The SmarK Retro Rant for Saturday Night's Main Event #7 - October 1986
- Taped from Cleveland, OH
- Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura
- Fun fact: This was my first ever SNME, as I was 12 years old and determined to stay up until midnight to see if Paul Orndorff could beat Hulk Hogan. (Spoiler: He couldn’t.)
- WWF title match: Hulk Hogan v. Paul Orndorff.
Of course, this was the first in a series of MANY matches between them in 1986, triggered by Orndorff's famous heel turn in August 1986. (Well, first televised. The Big Event was of course the first one.) Hogan no-sells Paul's punches and goes after the Brain, but gets dumped as a result. Back in, Hogan slugs away again and follows with a corner clothesline, but goes after Bobby "The Decoy" Heenan and gets clobbered. Orndorff drops a knee. Hogan then sells it so dramatically that he rolls out of the ring and into the timekeeper. Orndorff chokes him down and follows with a running knee to keep him on the floor. Back in, Orndorff drops another knee and slugs Hogan down for two. Suplex gets two. Hogan pops up with a running knee, but Heenan grabs his ankle. This time Orndorff misses his ambush and lands on the floor, and we take a break as Heenan gets sent to the back. Back with Orndorff blindsiding Hulk after a chase. Elbowdrop gets two. Short-arm clothesline sets up the PILEDRIVER OF DEATH, but Hogan backdrops out of it and it's Hulk Up time. Punch, punch, punch, elbow, and then Hulk shows his poetic side, hitting a short-arm clothesline of his own. Sadly, before he can demonstrate the shitty way to do a piledriver, Adrian Adonis runs in. (Hogan d. Orndorff, Adonis run-in -- DQ, 10:41, **) Newly turned Roddy Piper makes the save, still selling the leg that was injured by Adonis. Usual Hogan-Orndorff match here.
- Ricky Steamboat v. Jake Roberts.
Round two. They trade wristlocks and Dragon chops the shit out of Roberts and gets two. Steamboat goes to the arm, but Roberts escapes, so Dragon faceplants him for two. They do a chase and Jake walks into another armdrag. He escapes and then misses a blind charge, and Dragon catapults him into the corner. Steamboat goes up and hits knee, however. Gutbuster gets two for Jake. He goes to work on the ribs and follows with the short-arm clothesline for two. Jake chokes him down and gets the kneelift for two. Steamer comes back, but an inverted atomic drop ends that. Dragon keeps coming and a crucifix ends it. (Steamboat d. Roberts, crucifix -- pin, 6:13, **1/4) This was cut off WAAAAY too short, just as it was getting good.
- The Iron Sheik v. Rowdy Roddy Piper.
With Piper's leg presumably too bad to continue wrestling tonight, Pedro Morales is inserted as a replacement, but Piper makes a miraculous return from the dressing room and sends him packing. Slick makes his SNME debut as Sheik's new manager. Piper breaks his crutch over the Sheik, but goes for Slick and gets kicked in the bad leg. Sheik goes for a suplex, but Piper reverses for the pin. (Piper d. Sheik, rollup -- pin, 0:42, DUD) (This era of Piper was weird in retrospect for me as a fan, because I never really knew him as the crazy heel. My first exposure to him was the Rock N Wrestling cartoon, and by the time I was watching him actually wrestle in the ring he was making his return as a babyface and feuding with Adrian Adonis. It was only much later in my life that I started associating him with the main event heel version of himself.)
- WWF tag titles: The British Bulldogs v. The Dream Team.
Another 2/3 falls match. Hammer gets pinballed by the Bulldogs to start, but pounds the Kid in the corner. Beefcake comes in with a suplex, but Davey comes in and works the arm. Beefcake reverses him down and brings him to the heel corner, where Hammer comes off the top with a forearm and gets two. Beefcake stomps him down for two. Quick tag to the Kid, however, and he chops Valentine down, but eats an atomic drop. Shoulderbreaker gets two. Forearm gets two. Back to Beefer, who pounds the Kid down for two. They collide and Valentine takes advantage with the figure-four, and Dynamite submits at 4:52. We take a break and return with Valentine trying another figure-four on DK, but Kid kicks out. Dream Team double-teams the leg, and another double-team gets two for Beefcake. Backbreaker gets two. Back to the Hammer, who tries a middle-rope elbow, but misses. Hot tag Davey Boy, and he headbutts Valentine down and follows with a delayed suplex for two. Powerslam sets up a crazy Bulldog double-team, with Davey putting Beefcake in a fireman's carry, and then Dynamite jumping off the top rope, onto Beefcake on Davey's shoulders, and using that momentum to hit a diving headbutt onto Valentine. Needless to say, that ties things up at 9:26. Third fall sees Valentine going for the now-injured knee of Dynamite, but the Kid snap suplexes him and then misses a headbutt. Hammer pounds him down for two, and draws Smith in for some double-teaming behind the ref's back, which gets two. Back to the leg, but Kid makes the hot tag. Beefcake cuts that off and backdrops Davey Boy for two. Clothesline gets two. Headbutt down low gets two. Davey comes back with a sunset flip for two. Hammer necksnaps him and comes in with kneedrops, and a delayed suplex gets two. Beefcake gets the high knee for two. It's BONZO GONZO and Davey pulls out a Perfectplex of all things, and that finishes. (Bulldogs d. Dream Team, Davey Boy Smith fisherman's suplex -- pin Brutus Beefcake, 15:19, ***3/4) Probably the best SNME match ever up until that point. Seriously, find it and check it out if you can.
- Kamala v. Leaping Lanny Poffo.
Uh, yeah. (Kamala d. Poffo, splash -- pin, 1:35, DUD)
The Bottom Line:
Hogan v. Orndorff on free TV for the first time? Crazed interviews from Roddy Piper? The debut of Slick? Bulldogs and Dream Team tearing shit up? Get all this!
Thought the same thing. I thought it must have been the video game company's idea, because it was so unique and put someone over the brand.
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to watch a random WCW PPV. Let's say i wanted to watch an Eddie Guerrero match. I have to scroll through each PPV trying to remember the card because they don't tell you it in the info. And their search engine sucks balls.
ReplyDeleteSo no, I won't be buying the network just yet. If they want my money, they'll have to be than total divas.
Sorry man, you misheard it. They were actually chanting "BDSM", it was a particularly kinky crowd.
ReplyDeleteThe search engine is garbage and it really doesn't even work. I haven't even bothered using it more than once or twice because I found it be worthless.
ReplyDeleteThey give zero dates or what show it happened on. So I click Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero I have no idea if I'm getting their Halloween Havoc classic or something from their terrible 2005 feud.
ReplyDeleteThe only good thing about this show was the Hitchhiker reference, and that was Scott. FEH.
ReplyDeleteThat's what they tell themselves every day in creative now when the majority of storyline ideas come up.
ReplyDeleteThey really nailed it with this commercial.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get it to work.
ReplyDeleteDidn't matter how many times it happened, every time he repelled from the ceiling and annihilated the nWo, I always marked out.
ReplyDeleteI'd be shocked if the WWE game has a WCW storyline.
ReplyDeleteI don't plan on getting it, at least not immediately.
Yeah, I wasn't a fan. I preferred Surfer Sting.
ReplyDeleteParticularly 1991 - 1994 too, once he adjusted his offense a bit after his knee injury. His matches with Vader really showed what he could do.
ReplyDeleteStill works for me.
ReplyDeletePoor Bray. Permanently has the stink of Super Cena all over him and is now dead in the water.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't give him one convincing win wwe?
Really? I loved the Razor Ramon character. The guy was like the king of the IC title. I'm really surprised they didn't turn him heel in 1995 after he failed to win the belt from Jarrett and have him face Diesel for the WWF title. That's a feud in 1995 WWF that could've drawn money.
ReplyDeleteah, Tatanka's heel turn. I find him fascinating as a wrestler, largely because he was a VERY green rookie when he debuted in the WWF, which is an odd case (at this point, they usually hired guys with a good bit of Indie experience). It really makes it clear just WHY he was so shitty and incapable at the time (his best match is against Shawn Michaels, and it wasn't even ***). He was actually BETTER when he did his sudden return years later.
ReplyDeleteI remember digging him because he slapped people. I thought that was hilarious- the kids at school were always throwing out slaps on each other because of Razor.
ReplyDeleteVideos just won't load for me. Maybe it doesn't work with Chromebooks, who knows...
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the game company. I recall Warrior doing his spot a year or two back and it being a step toward working with WWE again but still a step removed since he was actually working for THQ.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking you get a full week whenever you sign up. So my free trial would end sometime tomorrow I guess.
ReplyDeleteI think I signed up Saturday. Moot point anyway, like I said, it doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteSomeone's getting buried next week.
ReplyDeleteGoddamn, a Coach Scarf sounds good right about now! Where do I give away my credit card details? Are you really the pretty bitch in that avatar?
ReplyDeleteTwo observations:
ReplyDelete1. With Swagger and Rusev, sometimes good ol' xenophobia is what gets people paying attention.
2. Paige is delicious.
That's all.
Not the box factory?
ReplyDeleteI was highly amused at the loud cheers turning into a chorus of boos when the 2K5 logo flashed on-screen.
ReplyDeleteI love that Kliq tag match. I've tried to find a decent copy to stream--albeit unsuccessfully. Thankfully, I have it on a WWF comp tape from 95 or so.
ReplyDeleteIt does not work for chromebooks yet, which is why I didn't purchase one when I was laptop shopping.
ReplyDeleteThese read more and more like Nazi speeches translated from German, into Japanese, then to English.
ReplyDeleteTheme still gives me chills... one of the greatest ever. Was it an original WCW creation?
ReplyDeleteThat promo made me want to pay good $$$ to see Sting wrestle at least one more time, but I'm perfectly fine with him staying out of the ring.
ReplyDeleteBut why can't they do this for other guys? Who else could benefit from a promo like this? And how sad is it that it probably wasn't by the WWE?
I went to the flea market this weekend and saw a guy with a Kenny Anderson Georgia Tech throwback on. That made me think of this and Tommy Hall. That's all I got. Keep em coming and I'll see you next week
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna lie. I love these post-games.
ReplyDeleteThey own the brand, there's still nostalgia in it - it would be very easy to weave an nWo storyline in there, and have it be Crow Sting vs. Hogan at Starrcade to end it.
ReplyDeleteI'd do Crow Sting b/c 1) it promotes his entry into the game, 2) you have Hogan, and 3) it keeps you from paying Goldberg.
ReplyDeleteTBH, I'd rather use those rights fees to pay for Macho Man.
Combined Age = 200
ReplyDeleteSo my belt should be here in under a month!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite Sting look was his brief and inexplicable Weird Al Yankovic tribute phase.
...give or take.
ReplyDeleteSince when does BoD RAW have commercials?
ReplyDeleteIf you're trying to sell me sunglasses, threatening Deliverence on me is not the best strategy.
ReplyDeleteA few games ago there was heavy wcw influence
ReplyDeleteHe went to the wrong building again.
ReplyDeleteLoved how they allowed the crowd reaction to be a part of it... So well done
ReplyDeleteI've been tearing up local nightclubs ever since my Dancin' Devin shirt arrived from BoDShop. Now all the ladies know I get FUNKAY!
ReplyDeleteClearly, I'm not getting any matches on BoD Raw or the Battleground show, and my challenges are falling on deaf ears. That's cool. You all want to keep me down. I can dig it. But I won't accept it. You hear me, Bayless? I'll make my own future here at the BoD.
ReplyDeleteLook at the rankings, Bayless. Look closely. I just took out the Fuj. I'm working my way up the rankings here. I may be Midcard Mafia 4 Life, but that doesn't mean I won't go after some legends and upper carders, too.
That World Cup hater, the Brazilian Kid is next. I'm going to take him down and give him a penalty kick like nothing he's ever experienced before.
I'm not going anywhere, Bayless. Whether you hate my new name or not, you can try to bury me with all the shovels at the Home Depot. It won't matter. I'm going to enjoy watching Magoonie take you down on Sunday.