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Jerry Lawler

Obviously this is the big news coming out of Raw.  In case you missed it, Lawler legitimately collapsed at roughly 10PM EST and was taken to the back and later to a hospital.  To end the show, Cole said that Lawler was stabilizing and breathing on his own along with having his heart beating on his own.  If you find an update on his condition please post it here but please make sure it's a legitimate story as there are going to be rumors floating around all over the place.


  1. It looks like he had a stroke, since they said he was in the ER waiting for a CAT Scan. They wouldn't do that for a heart attack.

  2.  It's for the head and chest, so they're probably checking for both.

  3. Update: Jerry Lawler has a sprained ankle. Players get hurt all the time. 

    Source: Chin.

  4. I know Lawler gets shit for his choice of women (i.e., their age), but I found this update mausing, which I guess is good right now (emPHAsis mine):

    "UPDATE 4: PW Torch has spoken to Lawler's long-time friend and busines partner Randy Hales, who says that Lawler hasn't had any recent health issues and has seemed very happy and healthy, staying active thanks to the help of a twenty-something girlfriend."

  5.  I never got why so many people don't like Chin, now I do

  6. Jeff Jarrett strikes again.

  7.  That's my understanding

  8. Mark my words: After tonight, I'll never speak a cross word about Michael Cole ever again.

    That man is a fucking professional. 

  9. That pic of him from the arena with his head buried in his hands is just terrible to look at.   I'll reserve judgment because maybe they said that he could go to the back and he wanted to stay out there to give updates and it sounds like he informed the crowd of the deal after the show ended.  But if they made him stay out there while he was suffering over his friend... grrrrrrrrr.

  10.  Wow. I like how you went out of your way to completely twist the argument.

    You're a cunt.

    Why don't you explain what you meant when you said if it happens in football the show should go on BECAUSE OF THE MONEY.

    Fucking ass.

  11.  Heh, well...lot of cardio I guess.

  12. I was responding to the "nothing at stake in football either" line. Nowhere did I say if someone dies in a football game, it should go on because of the money.

  13. Boy I bet you guys get terrified during football games, people get hurt 2-3 times a game!


  14. Oh, only you get to exaggerate the argument to make the other look like an asshole?

    Right on! I wasn't aware we were playing by separate rules.

    Nothing happened. No one died. You screamed STOP THE SHOW! and brought up the ghost of Owen for nothing, because you wanted to be reactionary. Good work.

    Nothing. Happened. No one died, no matter how much you freak the fuck out about it. (Although I notice now you're much more level headed and actually DON'T think he should stop the I guess it's a good thing you're not in charge of anything huh?)

  15. I wasn't watching Raw, but I checked twitter and saw a lot of people reacting to the news. Very scary and I hope the king is okay. 

  16. Some video via Deadspin:

  17. Insulting us all for watching a "kid's show" doesn't help either...


    35 minutes later...

    Cultstatus: "And for the record I don't think Raw should have went off the air. But trying to cover it up because a match was going was pretty fucked up."

    Well...glad you simmered down there. Wouldn't want you to have a stroke.

  19. I don't know if this is just me being jaded, or if Vince really deserves to be looked down on, but my initial reaction to Cole's first announcement was to think Vince is a piece of shit for doing an angle like this - complete with "Owen Voice" - with Bret in the building.

    I mean, it didn't take long for me to realize that the situation was real, but for a split second, I figured this was some twisted way of saying "See, Bret, even if Jerry Lawler died, we'd still continue the show".

  20. Getting hurt is not the same as a Fucking Heart attack or Stroke!!!  Do you think for One second that if someone went down with a heart attack or stroke on a live talk show they would keep the show going. I can agree to disagree with someone about whether or not the show should have been cancelled, but not when your argument is well in real sports when someone gets hurt as a result of the game it doesn't stop-so this scripted tv show where someone had a stroke/heart attack is the same situation i call bullshit, it is not the same situation, and the factors that go into making the decision should be different

  21. It's my honest opinion, you can take it however you please. If you hated hockey and thought it was stupid I wouldn't hold it against you. (Ok well yeah I would for hockey but not soccer)

  22. I will, but tonight he gets credit for thugging it out through a tough situation.

  23. I've never said that either. I thought they should have canceled the tag match and cut to a commercial instead of smuggling him out through the crowd like a freed slave smuggled through the underground railroad.

    By bringing up Owen, I was making a joke/kinda being serious on observing how close they came to having another situation like that and doing nothing different. 

  24. Why did you call this a talk show? It's not a talk show.

    People that hit each other and drop each other for a living are going to get hurt. You trying to pretend like professional wrestling is like Oprah does your argument no good.

    For the record, if during a 100% live broadcast of Conan O'Brien his announcer passed out, yes, I absolutely believe they would continue the show.

  25. How did you find a woman that would let you get within poking distance of her vagina?

  26. I thought that was pretty obvious by the caps that it was a joke. 

  27. Maybe some favorite Lawler memories would help in this post even if he does pull out of this okay.

  28. Wow. Ok.

    You're just going to go from freaking out about it to it being no big thing and you just didn't like a small detail in how they handled it.

    There's really no way to argue against "I didn't actually mean the way I reacted and argued for 10 posts."

    You win!

  29. Riiiiiiight...that's why the 10 posts arguing with me that it wasn't like Owen's situation at all.

    Right on man, you trolled me and I bit. Good stuff.

  30. So long as Cole remains his current "subdued" self I won't give him anymore shit.

  31. I genuinely hope and pray that they never work an angle to that level. Certain lines need to exist so that fans know when to actually worry about someone. That's also why I wish they hadn't turned the "X" thing into a worked symbol - I like to know when it's part of the show so I can relax and enjoy it vs. worry about some poor guy who may have just broken his neck.

  32. When did I freak out about it? The all caps thing was a joke riffing on the Did You Know? stuff having the largest font possible.

    My very first post about it was talking about how they should have cut to a commercial. Not cancelling the show. 

  33.  did Conan's announcer stop breathing, did he need CPR.  You are missing the point, I don't think WWE should stop every time there is an injury, tear your ACL, break you're leg, whatever it is there is no reasonable concern it will kill them, continue the show, this isn't the same

  34. You're using facts we found out later to judge the decision in the moment. There is no right decision so Vince wisely keeps the show going and deals with the fall out.

    Who cares if Conan's announcer needed CPR? Are they giving him CPR right there on camera? No? Then continue the show until we know his status.

  35. I was arguing with you about comparing a stroke/heart attack to a sports injury. 

  36. Ravens jersey in Cleveland. One of the few times I truly enjoyed the "opposing team jersey" cheap heat trick.

  37. "Lawler was unconscious and not breathing for a long time, even when he left the arena in a ambulance. Show was still going on."

    "Stop comparing WWE to sports. A far better comparison is movies. If a guy dies on set, they don't continue filming that day."

    "There is a massive difference between getting hurt and having to receive CPR. And again, it's a fucking wrestling show. There is nothing at stake...except for a man's life..."

    Yeah you can see why I thought you were maybe a little concerned that they decided to continue the show, all of those quotes are after your caps-lock joke.

  38. And we know when players drop on the field that it isn't a stroke or heart attack because.....................

    It actually happens fairly often. Not super often. But more often than it does to geriatric announcers.


  40. Lawler's expression waving the Ravens flag before he started talking is hilarious. Being such an awesome heel.

  41.  the facts later suggest they SHOULDN'T have stopped the show, he lived, in my opinion they should have stopped it, but we are never going to agree so let's just move on, I apologize for any thing I said in the heat of the moment that you may have taken personally.  I vehemently disagree with you-but that's no reason we can't be civil about it and get over it

  42. Well, if he really was a war correspondent as he claims, then I'm sure he's seen worse.

  43. Obviously, Bret would too.

  44. I'm just saying man, it really is a "damned if you do" type of thing.

    I don't think either of us is ultimately right or wrong, there's just no right answer so in the moment I can see why someone would keep the show going until they know more. Until they think they even know enough to make a decision I suppose.

    By tomorrow we'll be talking about Cena turning heel again, no worries.

  45.  That so many people "Like" your dumb pussy joke actually proves my point about wrestling fans being childish quite well, so thanks for that "brocore"!

  46. If they don't show the medical staff, working on the fallen, on camera, then you can rest assure it's legit.

    Also, I noticed something was up during the tag match when everyone in the front row was looking away from the match toward the announce table.  Anyone else pick up on it?

  47. No, it's a crazy joke.  About you.  You're crazy.  Cool?

  48. Lawler sounded pretty healthy and lucid while commentating and it's sad and shocking just how quickly these things can hit you.

  49. Officially made it to CNN:

  50. People freak out.

    Nothing happens.

    People simmer down.

    Those that kept a level head throughout entire event laugh hard.

    Whew, good times.

  51. You called it a "kids show?" Didn't you get all up on my tits when I brought that up? Hey, if you're gonna crib ideas, crib from the best, I always say.

  52. Hey! I wasn't done counting yet!

  53. When Lawler (hopefully) makes a full recovery I hope he hangs up the tights for good.  Or at least has one last easy match in Memphis maybe against Miz.

  54. No one has to exaggerate anything to make you look like an asshole.

  55. I'm not sure why you're trying to prove. I didn't say they should cancel the show in any of those quotes. Or freak out.

  56. STOP THE SHOW!!!!!!


    Wait. It's fine. Nevermind. I actually quite enjoyed that interview. Boy am I glad they didn't stop the show!

  57.  I always got a kick out of the hero's welcome he'd receive in the Memphis area or cities the USWA would cycle through.  Vince and co. would struggle to explain what was going on in the original "bizarro world."

    The guy had about 3 feuds almost 20 years apart, all of them were when he was past his prime, but he still made you care in his old school way:  vs. Bret, vs. Tazz, vs. Miz.

  58. What? When was he a war correspondent? I've never heard anything like that.

    I assumed he was just a communications grad from some random place.

  59. I have to google "Football stroke on field" for you? Really?

    Aug. 31 2011, Brazilian Championship match between Vasco De Gama and Flamengo. Coach had a stroke on the field. Couldn't find out if game continued.

    ABC has an article up saying 100 football players a year die from heat stroke. I imagine that would happen on the field.

    I'm not sure how to give examples for a partial hypothetical. The point is, ANY time a guy drops on the field we don't know if it's a stroke. They didn't know this was a stroke until the show had already been going on...

  60. I don't know if you're being sardonic or straight with your response, but for you or the uninformed, Michael Cole worked for CBS back in the day, covering presidential elections & the war in Yugoslavia.

  61. I think there is a difference between heat stroke and the type that Lawler may have had.

  62.  No. I'm just listing the several quotes where you alluded to being mad they continued the show.

    I'm just showing why I would think what I thought, that's all.

    Is it totally unthinkable why I would think you had a problem with it given the caps-lock line followed by those three quotes?

  63. Cole talked about covering wars during his heel schtick against Lawler, I assumed it was as bogus as his knighthood but i don't know

  64.  No I was being serious, I really just figured him for some random weather or radio guy or whatever. Pettingill 2.0 or whatever.

    That's crazy, I had no idea he was actually a journalist at one point.

  65. It is sounding more and more likely that this was a stroke.

    If that's the case, then wrestling tonight may have actually saved his life.  Medical personal at the event were able to get to him and stabilize him relatively quickly, and every second counts in treating a stroke.  If this had happened in his home, then getting him in for treatment would have surely taken longer, and, at a minimum, the effects would have been even more pronounced.

  66.  The WWE hall of fame is said to be "Connecticut based" in that article.  I thought the hall of fame was "Vince McMahon's imagination" based

  67.  You can say that NOW. We didn't even *know* it was a stroke until the show was basically off the air.

    I agree there's a difference, but no one had any idea in that moment.

  68.  What do you know, he actually covered wars :p

  69. yeahp.  where do you think he got his non-regional diction?

  70. That was why I was thinking radio actually! He sounds like he's from Averageville.

  71. Pretty much any and every thing he did with Bret. Such fun.

    And though favourite wouldn't quite be the term I'd use at this, knowing that he was the first person to get to Owen in the ring, the thought of his reaction, makes me have a greater regard for the man.

  72. what seems more strange to me is how spry he looked tonight.  now, I always think Lawler looks great for his age in regards to mobility.  but when he hit that second (!!!) fist drop and jumped out of the ring in the way, say, Daniel Bryan would, I thought something about him was different.  I bet his heart was in overdrive.  

  73.  Oh, in that case.

    Crazy pussy, duh.

  74. Honestly, the only thing I remember from the show is the Lawler stuff. The rest of it is a blur. Even the Hart/Cena/Punk promo. I vaguely remember hearing about Macho Man's Elbow Drop but that's about it.

  75. Checked some local Memphis news sites, and as you can imagine, it's the lead article on most if not all

  76.  This is very true.  Every second counts with a stroke.  For my grandpa, it happened at night and no one noticed till morning; it's a miracle he was able to recover last year.  If you want a huge impression left on you about strokes, watch "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"

    This may have been one of those very fortunate accidents, like with Piper needing to get a physical because (if I remember right) he was voted into a match at Cyber Sunday, and thankfully discovering cancer still early along in the process.

  77. I remember JBL bringing it up when he was annoyed with him. back when they were on commentary, too. 

    His wiki is interesting.  He's been places and seen things.
    He covered the Waco, TX Branch Davidian thing, Yugoslavia's civil war, OKC bombings and Dukakis and Dole's campaigns.

  79. A stroke is a blood clot in the brain, and doesn't really depend so much on your physical condition.  It can happen to someone in tip-top physical shape.

  80. So Lawler's GF updated his FB page saying it was a heart attack. 

    I hope she has parental consent. I don't think they'll let you fly without it.

  81. one of my favorite exchanges with JR was during the Backlash 2000 main event, if I recall correctly.  JR made a quip about Vince's facial expression and King berated him for making fun of Vince's face.  "that's his face!  you're going to make fun of a man's face?  he can't do anything about that!"

    something to that effect.  his delivery is what makes it.

  82. It's amazing/interesting to me how big a hero he still is in Memphis despite his prime years being so long ago.

    This past year they showed him piledriving a Clippers fan at one of the Grizzlies playoff games and that got the biggest reaction of the night despite the fact that half the fans probably weren't even alive for his prime years.

  83. First things first, let's hope for Lawler's recovery. I'm not a religious man, so I won't say anything about prayers. Positive thoughts only.

    Now, then. Let's look at the pros and cons of stopping the show in a rational manner:

    --The crowd was completely out of the event. Reactions had all but disappeared, especially in the tag and Sheamus matches. The main event promo seemed to fire them up a little bit, but it sure seemed subdued. It didn't come across well on television to watch, from a completely objective perspective. 

    --With the precedent set by Over the Edge, it would have been classy to stop the show, if only to say that a lesson was learned. Again, not saying it's a responsibility, just that Vince would have come across better. 

    --With Lawler's status unknown, to both the live crowd and the viewers at home when Cole went dark, it might have behooved them to stop the show just because it was going to be hard to 'reintroduce' the crowd and the home audience to the main event. 

    --Lawler's status WAS unknown. This isn't the same as Owen, who died in the middle of the ring almost instantly by most accounts. 

    --Stopping the show might have freaked out both the crowd and audience MORE. Can you imagine if Vince had ordered Cole to give info about what happened, and then cut to highlight packages, etc? If they didn't come on the air, people would have assumed Lawler died. 

    --Very little would have been accomplished by stopping the show with regards to actually helping the situation for Lawler. 

    I'd say, given all these reasons, I would have stopped the show, and here's why. Regardless of what he does, Vince is in a no-win situation here. So, at the risk of sounding cold-blooded, I would have erred on the side of Lawler dying. It would look terrible for the company, especially after what happened with Owen, for another performer to die in the course of a live event, especially an older man just after he worked a match. Have Cole make the announcement, send Raw off the air, and rewrite Smackdown. It's the safest play. It allows Vince to save face if Lawler is fine by saying that he had learned since Owen to put the safety of his workers above all else. There was still time on Friday to run the planned main event angle, he could have pointed out that with Bret being a part of the show he didn't want to put him through what had happened before, etc. 

    I know this may be seen as cold, and I feel cold saying it. I would like to think I'd stop the show out of concern for Jerry, but it's perfectly reasonable to argue that from a business standpoint, stopping the show was necessary and appropriate.

  84. Exactly, fuck the person who decided to make the X part of a work.

  85. In case you suspect a stroke, act FAST:

    Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
    AArms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
    SSpeech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is the speech slurred or strange?
    Time: If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately

    Source: National Stroke Association

  86. Granted, that's funny, but seriously, this isn't the right time.

  87. Just watching him fight back tears when announcing it was hard to watch. Not only does my sympathy (avoiding easy "sympy" joke) go out for Lawler and wishing him a full recovery (thank God he's stable), but also Michael Cole; that's surely horrifying to watch a colleague of yours for 15 years just suffer a heart attack right next to you.

  88. I think the best thing would have been to cancel the match that was going on immediately and cut to a commercial. Have Cole give updates, then do a Cena match and that promo and end the show a half hour early or whatever it would have been. 

  89. Lawler riling up JR during Booker T or HHH matches 2002-2003. Watching him snap JR was a thing of beauty: "WHY DON'T YOU JUST KISS MAH ASS, KANG?!" "WOULD YOU GIVE IT A REST, YOU'VE DRIVEN IT INTO THE GADDAMNED GROUND!"

  90. If it was a heart attack, then WWE dropped the ball by not requiring him to have regular medical checkups to see if he was at risk before having a 62 year old man wrestle...let alone wrestle after spending the weekend wrestling in Aruba and flying in to Montreal on short notice.

  91. I would agree only if not doing so would have hindered the time it took for medical personnel to reach him.  It doesn't appear that that was the case.

  92. Time: If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately
    Or call Vince McMahon because Jim Ross just snuck back on tv again.

  93. Actually if you watch during the tag match you can see Lawler holding his head in the corner of the screen just before he goes down.

  94. It's always the right time. That's why we have humour.

  95. Here's hoping Lawler is okay. Montreal is a cursed place.

  96. Not funny. You jealous he's a millionaire with a (probably) bangin girl and you're a fat fuck that's never had any?

  97. This is all so scary. hope he doesn't have brain damage. No blood pumping for a while.

  98. One of the commenter spoke about how brutal the wrestling world is on the body by referencing...Jerry Lawler having a heart attack at 62.  WTF?

  99. All your points are totally valid, though I would have kept the show going. Or at least made an attempt to, I would have taken a quick vote of all the workers to see if they wanted to keep going, had they said no then we'd be done. One thing I definitely would have done differently is has Cole in the ring on a live mic when he gave us the info on Lawler, so the fans in the arena could hear it too. I think they handled it pretty well actually.Going silent was a good move, though the "rotting corpse" thing I heard about should have been cut. Or maybe it's just that after the whole OTE and Melanie Pillman incidents (the Pillman thing is still the example I'd use if someone asked me why Vince is a scumbag), my standards have been lowered...

  100. The only other person more important than this King in Memphis is the original King, Elvis.

  101. Now let's not assume he isn't tested. Plus, he knew where Raw was tonight when he booked himself to wrestle on non WWE shows thousands of miles away.

    I am not happy with WWE's on-screen reaction (three words: CUT TO COMMERCIAL), but let's give them a chance on those facts as I'm sure we'll learn more over the next few days.

  102. Easy there, Brian Christopher.

  103.  Or maybe they did and he still had a heart attack.

  104. For all the people raging for the show not stopping: It's Vince. This is the same man who was ok with continuing a PPV even though a man more or less died in the ring. He was ok with his workers going out there and wrestling in the man's blood(it was worse if your were extremely close with man). Vince doesn't give a shit about people unless you're a Mcmahon(or Trips), Workers Rights groups could have a field day on his ass because he does the bare minimum. 

    TL;DR version: To quote Batista: "I don't even see people, I see Money, Money, Dollar Signs, Dollar Signs, Dollar Signs." 

  105. I'll always remember the "FAST" thing from the House episode where the chick had a stroke and diagnosed herself using this method.

  106. I'm an asshole for saying they should continue the show but other people can freely make jokes about the guy while he's still in the emergency room.

    That's pretty cool.

    Hey, here's a collection of all my favorite panic-mode reactions from the live thread!

    "Fuck Bret - It is YOUR country.  You are a hero to those people.  You've been here before and you let it go on."

    "He bitched and complained for years about them continuing Over The Edge
    while doing his best to relate Montreal to the whole thing...and then he
    strolls on out there tonight. It's not like he has anything to lose by
    just saying no. But apparently losing a fake championship in a fake
    fight is something he has to put his foot down over, but this is fine."


    "Bret Hart. Really? Of all the guys out there, Bret Hart is out there."


    "Disappointing choice by Bret."

    "I think we're all afraid to say it, but fuck it I'll say it. Bret Hart
    is a hypocrite. If he really thought the show should of stopped at Over
    the Edge, he would have walked out of there tonight."

    "Shame on you, Vinny Mac.  Shame on you."

    "Remember when they said they continued Over The Edge because they didn't
    know what else to do? Well they've had sometime to think about it. I
    can only imagine how they try to spin this when they're asked about it."

    "I've said Fuck this company a lot over the last few months but this time i truly mean it, FUCK THIS COMPANY"

    "I can't believe after Over the Edge they would do this again."

  107. A few deep breaths would do everyone some good.

    And I was making jokes the second it happened, such is life.

  108. Really going to include my joke as a panic-mode reaction?

  109. OK, now the WWE website is saying that it was a heart attack.  Which, if true, makes this a case of a serious flaw in the WWE's Wellness Policy.

  110. No, you're an asshole for using other people's words against them.

  111. I want to watch Raw? Cause I really don't want to see an old man collapse just to watch the "go home" show.

  112. "Jerry Lawler" is also on Google News "Top Stories" list.

  113. You don't see it happen. But there was nothing really worth seeing on the show anyway. 

  114. Unlike strokes, heart attacks don't just happen.  A perfectly healthy person does not have a heart attack.  And the heart does give off warning signs before it ultimately gives out.

    Whether Jerry Lawler wrestles outside of the WWE is up to him and those other organizations.  But a company like WWE should not be having a 62 year old man out there wrestling unless his health has been thoroughly vetted...and I believe that Lawler's heart condition would have been caught if they had actually done so.

  115. Or the real original King, Jesus.


  117. Don't watch Raw anymore, but this is quite upsetting. I have a feeling this will be debated for quite a long time. Not having seen the show and having read through the live comments, I can't really judge what they should've done. It is a no-win situation.

    As terrible as he has been in recent years, Jerry Lawler was absolutely fantastic in the late 90s on commentary. Michael Cole and he are clearly great friends and it must have been absolutely horrifying sitting out there. I would think that he stayed out there by choice and he was an absolute fucking trooper for doing so.

  118.  You can hear Jerry slurring words a bit before the Bryan match though,

  119. Man, this issue has really set the blog on fire.  Every one take a deep breath, King is going to be fine.  I see both sides of the argument and I have to agree that the show must go on.  I'm not sure what else they can do in that type of situation aside from going to tape or something, but do you just send the fans home and give them a refund for a future show?

    There's been many accidents in football, broken necks and the such and there have been serious beans to the head in baseball over the years and the games went on.  Sports in my book are entertainment as much as wrestling.

    Again, it's a complicated issue and really, any of the two arguments (continue the show or stopping it) is legit.  No need to jump down each others throat if you agree with one point or the other. 

    There is no wrong answer.

  120. He's just looking to start one of the arguments he loves so much that they go on for so long that they end up being squished so far to the right side of the screen that they get reduced to a vertical line of just one letter.

    It's trolling. Ignore it and it will go away.

  121. From pwtorch:

    Smith Hart, one of Bret Hart's brothers, claimed
    on Twitter Monday night that Jerry Lawler was "clinically dead" for
    about 20 minutes after he collapsed during Raw before he was revived.
    This has yet to be confirmed by WWE. Smith relayed the news from
    independent wrestler Jeremy Prophet backstage at Raw.

    Smith's tweet reads: "According to my friend Jeremy Prophet who was
    backstage at RAW, Jerry was clinically dead for 20 min before being
    brought back by defibrilat(or)." Following Raw, it was confirmed that
    Lawler, who is currently recovering in a Montreal hospital, suffered a
    heart attack.

  122. "There is no wrong answer"

    Of course there is, this is the internet.


  124.'re aware that thread STARTED with Cult saying I was comparing this to a sprained ankle RIGHT?

  125.  ha ha, true.  But hey, most of the dudes that post here (and I've been around for a long ass time) are pretty cool.  Whether you agree the show should've gone on as it did or you don't, ultimately, no one wants to see something like that happen to anyone.

  126. Here's the actual thread, directly quoted:


    "But...Over The Edge didn't happen again...
    No one died..."

    "Lawler was unconscious and not breathing for a long time, even when he left the arena in a ambulance. Show was still going on."

    I know you've since decided it was a joke but in the moment, it's still remarkably funny in the context of the live thread with everyone else freaking out.

  127. Hall was asking for updates so I made a joke, just like 95% of my other posts(I think Magnum DA wrote a letter about it). It wasn't like I was coming up with some evil plan to make you look like a dick. 



  129.  I can tell you right now how that vote among the wrestlers would've gone, the show must go on, Jerry would want us to continue.  Athletes from all sports, even wrestlers, believe in that concept mightily.  Bret Favre played a game on MNF the day after his father died of a sudden heart attack.  It's just the way it is.  That's why, personally, I have no problem with the show continuing.

  130. If they stopped the show,people would be pissed. They(clearly)pissed people off by continuing. It us what it is, at least they didn't have a guy drop stone dead on live televusion.

    And having lurked for a loong time, you Have been here for a long-ass time haha.

  131. Maybe this is too soon.

    But I just had the idea for the best gimmick ever.


    Oh, he's fine? Well that was a great promo then!

  133. Totally agree. This, to me, wasn't and Owen situation, but more like Kevin Everett or Steve Moore, or Jesse Sorenson (sp?) if you want a wrestling spin on it. I would have kept the show going, totally would understand if they stopped it.

    Like you said, there is no wrong answer here.

  134.  The Thread Must Go On...

  135. Smith is the guy i'd go to for info, I don't know what you're talking about.

    And you said a bad word.

  136. 99% of my posts in live threads are jokes. You know this. Didn't we clarify this earlier? I was arguing with you because of your "no big deal" stance, not because I thought it was the exact same situation as Over The Edge. But for some reason, you keep putting me in that camp. Surely there is someone else barking up that tree you can bother.

  137. You'd be surprised.

  138. Oh, what the hell. What's the gimmick?

  139. Why? What does Smith know about heart attacks?

    I'm sure he's heard gossip but let's not start acting like Smith is a doctor. He doesn't know any more or less than anyone else.

    Best part is that it doesn't even matter, no one knew he was "clinically dead" in the moment as it was. This is all information we're learning hours later...

  140. The blog is mostly on fire b/c people are feeding the flamer(s)/troll(s). Everything you say is 100% accurate - hopefully everyone can just acknowledge that and move on to wishing Jerry well.

  141. We were talking about this being like a broken neck in football and you made a post (in another thread) saying that I thought it was no worse than a sprained ankle...

    I wish you would stick to what you say instead of backtracking and hiding behind "it was just a silly joke!"

  142. I wouldn't go that far.

  143.  Your last sentence just made me laugh so hard.  I like Chin even though we've had our disagreements at times.  But yeah, when he latches onto you, he's like a rabid dog who won't release it's jaws.  I'm sure JR could put it better than me.

    C'mmon Chin, give cult a break, without reading the RAW thread, I know that 99 out of 100 of his posts are usually comedic in nature.

  144. Addendum I wish could be put into practice: Don't be an asshole just because this is the Internet.

  145. So if it's a joke don't worry about it, I specifically didn't name anyone's names because I think they're all funny panicky lines. To be honest I don't even remember any of the people that were saying that stuff (oddly enough one of the most calm people in that thread was Baker of all

  146. ....Sarcasm man.

    Why Would anyone take anything Smith says seriously?

  147. idea what was going on with that. Some people see "wrestling" and assume "Everyone who ever wrestled will die as a direct result of it" I guess.

  148. Sorry, I've been dealing with people that think New Jack is an authority on strokes.

  149. Baker was to focused on his usual Cena hate and how Punk was sorta buried.  BTW, the sky is blue.

  150. I'm guessing guy named "Prophet" bringing people back to life...

    He should start with Jack Swagger

  151. And if we haven't interjecting enough politics into this yet...thank goodness that he had his medical issues in Canada, where the medical care is far cheaper.

  152. I was poking fun at you because I thought Hall's line about posting updates was funny. Thought you would find it humorous considering what we were talking about in the other thread.

    If I wanted to call you out and attack you, I wouldn't be using stupid jokes like that. Didn't think you had such thin skin.

  153. Just as we didn't know if he was dying before, we do not know that he is going to be fine now.  We do not know the state that his heart is in...for all we know, he may need an immediate transplant.

  154. And here comes zanadude with the gasoline...

  155. I'd buy that if the "joke" wasn't followed by 10 posts arguing the point seriously.

    I'm just excited to see something besides "Cena Should Turn Heel!" for the first time in 4 months.

    Sorry, got a little excited.

  156. Watching the replay now (for the first time), knowing that King is going to practically drop dead in an hour.

    This is fucking creepy.  

  157. He's an authority on homicides, which is kind of like a stroke.

  158. I thought you were trying to bait me considering we were talking about that post before being a joke.

  159. Go check out his twitter.

    I'm a saint by comparison.

  160. I dunno; I went to a seminar he held back in April, seemed like a pretty big deal. I can understand the appeal in his teachings.

  161. This thread MUST CONTINUE until Chin can finish it!

  162. Don't go in there. It is a hive of scum and villainy. Although there is a pretty good Jerry Lawler/underage girl joke in there from me.

  163. No I really mean it, it's one of my favorite lines. Even if you didn't think it was serious (which I did), most of the people that liked it definitely did as most of those likes are the same people that responded with the drama.

  164. Shit, I will, because we all know he'll be going right back to sucking ass in no time.

    But still, can't say a bad word about him tonight.

  165. Eh, whatever dude. Believe what you want. I managed to make a Jim Ross stroke joke in this thread. I only maliciously make fun of announcers, not other BoD members. 

  166. I wish I could figure you out, your style of jokes look eerily exactly like serious arguments. Particularly this time around.

    Makes head hurt.

  167. Dude, I'm not getting sucked into your bullshit, just go away.

  168. "I'm just thrilled to see something besides "Cena Should Turn Heel!" for the first time in 4 months."

    Amen. I don't think I could take another week of arguing with people who don't like Punk's heel turn.

  169. "This isn't the right time!"

    "Sure it is."

    "Oh ok."

    Why bother posting that you don't think it's the right time if you're not even going to defend your opinion? What the fuck is the point?

    You don't have to answer, but seriously...why bother?

  170.  Well, hopefully he doesn't get the Brock Lesnar treatment. ;-)

  171. It's easy. If it's not a long winded post about fantasy booking Aces n Eights or 1995 WCW, it's a joke.

  172. What if you're Shawn Michaels circa 1997 and can't smile?

    *finds my own way out after lame joke*

  173. Because I laughed my ass off at cultstaus' joke, but felt like a jerk about it. The "Fair enough" was referring to the laughing about it.

    Now get lost, I'm going to bed.

  174. People from Chicago also have that...

  175. I was just curious.

    See because in the thread it looks like you're replying directly to the guy that said "It's always the right time for humor."

    Actually, it is a direct reply to that guy, you can see why I way laughing because it looks like you rolled right over with no argument.

    No wonder you don't like me. I try to stick to my opinions and defend them.

    Sweet dreams!

  176. So how old are you cultstatus? Because I made jokes on the internet is really bad taste when I was 13 that remind me of yours. I am not gonna curse at you or anything but just try and grow up a little bit. Maybe when you're older and something like this happens to someone you know you will realice it's not right.

  177. A dude who was like a criminal sentenced to death row, and he legally died for like (this is wrestling so make it ridiculous)  an hour, so because he died, he's off of death row, and he's a wrestler.  Nailz meets the Undertaker.

  178. Making jokes about a guy none of us know personally?

    Dude, humor is a coping tool.  I hope at my funeral people will celebrate my life rather than my death, and my life included jokes and laughter, not morose doom-saying.

  179. I guaran-damn-tee that  Jerry The King Lawler would;ve never wanna died knowing he was the guy who made the show stop.  

    Glad he made it and hope he recovers.

  180. Surprised Chikara hasn't done something like that.

  181. What were they meant to do? They don't keep their tape library in the production truck to every arena and I doubt the staff in the corporate building work until 12am. If they stop the show completely they deal with the network and sponsors. Besides all that, Lawler is about as old school as they come and I'd imagine he'd want the show to go on. Anyone find any interviews from him regarding Over the Edge?

  182. Being dead for 20 minutes before being brought back by a defib. is close enough to impossible that we can call BS on this one. If hypothermia was involved there might be .001% chance.

    From what I've read SEVERE brain damage starts around minute 5

    Pretty sure Smith was misinformed or talking out of his ass 

  183.  You can hear him audible snoring, and then see him collapse. There's a shot of him doubled over talking to somewhere at ringside. Really rough viewing...

  184. as stated before, the right answer could have been: continue they show, but drop the angles (it wasn't like it happened at the beginning anyway). instead, wrestling matches in which the faces go over.

  185.  Yep back when his name was still Sean Coulthard he was a war reporter in the Gulf War and Yugoslavia and all that Eastern bloc conflict. I remember seeing a spread about it in WWF Magazine when I was a whelp.


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