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BoD Daily Update

WrestleMania Buyrate Numbers are:

1,039,000. This is down from last year, which had 1,217,000.


Man Who Attacked Randy Orton in South Africa Wants to be a Wrestler

Tshepo Sekhabi, the 22 year old man who attacked Randy Orton, states that he attacked Orton in hopes to becoming a wrestler. He also states he attacked Orton because he did not like him and that he quit his job earlier that day.

TNA Mystery Man to be Revealed Tonight on Impact

The link also features tweets from Batista, Bob Holly and Adam Pearce, who either deny or speculate that it might be one of them.


  1. Its still real to me, dammit!!!

  2. He hated Orton so much that he ... hit him from behind and then cowered away. Feel the anger.

    Regarding Impact: Please don't be Tito Ortiz.

  3. If the big reveal is Bob fucking Holly, then that company is going out of business in six months.

  4. Oh crap I think you're right. Ortiz has training as a wrestler, he signed with Bellator, and is scheduled to fight Rampage. They could use TNA to hype their fight.

    I REALLY hope this isn't the case. I don't want wrestling mixed with MMA. At all.

  5. Who are you to doubt Bob Holly??

  6. That never would have happened in the States. We don't have fans that do that kind of crazy shit.

  7. Americans have NO BALLS

  8. Who would have thought that fewer people would be interested in the most predictable Wrestlemania of all time?

  9. Anybody have the list of predictions? 1.03 seems close to what I had.

    I wonder if WWE is going nuts over it.

  10. Wow, a 15% drop. The extra $10 wasn't enough to beat last year in gross ppv revenue either. I'll be very curious to read the financials when they come out and see the international vs. US split as that affects the overall gross as well (they charge less overseas for these shows).

    Time for nwa88 to bust out the buyrate list and see who won. I was in at 1m.

  11. Or they don't act like total hooligans. It's all about perspective.

  12. It happens occasionally. I remember that father/son duo that jumped the fence at a White Sox game and attacked a first base coach.

  13. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryAugust 1, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    YK2310 had 1.03M, so I guess he's the winner.

  14. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 1, 2013 at 11:26 AM

  15. Bryan Alvarez is already trying to claim it's an angle, which means Bryan is wrong as usual.

  16. Curses, I overshot.

    Where's nwa88 with the winner?

  17. I had 1.17 million so I overshot as well but I figured I would lose because I picked one of the only numbers no one else had already claimed and I didn't want to steal anyone else's thunder by picking an already claimed number.

  18. Yeah, I was late to the party and took what was left myself.

  19. That number looks a lot closer 1.04 to me.

  20. Unrelated, but I'm watching some Attitude-era WWE matches right now and ... Anybody know the particulars regarding why WWE has to go back and blur/delete EVERY reference to the "WWF" logo in its past? I know they lost the rights to use the WWF name, but you'd think World Wildlife Fund would've accepted a deal where WWE wouldn't use the logo anymore or sell products prominently displaying the logo. I get not having it on DVD covers and such, but blurring out every t-shirt in the crowd and every turnbuckle on every video clip from now until forever just seems excessive.

  21. Holly > Batista

  22. 1.03 is what I picked like 7 times but the guy running it never acknowledged it, even though I was by far the first to pick it

  23. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 1, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    holly body > bob holly

  24. anyone other than Batista is a failure, and it wont be Batista. So...Its a failure

  25. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 1, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    they no longer have to edit anything in archival footage. so if there is someone in the now talking about it, they have to say 'wwe,' but in the footage itself, since its archival, its ok to leave untouched both visually and verbally

    what wwe has done in recent times is simply reuse old vid packages they created back when the rule was in effect. there was something recently that was used after the rule was lifted but it was full of the edits, and thats cause it was something wwe made 3, 4, 5, even 10 years ago.

    but the reason wwe had to be so strict was cause they got their asses handed to them in the court case by the world wildlife fund. they (internationally) predate "wwf" by decades, and vince had some agreement with them regarding promotion outside of the u.s. using those letters that he blatantly violated at some point

    why it covered all visual representation but the old block logo, and all verbal references is for someone else to answer, cause i dont know

    *look of realization*


  26. I was just watching the video of that earlier today. Scumbags

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryAugust 1, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    Rick Poehling had 1.04M.

  28. If TNA's big surprise is BOB HOLLY or Adam Pearce then they might as well just pack it in and call it a day.

  29. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 1, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    Apparently the deal was that they couldn't use it for 10 years (presumably to give time for the World Wildlife Fund to establish itself as *THE* WWF) , because they're now allowed to air archive footage unedited.

    But as the Asshole said, if they had to blur out everything, then that meant that Vince and co. must have really got the shit kicked out of them in that case.

  30. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 1, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    "Tshepo Sekhabi, the 22 year old man who attacked Randy Orton, states that he attacked Orton in hopes to becoming a wrestler. He also states he attacked Orton because he did not like him and that he quit his job earlier that day."

    That boy needs therapy
    Psychosomatic, that boy needs therapy
    Purely psychosomatic, that boy needs therapy
    Lie down on the couch, what does that mean
    You're a nut; you're crazy in the coconut
    What does that mean, that boy needs therapy

  31. Vince got the shit kicked out of him in that case because he had an agreement to downplay the WWF name in international markets with the Pandas and he ignored it. I'm amazed the settlement was *ONLY* for 10 years.

  32. The job quitting part is pretty unsettling. Sounds like the guy came untethered and the rules of reality stopped applying. Like he was actually envisioning his attack becoming an angle. I bet there's a Matt Hardy poster on his wall.

  33. He's and Albama Jam up guy!

  34. But what if it's Big Shot Bob Holly?

  35. Someone should kick him in the pills.

  36. Eddie Guerrero and that ladder would disagree with you.

  37. Or Junk Metal Adam Pearce?

  38. It's gonna be a no-name or someone like Tito, or else it wouldn't have been Internet-exclusive.

  39. Glad to see it. It was an uninspired card and a waste of the Rock's (and Lesnar's) starpower.

  40. Yep.. Hitting a dude from behind and then cowering away like a little shit doesn't exactly take balls anyway.

  41. Best part of that was Orton sold it because he probably thought it was a wrestler, then just jumped right back up when he saw it wasn't.

  42. "WrestleMania Buyrate Numbers are:
    1,039,000. This is down from last year, which had 1,217,000."

    Obviously CM Punk's fault.

  43. No he probably has a
    Santino Marella poster that he rubs for good luck every night.

  44. If it's Bob Holly, maybe it'll put a Spark in the company?

    Bombastic decision to say the least.

    (I'll get my coat.)

  45. Totally. They should've accelarated Bryan-Cena and had Punk-UT and Rock-Brock. Rock-Brock was the money match...

  46. That was in Canada, you idiot!


  47. I was hoping people would pick up on my sarcasm. Americans do stupid shit all the time.


  49. LOL, you called it. ARE YOU A WIZARD?


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