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Sheamus Out 4-6 Months


This might be good for him long term.  He desperately needs to freshen up his character.


  1. I kept reading guys in the locker room were getting a little tired of him as well.

  2. He doesn't need a heel turn yet, just to come back as a no-nonsense ass kicking face. His ring work has improved so much since his debut and he still deserves a top spot.

  3. Absolutely. Sheamus could be really awesome if they would let him be a badass

  4. Is he cleared enough to take a beating from the Wyatts?

  5. A feud with heel Randy Orton could be good, if Sheamus comes back as an ass-kicking babyface

  6. WWE said 4 to 6 weeks

  7. kbwrestlingreviewsAugust 7, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    Making him have to try would help too. Look at his last three feuds:

    Del Rio - Never lost that I remember, made Del Rio look like a joke, terrible feud.

    Sandow - Never lost a singles match, made Sandow look like a joke, terrible feud.

    Big Show - Lost the title, lost the rematch, won a non-title rematch. MUCH more entertaining feud.

    It's not that complicated but WWE continues to make Sheamus look invincible most of the time. That's not interesting at all and I'm a big Sheamus fan.

  8. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 7, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    'hes not even supposed be be here today!'

  9. I thought Sandow did get at least one win over him. I know that he beat him down a few times.

  10. YankeesHoganTripleHFanAugust 7, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    Was just thinking that as well.

  11. Sandow and Rhodes beat him in a handicap. That's it as far as I remember.

  12. Yes, good for him long term indeed--they totally freshened up Kofi's character upon his return this week. And Wade Barrett last year. And, and, and. ;)

  13. Scream09_HartKillerAugust 7, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    That's a shameful thing.

  14. 1-800-INJURED

  15. Scream09_HartKillerAugust 7, 2013 at 10:53 AM

    This would be a great time to do an angle where Sheamus is beat up by heels backstage and cryogenically frozen. Then he comes back like a year later not knowing that he's been frozen for a year because John Cena's still wearing the same clothes and Dolph Ziggler's doing the same thing he was doing a year prior.

  16. Fucking LOVE it.

  17. You could've been frozen for years and the minute you see Cena, you would think that no time has gone by.

  18. That would be easy to pull off since that will likely be the case.

  19. I'm hoping they pair up Kofi and Bourne again. Maybe that's why he was wearing long pants.

  20. Sucks for him to be injured but agree that he was stale and could use time away. Crowds were turning on him.

  21. Clearly, you've lost your head.

  22. No, no, no.
    Just no.
    I understand the point you're trying to make and agree that some sort of shift in character is necessary, but in no way is tearing a major ligament, being cut open and missing half a year of work "good for him."
    Tear some shit in your shoulder and tell me the good in it you're finding for yourself.

  23. Too many limes.
    Too many limes.

  24. But now where will the kids get their Lucky Charms?

  25. I already got a fucked up shoulder, i'd trade some surgery for 6 months off to clear my head. And I like my job.

  26. Is Bourne milking his injury or what? He's been gone for what seems like 2 years. If its that serious maybe he just shouldn't try to wrestle again.

  27. Even if he can't take the actual beating, he should come out and do the blackout thing and when the lights come on he's laid out. Might as well get some mileage out of it.

  28. He got hurt in March of 2012 and came back a year later to wrestle Sami Zayn in NXT. Apparently he came back a bit too soon but he should be cleared to go by now. If he is coming back I expect it won't happen till after Summerslam.

  29. Honestly Sheamus just shouldn't be a top guy. He's talented but if he hasn't stuck there yet the answer isn't to just keep forcing it until it works, the answer is to drop him down the card and let him be a talented midcarder. The same goes for Del Rio and, truthfully, Ziggler. There can only be so mnay top guys, and lately it seems like the WHC is the title for failed main event pushes. The bloom is off the rose. Back in the old days, they'd get sent to another territory to cool their heels until the time was right to reintroduce them. Now they dedicate hours of TV time trying to feng shui the card until they can fit into their role in the caste system. Just let em drop back down.

  30. Sure, same here, but if my shoulder wasn't fucked up to begin with I'm not sure I'd say I'd want it to be.

  31. It's not saying anything new, but the perception of those guys would be so, so much better if the WHC was the Intercontinental title.

  32. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 7, 2013 at 1:09 PM


  33. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble . . . SHEAMUS...

  34. I'll miss him. He wrestles good matches and works hard. It's not like the 15 minutes a week he gets will be going to someone held down by booking or more deserving; WWE's problem is that they have too much TV time so half the show is filler anyways.

    I'm pretty impressed that he tore his labrum at MITB and actually wrestled a full 15 minute match with Del Rio the week after. If they just figured out how badly he was hurt now as opposed to a month ago, that's some toughness right there. I had a mild labrum strain from lifting a couple years ago and that thing barked and whined at me for months any time I'd move my arm funny. A complete tear and he was still healthy enough to wrestle TV and house matches? Man status right there.

  35. Really, the Rumble seems to be the best way to do it, especially if the Wyatt Family is in there late, and the announcers are doing the "who can stop them?" thing, and then Sheamus's music hits for #30.

  36. Victor Rodriguez JrAugust 7, 2013 at 3:54 PM

    I get that the knee-jerk response to this is "this may be good, he needs to freshen up his character" but no one really believes that's gonna happen right? He'll come back as happy smilin fun time sheamus without question.

  37. Sheamus is a decent upper-midcard guy. I feel that most of the criticism he's received online is just his apparent backstage association with Triple H.

    I for one, will miss him, and his Father Ted references.

  38. I loathe the current era smiley bad joke babyfaces. Can someone contemporary please write for that company?

  39. See you at the Rumble fella

  40. What father ted references?

  41. sheamus would be a good top guy if he had kept his original take no shit asskicker heel gimmick. remember, he was the guy who, for all intents and purposes, "retired" HHH as a full-time wrestler.

  42. Silk road silly. They'll buy their candy crack off of silk roa

  43. And it defies all logic. "Hey, these fans are really starting to dig this guy for being no nonsense and just kicking ass." "Excellent! Have him crack jokes!"

    And it's nothing new. It happened with Cena. It happened with Lesnar. It happened with Diesel. It's just how it always seems to turn out.

  44. Or if the WHC was treated in the fashion that it was when guys like Triple H, Batista, Edge, and the Undertaker held it.

  45. And blood feud with the Wyatts until WM? That could do nicely.

  46. I think Sheamus has proven that he can be a star, and that he's certainly "grown into" any push that he may have received too early.

    Any backlash is for being booked as a redheaded John Cena.

  47. Exactly - he was over when (still as a heel) he got in Henry's face and accepted the open-invitation for a fight. It was once they started in with the lame jokes and endless winning that his popularity slipped.

  48. He also had two wellness pops, and wasn't exactly rushed back to TV after his punishments were up.

  49. As much as I hate Sheamus the character, Sheamus the wrestler always showed for the PPV.

  50. I'm going to add to that - The smiling is ridiculous.

  51. Sheamus is not Wade or Kofi.

    Dude is a multi-time world champ. And while that doesn't mean much, he's in ads and goes on Conan, dudes above the IC belt perennials like Barrett or Kingston.

  52. I think people are trying to look on the positive side of this. It's not like bad jokes traveled back in time and hurt his shoulder.

    I think that six months off will be good for him, but I support mandatory breaks for all wrestlers anyway. People need time to recuperate and he's probably working with other injuries (like his fucking thigh, OUCH).

    Oh, and props to Sheamus for hitting his usual shit (like White Noise and the rolling fireman's carry) with a torn ligament in his shoulder without an ounce of trouble or anything. Toughest motherfucker on the roster, no joke.

  53. Eh...let them have Smackdown. WWE's got two shows for a reason. End the end of the brand split and let the less charismatic workers do their stuff on that show. Some guys should cross over, but if Dolph, ADR and Sheamus only appeared on Smackdown, they'd be the big fish in a little pond.

    Raw's a different show, and showing them next to Punk and Cena and Bryan is just killing them because they're in a different league, mic/charisma wise.

  54. I know people give WWE shit for the homogenization of wrestling, but I feel that it's been getting a lot better lately, and Sheamus has helped. Having a guy willing to go out there and perform those stiff brawls is good for the product.

  55. I could stand the bad jokes if the faces were actually likable. John Cena is either just a disrespectful punk who doesn't take anything seriously, and when he gets serious he's just this self-righteous preachy douche (who doesn't even respond to his opponents points).

  56. The fans started digging Cena when he was a midcarder who cracked jokes and punched above his weight. His main event push resulted (inevitably) in him becoming more of an ass-kicker.


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