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TNA Signs Former WWE Wrestler

MVP has signed a contract with TNA. He is expected to make his debut in a few weeks.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Former WWE Wrestler Taking Time Off From Wrestling to Heal From Injury

Shelton Benjamin announced on Twitter that he is taking time off from wrestling to heal a pinched ulner nerve in his elbow. He also assures us that he will not be part of the Royal Rumble.


  1. "He also assures us that he will not be part of the Royal Rumble." So, in wrestling speak, this means he is guaranteed to be in the Rumble...?

  2. TNA signs a former WWE wrestler... why haven't they tried that before? This will be the thing that turns it around for them for sure!

  3. Raw: BROCK! BATISTA! (card subject to change). Who Cares! AuthoriKane!
    MVP: About 12 months too late, damn.
    Benjamin: Ouch, and oh well.

  4. That caveat should only apply to Bischoff and Russo. Maybe McMahon.

  5. Only if they immediately give him a super push, and put him over all of their homegrown talent. THAT WILL SHOW WWE!!!

  6. Some people define insanity by doing the same thing over and over again ND expecting different results. Angle, hogan, hardy, foley, nash, christian, new aged outlaws, etc etc. Now MVP?? Seriously, what do they really expect a wwe mid card guy from 6 years ago to do for them? Fucking if you're a tna fan, you want to see your own TNA stars. Stop with this.

  7. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 20, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    I was pumped up when the rumors swirled around him returning at the rumble. I'm a big Benjamin fan. Not sure the majority if the crowd would get excited. Morrison on the other hand would get a nice reaction.

  8. So, MVP: TNA World Champ is ETA July? May?

  9. LOL @ there being TNA fans!

    (Elvy non withstanding)

  10. "All right! MVP signs with TNA!"

    - MVP

  11. Wasn't he making good bank in Japan?

  12. So, Daniel Bryan is due for RAW then... Maybe they will write him off tv with a Bray attack to give him some time to recover/get some heat on Bray?

  13. I can promise you this: If some random guy wearing a mascot baseball head debuts at IMPACT, there will be MANY BUYS.

  14. There's SOMEONE going to those high school gyms. I seriously wonder tho if there are any hardcore TNA fans who only watch TNA as opposed to wrestling fans who watch it as a time filler.

  15. ... or has his head painted like a baseball. That would work also.

  16. I'd bet anything he comes in does a pseudo worked shoot and they start to push him to the top. It's just what they do

  17. I hope it works out so that, like Lex Lugar when he was teaming with Sting, gets on a flight that's delayed so the match goes on without him and just when we think he's not going to make it, Shelton shows up in street clothes carrying his suitcase and starts cracking people in the head with it. When I was a kid, it totally made sense to me that Lex would run down to the ring carrying his suitcase since he had just arrived from a late flight.

  18. That's what I meant. I would check one out if it came somewhere nearby and I literally had nothing else to do, but I am by no means a "fan"... I really think Elvy is the only exclusive TNA fan I have ever heard of.

  19. Maybe he can do the good ol "WWE held me back!!" speech. Aka, "I was scripted to lose every match, but here I'll be scripted to win more matches!!!"

  20. Those ex wwe worked shoot interviews and heel stables are the go to angles for tna. And they both fucking suck.

  21. Agreed... that was the only interesting part of the Total Divas show was the backstage at Wrestlemania portion... and Natty being bummed that she wasn't on the card.

  22. If I had to pick the 5, it'd HHH, Punk, Big E, a HoF inductee that year, and Zack Ryder.

  23. I doubt HHH would give you enough access to make it interesting

  24. Shelton's run post-TWGTT was one of the worst wastes of raw talent the WWE has ever pulled.

    "He's black, so make sure his entrance music shows him being all about cash money like all the other black people?"

    "Uh, sir, he's one of the smoothest wrestlers and can pull off incredible moves and matches, can we make a character out of that?"

    "HE'S BLACK! CASH MONEY! Hey, let's get his momma out here too!"

  25. Said this yesterday but I'm really intrigued about how they utilize Batista. I can see a scenario where Batista wins the Rumble then faces Brock for the title at WM while Bryan does a program with Orton or a scenario where Bryan wins the rumble and faces Brock while Batista goes off and faces Orton.

    It'll be an interesting look into WWEs psyche. Go with the guy the fans are clamoring for or the the guy who was a former top level guy for them. I really believe these 2 are the keys to how the WM card shakes down

  26. Pretty much a "who cares" thing but I'll be interested to check out MVPs first couple matches back to just see if he improved a lot in Japan

  27. Only thing they wouldn't show you would be booking meetings. I think everything else, they'd be OK with. On his recent DVD, they show him running the HoF ceremony and it was really interesting see him also have to a part of the show and go out in the audience. A doc about him at Mania would be along the same lines.

  28. Happy mlk day! No work today for this guy. Thank god because I got fucking wasted after that awful 49ers loss

  29. Interesting. I think it would be itneresting to see him go from "Paul Levesque COO of WWE" to "THE KING OF KINGS THE CEREBRAL ASSASSIN THE GAME THE AUTHORITY HHH" I bet the difference is shocking.

  30. Shelton Benjamin is a guy I would tune into TNA to see, too bad they didn't sign him.

  31. Flair went an hour to win the greatest Rumble ever, and he's only 22nd? Yeah, this list had a couple of issues.

  32. 29(lasted 2:12), 12(lasted 33:56), 29(lasted 6:44), 20(lasted 23:52), 18(lasted 16:28), 25(lasted 13:56) with 7 total eliminations. Pretty good numbers for never winning it.

  33. Flair definitely should have been higher.

  34. How is TNA signing talent when they are on death's door??

  35. Everything is fine...?

  36. Babyface HHH didn't seem too different from COO Paul Levesque on his doc but he is probably still working us to some point. Probably only really get to see how he is by actually working for WWE.

    After your done with that Orton doc, watch the new HHH one. It is top 5 all time.

  37. Brock and Batista needs more build IMO. Plus I just can't see Vince putting the main event on a part timer and a guy who just came back.

  38. Shelton Benjamin and MVP would be a pretty good tag team.

  39. ThreadJack:

    This would have been Kurt Angle, had he signed in 1996....

  40. I'll say this for TNA. They are finally signing the right guys. The Wolves and MVP is a great start. Now just fix creative and I might start watching again.

  41. Really? I figured anything with him would always be a huge work and he would never let you see anything real... he seems very old school in that way... not like Arn level but still strongly believes in kayfabe

  42. I think they'll put Batista right at the top when he comes back. Wins the Rumble, send then crushes someone at EC, then he goes on the Brock if they go that route. I think it'd work. I'd rather them go Bryan/Brock but I think Cena/Taker is going on top with the Brock title match 2nd from the top. We'll see

  43. Plus it wouldn't violate the rule of all black guys teaming or feuding in some way

  44. It wouldn't? Aren't both guys black?

  45. Cena Taker isn't happening this year no matter how hard you try and will it.

  46. I remember liking The Pug back in the day. Of course, I didn't even remember him until you posted this clip.

  47. I don't understand your confusion. I was agreeing that it would make sense and wouldn't violate the rule because they are both black...

  48. MVP signing is like the Titanic rescuing someone after they've hit the iceberg.

  49. I liked the way they booked him for his first year on Raw but once they turned him heel in late 2005 with that "Momma" bullshit he just lost all of his momentum.

  50. Really, the guy in DX strongly believes in kayfab? His doc gets into all the dirt over the years, it is really good.

  51. Well seems they're fixing creative too, as they have that new writer who was a former WWE writer and it also seems he wants to fix the backstage scene too by signing Tommy Dreamer. The only problem at this point doesn't seem to be creative, but Dixie forcing herself to have as much screen time as possible.

  52. After Monday night, all bets are off with the card. They will do something big with Bryan unless his concussion is too bad.

  53. I think they're moving the pieces around to get to it. If it's Brock/Taker, why would they put the belt in that match? Makes no sense. There is no clear cut program for Cena after this Orton thing wraps up. Batista can't main event WM bc he's to new. They don't have the faith in Bryan or Punk to put them on the marquee. They're setting the stage. Officerfarva wouldn't steer you wrong

  54. Yeah I misread your comment. I thought you meant violate as in you can't have 2 black guys teaming together.

  55. I just remember him being a talking head in someone else's DVD and saying something very basic but prefixing it with "I don't know if you can even use this because it is so inside... but I would def. be interested in his doc because, as you say he knows where a lot of the bodies are buried so to speak.

  56. He did take some time to hit up twitter and praise his Seahawks.

  57. Edinburgh, Scotland good sir!

    Oh and that list was made after a discussion with fellow 'rasslin nerds on which Rumble was the best, I casually looked over the lists and then noticed the amount of dead wrestlers. Pretty sad.

  58. I'm probably second to Elvy on TNA appologists and even I've given up on the months ago.

  59. The best part is all the backstage dirt on the real life marriage to Steph. That was the biggest surprise to me.

  60. Again I show how incredibly American I am because when you said UK I assumed you meant Britain...

  61. MVP is not the worst choice for TNA to sign. Unlike the laundry list of former WWE talent they've brought in, MVP has a pretty big upside and isn't on retirements door. However, why didn't they sign him 2 years ago when he left WWE??

  62. I was thinking that too, all the reports I heard was that TNA was in survival mode and cutting costs wherever possble and now they have an influx of new guys coming in, and not cheap guys either.

  63. Because he didn't want to sign with them. The reason he left WWE is because he wanted to wrestle in Japan.

  64. ...its probably never a good idea to compare yourself to Elvy

  65. I don't understand why they didn't sign Benjamin and Haas when they first left. Imagine the matches they could have had with Beer Money and the MCMG...

  66. Hopefully it is on Netflix... I can't see spending money on a DVD I am only going to watch once.

  67. Well, it takes two to tango. If Benjamin wasn't hurt and Haas wasn't retired, I definitely try to grab them if I was TNA.

  68. Next for TNA should be Chris Hero.

  69. Care to place a gentleman's wager that Cena/Taker doesn't happen at XXX?

  70. I remember his debut match against Barry Horowitz... The crowd was actually 60-40 for Barry... The last thing they needed was another "Pure/bland babyface" (And Rocky Maivia came in 3 months later). Just 3 years later, they got it perfectly with Kurt.

  71. What you got in mind?

  72. You can try you tube. People always end up posting those docs. Saw a bunch over there the other day.

  73. A pizza delivery?

  74. His momentum was long lost by the time "Momma" came in. It happened when he jobbed 24 times in a row to Carlito.

  75. IDK... loser has to change their avatar/screen name to something of the winners choosing for a week?

  76. Hogan and Bischoff leaving freed up a lot. AJ is gone and Sting seems to be on his way out. They also released several others.

  77. OOOOOOOOOOH That's an even better idea... I will love being able to brag about scoring a second pizzaa from the BoD!

  78. Loser loses their post count.

  79. Erm until September 2014, when Scotland votes in its referendum, Scotland is still currently a part of Britain or Great Britain or the UK, all the terms are pretty much interchangeable for a description of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  80. In lookin back at Rumbles, deaths aside, I couldn't believe my eyes with the Rumble roster 1992.....
    Jake Roberts
    Kerry Von Erich

    Ridiculous amount of wrestling history, wrestling legends, and guys that were major players & champions in other formerly popular promotions. And guys like Hogan, Sid, Flair & Savage who ended up being World Champions in WWF & WCW which is pretty rare. Fantasy Rumble.

  81. What's great about that Rumble too is that there's also still a ton of jobbers around to make for tons of quick eliminations or "Ring Filler", so we don't end up like one of those 2000s Rumbles with 15 Main Eventers all clogging the ring for hours.

  82. A million for Taker?! Sure, he's a big selling point for Mania, and they do still merchandise him, and he did never jump during the War, but $1 million? Nice work if you can get it.

  83. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    its that handshake where one person uses his middle finger to tickle the other shaker's palm

  84. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    the location being ID'd as wembley would indicate that this poster is bret hart, and the use of "the summer slam" confirms it

  85. Orton's divorce settlement had him making 300k per month.

  86. On a recent business trip to India, wrestling came up during dinner. Sure enough, everyone was familiar with Khali.

  87. Khali has merch? Whaaaaat.


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