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BoD Daily Thread

Since there is no news to speak of in wrestling today, I thought I would just post this instead. So, discuss whatever is going on today or talk about RAW from last night if you want to as well. 


  1. And no Raw Rant? Did everyone skip this show?

  2. I skipped out after Dustin jobbed to that stupid bull.

  3. I need my daily update infoming me how closer Reigns is to those brass rings.

  4. According to my sources, he is 1.5 inches closer.

    Also, Cena continues to tease the roster by holding said rings juuuust out of reach, before sticking them in his pocket, and informing them they they can't see them.

  5. I didn't watch the game last night, but it seems that Peyton Manning has not quite been himself the last month or so. Any thoughts on the subject? Is he hurt? Pretty much done? Something else?

  6. i like good workrate

  7. I think Perri is working on one now.

  8. Now would be a good time for a "Best of BoD" clip show

  9. Maybe we can get Vinson to link to his fave gifs.

  10. I think he's hurt and they're just keeping it quiet. Even before he had this streak of poo games they had been running the ball much much more, especially in the redzone.

  11. Ah, the Brock Lesnar version of the BOD Update.

    #lazy fuck


  12. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 23, 2014 at 7:26 AM

    Ziggler is the fucking man.



  14. Great Divas tag match last night

  15. Was Raw any good? I didn't watch other than about 20 minutes in the middle. I saw Cena win, and a pretty weak Ambrose promo.

  16. Maybe hurt, in a bit of a slump and they've also seemed to make a conscious decision to heavily feature the running game as well. Their Sunday Night Game against KC a few weeks ago was tons of CJ Anderson.

  17. Nah. The Ziggler vs Harper match was good.

  18. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    So on today's raw-Rollins becomes Cena's bitch(again),Ambrose looks like a goof(AGAIN),and Reigns gets a boring chant while he can't even pin the fucking Big Show.

    Epic.Just Epic.

  19. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    No AndyPG Raw recap last night? How will I know if it's worth watching on Hulu without it?

  20. AndyPG you have failed this blog! Sorry, just finished Arrow Season 1.

  21. Hulu; Sure 90 minutes is ok. But in general, when is the last real memorable Raw?

  22. Jane Fonda workout. Good workrate, feathered hair, leotard up the crotch. It all works. This is my suggestion.

  23. Dang it...I actually feel pretty good this morning. Apparently, skipping the last half or so of Raw and getting enough sleep is actually a good idea.

  24. It's important to note that less than a year ago The Shield was behind Bryan as the hottest act in WWE.

  25. Do we shoot him with an arrow now?

  26. (Ho Ho) Hogan introduced Reigns as 'The Bad Man' Roman Reigns.

  27. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    Dustin Diamond was on the show? I missed Screech riding and falling off of a mechanical bull?!?! I can't go on.


  29. Lol if Jobber had his way.

  30. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    Right in the heart.

  31. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 23, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    Main event was pretty fun. Not sure if you saw the Ziggler-Harper match but that was awesome too.

  32. Skipping all of RAW is an even better idea these days. And apparently an increasing number of fans agree with that as the ratings drop

  33. :: pondering ::

    :: pimp slap ::


  34. Then walk away saying "It was a great Raw. 4/10"

  35. "I used to review RAW but then I took and arrow to the knee"

  36. Oh yeah, I saw the epic count out win by our rising star Roman Reigns as well.
    I always back guys that win on technicalities. That's the most exciting type of win!

  37. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    One of the pre-Mania Raws in Brooklyn. Of course, I was there live, so my opinion is skewed, but there was Hogan and Arnold and Marshall's friend from HIMYM and SCOOBY DOO! It was legen -

    wait for it


  38. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    You know,Hogan vs Cena at Wrestlemania 31 might actually be a possibility at this point,seeing how he gets a bigger reaction than 90% of the roster.

    God,it fucking hurts typing that.

  39. BEELEEDAT!!!

    Gotta keep Big Show strong.

  40. I can't see Hogan taking an AA or dropping a leg and a WrestleMania main event has to have numerous finishers so I don't even see how it's a possibility.

  41. Knowing WWE, they'll follow your name and do Cena vs. Orton at Mania 31 AGAIN. They're the only big-name stars the company has created in the last decade that are still around (Bryan's injury being what it is).

  42. I'll be perfectly ok to do talking head stuff

    "Had i known Vince Jordan was going to break down, i would've reached out to him"

  43. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    He and Paige both got great reactions,which was heartening.

  44. JBL made mention of Sting, but didn't call him "The Vigilante." I'm sure there is serious repercussions coming for that.

  45. Hogan can... punch and backrake. That's all he needs.

  46. What's the finish of the match gonna be? Hogan backrakes Cena for the win?

  47. heh.

    "Meekin's stuff wasn't really all that bad. Right?"

  48. We know Vince is obstinate, but he has done the right thing when the going gets tough and it's clear without a shadow of a doubt it's the right move (Bret Hart at Mania X, Bryan at Mania XXX)

    What do you think it would take to get WWE to pull the plug on Reigns vs. Lesnar at Mania 31? The crowd is really not buying into his act.

  49. I think you and redstorm have valid points;good idea to run the ball more. But, I don't think Manning looks quite right, from what I've seen.

  50. Reigns apparently getting a boring chant just a week after his return isnt encouraging.

    Vince and creative have failed Reigns. Booking him with Big Show at all is a death knell.

  51. Perri is filling in and it will be up shortly

  52. In other news, Brock married his mom


    of your approval.

    or something.

  54. So I fell asleep before the 10PM hour of Raw and I don't see a review up. Did I miss anything?

  55. I don't think at this moment that Reigns is the guy either, but the "crowd isn't buying it" is kind of bullshit. He gets some of the best reactions currently. Of course, I didn't watch last night, but he got a good reaction the times I've seen him since he's been back.

  56. I'll probably skim through the Hulu show. The thing with Dustin jobbing to the ball was just too much for me.

  57. They crapped on the Show/Reigns match. Cause, you know. It was more than a punch and a promo.

  58. Something's off. Didn't he also leave last week's game for a quarter?

    I think his games against Buffalo and last night against Cincy have been his worst in a Broncos uniform.

    Whatever is wrong, he better fix it in a hurry if he wants to make some playoff noise.

  59. He left before the end of the half because of flu symptoms, I think. I don't think he missed more than a series. Not 100% on this.

  60. I know he also reportedly had a quad injury after laying that piss poor block

  61. The resemblance to Stiffler's mom is a little frightening.

  62. Maybe running more to cover him up. Those redzone passes are Manning's bread and butter.

  63. If history has taught us anything it's that you can't go wrong putting your young rising star out to die against Big Show. If I didn't know any better I'd say they had no interest in making Reigns a star.

  64. This. I have no problem with Reigns being the man. But wow has WWE fucked the booking with him.

  65. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    Ambrose jobbed to a candy cane.

  66. Meanwhile in other news, Undertaker is ready to leave the nursing home to headline WM against Wyatt

  67. thought it was a thigh? Eh. Whatever. He had no business sticking his nose in there.

  68. And spectacularly so. They even fucked with his great ring gear. If this is them strapping the rocket to someone's

  69. The show is so bad right now, that I honestly don't know if you are kidding or not.

  70. If they had ANY midcarders built up to seem credible, have Reigns feud and beat them. Instead he gets the Big Show. Sheesh.

  71. I'd still do her, but I'd make sure to look at old photos of her first.

  72. Hey you can sharpen those to a fine point!

  73. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:48 AM

    I wish I was.

  74. Thigh, Quad. HHH jokes aside he hurt his upper leg. It was hard to watch. It was like watching and elderly person fall down.

  75. Holy Shit! He's made a career of looking half dead, and now he looks even worse out of character.

  76. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighDecember 23, 2014 at 7:50 AM

    Thought the raw with miz, Jericho and AJ all returning was fun. At least had some fun moments.

  77. I recall hearing talk about a hamstring issue too.

    Last night he just made some piss poor decisions in crunch time. I don't want to jump the gun and say he's through because he's not but I also don't believe he's got the quality of his first Denver seasons in him.

    That's why they've been really focusing on getting that running game going and bulked up the defense in the offseason.

  78. ? There is no evidence that the ratings specifically drop because Hogan is on, dude. I think if that was the case WWE wouldn't have him on every six weeks.

  79. RIP. Retire. In. Peace.

  80. Ah, I see. Well then....redacted.

  81. AXE BOMBER! It was Hogan's finisher in Japan and it was massively over

  82. Well Paige gives me a grEat REaCTION.

    /trying too hard

  83. There's Rusev. He seems credible by still being unbeaten, I think? If they're desperate enough to get Reigns over, they can have Rusev do the job.

  84. Massively over in Japan. To a RAW audience they'd be wondering why that clothesline hurt so bad and be waiting for the leg drop.

  85. Wow. According to Wikipedia, Mark was born in 1965. He's only four years older than me; 49.

    He looks a little like my uncle. Who is a prick.

    Guess years in the ring and on the road will age the hell out of folks.

  86. Okay, I might have been unfair, but it's a really, really bad sign when a guy is getting "Boring" chants as his march to WrestleMania is beginning.

    It's not quite "Boo-tista" territory, but it certainly isn't encouraging.

  87. I'd hum Johnny B Badd's WCW theme song.

  88. seth, who he still should be angry at

  89. I've watched one episode since Wrestlemania. I feel fantastic. I think I might be a bit more interested because I skip all the dumb stuff?

  90. And not using enough icepacks earlier on in his career.

  91. I also had this thought. I don't think they're quite ready to job Rusev.

  92. If I didnt know better, after watching Survivor Series, and then watching Dolph's performance and post match interview last night, I'd say he's gonna be the guy to win the Rumble. It will never happen, but they are putting a lot of focus on him, and that promo last night just felt a lot like an old school top babyface of the company vibe. "I won because of the fans" type promo was nice for a change.

  93. That reminds me of "The Lone Wolf" Barry Windham

  94. You going to go VJ on us? Critiquing the product without watching?


  95. WWE can probably limit backlash against Roman if they can 1. Start booking him better and 2. Give Dolph something meaningful for Mania aside from the title so fans don't feel he's being held down while WWE still gets its wish of Reigns as champ.

    Part of me thinks building Ziggler up is a fail safe in case they screw up Reigns too much.

  96. Gingers go gray quick, which makes him look much older than he is, but I also remember hearing that Taker partied like a motherfucker, but almost always in private and usually with guys that had nothing to do with wrestling.

  97. Or HHH, who could help people buy his as a threat to Brock and could help him to a really good match

  98. Right on. I'm in need of a recap, too. You guys are amazing with how you've coordinated everything.

  99. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 7:56 AM

    If they're gonna do Ziggler vs Lesnar,they could always bring up Ziggler's amateur background,make him a legit threat that way.

  100. In other updates, Ryback is still dumb as fuck

  101. Happy Festivus to you all. I'm glad the airing of grievances has already started here on the bod.

  102. They do bring up Dolph's record for pins in a season at Kent State quite often.

  103. it will be interesting to see if Ziggler gets the Daniel Bryan treatment from the fans during the Rumble match where the fans turn on everyone else. I could honestly see them being stupid enough to have Reigns and Ziggler be the final two.

  104. Rusev would have been perfect in years past. Or Cesaro had they not killed him off. Or....uh...that other midcard heel that they have. You know, the one that did that thing. And then that other heel they have.

  105. So was last night an objective crowd turning on Reigns moment? It's like there's been two completely different realities going on with Roman lately. Those who like Reigns and are happy with him being the guy seem to see/hear these great reactions every time he's out there, whereas those, like myself, who don't like the guy hear dead crowds and apathy every time. It's been pretty weird.

  106. I think Bray and Ambrose did as well as they could in a math set us a a streetfight with christmas decorations.

    Why they want to put two guys who can work in garbage matches all the time, that I don't get

  107. Hulk should steal Miz' gimmick where he uses a stunt double to perform the moves he can't do anymore.

  108. He can probably still do the Big Boot too, but he'll ruin that hip replacement if he drops the leg on Cena.

  109. Hogan hosts.

    I skip the last half.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  110. In the limited stuff I've watched I've seen both reactions. Got booed pretty loud by NXT crowd, got a great reaction at TLC and a boring chant tonight.

  111. Cena vs Orton,one more timeDecember 23, 2014 at 8:00 AM

    How can the crowd buy him as a threat to Lesnar when he can't even pin the fucking Big Show?

  112. It's crazy. They won't commit to the guy. Just turn him into a buzz saw and have him blow through Big Show and whoever else.

  113. Isn't his finisher now, Have Jimmy Hart throw him the megaphone, hit his opponent, then slowly lie down on him?

  114. They need to bring up Dolph's previous gimmicks to make him more of a threat

  115. Yes, but how does this preserve John Cena as the top guy?

  116. Makes sense. I've never heard anything about the guy getting into any kind of trouble.

  117. He needs to speak up in his backstage interviews. People are with him, but he's actually literally hard to hear.

  118. I thought it was more of a "we're sick and tired of the fucking Big Show" reaction from the crowd. Reigns has been getting pretty solid reactions since his return.

    On a side note, I caught a clip from Reigns-Fandango on Smackdown, and they had Fandango doing a heat segment with Reigns in a chinlock. Explain to me why that wasn't a 30 second squash. Zero reason for Reigns to give Fandango any offense at this point.

  119. The only dudes who ever tell any Taker drinking stories are guys like Nash. I guess he mostly partied with bikers who are totally divorced from the industry. Would make sense and I could easily see it.

  120. it was a red and while kendo stick to the eye. That isn't nearly as bad as the hologram or the tv

  121. You don't need to shoot someone through the heart on Arrow to make them die. Red shirts go down quick on that show.

  122. The lady time I saw a rocket strapped to someone's ass like that, it was in a Road Runner cartoon.

    That one didn't turn out so well either.

  123. He was in a COMPETITIVE match with Fandango, for God's sake. If he has trouble with Fandango, he has trouble with anyone.

  124. To be fair, most dudes are getting dead crowds and apathy.

  125. They went from him being the sole survivor for his team at Survivor Series 2013 (pinning four guys to do it) and breaking the Rumble elimination record two months later to... struggling to beat Fandango and Big Show in the last week.

  126. Reigns just needs to be squashing people not on his level. Big Show is not on his level and should be jobbing right quick. Cena should get destroyed by Lesnar at RR, and have Reigns squash everyone leading up to WM so you have the unbeatable Brock Lesnar (who killed Superman 3 times over) vs the new unstoppable face. Its not that hard to book.

  127. But the Big Show was obliterated by Lesnar at that Rumble match last year! And he walked off because giants are tough!

  128. It's nuts! Don't forget he also speared the sledgehammer out of Hunter's cold dead hands at Payback!

  129. What a stupid spot to begin with.

  130. Has any woman ever looked better after a facelift? I don't get why women still think they'll be the exception and end up looking great and younger

    plastic surgery should be limited to burn victims and people like that

  131. That could be a good thing. Like Jake Roberts, speaking low makes you pay more attention to what he is trying to say. The backstage promo before the match was mediocre, but the good one was in the ring with Lawler after the match.

  132. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    Yeah, but you shoot the big bads in the heart to show you mean business.

  133. Well, except Jake was, you know. Interesting.

  134. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    That's not what happened?

  135. Yeah, serious repercussions for us as they hammer it twice as hard next week.

  136. Perhaps if Reigns starts smoking the crack?

  137. Unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Classic. Really, Show is always going to be over because he's really big and he's a well known name. It's not going to hurt him at all to actually put someone over strong. There's no value in any future main event with him anyway.

  138. Something tells me that instead of having two destroyers go two-to-two, at mania we're going to have Lesnar throw Reigns around for twenty minutes, effectively killing the crowd, only for Brock to job to a hope spot like a spear out of nowhere.

  139. Maybe, maybe not.

    We just have to hope WWE realizes they need to build up other wrestlers. Ziggler is probably going to get 1st or 2nd in the Rumble business and stay in it for like 50 minutes. Reigns will probably still win, but good thing about the Rumble is that WWE can build up multiple guys with it.

    Reigns can win it.
    Ziggler can last a long time.
    Ambrose can not have a TV blow up in his face.

  140. Then everyone here would complain that they're trying to force him down everyone's throat as the next big thing.

    That sounded way more sexual than I intended it to

  141. I wouldn't mind it if Ziggler and Reigns were the final two.

  142. He was hot then. He should have just taken the world title right away at Money In The Bank at his first attempt if they wanted to make him the guy. The Lesnar reign is a disaster and this slow push for Reigns is boring the world.

  143. There's a way to do it that is apparently harder than we understand. The grass roots thing with Austin and DBry is easier. They don't have it with this guy right now.

  144. Oh shit. I think I woke up still drunk.

  145. Probably. If the WWE agents are smart (their not) they'll book Brock/Reigns like Brock/UT back in the day.

  146. Number three is easier said than done.

  147. Lady times with ass rockets are my favorite.

  148. He looked at a tv last night during the match and didn't use it

  149. Not sure that's what made Jake interesting.

  150. and women with small boobs

  151. But can he resist the temptation in a big-match atmosphere?! Those televisions are so alluring with their...uh...screens...

  152. I think probably loads of women have them and it looks fine, we only notice the ones that look crap. The good ones just look like attractive women.

  153. Can JBL go into a shower with...JBL?

  154. Seth Rollins seems to be jobbing a lot lately. Probably means he's going to be world champ soon.

  155. Maybe you're just in a constant state of drunkness.
    Or your bed is constantly spinning and you're just dizzy.

  156. It probably helped a little. :-)

  157. it's like men with toupees: you only notice the bad ones

  158. Hot but not ready.

  159. Yeah, let's not forget the timing is less about Reigns and more about WWE trying to manufacture a big moment with Lesnar losing the title at Mania 31

  160. The real big bads go to the island prison or become members of the Suicide Squad.

  161. Not if the crowd turns on Reigns and they book him to win anyway.

  162. Yup. Reigns should have squashed Show in two minutes. If they wanted Big Show to get his heat back, have him attack Roman backstage or something on Smackdown.

    Then they face off during the Rumble match where Reigns deposits him outside the ring. The next night, the two finish off their mini-angle with Roman beating him convincingly again and then Reigns can start his Mania build while Show can turn babyface again and do something stupid that no one cares about.

  163. small real boobs are better than big fake ones

  164. It's ridiculous that they aren't doing the Goldberg thing with him. He's the golden boy right? Then strap the rocket to him.

    Booking a monster face isn't that hard.

  165. We're talking about a company that slapped the WWE title on Sheamus six months after he debuted on TV. "Not ready" can be their thing on occasion.

  166. Roman should have speared Fandango during his opening dance act and pinned him in seconds.

  167. They're already forcing him down everyone's throat as the next big thing, so they should at least commit to doing it correctly. Wrestling competitive matches with Fandango and beating heatless Big Show by countout is not the way to do it.

  168. Yes.

    I don't want to be reminded.



  169. You are right, but I'd love to see him win it. Ziggler vs Lesnar at WM 31 - Ziggler gets no offense in, takes 10 F5s, kicks out of every one of them. At the end, he gets in one superkick and a Zig Zag, pins Lesnar and wins. Rollins comes down to cash in, beats the hell out of Ziggler again. Ziggler kicks out of a curb stomp, wins with a superkick and Zig Zag "out of nowhere". Gets his Wrestlemania moment, crowd goes apeshit.

    It will never happen, but I'd book it in my own little fantasy world.

  170. One positive I will say about Wyatt and Ambrose: they are at least getting the main event slots.

  171. There was also a Roman sucks chant during the Divas tag.

  172. He hides the rings in the ice packs, I heard.

  173. It's nice to have new faces in the main event...but the caveat is that no one cares about this feud.

  174. You need to keep Fandango strong, though. Because....because.... stuff.

  175. He'd be a CM Punk-style WWE champion where his matches would always be second on the top on PPVs underneath some crap like Cena vs. Big Show or Cena vs. the laptop

  176. Nothing like having a TV blow up in your face to end the show. Send everyone home really remembering what an idiot you are.

  177. Nah. years of honing his craft and a sharp mind. I'd say the crack hurt.

  178. Maybe, but I would think famous women like movie stars would be able to pay for the very best surgeons, and they still look shitty

  179. It's true. But at least he'd have a world title reign on his resume. He deserves it for working so hard this year.

  180. Yes, because your single household is the key to the ratings.

  181. If Reigns is supposed to be the guy, then you push him to the moon and crush everyone in his path. No 50/50 booking is needed here, and it's already too late to really have a Goldberg-esque winning streak.

    They've got dozens of guys doing nothing right now. They should be lined up for Roman to run through.

  182. Fuck it, it's Christmas. You woke up with a head start on a new day.

  183. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 23, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    Sorry, Hoss! Have some ice cream, my treat.

  184. Seriously. For as often as they screw it up, I'm starting to believe it can't be as easy as we all think.

  185. Has Roman been pinned one-on-one? I know he's been pinned in tag matches.

  186. You need to keep Fandango STRONG, DAMMIT.

  187. words words words all you guys are wrong; the WWE is fine; Raw was solid words words words


  188. I'm with you, but I'm also against WWE putting the title on somebody and not using them as the main focus of the shows. Unless Cena or Orton are champion, WWE more-or-less treats the champion as just another guy

  189. Not recently. Didn't he job to Bray before WM?

  190. Small real boobs are great. Fake big ones are great. Big ol' fat but real ones are great. These things are all equally great for different reasons. Don't hate.

  191. Regarding Reigns looking weak: he just came back from major surgery so I would have the announcers point out where he is weak; thus, his opponent goes after that.
    So a typical Reigns match would be him starting off strong and then his opponent focuses on his injury to slow him down; Roman then finds a way to win.

  192. Is it wrong to say that Reigns is gonna be booed out on Philly at the Rumble?


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