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Hey, my friend "jeter421" has a New 52 GL TPB for sale on her Can you advertise it for me, if you may?  There's also a lot of great items on her site, including some WWE DVDs and books!  Remember, the screen name is jeter421



  1. No Kyle Rayner, no buys.

  2. Give "WTF Is Shadow Era" a google

  3. I pretty much only play the God of War games and Madden, with a couple other exceptions. I only recently got a PS3 this past November.

    When I first got out on my own, and was an entry level worker in my company... Madden was what pretty much carried me through the winter months. Madden, water, potatoes, and a whole lot of pushups. I remember coming home for Christmas that year and nearly everyone thinking I had cancer from all the weight I had lost.

  4. Earthworm Jim is incredible. It's easily one of the best games ever made.

  5. Along a similar vein, Simpson's Hit & Run was a very fun game.

  6. I got too good at that game. I had whatever the last year it came out on the PS2 and was just unbeatable.

  7. My top favorite game of all time is Gunstar Heroes followed closely by Alien Homined. Then a tie between Earthworm Jim and Shining Force.

  8. Promotion Wars for ever!

  9. Good God, Sonic 2 is just an amazing game. Especially for the year it was made... probably the most amazingly fun a game has been for any time period... and challenging too.

  10. I routinely ask people if I can pay them in backrubs because of that game.

  11. Oh god, Angry Birds... lots of good salaried time wasted on the toilet there.

  12. I love the Power's so bad.

  13. And, sadly, something like that wouldn't be able to find funding in today's uber-macho FPS era.

  14. Brocore I'd also suggest googling "Humble Bundle", and Two fingered death punch.

  15. Halloween Havoc '89 going on here. Time for Luger/Pillman. I got Pillman.

  16. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    You're just reminding me why my Genesis is still hooked up.

  17. I don't think you're looking hard enough. I am DROWNING in awesome indie games. People message me on linkdin BEGGING me to review their awesome indie games. They're out there, I promise!

    Try calculords!

  18. Groovy. I loved them on the Sega Genesis, and downloaded the HD version for the PS3... just an amazingly crazy insane game.

  19. No, I'm familiar with the Humble Bundle and other stuff like that. I firmly believe Papers, Please is the greatest achievement in gaming in like the last decade.

  20. Implicit story telling for the win.

  21. I have limited time to research games. I'm speaking mostly about mass-marketed games. The difference between the two eras is drastic.

  22. Want paying attention I guess. Thank you though. I will fix that.

  23. I can't even remember the name now... but I LOVED that PC game where you just wake up in the woods, everything is just shades of black, and you're solving puzzles, eventually getting to the city... it's all just jumping and insanely fun. Meekin, help me with this one.

    Probably my favorite "new" game of the past 5 years. I'm a sucker for platformers and beat 'em ups though.

  24. Well of course. It's like any other media platform I suppose, we're approaching the 'new hollywood' era if I have to place a bet, though. Expect the next great wave of creativity!

  25. Myst? was it text based?

  26. Nope, not text based. It was part of a Humble Bundle at one point. You just kind of wake up in the woods, you can only run and jump. Everything is a shade of black and things seem innocent enough... until you encounter a spider larger than the screen and shit yourself when it impales you.

  27. Whatcyha been playing, interactive media wise, lately?: Just finished Dead Island. Started on Crysis 2... not feeling it, though. I buy games used, the latter two costing me $4 each, and go through them once all of the glitches are fixed, the achievement guides have been written and there's a community dedicated to posting maps and item locations. Only games I buy new are wrestling, GTA and Silent Hill. Always going back and forth to WWE 2K14, too.

    What's your favorite game of all time?: I have a top 5, but it's in no particular order. The games are GTA Vice City, Silent Hill 2, WWF No Mercy, Smackdown Here Comes The Pain and Rollercoaster Tycoon.

    Least favorite that everyone else seems to love?: The Metal Gear series. I hate it. The first game was a broken, confusing mess and it spawned all of this? I know the real version of the game wasn't broken, but the NES version was, and it created the fan base. The "Solid" games are awful. Who wants to watch that many movies just to be allowed to sneak around for 10 minutes and do it all over again? I gave Snake Eater a shot, honestly I did, and couldn't believe how hard to follow it was. Plus, there was a boss fight where this guy kept jumping from tree to tree... I had to turn it off there since it was impossible to kill him.

    What game have you played the most, for the longest period of time? No Mercy. I keep the N64 hooked up just to play it, and I have a super-updated version on the 'puter.

  28. Damn edge and mysterio was really short.

  29. Ah, I found it... Limbo.

  30. I think the difference between this and New Hollywood is that marketing was weird when that happened. People did stuff but they didn't really know why, or at least most advertisers/marketers/PR people didn't even if a select few did. You didn't have things like analytics to the extent that we do today. Games are as much a process of the market as they are developers. That's why a franchise like GTA is allowed to be creative; it's audience demands it, so the people helping to fund it allow that process to happen. You don't have that on a mass level outside of a handful of developers. I don't see the maverick spirit of that era of film happening in the very controlled, corporate environment of modern gaming.

  31. Ah. That's not a bad one. Have you tried Braid or Bastion?

  32. I'm really just waiting for someone to crank out current rosters for Tecmo Super Bowl on the old Sega Genesis engine for the PS3, and we can get some serious realtime leagues going.

  33. There's a first person aiming mode in Metal Gear Solid 3.

    Also I'm fairly certain you're on the not-fun-kind of drugs. Metal Gear Solid is what made games so eager to be cinematic and thematic. It was one of the first times a game oozed authenticity and confidence in its narrative.

  34. That'd be fun. I play Pro Strategy Football on iOS as my football game. It's not bad.

  35. At the time my PC didn't quite even run Limbo that well. I played it with an extreme lag, so it made the game much more difficult for me. I don't think it would even run either of those two. I'm primarily on my Chromebook now.

  36. Also, someone needs to bring back the Monster League games. Those were just plain fun.

  37. Mutant League? Remember that hyper violent TV show?

    I'm trying to force Mdickie to make a Godzilla battle kind of game on the wrestling revolution engine haha.

  38. Gah, no Xbox 360?

  39. Think about a league of that with any number of a group of friends (or even the BoD). You'd get the top 32 posters (or whatever) and they'd be entered into a draft. We'd get to pick our team based on our draft number, and have to face off before the end of that week in the NFL

  40. TouchDown Bones Jackson!

  41. only the wwe would attempt to try and make Floyd mayweather the babyface.

  42. Ha, nope... just got the PS3 a few months ago.

  43. As many would have figured from my profile pic, Chrono Trigger is an all time fave.

    Working on my 3rd playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy right now.

    Bethesda's big two are both great, but Fallout especially grabs me.

    I think I've poured more time into the Fire Emblem franchise then any other.

    As for popular stuff I hate, fuck GTA 4.

    Best game since Ocarina my ass, the driving mechanic is ass and combat is a pain.

    Five is much better, for what it's worth.

  44. Slight threadjack: Dish network officially drops Wrestlemania.

  45. Another free one I should mention Streets of Rage... best beat 'em up ever... and the enhanced version created for PC called Streets of Rage Remake. They basically merged all three games, gave new playable characters, tons of secrets, new levels, multiple paths to choose, multiple endings based on paths, or characters chosen. If you like anything about Streets of Rage... this pulled it all together.

  46. Hmm I don't think it's quite like that. If anything I look at it sort of how we look at the 80s now.

    We had quite a few big-budget movies that were great and iconic - your Back to The Futures, your Indiana Jones(es), but you also had your utterly vapid stuff like Ishtar, and multi million dollar disappointments like Dune.

    Essentially on the top half, outside of say Rock Star, you have a lot of bloat.

    But there's an undercurrent of indie stuff that's pretty creative and new - You have your Phil Fish's (Fez), Johnathan Blow's (Braid), and SO MANY devs on iOS and Mobile making INSANELY creative games that no one cares to peek at because OMG IOS IS GROSS FUCK THAT.

    I can assure you a lot of amazing stuff is out there that ISNT run by corporate folks or budgets, or publishers, and you need look no further than your own app store.

  47. Is Bastion on that.

  48. Question: What were your thoughts on Chrono Cross? I loved it. My girlfriend? Not so much.

  49. Shhh you're ruining my plans for the Ottie Awards.

  50. Mine kept freezing right before the third big cinematic cut scene thing. I was so pissed.

  51. As a 360 owner all I can say is FUCK THE 360! I got it when the PS3 was $700 and had no games.

    Now it's inferior in every way to Sony's machine.

    I'm buying a PC this gen. The master race has won me over

  52. Vice City is my favorite game ever!

  53. It may be... but Bastion is an RPG... and the only ones of those I like are Mario based.

  54. Got midway through, lost memory card.

    I was enjoying it well enough, but it was no Chrono Trigger

  55. Bastion isn't an RPG at all

  56. Clean-shaven Doug Dillinger!

  57. I liked Streets of Rage but I was huge into Freedom Force.

  58. Forgot Chrono Trigger for favorite games. I keep vacillating between that and Persona 4 for best RPG ever, although I didn't grow up with those games like I did Pokemon/Golden Sun/Tactics Advance, which is a shame.

  59. Streets of Rage 2 was the best! It's in my top 5. I hated part 3 though.

  60. Yeah FOur is weird. It was DEFINATELY trying to do something gamers didn't want from it, which is to be appreciated, but also looked at with a 0.o.

    I wrote about my favorite feature of that game before, which was that it was MORE THAN HAPPY to annoy the player in favor of quality character development. There were HOURS of idle conversations you could have with the NPCS in that game via the hang outs and side activities that were so funny and refreshing.

  61. Thread Jack: Here's an interesting Mania stat; Mania 30 will be the first time since 21 that Cena isn't in a top title match or closing out the show like he did with Rock at 28.

  62. It kind of reminds me of Super Mario RPG a bit, but it's more an action RPG kind of like....a...isometric Castlevania?

    The story is incredible too. I teared up.

  63. My mistake, I must be thinking of something else. The youtube videos of it look cool.

  64. SoR3 was just plain... not fun. It had Zan as a character, and a ton of secrets like being able to use Roo as a character, and the gay boss of the first level, and of course Shiva... but the game itself just felt like one big grind.

  65. Except there are GOOD games that have charecter development and idle bullshit convorsations!

    See above mentioned Mass Effect

  66. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 23, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    I've never been much of a gamer. I got my first system at 12 with the original Nintendo console. My first game was Hogan's Alley, but the first game I ever played the shit out of was The Legend of Zelda. As I got older, I just became a guy who collected baseball and wrestling games. I had no interest in the fighting games, or the shooters. Greatest baseball game of all time was the World Series collection for Sega Genesis. Greatest wrestling game of all time: No Fucking Mercy.

  67. Been playing Metroid Prime Trilogy, on the first game of it, Super Mario Galaxy, and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

  68. All of those are fantastic

  69. Halfway into the feud they kinda made him the de facto heel by having Big Show "stand up for wrestling" or something like that and having most of the roster on his side.

  70. They actually made me hate him more than I do in boxing by expecting me to cheer him.

  71. The DS remake of Trigger is port with the only new addition being a previously cut area and final boss that links it to the sequel.

    Best game on the damn system

  72. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 23, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    But I do need to mention that the greatest video game catchphrase of all time was "I'm bad!", with the fist pumped in the air.

  73. "Are you bad enough to rescue the president"

  74. Another game that's on my personal All Time Favorites List: Super Metroid.

  75. you gotta be shitting me with the ending to this cena orton match

  76. And No Mercy keeps getting brought up......if we ever get a fantasy booking QOTD I should really find my old saves and break down the ridiculous storylines I conceived with that and WM2000, like fighting an army of Dude Love clones I got trolled with on a rental cartridge, a 40 man battle royal with pin/submission/tko/first blood that took over an hour and led to my generic big guy henchman (named RUFFIAN, and he had a moveset that was like Puroresu Kevin Nash on crack, down the the jackknife powerbomb finish and 7 foot tall physique.) winning the whole thing........My insanely long running feud with Essa Rios, stemming from him running in randomly during a me v Billy Gunn match, the tag team royale where my token female CAW pinned every heel with a Powerbomb to was a strange time.

    Also, my personal CAW is like the definition of 12 year old cool. He had a mohawk, bandanna, Jason Voorhees hockey mask, LEATHER JACKET WITH FLAMES ON IT~!, random Hardyz armbands (w/ mismatched colors), kneepads (also w/ mismatched colors), black jeans, teal sneakers, dirtbiking gloves, and a white version of that long coat Edge wore all the time before like 06.

  77. Thats actually how I played it (I'm so broke I emulate basically everything I can.)

  78. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 23, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Apparently, I'm not. Because I never finished the game.

  79. "Damn Mysterio is really short"

    Fixed your post

  80. I love the Big Event. First came across it in a bin at an old Blockbuster video, for sale in the mid 1990s. One of my best purchases.

  81. I haven't played video games in years. I have a psi but it's only use is to play Netflix, dvds, and the wwe network

  82. Yep. Strange thing is, it could have been a super quick 3 minute match. I'm surprised they didn't try to squeeze it in anyway.

  83. Lately: I haven't been playing much the last few weeks... Europa Universalis IV was getting the most playtime before my laptop crashed just over a week ago. I've also put an hour or few into Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10 (PS2) (Wu Tang for the WIN!), Gauntlet Legends (DC), Age of Empires II (PC), and a few other games got short runs.

    All Time: I really don't have a clear #1, so by genres:

    RPG: Final Fantasy IX (Dragon Quest 8, Phantasy Star 4, and Chrono Trigger are close)
    Strategy: Romance X (Romance IV, Uncharted Waters 2, Civilization 2 are close)
    Sports: As the game I put the most hours into: Tiger Woods 09. But there's a LOT of competiton here, both old and new.
    Wrestling: WCW/NWO Revenge, just for the hours of Sudden Stops my friend and I use to subject the hapless AI to. Any of the N64 games, the early Smackdown games (pre SDvRaw), and EWR/TEW are all solid contenders.

  84. Wrestlemania 11. Forever worst.

  85. Least Favorite: The glut of FPSes... N64 Goldeneye was the last one I liked.

    Longest Play: The only game that comes to my mind is Uncharted Waters Online. Yep, it's an MMO. I played it "full time" for almost all of 2011 (unemployed and broke), and had a "short" run late 2012-early 2013. In comparison, WoW, FF14, and Star Trek Online couldn't hold me for more than a month each, and I don't care for MMOs in general.

    But... I could not recommend the game to anyone now... it's been "damaged" in various ways by two sets of management. Once every couple months or so, I pop into the forums, and see the same complaints/issues brought up... the game I put over a year into is quite mauled now IMO.

  86. When shawn blades he always bleeds like a siv.

  87. It was so underwhelming because WM 11 was full of blowoff matches, but they had already teased a bunch of new matches.

    Diesel vs HBK (They had already planted the Diesel/Sid seeds, and I'm a sucker for monster vs monster matches)

    Bret vs Backlund (Bret/Hakushi had already been teased)

    Taker vs Bundy (Taker vs Kama was already starting)

    Razor vs Jarrett IC rematch (it just felt like it was there to set up Razor/Kis vs Jarrett/Roadie)

  88. My CAW "The Show" was like, I don't even know how to describe it. If you put Lance Storm in DX? But I didn't really know who Lance Storm was. Short hair, sun glasses, jeans, power bombs, DDTs, German Suplexes, Elbow Drops, his finish was the Double Arm DDT "The Show's Over" and he had a running superkick called The Curtain Jerker.

    Eventually he morphed into like a Chris Jericho meets Xpac kind of technician, and then when I rejoined an e-fed a few years ago he was a grizzled veteran who has watched his friends and colleagues die for ungrateful fans and such. It was a good time.

  89. This is how I feel toward SynamicD. As a Kid I was HUGE into With Authority, like it was the first game I played a ton, and it eventually shut down. A buncha guys eventually resurrected it, and its out there, and I can play it, but it's a complete mess now with the way it's run and how the community works and such.

  90. Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite. It's a charmer.

  91. Favorite games ever: Madden, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Mortal Kombat 2, Twisted Metal, Tekken 2, Goldeneye 64, WCW vs The World, COD Modern Warfare 2 and 3, Doom 2, NCAA Football, Fire Pro Wrestling Returns, Killzone 1, Mario Bros 3, Greatest Heavyweights and many others.

    Never played and couldn't get into: Almost all role playing games.

  92. Ehh yes and know. I mean the difference is that Mass Effect is letting you affect a story, while GTA IV is trying, but failing, to depict a very specific kind of world with very specific characters, so all the realistic stuff and idle missions play into that a bit, to the annoyance of the player, but to the strength of the story if you're into that.

    Not saying that's a good way to do things though. GTAV was definitely far less up its own ass and it was far better for it.

  93. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    Thats in the conversation of GOAT

  94. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    SMG has some of the greatest level design ever, I kept being wow'd at each new world and what to do in it. Seriously, SMG1 & 2 makes being a masterpiece look so easy, I wonder how others can;t do it.

  95. Fuck eliminations one right after the other

  96. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    Not to mention cheap as all fucking hell. What a comedown after the amazing SOR2.

  97. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    SOR2 is def. among my favorite games ever. Also a A+ soundtrack.

  98. Favorite games (basically, because I've replayed them more times than any other game in existence):

    Final Fantasy VI
    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    Super Mario Bros. 3

  99. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    Good on you picking the best FF ever.

  100. I'm a FF3NES guy but yeah thats obviously not a bad choice either.

  101. Kentucky is getting it done at the stripe. Even the misses go their way.

  102. He does have short arms, and it absolutely matters. Getting blocks/steals/deflections is usually a matter of inches in the NBA. It absolutely hurts him.

  103. Fun topic.

    But I have to nerd it up a little (right before I say something that takes away from any nerd cred I have). We'll do it in order:
    1. I've been playing MGS 5: Ground Zeroes. And it's beautiful and fun to play, but a little too difficult for me in my old age. I also recently finished Episode 2 of The Walking Dead season 2. It was decent, but I feel like I've kinda seen all the tricks Telltale can pull in this type of game, and the story and acting I've always felt were a little overrated. But still, good.

    2. Favorite game of all time? Earl Weaver Baseball for the PC. My friends and I literally sank years into this game. If I could get it to work in a playable state on PC, I still would.

    3. Least favorite that everyone else seems to love is (and here's where I lose my nerd cred) any RPG. I just don't get them. I love the idea of playing a character through a story, but leveling, random battles, all that shit just does not make sense to my dumb brain. And yes, to those of you who might suggest a "non RPG" RPG, I've tried that one. I don't get it either.

    4. Longevity award - Earl Weaver. By far. GTA 3 (and the original Driver) got a lot of my time. Sports games usually at least earn a season or two.

  104. Also, anything other than Contra or Mike Tysons Punch out as the best vintage games is incorrect.

    ...maybe techno bowl I'll give you also

  105. Triple H pulls some great bladejobs too. I was watching the triple threat match with Edge and Cena from Backlash '06 a few days ago and he has an especially brutal one there. He was bleeding all over the fucking place and it got to the point where he was damn near covered from head to toe in blood stains.

  106. How many steps do you get in college basketball? Four?

  107. What a no sell by that rim!

  108. This is a great game

  109. This is like John Cena and Daniel Bryan slapping the shit outta each other...

  110. Anybody know when Elimination Chamber is being put up? I'm eager to watch the six man tag match again.

  111. no one even mentioned the Monkey Island series?

  112. Well I'd say a worldwide wifi signal needs to be developed first. Wasn't Tesla working on that?

  113. With a lot of the top guys leaving doubts with shoddy play, his solid play will look better than it is and can have a GM reach for him as a result.

  114. I've always been a big fan of Sonic games. I know there was a horrifically ugly mid-00s slump but the games have been pretty good since Colors, and obviously the old school ones are great. And the Japanese version of Sonic CD has quite possibly the greatest video game soundtrack of all time.

  115. Thought it was today but I guess not.

  116. The selection committee gave Wichita St no favors

  117. Yea, I don't think he's a franchise guy at all. He'll be a starter and have a good career but he's definitely in the 2nd tier of prospects in this draft class. Chad Ford has him at 5 I think.

  118. I'm right there with you on Mario. I love that game more than a grown man should love a game.

  119. Him and Smart seem to flip back and forth.

  120. Popular stuff I never enjoyed: I never got into Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. Not my cup of tea.

  121. Move over, Wiggins. We have a new #1 pick.

  122. Im a huge smart fan. Seems like Exum is the winner in all this. Locked into the 4th spot it seemss and could go 3rd if embiid stays in

  123. I can't decide if Greg Marshalls wife is attractive or not

  124. Uh, no. I'd be out of a job.

  125. Early in the post here. Quick turnaround

  126. Sonic does get good theme song.

  127. They shouldn't even go for the win, take your chances with another OT.

  128. I'd run a quick action for Baker on the wing or in the corner.

  129. I'll throw some love out for Day of the Tentacle.

  130. Go for the win here or higher % 2?

  131. The two isn't necessarily higher percentage.

  132. No, Kentucky will blow them out of OT. Gotta go for the win.

  133. O-VER-RA-TED!
    *clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*

  134. and Wichita St's season is over.

  135. That is a solid comparison

  136. Def not the shot they wanted. They had early for a second

  137. Live by the three, die by the three.

  138. Is it obligatory that you have to shake hands with the other team, I think I'd be too pissed off to do so.

  139. The heel went over. Bad booking

  140. Kentucky/Lville is gonna be awesome

  141. Kentucky is an A+ player. Having them go on is best for business.

  142. I guess L'Ville is gonna be the Hogan to Kentucky's Yokozuna.

  143. They don't exactly "live" by it. They aren't a high-volume three point team.

  144. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    Yeah. Even if you were pissed, the coaches always preach that they'd shake your hand if you lost.

  145. You didn't spell per se right


  147. Best college game I've seen all year

  148. Followed by a comedy of errors...

  149. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    So 3 of my Elite 8 are gone....but all 4 Final Four picks are still there!

  150. As happy as I am that UK won, I am now nervous as a mother fucker to face UL. Especially living in Louisville, if we lose that game all the UL trolls in town will have a field day with this.

  151. Stanford, Mercer, Kentucky, and Stone Cold?

  152. Ditto. I had WSU losing to Louisville anyway, another "lucky" miss for me.

  153. I'm partial to the three goggles, because UK used it a ton when Calipari put us back on the map.

  154. Yea. It's gonna be intense man. I LOVE this lville team and think they can win it all but UK has a shot. The pitino/calapari stuff is gonna get nauseating tho by Wednesday

  155. I mean, Calipari has basically owned Pitino while at UK and we have already beat them this season so I think UK has the advantage.

  156. "Luke's gimmick is he has no idea how to wrestle at all."


  157. Mrs. Stranger and I like to play games from time to time...

  158. Trips in 2000 can pull off a great blade job like it was nothing. RR, NWO, Judgment Day and Fully Loaded he did sick blade jobs. There are probably more ppvs where I can say that but those are the ppvs in 2000 I have seen so far lol

  159. I love Punch Out, but I love the over the top absurdity of Super Punch Out. I love that you're basically fighting guys that are straight up cheating.

  160. That's because VII isn't the best, VI is.

  161. He might still close out the show.

    If Cena vs Barrett in a chairs match can main event a ppv, Cena vs Wyatt can as well. At least he isn't in a title match so that's good.

  162. I've watched it since the beginning and I enjoy it. Andy Samberg can get on my nerves, but the rest of the cast is quite good.

  163. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    I always feel like the black sheep of Sonic fans when I say I prefer the American OST for Sonic CD.

    That said, S3&K has my favorite soundtrack of any game in existence, with S2 right behind it.

  164. The best soundtrack on the Genesis hands down.

  165. The midwest region can stick it, brother. Just screwed all to hell.

  166. IMO the chances of Cena/Bray closing out the show are next to nil but it would almost be worth it to have Bray close out a Mania.

  167. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 3:56 PM

    Hopefully it will get the eventual reverence that's equal to SMB1, 3, World, and 64, because it absolutely deserves it.

  168. Like I've said thrice, proof read.

  169. I like Smart a lot

  170. Finished Ni No Kuni last weekend, just started InFamous: Second Son and South Park: The Stick of Truth. Favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy VI, Least favorite that others seem to like would be any Call of Duty games. The MLB The Show series is the games that I play non-stop and put in 200-300 hours each year.

  171. I think the chance of it happening is more then next to nil but I'm not expecting it to close the show. I think Taker vs Lesnar is main eventing TBH.

    But I have seen Cena main event to many shows he had no business main eventing to state two weeks before a ppv that he isn't main eventng.

    I'd be impressed if Cena closed Mania by putting over the Wyatt family STRONG.

  172. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 23, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Is one of them "let's hide your bipolar meds"?

  173. I do and I did, but I don't think I would have caught that one had I not known there wasn't an y on the end.

  174. While 2012 left a lot to be desired in terms of booking, it was one of the best years in terms of wrestling quality in a while.

  175. Super Punch Out is the most underrated game on the SNES. I still fire up an emulator to play it and it still has some really hard fights. I was so disappointed with the Wii Punch Out because it didn't have nearly as large a roster.

  176. I think Randle is a top 7 pick.

    A lot of borderline 1st rd picks are helping themselves, like Napier and Payne, whining he was a few years younger, could be a lottery pick.

  177. Obscure man. I made it to the final boss once but couldn't beat it.

  178. Earthworm Jim! You're right, it wouldn't get made today. Neither would stuff like Nights, or Oddworld.

  179. Whatcyha been playing, interactive media wise, lately? Fallout New Vegas, Batman Arkham Origins, Zen Pinball 2, Banished

    What's your favorite game of all time? Too many to list. Roller Coaster Tycoon, The Bard's Tale, SMB3, Bioshock, Earthbound, Infamous, Uncharted 2

    Least favorite that everyone else seems to love? Dark Souls can kiss my ass. I don't mind a hard game but it does stupid bullshit like not letting you pause. You have no idea how to build your character and if you upgrade the wrong thing, oh well.

    What game have you played the most, for the longest period of time? I would say probably Civ 4 and 5. Tons of hours.

  180. Roller Coaster Tycoon ruined me on all other sim games. How do you top that game's presentation and audio and authenticity and shit!

  181. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    My poop was green. Unless I'm turning into The Hulk or Radioactive Man, I don't think it's supposed to be that color. Or if it was, it missed the holiday by a week.

  182. You don't. I haven't played the newer ones but it seemed like they didn't add anything except being able to ride your rides which is more cosmetic than anything.

  183. Oh, lately I've been playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Wind Waker, and Earthbound. Man, the Wii U is awesome. It's a shame it's so overlooked.

  184. Corn's sometimes good for that, as is anything with blue in it (Classic Bubblegum Snowballs come to mind.

  185. GTA IV is a very good game, but it's a little...I dunno, soulless? I didn't really care about Niko like Tommy or CJ or Trevor, Franklin and Mike.

  186. I've played maybe 5 different video games the past 5 years, the usual stuff like madden and GTA and shit. I'm far from a gamer but Uncharted 2 and 3 were incredible.

  187. So I rarely eat too much sugary stuff but my gf just brought over some huge hot fudge sundae with a brownie that we split and I'm seriously like tweaking from a sugar high.

    Also back to watching masato vs awesome

  188. Just discovered a couple of emulator sites (SNESfun, NESbox) and was wondering if it's possible to use my PS3 controller on them? I'm not a tech/computer guy at all, but I found out how to connect it to my PC, but nothing happens on those sites.

    If I bought a gamepad would that do the trick? I just can't with the keyboard controls... I just can't.

  189. Mario Kart 8 looks incredible.

  190. I just bought the HD Remasters of Final Fantasy X/X-2 for the PS3 and PS Vita, that's going to take the majority of my gaming time for the next few weeks. I still have Assassin's Creed II and III to get through, too, before I trade the PS3 in for a PS4. And I'm still working my way through the first season of the Walking Dead on the Vita, too.

    Looking forward to getting the new version of MLB: The Show, too. All that should keep me busy for a few months.

  191. This weekend has been amazing. What a great first two rounds. You couldn't ask for much more and there's still a few games left

  192. That's a pretty fucked up thing to KNOW I don't take my meds!

  193. I started watching WCW ppvs beginning with 1990 a few weeks back. Finally finished GAB '91 today, and I think it's time for a break. Man, was that ppv terrible. Hilarious world title belt they made on the fly. I was forewarned, but I wanted to see the train wreck for myself.

  194. I don't even think he watches Men's. Like how do you find the time?

    The only reason he's doing a women's is because everyone will scream sexism if didn't.


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