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Sporting News: Randy Savage finally inducted into Hall of Fame


  1. I like that Scott used that column as a way to get a shot in on the Mountie.

  2. WatercoolersandAirportsJanuary 13, 2015 at 7:16 PM

    "Vince & The Road Agents" sounds like a 80's Top 40 rock band.

  3. That was his moniker in ECW. I think it would have been a good name for a tag team too.

  4. You kinda answered your own question. The gimmick was OK (the look and overall execution was lame, but it was the 90s, so...), but Douglas either wasn't the right fit for it or the WWF. I'd say both.

  5. The Italian Santino should have a shot here since he's in match-up AAAAA-OOOO, eh?

  6. I actually would like someone to bring back the double axe handle off the top. Not as a finish but just use it from time to time to incorporate the top rope more in matches.

  7. Was just coming here to say that this entire column was an elaborate red herring to troll us about the goddamn Mountie.

  8. Kind of strange he couldn't pull it off, though, seeing as the only thing he COULD play at all was an arrogant prick.

  9. You know, between that, the double ax from the top, and of course the elbow, it's shocking his hips didn't give out sooner

  10. Thing is, what is he supposed to do? Act like he doesn't deserve to be there? He had been in the business for almost 10 years and worked the territories. "WWF style" wasn't a thing then but I think that's what hurt him most. They worked a certain way that he couldn't or wouldn't adjust to and that was that.

  11. Be respectful and gracious for the opportunity, same thing everyone does in every new job. His history got him the job. That's the trade. You trade your history for the opportunity and start at zero, more or less.

  12. Could we be serious for a minute? The Mountie sucked.

  13. It's sad todays fans wont get the chills we did when macho reunited with elizabeth at mania.

  14. I can't believe that we'll either see Santino or Jannetty in the 3rd round.

  15. FACT: The Mountie won the Intercontinental Title as many times as Randy Savage.


  16. Scary thing was, when he did his last run in WCW he didn't protect guys when he did the elbow drop to protect his hips. He looked like he was legit killing guys when he landed on them

  17. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 8:33 PM


  18. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 8:34 PM

    There are still some things that make me very happy to have BEEN a wrestling fan. Like, back when it was good and what not

  19. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 8:37 PM

    I just hope Hogan keeps it classy and stays on track. I don't need to hear a bunch of reminiscing about Hulkamania while talking about Macho and/or Liz. Just remind us how fucking awesome Savage was and what a privilege it was to work with him in his prime and be done with it.

  20. Just try to picture her reaction every time she hears "Pomp and Circumstance."

  21. Yup. Here's a clip from when he hurt Charles Robinson:

  22. I had no idea that Hogan never once laid down for Savage. That's...that's really something.

  23. Daniel Bryan tapping Batista was close.

    No, not THAT kind of tapping. Pervert.

  24. He's been in the Danger Zone. Now he'll be in the Hall of Fame.

  25. FACT: The Mountie's title reign was 412 days shorter than Randy Savage's.


  26. One other thing about Savage: the way he carried the Intercontinental belt looked awesome. I don't think any wrestler has ever looked cooler with a belt than the way Savage held the IC title.

  27. Nope. Not one clean win. Barely even a visual pinfall.

  28. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 9:01 PM

    I know there was a small window where Savage was a babyface during his WWF run, but I feel that Rick Rude hitting the neckbreaker on Elizabeth would have made him the biggest heel of the era and given Savage the hottest house show program of all-time prior to the MegaPowers exploding. Rude creeping on Liz, with Savage getting more paranoid and spastic than ever, then Rick hitting the Rude Awakening to hospitalize her and provoke the new champ into putting the belt on the line.

  29. I get those chills whenever Mountie wins in the IC poll.

  30. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 9:02 PM

    Agreed. Macho was pretty much the definition of "It Factor" across the board.

  31. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 9:03 PM

    Yeah, that fuck couldn't even give him one in the WCW days.

  32. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 9:04 PM

    Last time I got a legit chill from a wrestling show: Ric Flair returning in '98 and the Horsemen reformation. It went absolutely nowhere, but for a moment, I felt like a young mark again.

  33. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogJanuary 13, 2015 at 9:06 PM

    If he had ever just given him a win or two, we could call it one of the Greatest Rivalries or whatever. Instead, it's just a one-sided thing

  34. I know Bret Hart has laid claim to the "Best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be" title, but I always thought that really belonged to Savage. Luger might've called himself the Total Package, but Savage was the real total package of a pro wrestler.

    There were better in-ring guys (Hart), better draws (Hogan), and better mic guys (Piper), sure. But nobody was as well-rounded of a pro wrestler as Savage.

  35. It's surprising, yeah.

    But to be fair: they weren't aligned against eachother in WCW for very long. Savage lost to Hogan at '96 Havoc (screwy finish with the Giant), took a break, and joined the NWO a few months later. And then he spent the entire year having awesome matches with DDP.

  36. FACT: The Mountie is handsome
    FACT: The Mountie is brave
    FACT: The Mountie is strong


  37. FACT: The Macho Man has been in a cyclone.
    FACT: In fact, he's been in the Danger Zone.
    FACT: It's east of the Pacific
    FACT: It's west of London England
    FACT: It's south of Mars
    FACT: And north of hell


  38. FACT: Randy Savage DOES NOT ALWAYS get his man.


  39. WCW definitely could have gotten more mileage out of a face Savage chasing heel Hogan for the belt.

    If they gave him the '97 Luger victory over Hogan, that pop would have been even more massive.

  40. FACT: History beckons the Macho Man.


  41. Shelton Benjamin was smooth as silk in the ring. They could have done more with him.

  42. I've always thought pipers mic skills are overrated. He was fine but people tend to make him out to be way better than he was. Just my opinion though, I'm probably in the minority on this one

  43. The funny thing is that when we inevitably have a WWE Champion tournament (where Austin should be a favorite), he won't make it as far as he did here or in the tag tournament.

  44. mountie, shamrock, santana, razor... that is all ye needs to know

  45. FACT: Jacques Rougeau Sr. could totally beat up Angelo Poffo


  46. Not sure if I'm pulling this out of thin air but I swear I read somewhere that it was Randy that wanted to go in as the Poffo family when WWE offered him a spot years ago. The refused so he declined his spot. I may be wrong

  47. The Rock being announced as the guest host for WM 27. That was it for me.

  48. He might. He doesn't have to compete with The Mountie.

  49. Honkometer was awesome!

  50. Hmm....HHH vs. Randy Savage. Iiiinteresting!#

  51. Almost as if he is set up to win . . . Does this hypothetical tournament occur in Rio?

  52. The source on Randy wanting that was Lanny. And no one believes Lanny.

  53. I believe in Lanny.

  54. He's too mainstream. Hipsters finally discovered wrestling.

  55. I have to say - this bracketing would have made for an *AMAZING* dream tournament.

  56. I always thought that he would have been a great opponent for Austin after he won the title.

    The World's Most Dangerous Man vs. The Toughest SOB.

    Even though i don't think the matches would have been great, I think it would have made sense for McMahon to enlist him as his assassin.

  57. He like avant garde wrestlers, like Waylon Mercy and Fantasia.

  58. They ended that way too early.


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