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BoD Daily Update

Dave Meltzer on Steve Austin's Podcast

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases 1963-69 WWE Timeline with Bruno Sammartino

Layla Update

Layla is not out with an injury, so her absence from TV is due to another reason

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio


  1. As far as stories and gossip, I think Mike Johnson is #2 on that. Even in the Observer, you see Meltzer cite his reports and confirm them as true.

  2. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 26, 2013 at 9:15 AM

    I just heard Ed McMahon go "Hi-yoooooooo".

  3. Goldberg is a rare exception, n maybe lesnar to a degree but heyman as his mouthpiece worked wonders for him.

  4. No, I'm not giving them away.

  5. Good point, his mic skills were really bad.

    He was also the worst coach in the history of The Ultimate Fighter, as well.

  6. Austin's podcast is pure gold. Some of his rants that start off the show almost have me in tears, like the one on Trader Joe's small parking lots.

  7. Bret would've dropped the belt to anyone besides Michaels, and Shamrock was at least a realistic option. Shamrock has been feuding with the Harts already, he was certainly good enough in the ring (if not an instant natural like a Kurt Angle), was someone that the WWF was pushing anyways and Shammy had enough real-life cred that a relatively early WWF title win wouldn't have been too shocking.

    It would've just been a month-long placeholder reign before Michaels eventually got the title anyway, but Shamrock wouldn't have been a total left-field choice as WWF champion in the fall of 1997.

  8. I disagree with your second paragraph

  9. Stupid "doing my job" getting in the way of me beating you to the obvious comment

  10. You want to give her the shocker?

  11. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    I don't know nothin' and ain't nothin' happen.
    ...I'm not gonna talk about this anymore without my lawyer present.

  12. Honestly, if you gave them to me... I'd probably just sell them anyway. Once you have done wrestlemania you have done it. I mean I think you should do it if you haven't before, but it is a bucket list type of thing.

  13. Johnny Cochran is unavailable

  14. He was also the first TNA champion

  15. You know what I like? Those Shamrock milkshakes McDonalds has around St. Patricks day.

  16. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:00 AM

    What seats are they?

  17. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    Naomi's ass > Tessmacher's ass > Layla's ass.

  18. Floor J, Row 25, Seats 7-8. Close to the entrance ramp.

  19. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    I.......invoke my 5th amendment privileges on the matter.

  20. As your attorney, I advise against that.

  21. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:09 AM

  22. Unrelated post:

    Dog = WWE Creative, though I highly doubt they'd be that honest.

  23. Donkey punch! Jelly donut!

  24. WWE forgets that grown men watch the show as well and many of us would be okay with seeing more women and less Jailbait Jerry Lawler fodder.

  25. Brooke > AJ > Layla


  26. I'm at work and my PC lacks sound, so I couldn't really hear the dialogue and I'm not really familiar with Chappelle's show. But, I think I got the gyst.

    I still advise against it.

  27. I tried to watch raw on DVR and after 5 minutes I decided I didn't give a fuck, ffwd to the shield match, watched it, then deleted the show and had nothing better to do so I watched Mr and Mrs smith on HBO. Cena vs Orton huh? That was the end game to this daniel Bryan push everyone demanded I let play out? Sweet.

  28. It will do around million buys no matter what. Its the wwe, casuals don't care if the product sucks. So D bry was abducted by the Wyatts? Nice that should help get him over. No one wants to see dbry vs hhh, they want d bry doing a hillbilly comedy heel. I love how hhh completely buried him and then literally shunted him down to the midcard. How fucking bizaare.

  29. To be honest, I don't make it my mission to check each morning. Not "mad" at the spoiler, but a little heads up would have been nice :-)

  30. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:22 AM

  31. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 26, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    We're gonna have to run some exhaustive research to compare and contrast the quality of these chicks asses. This may take a few hours but I'm will to do it because the BoD needs to know.

  32. I definitely don't think it will do a million buys no matter what. Mania 25 was under a million and Mania 26 was in the 800,000s, and Mania 27 was set to tank if Rock hadn't saved their asses. Honestly, Rock artificially propped up the buyrates for 3 straight years.

    I definitely think that with no Rock this year and with the main event scene as much of a disaster as it is now, there's a huge chance the Mania buyrate drops bigtime. What's the draw this year that makes up for Rock's absence? They're gonna be relying on the everyday product to sell the show this year, and the everyday product is ice fucking cold.

  33. Damn, now I'm thinking of how great a Shamrock-Heyman pairing would have been.

  34. I want to give her some good financial advice.

  35. As opposed to when Punk spots a diva and goes Hiho!

  36. Shut your mouth you Aussie fuck, we exiled you for a reason.

    And you're saying you wouldn't put anything in Chris Evans? #AllTheHomo

  37. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 27, 2013 at 1:34 AM

    You exiled us? I'm going to go check my history books for that one. Pardon me.

    And no, I wouldn't put anything in Chris Evans, except maybe a ten foot chain of anal beads attached to an anvil while he's standing on the edge of a cliff.

  38. Australia, AKA hell on earth was a prison colony. How many different forms of flesh-melting poison does your flora and fauna have again? You have a giant hole in the sky and your most famous citizen jobbed to a fish. I'm sure the Land Down Under has colour, but your need to wear armour to go outside and your local theatre sucks. Oh, and Cricket is gay.

    And you've given this murder plot a little too much thought, do you usually kill celebrities using anal sex-toys?

  39. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 27, 2013 at 3:38 AM

    I didn't realise you were British.

    First of all, yes, cricket is gay. It's what Broadway is to America. Secondly, for all that's wrong with this country, having the sun so strong that it burns ultra-white people to a crisp is a fantastic thing because I happen to enjoy tanning while sipping my banana daiquiri and/or beer, and I can achieve a .5 tan on the Negro Scale in just one day. Oh, and the British and Americans love to come here while we don't want anything to do with them, so that should tell you something.

    Speaking of murdering celebrities, you mentioned Steve Irwin, yes? Yeah, he was just trying to stick the stingray's tail up his ass. I don't know how he survived the electric eel, although it made him talk funny.

  40. British descent, mostly. Got some Ukrainian Jew and Huguenot too, but it's primarily English, so I'm claiming your dismissal as my ancestors work (which you honestly kind of won, England is a dull grey rock).

    Okay, so you got cheap tanning, what about having ever single animal on your continent capable of killing you? The fucking platypus has toxic spurs. YOUR JOKE CREATURE IS DEADLY!

    Hell. On. Earth.

    And we Yank's whooped your ass at swimming, so nyah.

  41. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 28, 2013 at 1:03 AM

    When the convicts were brought over here, everyone just said, "...hey, WAAAAAITAMINUUUUTE!!" and probably burned their boats.

    In addition to those weird animals, even common, cute ones, like koalas, can do some serious damage. Also they sound like Predator.

    Oh, and you beat us at swimming last time? You mean, the country of 300 million beat the country of 30 million? You're kidding!


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