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QOTD: Me, You, and Everyone We Know...Fuckin'

Senior Year of high school I was taking a game development class. It included the general selection of nerds, dorks, gamers, fat dudes like myself, and a pretty lass named...Hannah.

We hit it off immediately, and about a day before I was about to ask her to homecoming, another fellow asked her out and they started dating immediately until we graduated.

Flash forward 4 years and I stumble across her profile on Fetlife. In addition to her Sonic The Hedgehog Erotic drawings, I learned she is in a poly. relationship, and they all have pet names like "Dark Wolf" and "Wolf Pet" and "Wolf Pet". The man, "Dark Wolf" has a series of photos of himself dorkily posing in front of a fire place, having the three women in the relationship collared and smiling, and a whole bunch of other kinky stuff.

They have two kids, I am unsure who is the mother of who, but they too, have pet names like 'Wolf Cub" and something else.

On the bright side, I got to see Hannah naked in every.single.imaginable.angle thanks to these photos. On the down side? Da fuuuqqqqqqqqqq?

How do you feel toward long-term polyamorous relationships? What about if these relationships raise kids? Do you feel folks like the ones in Sister Wives are sick, different, just fine, or both? Do you think this is a bad environment in which to raise kids? 

The above was my introduction to polyamory beyond a three-way I had in 2006 with my girlfriend and her best friend, where 'the rule' (I.E I couldn't bone the other girl) was in effect.

Not to speak for women who are into this kind of thing, but I can't help but feel they're being taken advantage of occasionally. Take an impressionable girl with low self-esteem, ooze confidence, tell them about your personal lifestyle choice, and you're off to the orgiastic races.

From the ladies I've met in these kinds of relationship, the men have been supremely confident in themselves without much to be confident in - though I could just be jealous. If you look at the women on Sister Wives or what not, you kind of see a perceived sadness in their eyes, that they aren't good enough to satisfy their man SO much that they need more than one woman.

But that's just me judging based on my personal ideals.

Also the guy from Sister Wives looks like Chris Jericho.

What say you, Otters?


  1. We haven't jumped the shark, we've pole-vaulted it.

    You're just trolling us now.

  2. It was suggested, I delivered.

  3. Not exactly what I visit BoD to read...

  4. It's almost like...there's a button you have to click to access the rest of the post, then another button you have to click to voice your displeasure. Not what you come here to read, but what you come here to complain about!

  5. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    Wow, when someone asked for this thread I didn't think you'd actually post it. Don't do a QOTD about incest though. Just... no. No.

    Anyway, what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is their business, if it makes you happy go for it. Though I will say those guys are dicks, it's hard enough to find a good woman as it is without you fucking wankers staking them 3 or 4 at a time. Come to think of it though, a chick into that shit probably isn't what I'd call a "good" woman. And believe me, that is not a healthy environment for children to be growing up in, that makes my "you have 2 moms" childhood look totally normal.

    "The above was my introduction to polyamory beyond a three-way I had in 2006 with my girlfriend and her best friend, where 'the rule' (I.E I couldn't penetrate the other girl) was in effect."

    Given the situation, I would have just sat there and watched them get each other off, then kicked the other girl out and dicked down the GF with a vengeance, straight up slam her like a fucking screen door.

  6. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 22, 2014 at 12:40 AM

    seeing as how i can't even comment on being in a couple... yeah, i wont be contributing to this thread

  7. I dont have a problem with it, people should be able to do what they want when it comes to relationships...

    ....sure, the kids thing can be a bit of an issue, but I guess it is how its handled...

    ,,,I enjoyed the show Big Love, wasnt a fan of the ending though....

  8. Dang, Meekin, I'm sorry your girlfriend was/is gay... Did you at least make yourself a sandwich?

    While a family is a family as long as the parents love the children (my daughter's best friend has 2 moms, and she's a perfectly normal kid), calling your kids idiotic names is a little strange (and naming your kids crap like "Bear Cub" or whatever pretty much guarantees you aren't teaching your kids normal things). Not counting kids, though, whatever works for a person is what works for them -- as long as they aren't hurting other people.

  9. Keep on rockin' the mediocre Hunter S Thompson impersonation too!

  10. Meekin, your life is a surrealist comedy.

  11. QOTD A tie ain't just getting to first base with your sister, it's going all the way home with her!

  12. At one point we all fell off the bed and I farted in the face of one of them. I am unsure which to this day, but everyone laughed quite well.

  13. I don't understand that one. I'm not a big fan of the guy save for the Rum Diary.

  14. or Tragedy. I'll get back to you once I get my physical next week!

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:05 AM

    I... fuck it, I don't... (walks away)

  16. Dude, some of your original, first time around posts were at least kinda thoughtful.

    Now you're just a sad parody of yourself. And Scott should feel icky about letting you post on his blog.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:09 AM

    I remember the first time I saw a chick queef I was like "What the fuck was that?" Same thing with squirting, we didn't really have high-speed in the late 90s, back then we didn't have the crazy porn access we do now.

  18. Seriously Scott, you ban us from posting gifs to the comments, yet allow this guy to post his Letters To Penthouse any time he wants?

    Da fuqqqqqqqqqqqq

  19. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    To be fair though, someone did request this. And this isn't quite jumping the shark yet, it's basically "What do you think of the people on Sister Wives?"

  20. That's a cruel way to treat your sister.

  21. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:16 AM

    I don't have one. Have a brother 3 years younger than me, and that's it.

  22. But none of those letters to penthouse are true!

  23. I was once dating a girl who was so proud of her ability to squirt, and I was like, well, does it feel good for you? And she goes, no. And I was like, do you like doing it? And she was like no.

    So I said don't do it, so she did it anyway. My futon had the stain for years.

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:23 AM

    That's because she did like it, she was just embarrassed about it, a lot of chicks consider it abnormal or something.

  25. Haha I realized this after, it was just surreal.

  26. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    If your chick ain't squirting on you you're doing something wrong.

  27. That's exactly what I had to do to voice it, actually....which is fine. You are entitled to post it, I'm entitled to say if I like it or not. I'm seeing several other similar comments here, so maybe take some of it to heart when you set your guardrails on what to post. As to the person who did request this QOTD, you've now seen an equal/greater number leaning the other way. Not every request needs to be fulfilled.

  28. I think the only person complaining it Zanatude.

  29. Remind me one last time, did you get 2k on Xbone or did I make that up?

  30. Oh, and have I mentioned Meekin how fucking jealous of you I am that you had a Game Development class in High School?

  31. It was from a local community college. Some students got to take courses over there and I opted for that one. I wrote a paper on Metal Gear Solid. Our teacher's last name was Steele, and he looked exactly like Bobby Lashley.

  32. How the hell is a guy with the last name Steele not an action hero, porn star, or professional wrestler?

    Seriously, that guy wasted his calling. I wouldn't be the software engineer I am if my name was "Frank Magnum" or "Jack Venom"

  33. He played pro football.

  34. Still jealous, though. I seriously was just a _little_ too old when these things started coming to. Yahoo became a thing just as I was graduating college in 1996. The big push to offer this stuff in High School (or even college) was just barely a few years after my time.

  35. Yeah it's crazy. I think I mentioned it before but i went to a technical highschool, so I got a lot of Computer information and certifications at a young age, so I had two things more people actually had to go to college without paying a time.

    NOW the kids are learning to code and all this other ridiculous stuff that i'm jealous of.

  36. They have it easier than my age did -- I'm not all "walk uphill both ways" or anything. It's just the plethora of free/open source stuff nowadays I would have DIED for growing up (stuff I had was either psycho expensive or gimped to all hell).

    I can't help too much on the game programming end (I actually have programmed a few VERY small games in my time, and learned to program because of a desire to write games, but when I got out of college "studio games" were the big thing -- I was too late for the "two man teams", too early for the indies, plus I had a nice job lined up at Cisco), but can certainly help you get up-to-speed on programming if you're interested.

  37. What's your e-mail, I'm working on a project you may like! Do you like American Football?

  38. You mean soccer?

    I kid. It's

    I don't exactly follow it, but I know it well enough (sadly enough, pretty much ALL of my knowledge on how the game works comes from video games).

  39. I'm guess by your lack of comment that you aren't a Friends fan. Scott would laugh at this :-)

  40. Hey, dude, got your email. Pulled my address post (mostly to avoid posts from 411mania, even though I seem to be the first person in the history of ever to get banned from posting there).

    I'll read it tomorrow, since I've got some coding to do tonight (sadly nothing fun -- need to implement some SSL certificate checking to some code I'm working on).

  41. Honestly, I'm not totally sure on this subject, because in the hell-descending-into-permafrost likelihood I get a successful relationship with a girl who hasn't swallowed the MTV Koolaid along with 2+ black guys, I think I may run into the same problem that every 10+ year relationship runs headlong into: the sex is the same. Not saying either way what would happen, but I'm not one to judge unless one of the women in question is being forced into it.

    Also, not a religious guy(Didn't get to comment on the previous QOTD), but I find Mormons(who I assume you're talking about due to the American comedians running that cliche ragged) are ok people. Certainly met far, far worse religious zealots. If it helps you live your daily life, rock on, but don't hand me bibles and cards I didn't ask for when I'm carrying seven shopping bags. Mormons have never done this to me, so they're fine.

  42. Cool, peace.

  43. That's kind of the rub (pun intended) -- you need to find someone who you enjoy spending time with DESPITE the sex being the same after 10+ years. If you do, you're golden.

  44. The only poly people I know of personally involves a girl who basically decided to be poly, and her boyfriend went along with it because he has low self-esteem and doesn't want to lose her. She ended up doing some weird S&M thing with a friend of mine (who himself was basically cheating on his girlfriend with her- "It doesn't count because it's JUST SEX"), but I don't know if that's still going on.

  45. In general, for alternative lifestyles, I don't really give a fuck as long as it's adults making their choices of their own free will and they're not all preachy about their koolaid club. That goes for religion, kinks, pyramid schemes, whatever. You like? Fine, just leave me out of it.

    The kids issue gets tricky though. Have seen on the news/read about the tendency to groom them and "marry" them young and that's a crock of shit. We're not in the middle ages any more with a 30 year life expectancy. Don't screw up someone's life that's too young to know different just because you want to be a bright, shiny snowflake, unique in your own awesomeness.

  46. 90% of people suck, so I'd say 90% of parents suck too. I'd put the blame on the Harts fucked up-ness on their parents.

  47. I am going to use this space to answer the last 3 (and probably next 5, with the way this has been going) QOTD threads:

    People can do whatever they want behind closed doors, and I don't care. It isn't my business.

  48. After the "Great DX Book Review of 2013" debacle and insuing thread, I almost washed my hands of your writing. However, each successive review has gotten better and better. You've come many miles. Kudos.

    I do agree with Parallax about the "self deprecating" part though. It didn't stop me from reading, but it definitely doesn't set the right tone for what follows. Just a bit of constructive, well intended criticism.

  49. Yeah, I'm on the side of "This whole topic is icky and better discussed elsewhere." I'd really prefer these stay with pop culture or wrestling and not bizarre tangents into people's private lives.


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