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Nobody Was Making Fun Of Andy Griffith

I can't stress that enough.


  1. Wow. What a fucking legend.

    Back in the days of three channels on television sets the size of couches and as heavy as cars this guy was on TV like every other hour.


  2. I'm embarrassed that I had to look up what the headline to this post was referencing.

  3. I'm an old man. I hate everything but Matlock!
    *looks at watch*
    Ooh, it's on now!

  4. you gonna have ti fill me in.

  5.  Arrested Development.

  6. Who would rank above him amongst TV acting icons? Lucille Ball jumps to mind but then the list gets short real quick...RIP.

  7.  I can't tell you what this man's career has meant to my life.  My dad and I don't have a lot in common.  Don't get me wrong; we get along fine, but we just don't have a lot to talk about.  The main two things we have are the Carolina Panthers and The Andy Griffith Show, and the Panthers didn't come along until 1995 or so.  I can't tell you how many times we would be having a conversation and one of us would drop a causal reference to the show, just to see if the other would get it.  I rarely feel anything when a celebrity dies, but, I won't lie:  This is kinda depressing.

  8. Glad to see this get a mention on the blog.

    RIP Andy..


    Abe Simpson and Jasper are devastated right now.

  10. I liked the "Married with Children" episode where Al caught the serial killer in Dumpwater, Florida but the police wouldn't arrest him because his clainm to fame was he was the man that met Andy Griffith.

    I'm a big fan of his work though. RIP.

  11. oh yeah... never seen it.

    UNless you are talking about the rap group from the 90s.

  12. That pantheon is all pretty close: Andy, Lucy, Dick Van Dyke, perhaps Mary Tyler Moore. That's all comedy, though--certainly there are a few equivalent on the drama side.

  13. No, no the TV show.   I had forgotten about that episode.

  14. Guys: watch A FACE IN THE CROWD. Griffith is the villain. And not just kind-of a bad guy. He's a fucking sociopath. It's amazing.

  15. If you're looking for a comparable drama character...I dunno maybe someone from "Gunsmoke", which was on TV for 20 years.   

  16. Ahem, well, uh, what do you people like?
    Sleep.Sexy dames, and plenty of 'em.
    Well, I suppose I could name it the "Matlock Expressway"

  17. I think the OP was thinking about actors as opposed to characters, really.

  18. Elite TV royalty, people who everyone knows and remembers even now, is Lucille Ball, Johnny Carson and Jackie Gleason.

    There are others that people won't automatically think of...Milton Berle, Sid Ceasar, that should get the recognition as Ball, Carson and Gleason. 

    Then there are people that everyone loved, but are below the above listed...MTM, DVD, maybe Seinfeld and Ted Danson.  I'd put Griffith in there.

  19. Ed Asner? Carroll O' Connor? James Garner? Robert Wagner?

  20. Read your post yesterday. Watched the movie this morning and loved it. Good call bro

  21. Lol yes that episode was a classic

  22. Also him screaming for the girl out the window is a great ending.


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