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This has nothing at all to do with the WWE

Officer Farva and Parallax enter the arena tonight as they plan to face Cultstatus and Jef Vinson tonight in a tag team match

Magoonie, Steve Ferrari, and Nick Piers arrive together in a Toyota Yaris, because they are poor midcarders. They even park their own car, saving the Parking Lot Crew from more work. Will GM Bayless get his revenge on them tonight?

After his victory at BoD Extreme Rules, what will Tommy Hall have in store next for the BoD. And what jersey will he wear?Ron Gant, perhaps?

The BoD Win-A-Date Battle Royale Winner, Your Favourite Loser, will be on his date tonight. What will happen when he meets jessybabe. Is he going to make a trip to the dungeon?

Jobber123 pulls up in his now nineteen year old Infiniti. After attacking the champion at Extreme Rules, what does he have in store tonight. And is the Funkmaster Flex & Big Kap “The Tunnel” cassette still stuck inside of the tape player.

And is Abeyance1 still racist?

All this and more tonight on…………………………

BoD RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight' main event is a tag match with Officer Farva & Parallax1978 vs. Cultstatus & Jef Vinson. Also, Jobber123 will work out his frustrations against Andy PG. Also, GM Bayless has a message for Nebb28 and a lot more!

Tommy Hall vs. Brian Piccolo

Brian writes the "Legends House" recaps for the BoD, which means no one has yet to read his work. He is also the least important writer named Brian on the blog. Tommy, wearing a sweet Pervis Ellison throwback, was also seen backstage before the show flaunting the benefits of his e-book money with a fancy new off-brand smart phone. Tommy attacks Piccolo before the bell. He slams his head off of the turnbuckle then tosses him to the floor. Tommy slams him into the guardrail then begins to make it rain. Oh Christ. Tommy rolls Piccolo into the ring and makes it rain some more then drops a few elbows. Tommy sets up for the Vader bomb but Piccolo rolls out of the way. He is up first and fires away at Mr. Hall. Piccolo dropkicks Hall, who is now seated in the corner. Piccolo hits a running knee smash he tries it again but Hall rolls out of the way. Hall hits a leg drop and finishes off Piccolo with the Vader Bomb for the win. Hall now reaches into his wallet and pulls out what appears to be blue paper in the shape of American currency and stuffs it in the mouth of Piccolo. Hall now takes out one of those "dollars" from his wallet and shows it to the camera. It says "e-Book Money" with a picture of Tommy in the middle. Oh come on, that is not legitimate currency.

Earlier today, cameras caught up with ABeYance1 and thebraziliankid as they had a conversation. Luckily, cameras caught that conversation on tape. Here it is:

Abeyance: Hi
BrazilianKid: Hi
BrazilianKid: Why did you get confused at the Special Event
Abeyance: Because you and your family all look alike
BrazilianKid: That's not true
Abeyance: You should wear name tags
BrazilianKid: Why
Abeyance: I dont know. I am sorry
BrazilianKid: It's okay. 
Abeyance: Thank You
BrazilianKid: Your Welcome
Brazilian Kid: Since my family is still here, would you want to meet them. 
Abeyance: Yes, that sounds nice. 
BrazilianKid: We are going skiing. Have you been before?
Abeyance: No, I hate the slopes

Beard Money & Dancin' Devin Harris vs. PrimeTime Ten & Todd Lorenz

PrimeTime Ten turned on his partner, Beard Money, at the Win-a-Date Battle Royal at Extreme Rules. And the Hoss of BoD lost via countout when a fan decided to eat a Snickers bar. The Hoss is irate as the DDH and Beard Money are dancing down the aisle. Hoss and PrimeTime attack their opponents from behind as Hoss stomps Beard Money's favorite red bandana into the mat. Is there no God! Dancin' Devin Harris is not getting funky as he just got whipped into the guardrail. PrimeTime is mocking the do si do as the crowd is booing, because the Hoss just slapped a fan for eating carrot sticks. NO VEGETABLES. Hoss tags but misses the corner splash and both men are down. DDH is getting FUNKAY on the apron as he tries to get his partner to tag him into the match. Hoss charges but Beard Money does a cartwheel to avoid him and makes the tag. OH MY, HA HA HA!!!!!! Harris hits Hoss with a barrage of elbow smashes. PrimeTime Ten runs in and he eats an elbow as the DDH is GETTING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES SIR!!!!!!!!!!! Beard Money comes in and he gets his ex-partner in a bearhug. PrimeTime Ten is on the verge of tapping but Hoss runs in to break that up. DDH comes in and he knocks PrimeTime Ten to the floor but Hoss comes in from behind and hits DDH. He sets up for the chokeslam but Beard Money breaks that up and he goes to town on Hoss. DONT GO MESSIN' WITH A COUNTRY BOY. Beard Money is going nuts but PrimeTime Ten grabbed his lucky horseshoe and hits him from behind and Hoss hits the chokeslam for the win.

We are now on location at Chang O'Reilly's, the Asian/Irish fusion restaurant as Your Favourite Loser is awaiting his date, jessybabe. Our Loser has reportedly arrived 45 minutes early and has already made nine trips to the bathroom. To say he is nervous is an understatement. He is at the bar by himself so at least he feels right at home. We will check back shortly.

Jobber123 is here. He says that he is driving is nineteen year old Infiniti and only drinking Warm Fruitopia until he gets the title. HE IS SLUMMING IT, FOLKS.

Jobber123 vs. Andy PG

This match was the result of a nasty exchange of words from last week's RAW thread. Jobber called Andy the "McDonald's of RAW reviews" as it is ready quick and of shitty quality. Jobber laughs at his opponent, who slaps him in the face. Jobber gets angry then whiffs on a clothesline. Andy takes him down with an enziguiri. He sizes him up then sends him through the ropes with a flying forearm. Jobber collects himself but Andy flies out and hits a springboard crossbody. Jobber is in trouble right now as Andy has all of the momentum. Andy rolls Jobber in the ring and heads up top but Jobber pulls the ref in front of him as a Shield. Andy chases after him as Jobber ducks outside and runs around the ring and ends up outsmarting Andy and catches him as he re-enters the ring. Jobber stomps Andy and chokes him out with his foot. Jobber chops him in the corner and has now taken a break to post about how much he hates poor people. Jobber hits a wheelbarrow suplex then mocks Andy by mimicking CM Punk's "Go to Sleep" taunt but Cultstatus comes running into the ring and attacks Jobber for the DQ. Jobber is pissed and throws a chair into the ring that ends up whacking Andy in the head. This feud is not over folks.

We are back at Chang O'Reilly's as Your Favourite Loser is at the bar, politely declining a booster seat offered by the bartender. A man who looks and dresses like he was declined by MTV when the Jersey Shore was casting, is bothering two girls at the bar. Your Favourite Loser struggles to reach for his drink and ends up standing on the chair. As he does this, he ends up spilling the drink on the guy. He goes over to Loser, who slips on the chair and ends up whacking the guy in the nuts. He goes down as the bouncers carry him out. The two girls greet Loser and swoon all over him as jessybabe walks in and sees this. She immediately spits out her drink and says "fuck this" and leaves as Loser is surrounded by a bevy of women. A BEVY OF WOMEN ARE SURROUNDING YOUR FAVOURITE LOSER.

GM Bayless brings out Nebb28. He tells him that he paid a lot of money to fly his pet rock to Extreme Rules and by being the first person eliminated in the battle royal, he proved himself to be a disgrace. Bayless then gives him a vest and says he will work that money off by being a parking attendant. He says that since he has never done this before, he will be the assistant to BoD NXT callup, Archie Stackhouse, who is currently washing the smoothie he made for Parallax out of his hair. Bayless then tells Nebb28 that he forgot to tell him but at BoD Payback, he will be facing him for the rights of the Pet Rock. BOMBSHELL DROPPED. All of a sudden, Magoonie Teddy Belmont, Steve Ferrari, and Nick Piers come to the ring. Belmont lets Bayless know that they are the Midcard Mafia and that they will no longer be taking shit from him. Bayless smiles as White Coat Security enters the ring, forming a Shield around him. Bayless says that it is admirable that the common folk stand up for themselves but you are just that, common folk. He says that he has some bad news and shows them a video of the parking garage as their Toyota Yaris is all smashed up. Bayless laughs and says that he knows they did not get renter's insurance because they are poor midcard talent who sleep six in a room at the Red Roof Inn. Bayless tells them that they can take the money out of their advances or they can work it off with Nebb28 in the parking garage. Bayless then tells Nebb28 that the champ wants his car to be 64 degrees when he enters with a bottle of Evian at room temperature and to get on that. The GM is torturing the midcard again. When will it stop?

Backstage, Tag Team Champions Adam Curry & Kyle Warne are chilling backstage. White Thunder and Paul Meekin enter and tell the champs to look out as they are coming for their belts. Thunder spits beer at Warne and that angers the champs and now Curtis Williams & theberzerker1 attack the champs from behind as it is a 4 on 2 beatdown. And look at this, kbjone & John Petuka run in and make the save for the champs, clearing the locker room of the heels. They help up the champs and say that they have their back. THE TAG TEAM DIVISION IS HEATING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next week, the details of the new secondary singles title will be revealed.

Mar Solo is lacing up his boots backstage. The Unstable enters as Jesse Baker says that he is going to show the whole world how he is a fraud as Gideon Stargrave his running around with a flyswatter. Mar Solo asks Jesse what the hell he is talking about as Jesse conceals his face with his cape then trips over the bench when he attempts to leave. Is the Unstable inside of Mar Solo's head?

Our camera's are back at Chang O'Reilly's as several girls are giggling an running out of the establishment as Your Favourite Loser is chasing after them with his pants around his ankles. Has the perennial anti-Ladies man become the Ladies Man?

Officer Farva & Parallax1978 vs. Cultstatus & Jef Vinson

The crowd is jacked for this matchup. Lets see how the champion and the BoD Money on the Table Briefcase holder co-exist in the ring. Farva starts off the match with Jef Vinson, the man he made sure would not cash in his title shot at Extreme Rules. Farva, who for some reason thinks the current Miami Heat roster can compare to the classic teams of the NBA Past, uses his awful judgment and ends up trapped in the wrong corner. He gets destroyed as the crowd goes crazy. Parallax runs in and the match breaks down, with everyone slugging it out. Parallax knees Cultstatus off of the apron and ends up on the floor. He follows him out and grabs a chair, whacking the champ on the knee repeatedly as the ref signals for the DQ. Parallax grabs some hot coffee from a fan but Vinson swats it away. He kicks Parallax down then targets Farva, hitting him with the table. He places Farva on top and heads up to the turnbuckle as Cultstatus is beating on Parallax. OH MY GOD, its Jobber in his 1995 Infiniti putting down the aisle, stopping as the muffler fell off. He escapes through the window, because the doors do not open, and runs down to attack Cultstatus but first goes after Vinson. Its now a 3 on 2 brawl as the champ and Vinson are on the wrong end of the beating. This continues as they put Cultstatus on the table. They now pick up Vinson and pick him up as they use the triple powerbomb to put him and the champ through the table. Folks, we have to go as we are outta time. Jobber, Parallax, and the Pretend Doctor raise their hands in victory. What the hell is going on in the BoD?

All feedback, suggestions, and ideas should be sent to


  1. 5 stars for my conversation Bayless, 5 stars! How did you know I've never' skied

  2. And yet nobody noticed me in the rafters. ..

  3. The jobbiest stable that ever jobbed.

  4. Toyota Yaris > Broken Down Infiniti

  5. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    Well, at least it's not jobbing to Nebb's pet rock.

  6. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    Did you check out the belt design?

  7. No, is it posted somewhere?

  8. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:56 PM

  9. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    See above.

  10. Looking good Jef.

  11. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    We thought you were the janitor.

  12. He missed a spot and was hiding out to avoid punishment

  13. I feel like the middle needs to be something funny and ridiculous relating to the blog instead of some traditional like that.

  14. But what happened to the shit?


  15. Maybe the middle should be customized for whoever the champ is.

  16. Like this:

  17. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 9:59 PM

    I was thinking about putting "Let it play out and see where it goes" around the globe.

  18. We save that for the Hog Pen match.

    I revealed too much

  19. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    That would be a good idea for the side plates.

  20. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:01 PM

    Where you watching "Tales from the Hood"?

  21. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    I'll leave that to Bayless. I still have to figure the color of the leather, is it gold silver (or a combination of both)

  22. *The shaky $100 camcorder is at it again, as it pans to see a crappy Honda Civic with some unnecessary aerodynamic-looking cardboard additions, likely done by someone who wants their car to be like a scene from Fast and the Furious, not realizing they look like a tool instead. Suddenly, a familiar Voorhees-masked guy comes in, holding a softball bat*

    "You see this? This car belongs to Bayless's best friend's daughter's husband's cousin's facebook friend's ex-landlord."

    *Voorhees mask takes out a window using the bat*

    "I will demolish one part of this car every week until I get a VANILLA WRITER in a match. This is not an empty threat Baylesssss......"

    *Another softball bat shot takes out the back windshield, as well as an aerodynamic cardboard wing added to the trunk of the car as the camcorder goes to a blue screen saying NO SIGNAL*

  23. You know, we really need a B-show that showcases guys that aren't featured on the Monday show.

  24. I had to stop for a second during the Abeyance/brazilliankid conversation for a second to see if I was reading a Brian Michael Bendis comic. Then I realized I'm looking at a computer.

  25. I posted BoD Impact last week but no one paid attention. Just like the real Impact.

  26. Gonna need to look back at that one.

  27. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    I really didn't see it. If I did I would have.

    Any news on the secondary title?

  28. (I didn't post anything.)

  29. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    *moves my car*

  30. Seriously: I like this more than RAW now.

  31. It's nice and condensed.

  32. And is Abeyance1 still racist?
    Just saw that on my 5th read through.

  33. "I thought having a horseshoe up your ass was supposed to be lucky!"

  34. Always great Bayless.

  35. Two things

    I am working on the name for the new singles midcard title

    Also, I am toying with the idea of having a battle royal for the preshow of every Special Event.

  36. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    Let me know. I may have time to put together a belt for that as well.

  37. I might do BoD Saturday Night as part of that thread with the tagline, "Where the "B" Squad Plays."

  38. The BOD Top 15 Championship.

  39. The " Heritage Title."

  40. I'm a fan of battle royals so I have no problem with it.

  41. I was thinking of the BoD Weekend Live Thread North American Championship

  42. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    I wanted to base it on a traditional belt and then add the crazy shit to it. That way it was guaranteed to be original.

  43. I like that tag line.

  44. The Geocities Dark Match Dial-Up Championship

  45. The BOD B+ Championship.

  46. The "Jesse Baker or Dougie Championship."

    They have their own belt that they fight each other for every week for all eternity.

  47. The feud that never ends

  48. And always under Russo rules.

  49. nice and simple. I like it

  50. The BOD Solid B+ Championship.

  51. BoD Solid B+ Player Championship

  52. Lots of inspired jokes and creative mockery in here. I can see why you posted this (that and maybe you had lots of time to kill at work). Definitely want to see more Kid/Abeyance witty repartee, Chang O'Reilly's and Favourite Loser (he HAS to have fucked everything up somehow, right?), Piccolo...well, just about everything. Awesome show.

    Kbjone...I have no idea what our identity is. I've essentially lived off this non-gimmick gimmick. I can be longwinded. I like to unnecessarily talk about Chicago, my filipina girlfriend, etc. And I am the only person to argue in favor of both Divas matches and Randy Orton matches (I know, I know, same thing). Shit..."Boring" Lance Storm, here I come.

    Maybe we need a catchy name. Although he did say the tag team division is heating up. In WWE-speak, that normally means the division will be dismantled within weeks and we'll turn on each other before even having a match together.

  53. Scott Keith's Blog of Doom Solid B+ Player Championship

  54. Look, I know it looks like they got in my head because I was lacing up my boots and then didn't have a match, but they didn't. I shot first at some guy in the locker room. Then had to bail.

  55. You will get a team name soon enough.

    The Tag Division is legit. Gets a lot of posters on the card.

  56. I think we have a winner.

  57. The tag division here is better than WWE's

  58. You have been chosen to be part of a parody of the Wyatt/Cena feud.

  59. Did you have some help with this or did a huge influx of ideas just come? I thought for sure you were taking at least a couple weeks off. In any case, I lol'ed quite a few times. Great stuff.

  60. My conversation with BrazilianKid, Emmy worthy. Just putting it out there.

  61. Thank you.

    I actually felt inspired this week. The Extreme Rules was pretty shitty and I felt better about this as I went along today. With that, I just rushed a bunch of stuff just to get it up. I thought of the slopes line to play off of the "Racist" Abeyance running joke and decided to mock some current WWE stuff.

    I am accepting all advices, ideas, or whatever else to my email.

  62. Also, expect a lot of new "characters" to pop up. I am handing out gimmicks.

  63. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    This is a great job. I look forward to this every week.

  64. Could have fooled me with Extreme Rules.

  65. I am both intrigued and nervous by this.

  66. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:29 PM

    The champ defends it for the duration of the Saturday thread and whoever is the last to hold it is champ until next week.

    Have a million of the dumbest pinfalls imaginable during the thread.

  67. Stranger in the AlpsMay 12, 2014 at 10:30 PM

    Brian, did you copy and paste an actual Abeyance/Braziliankid chat? Because that was very realistic. I had to check and make sure I wasn't reading a Saturday Night thread.

    Also, longest reigning BoD Writing Champion in history. Right here.

  68. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:30 PM

    Like I said it's a base sketch If anyone wants to add stuff to it, let me know before I start coloring it in.

  69. That was all my doing.

    That Championship is soon going to be involved in a feud. You had the week off

  70. Stranger in the AlpsMay 12, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    I better start pumping out two ECW recaps per week, AND some Old School!

  71. Archie coming.

  72. Did you wash the smoothie out of your hair yet?

  73. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Did that come from the WWE name generator?

  74. I made it up last week.

    I have other awful WWE Developmental names too:

    Gosh Hopkins
    Bradford Barlow
    Slip Karstens
    Skeeter & Slop Muldoon (Reserved for the Brisco Brothers if they sign with the WWE)

    I can go on and on

  75. Faster than you washed that spooge out of yours, bookerman! Archie Stackhouse will NOT be ignored, Brian 'Wildfire' Bayless!

  76. Talk like that makes you get squashed by the Hoss

  77. The Hoss can't handle Archie Stackhouse. I'll say what I want, bookerman.

  78. I lock him in the basement with nothing but relish and Snicker bar commercials to make him angry. He will crush you

  79. something something RSS FEED something something

  80. Fuck the Hoss. I'll finish with him, and then I'm coming for Tommy Hall. Let's get to it....motherfucker. I'm gonna whack you with my match-rating kendo stick of bitchslap.


  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 10:48 PM

    Question before I get out of here: Has Scott said anything about your fine work here? I'd like to see him to a guest appearance.

  83. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 12, 2014 at 10:49 PM

    Bring it boyo.

  84. Not about this stuff. I dont think it is his cup of tea though.

    Still, he lets me post a lot, and I do, and for that, I am very grateful.

  85. He will stuff the e-book dollars down your throat then walk outta the ring.

  86. Well done on the conversation.

  87. Thank You.

    Timekeepers only work the big shows though. You will be at Payback

  88. Oh, it will be BROUGHTEN. I'mma beat you so bad, you're gonna sign over all your Kindle book profits to me so I stop kicking your ass. And then, I'm gonna take that $1.27 and throw it at the bums in downtown Omaha.

  89. That's cool I need my unnamed apprentices to get some hours in.

  90. I'm not even 30 yet, and the internet doesn't make any sense to me anymore.


  91. I am sorry.

    Email me your address and I will send you a Whitman's Sampler to show how truly sorry I am.

  92. Backstage exclusively on the BoD App:

    "Cult... I know you think I'm beneath you. Just some lowly guy who tortures himself for a few hours and has an unhealthy obsession with certain wrestlers. I don't blame ya. I'd feel that way about me too. But understand this -- jobber's gone too far. I put a lot of effort into my work, and he treats me like that? And then... he smacks me with a chair after the match?

    I'm offering you an alliance. I will watch your back when you and jobber meet next. I'll be right there in your corner, because like hell I'm letting a guy like that be the BoD Champion. Take it or leave it."

  93. Lol, at copy and paste.

  94. THE BoD IS HEATING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  95. We really do need an app.

  96. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 12, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    I'm gonna beat some grammar into you.

  97. I'm GOING to beat some grammar into you.

  98. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 12, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    This is the best opponent I can get? Someone that can't even come up with his own insults? Bring on Bayless so I can at least break a sweat.

  99. :proceeds to send Bayless a suggestion:

  100. Don't get mad because I corrected your grammar in the context of the insult, Scott junior. It'll all be okay when I whip your ass in the center of the ring and you stare up at the lights just like your books stare up at literally everything else ever written on the sales charts.

  101. Why this reminded me of Rick Steiner going on his first date I have no idea

  102. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 13, 2014 at 12:02 AM

    I don't need my grammar corrected. I can afford to have someone correct it for me. You couldn't correct a drive thru taco order.

  103. My degree is in English, and my two feet are named 'Learned' and 'Scholar'. You'll find that out when I use them to educate your ass in the ring.

  104. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 12:19 AM

    don't worry, jessy... there's enough loser to go around

  105. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 12:20 AM

    i, too, have a friend in my fist

  106. This is some quality work. I really wish I had a Chang O'Reilly's :-/

    Can't wait to see the creation of the secondary title. If there's one thing the BoD has, its a stacked mid card.

  107. Bayliss with a biased, poorly written write up!. Loser was surrounded by a bevy of fat, ugly chicks. All the beautiful ladies joined the Jessexpress and we drove it all night.

  108. How does one board the Jessexpress?

  109. One may enter via the front or the rear. Passengers are politely requested to avoid staining the upholstery

  110. One strike and you're out I'm afraid. You go to the back of the queue

  111. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanMay 13, 2014 at 5:05 AM

    Again I was not included. This writer is racist against number one fans.

  112. This is fucking hilarious

  113. Good stuff bayless. I don't like my current Allianz with Parallax...time to pick a new feud or start a tag team with Nebbs pet crack rock

  114. Holy shit. That conversation between Abeyance1 and the kid is so spot on.

  115. I'd say his "dislike of the meta" he mentioned when someone asked him about us pretty much says it all. He probably doesn't hate it, but he's not gonna love it (or like it) either.

  116. Gimmick? I don't even have one, I think. And I'm cool with that. We can be Eaton/Anderson, minus the occassional Anderson backstabbing that comes with the name.

  117. Side plates: Pills, Comic Books, A Swirl, and ?????

  118. Three lines maximum per match/segment. If they can get on the main show, they get "real" recaps.


  119. I'm honored and ashamed.

  120. I laughed so hard at the ABeyAnce-Kid conversation, I thought I was gonna get kicked out of the B&B I'm at. The Loser stuff was classic Raw material, too. Love what you're doing here, Bayless.

    And if I'm part of the Midcard Mafia, I'm totally gunning for that Midcard title! Mine! Mine!

  121. That abeyance and kid convo was hysterical Bayless. Well done.

  122. Hopefully you'll be put in a battle royal.

  123. Get funnier each time I read it.

  124. No shame, just honor...

  125. Have Scott sit in the front row of a show.

  126. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    "Loser was surrounded by a bevy of fat, ugly chicks"

    funny, i thought they all looked like you

  127. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    you'll be back. everyone wins with the loser

  128. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 13, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    I never named my feet, but I'll name you instead. I dub you "The guy not worth the time of coming up with a clever nickname."

  129. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    it's funny b/c it's true

    /keepin' it goin'

  130. Also I'm thrilled to see the BoD RAW thread has more comments than the actual raw recap thread. That's so funny.

  131. Slip Karatens is fucking great!

  132. No. He's you got there. Got you real good too. See he put an O in between the double L's in your name, and then put those 3 letters in caps. It suggests that he's laughing at you out loud.

  133. I know. I still haven't fully recovered.

  134. I mean it even got an upvote from Abeyance and t isn't like he just gives those things away.

  135. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    or up in the box seats where you can only see his silhouette.

  136. Andy needs to step up his game.

  137. Bed & Breakfast, which is where I am right now.

  138. Whoops....hope you survive another night.

  139. I'm demanding a tag title shot. We will take what is rightfully ours.


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