate players.

  192. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 16, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    remember when jericho bitched at the iwc when it didnt like his match with rvd at kotr 02?


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