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Shane Douglas

What's up with the constant Shane Douglas bashing on the blog? Shane Douglas is my favorite active wrestler. He's still having awesome brawls week after week, while BoD commenters defend the Rock's ringwork, or "oh it's ok Cena's champ again because I can watch old SNME for 10 bucks a month' or "Adam Rose would be huge if he had more people in his entourage".

Absolutely silly to me. Meanwhile someone's gotta stick a SHANE DAGLAZ WORKS TEH TARGAT into the comments for every friggin article. You've got guys on there lamenting the loss of Santino but a real WRESTLER is supposedly a joke?  This year alone I've seen Douglas vs. Rhino tear the house down twice. Douglas will also stand around and shoot the shit with whoever wants to after the show. Does John Cena or Dolph Ziggler or Fandango do that with you guys?

I'd rather watch a 2014 Shane Douglas match than any 2014 WWE match featuring anyone but Wyatts or ex-Shield.
Even Wyatt is debatable because it's not all that fun watching him job to Cena every week. If Douglas came back to WWE and jobbed to Cena every night and got called "the dean of POOPY admissions" in promos you guys would be cheering the hell out of him and complaining he isn't pushed more.  



  1. I'm surprised Douglas even has time to wrestle anymore. Does Walmart allow him the time off?

  2. Lol, you like the Wyatts...

  3. I heard he busted Emma.

  4. I'd accuse Shane of posting this but then I remembered he's actually an intelligent guy, something this person is not.

  5. This topic reads like a meandering Shane Douglas promo.

  6. I hope it's just trolling but sadly I think he's serious.

  7. Come on, dude. I've been to one of Shane's indy shows recently and the guy can barely move. He was in a tag match with three other guys and he did the least work, he wouldn't even take his shirt off cause he was that out of shape. I also saw clips one of the last Rhino/Douglas matches (where Rhino became the Lancaster Heavyweight Champion) and it was definitely not "tearing the house down."

    Douglas is just a sad former pro who working shows in FUCKING LANCASTER, PA. That says it all right there.

  8. "It's a new year, Shaaaaanne Douuugggglaaaas."

  9. Wait -- who the fuck thinks its okay that Cena is champ? I thought most of the sentiment about that was, "Well he's the only guy legitimate enough to face Brock Lesnar at Summerslam."

  10. This person also seems to think we bash Shane Douglas a lot, instead of, y'know, not mentioning him because he hasn't been relevant in almost 15 years.

  11. I think he's serious, too. Marks. Seriously.

  12. I'm going to bash Shane Douglas in every post thread from now on.

  13. Also I just realized we're coming up on the 20th anniversary of Shane trashing the NWA title. The only thing sadder than Douglas still wrestling today is the NWA still trying to be relevant.


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