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A Match of the Day

I don't remember these two teams having very many televised matches, which surprises me because if I were booking they would have had a never-ending feud in 1990. Enjoy.


  1. My number 1 (MX) and number 2 (Steiners) favorite tag teams. Never knew they wrestled.

  2. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    I wanted to see the HBK/Bret Hart Ironman match montage.
    Or at least the HHH WrestleMania training montages.

  3. Any real wrestling fan knows about that one episode of Monday Night Raw where Bret made lemonade for Ahmed Johnson and Marc Mero and they discussed Johnny Mnemonic. Troll.

  4. either flair of gino hernandez

  5. I think everyone playing this straight is what makes it awesome. Neither can act but it's not stopping them from going all-out. Also, they more than make up for it with the slapfests.

  6. HH90 had a LOT of tag team matches, and they looked like good ones - MX/RnR, Doom/Horsemen, Steiners/Nasties, shoot even the Southern Boys/Master Blasters match looked somewhat interesting because, well, why not? I'm sure it sucked, but let's throw it in anyway.

    I think I'm gonna check it out...

  7. Actually, come to think of it there WAS that episode where Bret reunited his family. His brother even cried.

  8. I think #1 is the only thing that draws real interest. It'd be such a sharp difference from WWE TV, and so in line with what a lot of casuals saw as the "golden age" of wrestling, that it'd hook lots of lapsed fans possibly.

    Very very few people give half of the tiniest shit about DGUSA or ROH, and those people are already subscribed to the Network for the archives. NXT is already a well produced indie wrestling show.

    The 30 for 30 stuff would be cool, but WWE already has done some good in-house stuff like the Warrior and Bryan docs, and while it makes for good programming it's all just filler. But it'd be cool to watch for those alreday subscribed.

    Raw available on teh Network? Eh, there's already DVR annnd they put the big segments on their Youtube the next day anyway. Not a big draw.

    Battleground 2013 followed by the complete first season of The Single Guy? Now that's Must See TV!

  9. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    Only if it a Samoa Joe/Kobashi slapfest will I care.

  10. Why would his ass be bleeding and touching a baby at the same time? Come to think of it, why would his bare ass be anywhere near a baby?

  11. It was also the swan song of the Minnesota Wrecking Crew. Just a good year for tag team action.

  12. *re-opens thread*



  13. When you drag Shane McMahon to ****+ (KoTR '01) You are pretty damn good


  14. Jeff Hardy. First WWF match I ever saw was the 99 No Mercy ladder match. As an 11 year old who loved jumping off high things I was instantly hooked and Jeff was that reason. Followed him ever since no matter where he's at.

  15. I don't want to judge you guys but the lack of Paul Roma discussion is very concerning.

  16. Ooh, can we all have opinions then?

    You're a piece of shit. There's mine for this post.

  17. Because he isn't our favorite?

  18. It'd be an interesting move if after TNA goes out of business ina few months (FINALLY), that not Vince but ROH buys up the tape library. Maybe they could then start some $3-$5 a month online service with the archives and then some occasional IPPVs.

  19. AHHHHHHH, gotcha. I remember that. Never mind.

  20. Because, people really really bought into "Outbreak"

  21. If I can be serious for a moment, Lance Storm would disagree.

  22. Nice televised match. No resting. Lots of double teams. Couple false finishes. It's about ***1/2 - ***3/4 to me.

  23. Recap needed more Matt insight. Maybe he could just write the whole thing.

  24. Shawn Michaels.
    I was especially drawn to Shawn post comeback. He was still the best guy in the company despite breaking his back and having a horrible drug problem. No matter who he was paired with, you could expect a great match. That goes for his whole career. If it wasn't for HBK, I probably wouldn't have given wrestling a second chance when I started following wrestling again in 06-07. I can say with pride that I cried when he lost his match to the Undertaker at WrestleMania 26.
    His match with Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 is still, in my opinion, the greatest wrestling match I've ever seen. I had a bunch of buddies over to watch at my College house and served as the designated driver for the evening. Despite this, I blacked out after that match. I remember having a smoke after the match and don't remember anything after that Mania until I drove my friends home to their houses/dorms.

  25. Shawn Michaels was always my favourite. Even when I was a kid and he was a heel. He wore leather jackets and sunglasses, I thought he was cool.

  26. no not the "job guy from WWF" the Four Horseman member! The Glory of Power and Glory....THAT Paul Roma

  27. He had a pretty good dropkick, and the Power & Glory finisher was kind of cool.

  28. I feel old. When I was watching that Michaels-Cena match I was on beer number 15 because college.

  29. Big Dave was faaaaaaaaar better than I expected him to be. Drax was written as a naive meathead, which fit him perfectly.

  30. Is there more of a damning indicator of how bad the current product is when they're LOSING subs since the last quarter?

  31. They've offered no reason to give a shit, between the MITB foregone conclusion main event and the filler that was Battleground.

  32. It's kind of amazing how hard this question has become to answer. Chris Benoit was once my easy answer. Ric Flair is probably still top of my list. Hulk Hogan got me into the whole thing, but I soured on him in his later years.

  33. "Personal Issues" is pretty much always drugs. Still, that's one less top US player on the Ryder Cup squad...

  34. Yeah, I hate the way listening to director's commentaries stopped me being able to enjoy movies now I know it's all cameras, clapperboards and green screen...

    ... No wait that didn't happen.

    Pull back the curtain as much as you like, we'll all still gladly suspend disbelief like we do for the movies

  35. Macho Man. Because he's the fucking Macho Man.

  36. The fundamental problem is that nobody wants to see Stephanie McMahon in a main event angle. It's been done! To death! It wasn't fun 15 years ago and it isn't fun now, especially when her foil is someone everybody hates!

  37. Deep down he probably is though.

  38. That finisher should be brought back. Well, so should tag team wrestling, but that's another topic

  39. This is the correct answer to the question.

  40. He's far from it.

  41. That's going to get you a lot of heat round these parts. I seem to always get scorned for mentioning how much I love Jericho.

  42. Kurt Angle 1999-2001. Extremely entertaining heel character that really fit into what I enjoy. Rapidly improving worker rising through the ranks. Very handsome young man. He had it all. And then he went bald and ugly and crazy and I feel depressed every time I see him for a decade now because he's probably going to die in a horrible fashion. But, that's wrestling.

  43. 1: My apologies, I seriously thought you were getting pranked somehow.
    2: Belated Happy Birthday.

  44. I think a top 5 is more honest. I say Bret but if i'm picking between watching a Bret, Rock, Flair, Savage or Angle match really comes down to mood.

  45. Stone Cold. As a 16 year old, his anti-authority attitude appealed to me.

  46. No shit. Leelee above slightly cheats by using a short timeframe, but I'd have to do the same to give any sort of an honest answer.

  47. Oh, who am I kidding. . .


  48. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    wwe releases a whole bunch of development people i've never heard of (except for kristofferson_

    WWE Releases Five Developmental Talents

    Posted by Larry Csonka on 08.01.2014

    Click to see who they are… reports that WWE has released five WWE developmental talents. The
    talents released were Garett Dylan (Jody Kristofferson), Travis Tyler (Sam Udell), Slate Randall, Mac Miles and Dani Jax.

    WWE announced yesterday that they were cutting 7% of their employees, and wrestlers cuts were also expected following yesterday's Q2 financials report.

  49. Yeah, Eddie was one of my favorites as well. Another tough one

  50. If I was older than 30, Flair would almost certainly be my favorite. But, I grew up with him being the saggy tits guy that WCW always wanted to push aside.

  51. Well, at least they didn't release anyone people cared about.

  52. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    young bucks tease that they're wwe-bound

    i just can't see it. if people think that dbry is too small, there's no way anyone will accept the bucks

  53. Phones are so 10 years ago.

  54. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    disqus is acting up. i'm not getting the real time notification on here

  55. Paging ilovecmpunk.....

  56. Watched it a million times and it still gives me goosebumps. Such an amazing, emotional moment...flushed down the toilet weeks later when all of it was dropped.

    Now I'm pissed.

  57. Happy belated. My birthday is Sunday.

  58. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    thanks! all the cool kids have a b'day from this past sunday to this coming sunday

  59. It has been down on several occasions.

  60. Yeah, it seems like a nice little wave.

  61. As a fan, I've never had that sort of "electrified" feeling from wrestling, like I did for the Horsemen reunion and Flair's return. I was 15 then, too!

  62. Meh I am an attention whore, if it would let me randomly change my birthday when I have a bad day just to get some attention I would.

  63. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    makes me think of that episode of george lopez where max fakes his b'day

  64. By the way, as long as there's no Black Scorpion or magic tricks involved, feel free to rebook WCW 1990.

  65. Angel from Da Baldies

  66. Gotta go with Bret myself, although Stone Cold is a *very* close 2nd. Probably the most overall fun I had as a fan was the Attitude era with guys like Austin, DX, The Rock, Mankind, etc, but when it all boils down to the one guy I most associate with growing up with wrestling and have the fondest memories of, it's Bret.

    The first live show I ever went to featured Bret vs. Owen. I was a young mega-fan during his 1994 WWF Championship reign. I started ordering PPVs as a kid during his main event run. He participated in two of my favorite matches of all time (WM13 with Austin and SS91 with Perfect). I've met him at a book signing and he was about as personable and professional a guy could be. He was likely the hardest worker the company ever had. All jokes aside (many of which are probably warranted), he wrote my favorite book pertaining to pro wrestling, and I've read it about 3 or 4 times. He uses my favorite submission move ever...

    Yeah, Bret.

  67. I love Owen Hart too, but everyone has their favorite.

  68. Best moment (if I HAD to pick one): "YOU...ARE...A NO GOOD...SONOFABITCH." (Crowd goes apeshit)

  69. Steiners vs. Nasty Boys is just an awesome, violent match. Well worth checking out. The Midnight Express were also in a serious groove in their match against Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich.

  70. Because he was asking our favorite, not who you consider the best. Rarely the same.

  71. I have a feeling Brie Mode could be a meme.

  72. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. A lot of personal reasons actually, I was an abused kid, and as a result of that abuse, I was a very quiet kid. Piper was the attitude I wished I could project. He was cool, cocky, and full of piss and vinegar. He talked loudly and then backed it up when he wanted to. Don't get me wrong I was a Hulkamaniac, and a huge fan of the Junkyard Dog, but Roddy will always be number one because he was who I wished I was at that age, I kinda lived vicariously through him and his character got me through a lot of stuff.

  73. This thread has made me realize that my whole life would be different if Cartoon Express had been on TBS.

  74. I might enjoy that.

  75. Ah man, Mac Miles did such a great job just standing on the apron watching his partner get killed on NXT last night. Leave the memories alone.

  76. WWE needs Shane McMahon to save the Network.

  77. Foley. Could work a good-to-great match with nearly anyone, cut absolutely my favorite promos of anyone, was the best ever in the commissioner role, and I think at least through his initial retirement he had one of the deepest on-screen characters in history.

  78. Ricky Steamboat. A brilliant worker, great arm drags and leaps, a babyface his entire career and more importantly, one of the absolute greatest sellers ever. When Steamboat took a hit, he made you feel it with staggering, blowing out cheeks and such, sucked you in totally and you had to cheer him on. A true professional with so many classic battles, I can never not be entertained by him.

  79. And they bleeped it! It was great TV.

    Sorry gonna re-hash...

    But Sting should have led the charge... then Luger and the Steiners and DDP...

    THe reformation of the Four Horsemen should have been the nail that killed the NWO for good.

  80. WWE just cut five NXT talents:

    Garrett Dylan
    Travis Tyler
    Slate Randall
    Dani Jackson
    Mac Miles

  81. Buck Nasty is about to complian. I bet he is "Other person typing"

  82. They would have all gotten buried by John Cena within the next 5 years anyway.

  83. Getting buried by John Cena is a push!

  84. Who cares, I'm a Jericholic too.

  85. Didn't even realize he posted his below.


  86. Cena should totally job 100% clean to every new guy! That way, it will create a new attitude eraz!

  87. You what that sadly made me remember? The segment where those reactions of Vince came from... I shit you not, they did a segment on Smackdown where Vince interviewed a bunch of secretaries before settled on Stacy doing the striptease that garnered those reactions.

    And they wonder why ratings went to shit.

  88. You should recap with us. :D!!!!!!!

  89. Ric Flair (as a heel) - The greatest wrestler of all time, the total package. He made everyone around him look like a million dollars. Great look with the robes, suits, color combos, blond hair, etc. Fantastic bumper, Flair was never afraid to make someone look good. Just the best on the mic. Flair was able to have 4 star match into his 50's in WWE. The greatest of all time, period.

  90. I love that the episode was supposed to be Nattie-centric -- and the Bellas just force their way in.

  91. I don't think anyone here thinks that way. I do however think they should avoid bringing in new guys and jobbing them to Alberto Del Rio.

  92. I would check it out during Nitro commercial breaks.

  93. (Matt: By the way, why is there a stripper pole in the shower?)

    (Andy: Because Vegas.)

  94. Just went to to check the NXT roster and counted 45 names. Now that includes William Regal,JBL,Jason Albert & Renee Young but that seems like a pretty big roster for a one hour weekly show.

    Especially since they keep throwing in so many main roster guys onto the show for reasons unknown.

  95. That was Danielle's exact response, too.

  96. Stephanie is doing well. Brie is awful.

  97. It was absolutely built as the main angle of Raw. No question. You are right.

  98. I have a friend who's a casual fan. He's 26-27 or so and knows Ric Flair as the guy who elbowdrops jackets. I prefer this Ric Flair.


  100. It used to be Chris Benoit, but, y'know...

  101. Brie is likeable? Not to me. In real life, sure, but when she screams/talks on screen it's like nails on a damn chalkboard. I specifically remember her nearly ruining AJ's pipebomb promo last year by screaming over the top of it.

  102. The crowd popped for Stephanie at the end of Raw.

  103. Love em both, despite Steph's weird 2003 hair.

  104. I might openly weep if Stephanie got rid of the implants.

  105. Everyone cried watching that HART-warming television.

  106. And I can afford a third easily

  107. Kings of Harts era Owen Hart. Great worker, great character and I was so happy to see him as a headliner. RIP.

  108. I'm sure about a dozen people have said this by now, but Hillbilly Jim.

  109. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:14 PM


  110. Or's a toss up.

  111. Well that throws a bunch of names back into the generator. Looking forward to the debuts of Garrett Tyler, Slate Dylan, and Mac Randall!

  112. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Zack Ryder has a cup named after him?

  113. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    I figured it will be her usual bell bottoms and T-shirt.

  114. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    If this were a mid-card angle I would agree with you, but this at the very least be a co-main event.

  115. The two greatest tag-teams of all time. I approve.

  116. Worst_in_the_WorldAugust 1, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    I love Bryan, but he's the last person who should become a promo coach.

  117. Love that match. The stiffness was off the charts

  118. TJ: Yes, Guardians of the Galaxy is as good as you think it is. As much as I loved Drax, I think Groot made the movie for me.

  119. I dug his run up the turnbuckle spot he did. Always crisp

  120. No, but people being morons is what is keeping more people from subscribing.

  121. LOL! OMG! XD

    U guys are crazy!

  122. Bret The HItman Hart. Total mark, had the pink shades, cried when they lost to the Nasties at WM7, attended and enjoyed King of the Ring '95, was an honorary Canadian in 1997, lost ten bucks betting on him in the Survivor Series '97, marked out like a 12-year-old when he returned in 2010, spent two hours yesterday watching him do a 1992 Timeline shoot, would eagerly watch him do two-hour shoots on any years from 1994-2000

  123. Great find, why isn't THIS stuff on the network?

  124. Love that stiff ass match

  125. ZOMG!!! You didn't hurt yourself, did you?

  126. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    ...and the announcers talking about it almost every segment.

  127. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonAugust 1, 2014 at 1:46 PM


  128. Who wants to watch garbage like this when we could be watching Legends House!

  129. Please tell me you saw the post-credits scene.

  130. Scott and Bobby's mullets are spectacular.

  131. I'm older than Justin Gabriel and i'd have no problem getting with a 19 year old. Just sayin.

  132. "I'll HAVE a salad and a GLASS of water."

  133. Not only that, he was banging other golfer's wives.

  134. Maybe the Network problems are partially due to marketing so much to kids? My parents were cool with me watching wrestling when I was a kid, they'd spring for pay per views every other month, but I doubt they'd be setting me up with 24/7 wrestling as a kid.

  135. 1. Hulk Hogan- as a kid, he was my guy, and he's still my all time favorite.
    1A. Ric Flair- his promos, in ring work, and character. Just amazing. He's right up there with Hogan for me.

    I have lots of other wrestlers I really like, but those 2 are my favorites for sure.

  136. No way my parents ever would've gotten the Network for me. It was hard enough to get a WWF Magazine subscription out of them every year and that was only $20! They never ordered any pay-per-views either, but a few times I was able to go to a friend's house who did order them.

  137. I hear ya','s just that the dude coulda had any woman and he chose to pluck JoJo. I'm just not gettin' it.

  138. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 1, 2014 at 2:23 PM

    Oh...a Helen Keller reference

  139. I simply can't watch anymore Nasty Boys or Harlem Heat matches. I feel like I have seen 5 lifetimes full of their matches.

  140. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage- he was easily my favourite when I was a kid, and it's a great thing to look back and realize that he was EVEN BETTER than I'd thought. One of the best carry-artists of all time, and excelling at both promos and in-ring stuff on a level nobody else could match.

  141. Even if it is only $10 a month, and you save money by getting the pay per views for "free", it's still a monthly expense on wrestling and I can see a lot of parents not getting it, either because times are tough and wrestling isn't a priority, or because they don't want their kids watching wrestling all day and night.

  142. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 1, 2014 at 2:34 PM


    "The only thing that's real is me, and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I've proved to everybody in the world that I'm the best on this microphone, in that ring, even at commentary! Nobody can touch me!"

    He is the reason I got back into wrestling, and I don't think I've ever felt as defeated and empty as a fan when Rock took the title off him.

  143. Yeah...stick around...I have some killer Hippolyte Belange references you're gonna love.

  144. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyAugust 1, 2014 at 2:40 PM


    oh wait, i thought it said "your favourite loser"

  145. Wrestler: La Parka
    Why: La Parka

  146. Bret said that Bad News held petty grudges and cost The Cuban a job in WWF

  147. I still don't think he came out and said he hated BNB though. He was basically just recounting what happened IIRC. Like there was some heat b/t Cuban and BNB due to their wives or something (it's been a while since I've read Bret's book, I have too many tears in my eyes to read it frequently) but it didn't seem like Bret was cross at BNB or anything.

  148. Yeah I don't see it either. I grew up on JCP and a heel like BNB probably wouldn't have gotten over. He might've done some business with Sting or a face Luger for a bit but without being able to bring it night in and night out in the ring, I don't see him being a long-term main event heel in JCP.

  149. Hopefully so.

  150. I definitely prefer Nikki, mainly because she has some thickness to her. Brie often looks like a stick figure.

  151. It's a dead even tie between Randy Savage and Bret Hart. When I started watching in '92, Randy Savage made me a fan, but Bret Hart made sure I stayed a fan.

  152. Bret Hart. The guy was so good in the ring. Never had a really bad match, ever.

    Honorable Mentions: Ric Flair, Randy Savage, John Cena, Kurt Angle.

  153. Hogan. I don't think I need to explain why.

  154. You'll all think I'm crazy, but it's quite possibly Raven.

    I wish the WWE had used the Raven character properly. :(

  155. The roster was incredibly solid with an insane tag division. Much could be done.

  156. I think the Midnights we're being de-pushed at this point and on their way out but somebody had a brain and put these two teams together. Probably wasn't the same brain that came up with the Black Scorpion storyline. Which would have worked if they had planned for an actual payoff and didn't use stupid magic tricks and illusions.


  158. they both are pretty bad. When she tried showing sincerity? Man was that the worst.

  159. Hacksaw Butch Reed....without question. You gotta remember: a) I'm black and b) I'm from the South, which pretty much was Mid-South country. All my friends liked Junkyard Dog, but I always dug the heels. Reed was the first black heel that I saw that could be this big badass football-player type, instead of being made to look like a buffoon...which also made his babyface run doesnt hurt that he kinda favored my dad also, and he always threated to put soup bones on somebody's head. I'm referring to the Mid-South ass-kicking Butch Reed, not the ridiculous blond haired Natural Butch Reed he became in the WWF.


  161. Have you already forgotten WeeLC?

  162. I want to see the numbers next month after the initial reup. If the numbers still stink I think they should try putting up a ton of older content and advertising that fact. It might not work, but obviously holding back the older content hasn't worked either. I'm interested to see if people really do buy into the theory that if they reup WWE will reward them with more stuff or if there are some getting irritated about hoping for new content rather than having a bunch of content they KNOW they want to watch for 6 more months.

  163. No, Bad News was such an asshole that most promotions wouldn't touch him.

  164. well with all the people cutting cable Netflix might not have programming available forever. At a certain point someone has to pay for content and if less and less is being paid for to be run on cable, then more and more has to be made directly for Netflix or other streaming service (like Orange is the new Black and House of Cards). As that happens, prices for Netflix WILL go up.

  165. BUT BUT BUT 60 millions fans and whatnot

  166. The problem as I see it is the number of people who will watch the archive is very low. See the top 10 shows every week. Granted we don't know how that list is put together, but it's all we got. They can see what everyone watches and for how long.

    The demand for archived content is low. That is coming from a guy who would love to watch 80s and 90 WCW Worldwide all day. Classics on demand had like 180,000 subscribers. If they want to grow the network, they need to put out a wrestling product people will pay continually for, or they need popular original programing. I really think making Total Divas a netwrok exclusive, and make it known as such, would attract new subscribers. Give Stephanie a show so you don't lose rights fees from E!.

  167. They can see what everyone watches and for how long. People are watching it, even if your not. Reality is relatively cheap to make. That is why they do the market research for it.

  168. I thought registering email addresses was supposed to solve this problem?

  169. Ol' Shakins here must have a verified email. Gotta have verified email to make that kind of money from home.

  170. The Ghost of Faffner HallAugust 1, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    Great job as usual you two-- I laughed like a lunatic at "TAKE HER TO A SHITTY STEAKHOUSE AND LOOK AT THE FUCKING RABBIT." :)

  171. thanks we have a blast writing these, I think half of why we do these is to amuse ourselves - always great when we amuse others as well. :)

  172. can't wait to see how you do this one. :P

  173. I always thought of Allen Coage - Bad News Allen/Brown as a Steve Austin type wrestler -- albeit black.


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