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So, Hornswoggle's in the new Muppets movie...

...did anyone promise HIM a title reign?

Yes, the Cruiserweight title.  Just took a long time to shoot the movie.  


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    "Hornswoggle?! What, are you dating a character from Fraggle Rock?!"

  2. I would be in favor of bringing back the hardcore title and awarding it to Hornswoggle.

    Or, we could do a super-lightweight category. He can feud with El Torito. And Rey.

  3. OK has it really been confirmed Batista was promised a title reign? Or are we just assuming?

  4. We do not assume. We engage in conjecture and speculation.

    Sometimes we might bitch a little.

    And, sometimes we just give each other shit.

    Though I'm fairly certain no on here has ever shit in a BoD gym bag. Mainly because such a thing doesn't exist.

  5. Seriously, the aftermath of the Triple H/Taker Hell in a Cell is the most nauseating post match segment ever. It went longer than most matches on the card.

  6. It was overdone but I still thought it was a nice segment.

  7. Probably promised more than the Pope got for starring in the Dark Knight Rises.

  8. That movie was such a disappointment no one deserves anything from it.

  9. Him and Khali might be the worst wrestlers ever.

  10. He may have been promised. The question is if it was contractually guaranteed.

    Promises are made to be broken. Just as Bret Hart. (for that matter, so are contractual guarantees).

    If he was guaranteed a title reign, I would think that they wouldn't bother with adding Bryan to the title match, and instead say the HHH/Bryan was for a title match the following night on Raw, then have Bryan win the belt there. Thus keeping your "contractual guarantee."

  11. El Gigante might be worse.

    And I think for his position on the card, Khali is just fine.

  12. You mean you didn't like them casting a guy that was SHORTER than Christian Bale to play hulking monster Bane, then take the most noticeable thing about that actor, and dub his voice over?

    They seriously should have casted someone like Brock Lesnar rather than Tom Hardy.

  13. It wouldn't have mattered since they turned him into the side-kick villain in the end anyway.

  14. What was it the end of? They're both in high profile matches this year.

    I thought the ending was a bit too "hooray for us!" to.

  15. The only things I got from it were it lasts two years and afterwards Dave retiring for good and it was for pretty big money. Now sure they might have originally wanted him to win the title at Mania but plans change. If they really want to capitalize on the (hopefull) success of GotG they put the title on him at the July PPV.

  16. Basically after the awesome scene of Bane wailing on Batman against the pillar the film descends to utter garbage.

  17. Wow, the GM tag match is former WWE and World Champions being captained by jobbers like Santino and David Otunga.

  18. lol at the idea of Lesnar playing Bane with no voice dubbing. But, yeah, with dubbing he would have been stupendous.

  19. Otunga is still alive?

  20. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMarch 23, 2014 at 8:16 PM

    Ah Hornswoggle....where's King Kong Bundy when you need him?

  21. I had chills during the ending. Wonderful film.

    Everybody's definition of "fun" is different. I had a shitload more fun watching that movie than nearly any other film I've seen. It was a blast, one of my all-time favorites. And Hardy was fantastic.

  22. The Horsemen / NWO parody was great. I can't believe how sensitive Flair and company were over that -- in some ways I think they were more or less working themselves over it to elevate the intensity of that feud. Real animosity makes for a great feud and as a wrestling fan first and foremost I loved it.

  23. Kane was the right choice.

    Monstrous hulking dude in a mask who can believably handle the physicality, comfortable speaking in a mask, who can emote with his eyes, who has acting experience.

    He was right there!

  24. "As a wrestler, Hornswoggle isn't half bad!"
    "No, he's ALL bad!"

  25. I would have had chills during that ending if I hadn't just seen it happen in the Avengers.

  26. Spider-Man's life is depression to, even more so than Batman's. You don't see them trying to turn Spider-Man films into Schindler's List.

  27. Ric Flair vs Magnum TA

  28. Jake Roberts vs Savage -- or at least a proper blowoff.

    That's also got to be one of the best thrown together feuds of all-time as Jake was supposed to feud with Warrior and Savage was not keen on coming back and wrestling a full schedule.

  29. They need to add those WWE Vintage shows that are on in the UK to the Network. I mean, why the hell aren't they? It sounds like a fun show that would entertain wrestling nerds that are subscribing to the network.

    And also do you think the WWE will ever steal our ppv poll idea on Saturday nights, and put up some kind of twitter poll for the a ppv on 8pm Saturday? I know HHH and Steph are trolling the board, so it's bound to happen.

  30. with their skill and resources Rockstar could probably make a smart and enjoyable game. instead they keep repeating the same obvious "satire" and high school nihilism. they're holding games back.

  31. Yeah, I'm watching right now, it's 10:40 and we're in the middle of the 2nd to last match... and we'll have over an hour of PPV time for it.

  32. Shit it one hand, hope in the other and see what fills up first.

  33. Maria Mennunious certainly doesn't apply.

  34. He couldn't work, talk, or act. Anybody can get over winning 200 straight matches and never selling a move. Mike Knox could get that over. 2003 Goldberg shows why Goldberg sucked. Watching those shows again I grew a real hatred for him. The worst drizzling shits that ever shat.

  35. It killed poor Cody's heel run.

  36. 28 is pretty good. Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk and HHH/UT area all very good matches.

  37. The ending of TDKR has nothing in common with the ending to the Avengers. Where was the apprentice-takes-over-mantle in Avengers? Also, Batman getting to ride off into the sunset and finally settle down?

    Seeing, essentially, the big-screen version of my favorite character (Dick Grayson) walk into the cave, and seeing Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle actually get a happy ending (a la Earth 2) was enough to give me chills.

  38. I was complaining about the live feed during WrestleMania 28 earlier. I'm not having a lot of faith for what is going to happen in 2 weeks.

  39. If Goldberg is some brilliant mind who has other irons in the fire besides wrestling why has he spent the last ten years signing autographs at state fairs and boat shows?

  40. I literally cannot remember what Randy Orton was doing from WrestleMania 28 until he won that Money in the Bank match at Summerslam. Something with the Sheild, I know, for Maina 29. Literally can't remember anything else.

  41. Just to be fair, those two things were almost a year apart -- The NWO PPV was in January 1997 and NWO Nitro was at the end of December 1997. Obviously the NWO as an entity was big money at both of those points in time, but I don't think any one stable could/would have ever been it's own entity and been successful. The money was in the WCW vs NWO feud, which was in essence every single PPV for almost two years.

  42. Brodus Clay/Tensai :(

  43. a) Spiderman is younger and has always been portrayed as a "wise-cracker"

    b) Nolan's universe is more realistic than any of the other major superhero films so having a more fun tone wouldn't work.

  44. Hogan winning the title back would have had way bigger heat than a tag match with no stakes.

  45. Part of me feels like Bryan know he has FAR outperformed from what they thought he'd be able to do and has probably made way more money in this business than he ever thought he would. "18 seconds? As long as the check clears!"

  46. Yeah it was directly responsible for changing the plan IIRC. Re-branding all of the PPVs as "WCW/NWO" shows was the closest they got.

  47. SMB3 or GTFO ;)

  48. The shittiness of the first few minutes of Jericho trying to use the "dq = title loss" stipulation is forgotten by all the crazy counters and meta-counters they were doing to try and get their submission holds on each other. Punk/Jericho is ****.

  49. IIRC the Road Warriors feuded with Doom next and they left before that feud was finished.

  50. I thought you were talking about the "sacrifice play".

    Even so, Batman doesn't quit, ever, so the beginning and ending of the movie basically said "Bruce Wayne is a shitty superhero".

  51. So this is an actual THINGS now?

  52. They had a fun tone in both Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.

  53. First Turtles game, hands down. I eventually finished it years later via emulator, and even then had to save state/reload a gazillion times. A friend of mine says his cousin finished it on an actual NES console, but I don't believe him, haha.

  54. I'm in the minority that didn't care when he came back in 93. Was Marty written off or did he just disappear?

  55. I've been playing NCAA 14 religiously as I am sad it will be the last one.

    Ninja Gaiden on NES is the greatest game ever period. The N64 wrestling series and Goldeneye are close seconds.

    I've also been enjoying Wrestlefest on a modded Wii.

  56. Wow, I forgot about this horrible Brodus Clay segment after the title match.

  57. DK isn't fair cause Joker is a fun character to begin with. Wouldn't you say Begins had a less "fun" tone than most superhero movies? If you take away the fun Joker stuff DK is fucking depressing.

  58. Glacier Vs. Mortis

  59. Hmmm? I didn't say anything about him being a brilliant mind, perhaps that was intended for another poster.

    I will say, he sat out the rest of his Time Warner contract and cleaned up rather than go to the WWE -- THEN he went to the WWE on a year contract and probably cleaned up there too. He's done a few movies on the side, runs a gym, owns a bunch of classic cars and lives in a mansion. So I guess he could be up to his eyeballs in debt -- who knows really. I suppose if he saved/invested well, he probably could live out the rest of his life on that money.

  60. The Golden Age Batman "quit."

    The entire point of Nolan's Batman was creating the Bat as a symbol to inspire others. His plan was never a lifelong mission.

    I said "essentially." Robin Blake was an amalgamation of Todd, Drake and Grayson. But the mere fact that he was a cop, and his personality, drew an instant connection for me (read Chuck Dixon's Nightwing run if you don't get it).

    There is no one definitive version of any of these superheroes. Mainstream Tony Stark was never as smarmy as RDJ's in the comics. There have been numerous iterations of Thor.

    He's not a shitty superhero. He quit because he was injured and took the fall for Dent, hoping it would fix things to have Dent as a martyr. He made a mistake, like he does quite often in the comics.

  61. Yea, no way I'm reading though all of these, but what always annoyed me was the lack of a payoff to Austin vs Vince.

    Is it WM X7?
    Is it vs the Undertaker where Vince has to go away forever? (Ended up being what, 2 months? )

    Best feud ever, but never got the ultimate "tthis feuds over payoff".

  62. Which time?

    In January 93, Jannetty got beat by Michaels when he showed up for the ppv as a mess, and he was then fired after the show.

    He returned in May and they got (I feel) a lot of milage out of a Michaels/Jannetty feud, but again he was fired by Feburary of 94 for more antics on a Euorpean tour.

    He wasn't written out of the show either time. Just disappeared.

  63. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    Hey, you stick to your gimmick and don't steal mine!

  64. Once they merge the midcard titles... it would be a good time to bring back the Cruiserweight title.

  65. Saw the film yesterday, surprised with how much screen time he got. Even said a few lines.

  66. Savage beat Jake on the 2nd ot last Saturday Night's Main Event ever. I mean, in an era of having 4/5 ppvs a year instead of 12, that's the best blowoff you were going to get.

  67. NCAA 14 the football game? Or is that redundant? I'm playing it frequently myself, though I have tapered off a bit recently. I like Dynasty mode, and play all games as Coach.

  68. Good match, needed blood.

  69. Evan Bourne something to do.

  70. Unrelated post:

    Thought our festive little bunch might enjoy this site; I suspect a number of you are familiar with it:

  71. Would dougie and buckdiddy simultaneously combusting be the ultimate npp vs BoD payoff?

  72. Aligning him with Paul Heyman really started to get him the heel heat, but yeah until them it was grasping at straws.

  73. The network has been running like shit for me for the last few hours

  74. McIntyre hasn't been relevant since Mania 26, I think.

  75. I've actually only read this as comments by posters on the blog... so I've always thought it was utter bullshit.

  76. Yes, but it wasn't the longest match on the card.

  77. The theme and how they faded his video into the entrance were epic. Shame they had to waste it on that dude.

  78. I'm surprised he didn't promote the film on Monday.

  79. Are you forgetting the Juniors Division on SmackDown?

  80. I didn't say it was, I said the post match antics went on longer than most of the matches on the card.

  81. It was nice of the WWE to let these two Make-A-Wish kids sing for John Cena on his big night. I hope whatever they had didn't kill them.

  82. Oh, yep, read it wrong.

  83. I loved the alienation themes,however Kojima went way much than he used to,this game brought tons of problems to the storyline but still thing is a great addition to the series.

  84. That's the thing that I think Triple H will never understand. You don't plan and execute "Epic"... "Epic" just happens.

    See also, when Brock Lesnar beat him at SummerSlam, where he tried to get sympathy heat to chants of "You Tapped Out!"

    It doesn't happen because you did everything as planned... it happens organically.

  85. Favorite game of all time is probably Front Page Sports Football Pro, and probably the 1996 version. It was still in DOS. When they went to Windows, it pretty much killed the franchise. 1997 was ok, 1998 was apparently used in plenty of leagues but I could never get it to work, and the 2000 version was issued and then recalled. That was it.

    Hell, I bought my first PC specifically so I could play that game.

    Least favorite that everyone else loves? Hell, I dunno. I'm not that big a game. FF maybe? I'm just not a fan.

    I also like Dungeon Siege for the PC; not the crap that's on PS3 now. Majesty was also very cool, and I got into whatever the Zoo simulator was for awhile.

    On PS3, NFL Head Coach 09 remains my fave, but it has lots of intolerable bugs. If it didn't annoy the shit out of me, I'd still play it. I don't own an XBox and find most Wii stuff to just be annoying.

  86. Doesn't Austin and Vince joining kind of end the feud? Austin admitting he needed Vince to stay relevant kind of makes Vince the winner of the feud, no?

    Or again, maybe when Austin brings Vince back as a face, so they can screw with HHH, that ends the feud, too.... somehow I blame Vince Russo's shitty writing.

  87. But Vince and Austin started sort of feuding again after the Alliance storyline ended.

  88. Apparently. I have pretty much faded away from SD. I'll sometimes watch on Hulu, but I'll skip past most of it and watch only what interests me.

  89. Candido gets powerbombed off the top rope by jannetty at survivor series 95, This is an awesome fucking opener

  90. If that were true, there would always be a guy who was on a 200 match win streak that never sold a move -- and everyone would get rich off of it.

    Distressing as it might be to some people that some guys could strike it
    rich while being totally green -- some guys just have the right
    combination of intangible things to work out like gangbusters despite
    their limitations if you put them in a position to succeed.

    Wrestling has and will always push big guys with great looks and bodies, marginal skills, and questionable enthusiasm. That's the 1980s WWF midcard in a nutshell.

  91. The problem with Four Horsemen vs. nWo was always that there were only going to be FOUR Horsemen vs. 275 members of the nWo.

    What was needed was 1. management to stop hating Ric Flair for being Ric Flair 2. someone to say "Why only FOUR Horsemen?" Just bring out two more as a surprise one day, have Ric cut a promo with "Just when you thought you knew the rules, we change the game! It ain't Monopoly anymore, boys!" or something, and count the money.

    ("Count DE-MO-NAY!" I love this joke so much I've used it in two separate threads. Yes, I'm a sad, bitter man.)

  92. I used to be able to recite the order of the matches on all the early Manias. Now I watch the video package at the end of Mania 27, and am shocked Orton beat Punk.

  93. Tensai called his mama, she took care of the rest.

  94. I don't really remember them feuding when Austin came back in 2000 either. I would say the proper Vince/Austin feud when from WrestleMania XIV until they "bury the hatchet" before Unforgiven 99, and everything after that was minor altercations.

  95. Thank God a neurologist stepped in and kept Foley out of the ring. I love the guy's matches, but I don't want to see any further damage.

  96. Oh, it was years ago, back in 2005 when Stephanie was the GM. I think it lasted three weeks.

  97. Watching Bruce become Batman, the witty banter between Alfred and Bruce, and just the "playboy" Bruce antics were a ton of fun in both the first and second movie.

    In the third, let's turn him into a recluse because his girlfriend dies, but he'll get over that once Alfred tells him the truth and go back some other chick.

  98. You know what the Rock/Cena rematch was missing? The concert openings before each entrance. It really gave the match such a HUGE MATCH feeling.

  99. The cage match was the blow off to the original feud but then it just kind of continued.

  100. That's a pretty underrated show overall.

    I don't know think it's one of the 15 best ppvs ever like does, but it's a fun time.

  101. We really should have had more Austin-Michaels matches. If it wasn't for that stupid casket...

    Then again, if HBK had kept wrestling, he might have died. So it's probably a good thing.

    Still, HBK-Austin with both guys healthy would have really rocked...

  102. In more ways than one.

  103. Yeah, but it was like seven minutes long. Not much of a pay off for a blood feud.

    I think it was actually supposed to continue longer -- they had Jake hiding behind the curtain at the end of the show, doing the "this isn't over" bit. There was some talk in the rags at the time of a possible "Snakepit" match at WrestleMania (whatever that means).

    They re-edited the ending when they replayed the match a few weeks later on Superstars though and inserted footage of Undertaker saving Savage/Elizabeth from the chairshot -- but if you look at it closely, you can tell all of the backstage footage aside from what aired on SNME was shot at a different location at a different time -- so I'm pretty sure someone called an audible after SNME aired.

  104. Ah. yeah, I was on my wrestling sabbatical.

  105. TJ: I'm listening to a P2B podcast and they just called a false rumor a "Scott Keith Special. "

    Scott, kill these mofos

  106. The opener was killer. Jannetty is the butt of a lot of jokes but he was always pretty protected/booked really strong. Plus I like the kids heel turn getting him with win.

  107. Scotts gonna send Bayless on them.

  108. Why don't they get one of the Buffers to do ring introductions? Is it too WCW or UFC?

  109. Yoiu know what, I'm actually going to watch this women's match from survivor series 95. I can't stand the divas shit but these women are being presented as real wrestlers so I'll check this out.

  110. I don't think WWE wants Bourne defending the Cruiserweight belt while he's busing tables at Denny's in a few months.

  111. They ran out of time. Didn't even have time for a video package.

  112. Damn one chick just hit the huge giant swing Cesaro style. About 15 rotations I think.

  113. Was anyone on the BOD actually looking forward to Bret-Vince? Because I always thought it was common knowledge that Bret was both unable to take. bumps due to his stroke, and legally unable to participate in an actual match due to accepting a permanent disability payout from Lloyds of London. Any notion of them approaching the sort of wild brawl Shawn and Vince had was a pipe dream.

  114. Ambrose vs Foley

  115. If you don't think that one holds up never watch the wm27 one

  116. What could have been a good angle, turned into a punch line.

  117. Ambrose vs Regal.

  118. I really, really liked it. The pacing maximized placed heavy emphasis of every spot. It was as if every moved matter and could be a game changer. They really allowed the fans to sink their teeth in after high-spots. Some people called it a bunch of laying down, but I thought it had little to do with that, more to do with them selling the affects of the match. It also kept building and transitioning. The only thing that was indeed missing was blood. It would've given it that extra oomph of drama.

  119. I was not. It was common knowledge Bret could do NOTHING. The concussions + the stroke took care of that. I never had any idea what they were doing with that feud, and as someone below pointed out, it would have been much better served to be a feud where Bret had a representative v. Vince representative, where Vince could lose than get beat on by Bret for a few minutes.

    I would have gone with something like the Hart Family vs. two of Vince's "chosen ones," maybe Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes to elevate a bunch of guys. Isead of the uncomfortable show we got.

  120. I was hoping for more along the lines of Hogan Vince.

  121. Asa Kong is a great heel

  122. Randy Orton vs gym bags

  123. That's really unfair. It's Meltzer who spreads all the rumors :)

  124. Dude they ever run a match with her and Medusa one on one? I'd watch that actually

  125. I'm pretty sure the gym bags lost.

  126. He has to run the gauntlet of gym bags.

  127. I just made 3 pro wwe womens wrestling comments in a row

  128. And they would sell it like a pro.

  129. Even that felt sort of like, "oh look, he's friends with Heyman, BOO HIM NOW BOO HIM NOW PLEASE!"

  130. Pat Patterson vs vaginas

  131. Hey, you won your match in 18 seconds at that WM because of HHH!

  132. Jake was never really a 20 minute match type of guy.

  133. Patterson loses in 6 seconds.

  134. I don't know... that match was taped the same time as the Sid heel turn, so they had to know they were shuffling the main events around and Savage was going to be married with Flair at that taping.

    Also, let's not forget that 92 was still a time that the "blow-off" to a feud was coming to an arena near you, and Savage v. Jake in a cage was the main event on the house show run to Mania. That was probably the real blow-off.

  135. Because Buffer demands more money for 2 minutes worth of work (where he fucks up wrestler's names) than most of the guys were getting in PPV payoffs.

  136. I thought the match where Regal busted his ear was the blow off.

  137. I assure you I'm not Irish

  138. I'm not sure, I thought that they each won one, with Regal losing in the coolest way possible.

  139. "The last time I saw someone this bent out of shape was when I walked into Pat Patterson's office at the wrong time."

  140. She threw the women's title in a trashcan on Nitro before they could/

  141. Wow that's bullshit

  142. You're actually making pro All Japan Pro Wrestling women's wrestling comments. And everybody knew that shit was the shit in 1995.

  143. Dustin Rhodes v. Barry Windham in 92/93. You had a great heel turn and no real follow up.

  144. Doesn't Scott pimp the P2P podcasts pretty hard? Not really sure where the get off here.

  145. The "I hit you with my finisher. You kick out. You hit me with your finisher. I kick out" is becoming my least favorite spot in wrestling.

  146. They censored it all up in the Xbox version.

  147. Where has Otunga been? He's a lawyer and he's got a famous wife, why isn't the WWE shoving him down our throats like The Miz?

  148. My favorite game of all time would have to be Mass Effect.

    I struggle with that choice as I to this day will take a SNES/N64/PS1/PS2 game over hardly anything "next-gen" that is out, but Mass Effect has easily pulled me in harder than any other game I can think of.

    ME2 and ME3 were both good, but nothing can touch the 1st. And probably wont.

  149. Audio demon. HA!

  150. For all we know it's a joke.

  151. Yeah, true. I'd love to be a fly on the wall for the meetings leading up to WrestleMania VIII with all of the crazy stuff going on. Meltzer seems to think everything was set in stone from the moment Sid signed on with the WWF and before Flair ever came into the picture, but with how messy all of that was I believe it was probably a lot more fluid and last minute than we've been led to believe.

    Them splicing an Undertaker face turn and marriage with Jake into that feud after the original airing has always been interesting to me. They had footage of Jake behind the curtain and shot the footage of Savage/Elizabeth coming down the aisle like something was going to happen -- and then everything else after the fact and at a different location. Just very odd, given how well planned out those things typically were.

  152. It's a hell of a game.

    To switch gears over to Madden: I have not bought or played a Madden since the

    2012 edition. The reason being that they took out the create-a-team option. Total dealbreaker as I have been using the same created team since 2001 and it is 95% of the reason I buy the games in the first place. Oh well.

    The NFL2K series was always miles ahead of Madden to me, and even to this day NFL2K5 looks better than what they are now delivering with Madden. Cant figure that one out

  153. BoD Mania is right around the corner.

  154. Slightly related note: THIS -

    Was enough for me to buy FF12.

  155. Your giving it 4 stars? Great.

  156. I never tried NFL2K, and I've never been all that thrilled with Madden. I prefer coach mode to hand/eye coordination. I also like an extensive draft, which is why I dug Head Coach and Front Page Sports Football Pro. Coach mode and the draft in every Madden version I've played sucked. At least with NCAA, I'm interested the recruiting thing.

  157. He became smoke and mirrors that night.

  158. Holy shit, Cameron/Ariane has actually managed to make Eva Marie a sympathetic figure.

  159. From 28 to SS 2013: Feuded with Kane- thrown into a 4 way WHC match- about to be put in a feud with Jericho but got suspended- feuded with Ziggler- feuded with ADR- mini feud with Sheamus- EC match- Shield feud- feuded with Big Show- teamed with Bryan to face Shield - Won MITB- Cash in.

  160. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 10:01 PM

    It was special when Rock and Austin first did it, but now it's too much formula, esp. when Cole compounds it with telegraphed commentary

  161. Come to think of it, does anyone really get written off?

  162. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 23, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    I think they were even, Madden did some things better than NFL 2K (better passing game in Madden, as NFL2K's WRs had too much open dropsies and the passing was too floaty; 2K's running game was better since the runners felt like they had heft to them). I also think NFL 2K's ESPN presentation is overhyped; a lot of it was repetitive and it sort of broke the illusion when Tom Brady spoke with the voice of Michael Clarke Duncan. It's what they could do at the time but had ESPN done it the same way, the anti-EA contigent would've roasted them. Both were winners in my book, I bought both Madden 2005 and NFL 2K5 that year, both of which I still consider the pinnacle of sim football.

  163. Fucking undertaker man. He was booked so awesome. His survivor series 95 run is pretty damn intense

  164. Milton Bradley karate fighters FTW

  165. I'm convinced Goldberg got over because most of the rednecks that watched WCW got confused and thought he was Steve Austin.

  166. If they had to have an actual "match", it struck me while watching RR '14 (actually not a horrible show, now that the dust has settled a bit) that something akin to Show-Lesnar might have worked. Bret just grabs a chair and beats the shit out of Vince straight away, with the ref trying several times to seperate them so he can ring the bell. Once he does, bret hits his trademark spots, then sharpshooter, all done and dusted in under five minutes. Wouldn't have been anyones MOTYC but in my opinion could have worked if done right...

  167. Which podcast? An episode of P2B or obe of the dozen other shows?

  168. Nash's last baby face promo was awful

  169. I'm not even sure what the point was anyway. It's not like any fan who understood why they "hated"'each other was interested in the match. Those smart enough to know the backstory were smart enough to know there was no point to the match. Frankly, Shane, Hulk and Shawn all kicking Vince's ass at Mania was plenty enough for me.

  170. I hope that the case.

    Then again maybe their Caliber fans.

  171. Michaels/Austin at King of the ring 97. Both at their peaks and it's amazing.

  172. Imagine if they stuck with that. Knowing Hogan was gone for five months would they have kept Flair as champion after Mania to build to a Hogan/Flair rematch at WrestleMania IX?

  173. Hillbilly Jim never really got his proper revenge on King Kong Bundy for squashing Little Beaver, which is a same because I know Jim would have really knocked that blow-off out of the park. Imagine Hillbilly and Beaver dancing over Bundy's prone body after a proper mule kicking. Too bad the writer's didn't like money.

  174. Yeah, I believe there was talk to that effect actually (Flair/Hogan at WM 9). Hogan leaving just so happened to coincide with all of the WWF sex scandal stuff and the subsequent news stories, as well as Superstar Billy Graham getting on a few tabloid TV shows with the 'I injected Hogan myself" and claiming he was a cokehead. I imagine there was always plans to bring him back (obviously 100% clean too if his 1993 physique was any indication).

    I think most 'smart' fans were very surprised at the time that Savage went over Flair, seeing as how Flair drew good money with babyfaces chasing him on the house show circuit and the placement of the match in the middle of the show. I guess in the end though, that would have been very un-WWF like given the angle and the chance for Flair to get his comeuppance. Business went absolutely into the toilet after the european tour though anyway.

  175. I love Mass Effect 2 and 3.

    Rather meh on the first one. The diolouge portions are great but combat kinda sucks in the original.

    I found 1 to be a chore after the forst playthrough, so I got the genesis dlc and am on my 3rd playthrough of 2 now (just turned it off in fact)

  176. Red Dead Redmption? L.A. Noire?

    Hell Red Dead's ending is ome of my favourite moments in a game ever

    GTA isn't Rockstar's only game

  177. I think some real life heat between them ended that prematurely.

  178. On top of that, I think the original plan was supposed to be Shawn vs Marty at WrestleMania 8, but Jannetty got arrested shortly after the 1992 Royal Rumble for fighting with cops outside a nightclub and cocaine possession.

    Jannetty really shot himself in the foot time and time again as far as opportunities go -- although I guess Shawn on the other hand lucked out, since he was partaking in a lot of those substances.

  179. Well, crack wears off pretty quickly.

  180. True. Still, much as I love it, I've never seen the point of Vince-Shawn either.

  181. Litteraly everything you just said is wrong.

    Sonic Adventure 1 has FISHING stages you have to beat in order to face the final boss.

    I can't play one anymore. I revisit 2 every couple of years.

    Shadow was doing just fine for himself till He got his own game.

    The fans voted him second favourote character. That's why he GOT the game in the first place.

    Unrelated: Sonic Heroes was a lot of fun and I never understood the hate it got

  182. He wasn't. About a half-dozen other guys were scheduled to be part of that match at one point of another (Del Rio, Christian, etc.) but people kept getting hurt or couldn't get back from injury in time. So they had to turn to McIntyre, who was only slightly higher on the jobber depth chart then than he is today.

  183. Except for That Jackie Gayda Match.

  184. Aces and 8's. Obviously dragged on too long but once Bully was revealed as the leader, and won the belt, it was already winding down and didn't really have any big feuds after.

  185. Punk Vs Triple-H. Helmsley just beat him in a one off match 2011 then Punk left before Mania this year.

  186. This Monday night on RAW, HHH will announce that due to his midget size and troll-like face, Daniel Bryan will be in the new Muppets movie as well.

  187. That one was basically just filler because Eddie died. Original plan was for Eddie vs. Shawn, and I assume everyone else on Shawn's level was already booked when what happened happened, so they threw Vince up against him because they knew it'd be easy booking and decent heat.

  188. Just needs a finish.

  189. I did not know that. Crying shame too as Eddie- Shawn would have been a classic.

  190. Just wait for Farva to get married, then the blowoff shall commence.

  191. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 24, 2014 at 3:20 AM

    That's quite the paradox. Neither of them possess a shred of likability and sympathy in their being.

  192. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 24, 2014 at 3:21 AM

    He's on the longest coffee break ever.

  193. It was a real old ppv recap. To be fair, it could be a joke, but who knows


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