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You still do comic news right?

​Rock was BORN to play Black Adam, not Shazam.  The main hero should be, like, a younger Michael Cera saying the magic word and turning into Mark Wahlberg or something.  ​

Also, I'd like to think Rock is smart enough not to jump on the trainwreck that is DC's movie division right now.  He should be fucking NAMOR, man!  It's been rumored for YEARS.  

Also, I finally watched Pain & Gain on Netflix tonight, and wrestling fans from the 90s will eat it up because it just nails ALL the details of douchebag weightlifters from the time period.  Plus Rock throws a weight at Kurt Angle's head in jail, so there's that.  It's long but REALLY good.  


  1. "Plus Rock throws a weight at Kurt Angle's head in jail, so there's that."

    Wait, what? Really?

  2. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 12:33 AM

    Just because The Rock is black, he's a good fit for Black Adam?

    Vince would be proud of you.

  3. More superhero movies? Yawn

    You can count the decent ones on one hand.

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    Also, 2009 called, they said we can keep Michael Cera.

  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    If my hand had 25+ fingers.

  6. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 12:35 AM

    Yeah. I personally didn't like the movie (it's a step up from most Bay movies, but it's still too goddamn long for its own good and its characters aren't fascinating enough to keep them at arm's length as anti-villains), but that was a highlight.

  7. Have they made a movie for every single other super hero yet? Because that's the point at which a Shazam movie needs to be made. I'd be more likely to buy a ticket to Hawkman vs. Martian Manhunter or Quasar: Year One.

  8. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 22, 2014 at 12:53 AM

    Pain & Gain was awful, as much as it hurts me to say it, I'm sorry Rebel ;_____; not even my blind patriotism could overcome this shit.

  9. Or if you were 8 years old

  10. Watchmen, Iron Man 1, TDK, Avengers, Cap 2...I'm having trouble coming up with more that I'd call better than decent.

  11. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    Nope, not really, no.

  12. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:14 AM

    Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Batman (1989), Iron Man trilogy, Cap 1 & 2, Thor 1 & 2, Avengers, Watchmen, Spiderman 2, Superman 1 & 2, The Crow, Blade 1 & 2, Hellboy 1 & 2, The Punisher (2004), X-Men 1 & 2, X-Men: FC, X-Men: DOFP, The Wolverine, and thats not counting movies like The Incredibles not based on an existing property. I also left off movies that don't have a great following but has some fans like Daredevil Director's Cut, Batman Returns and Forever, and so forth.

  13. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:15 AM

    I'd take a Bronco Buster from her.

  14. See its funny because it's true...
    But he was in at least 3 movies a love right in that period so I'm hesitant to mock.

  15. I'm a sucker for the Tom Jane Punisher movie. Daredevil Director's Cut as well.

  16. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:25 AM

    The fact we still haven't gotten a sequel to the Tom Jane Punisher film saddens me. I also did like the Daredevil DC, made him much more proactive and less whipped by the pussy (granted, it's Jennifer Garner, but still!)

  17. I feel you there. The Dirty Laundry short made it even more frustrating.

  18. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:27 AM

    It was pretty much downhill after Year One (Scott Pilgrim was great, but that's as niche as niche could be), but he could've just been caught up in Harold Ramis's fall: what happened to Egon's talent post-Groundhog Day?

  19. You've just listed a load of superhero movies with little regard for the actual quality.

    The Avengers for example - it's garbage.

  20. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 22, 2014 at 1:34 AM

    See, you shouldn't have said that, because now you're just openly admitting to trolling. You would've been better off picking something more divisive like Watchmen.

  21. I haven't openly admitted to anything other than the Avengers being a terrible movie. It's a bloated, nonsensical, green screen monstrosity.

    It might have had comic nerds wetting themselves with excitement but to the rest of us and as a stand alone film, it's just a floating bore vessel of emptiness.

  22. Have you seen It's A Disaster? It's like This Is The End, shot on a tiny budget and with David Cross instead as your AD alumnus.

    Builds slowly but if you also like your comedy dark and slightly more subtle, I recommend it.

  23. Yeah, Scott Pilgram is not the best movie ever by ANY stretch of the imagination.

    But it might be my favourite. The kind of film I'm always willing to watch.

    The graphic novels are a pleasure too. Something so absurd perfectly captures the essence of my generation

  24. I watched Pain and Gain on Netflix this past weekend as well. I loved it, definitely Michael Bay's best movie ever and Marky Mark and Rock both genuinely impressed me with their acting.

  25. I was going to just say "you forgot The Rock," but I realized that may be confusing because the Rock stars in Michael Bay's second best movie behind "The Rock."

  26. About 7 or 8 years ago there was Shazam script floating around by William Goldman with the Rock rumored to be Black Adam and Nathan Fillion rumored to be Cap. If that's the movie that's getting made, count me in.

  27. imo Punisher: Warzone > every other Punisher movie

    (although the Lundgren movie was pretty funny, too because from todays perspective it's so ridiculously "un-pc")

  28. Recency bias may play a part but I preferred Pain and Gain to The Rock (the movie, not Dwayne Johnson). I dunno though, I really did love The Rock (THE MOVIE DAMMIT) so I may have to rewatch and think about it.

  29. So was the book.

    Sacrelige, I know.

  30. A) I don't think DC's "movie division" is a train wreck at all. That seems like fan boy hyperbole. They are ridiculously slow getting started
    B) Rock is in a freaking Bret Ratner movie. I love Rock, but Ratner is terrible and his HERCULES could be the real train wreck. I hope it's a huge hit for Rock, but I can't help but think it's not going to do so well. Also, this particular Hercules story is ironically enough based on a comic book.

  31. I thought Rock was a shoe-in to be the new Green Lantern.

    Failing that, Luke Cage could have been an interesting (and darker) direction for him to take.

    Captain Marvel? Ye gods. It's like the Tooth Fairy crossed with Superman.

  32. "He should be fucking Namor."

    I don't know. I don't see The Rock working well as Emma Frost, Sue Storm or Marinna.

  33. Mister_E_KindaBuzzedAllBecauseJuly 22, 2014 at 6:40 AM

    Never liked DC.

  34. It's hard to call DC's movie division a "trainwreck" when it hasn't really gotten off the ground yet.

    Am I the only one smart enough to realize that DC/WB has been waiting for the popularity of Marvel's movies to simmer down (especially once guys like Downey start leaving) in order to launch their Justice League franchise in a less-crowded marketplace? Because it makes a lot more sense than trying to compete with the behemoth that is the Avengers, like most impatient fanboys want.

  35. Did I slip into some kind of alternate universe where Rebel Wilson is considered hot?

    She looks like a younger version of Kathy "Mimi" Kinney

  36. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 22, 2014 at 7:00 AM

    Cheers mate

  37. It makes no sense, she quit the company and Bryan forfeited the title a while ago.

  38. Okay, I deserved that.

  39. Not like the match was awful. It had a defined face and a defined heel, it got 15 minutes, it never got too boring, and it told a story. It wasn't Awesome, but it was a good-to-great midcard match.

  40. I think the reason goes back to John Cena saying he wanted to be challenged just after MITB. They aren't playing it up enough, and HHH's anger makes no sense, but that's the best I got.

  41. Largely because you could tell how much fun the cast was having. That sort of thing makes a movie better.

  42. What about R-Truth? He could rail against the "black man = rapper" schtick he's had to put up with for years and take a 'serious' turn into a suit and bowtie when not wrestling. A complete reboot of R-Truth. He could even drop the R and just be "The Truth" and it could potentially resurrect his career.

  43. Where did he say the Nation was brilliant? Now you're making straw man arguments.

  44. THIS. Bringing Paige in as an underdog babyface after she spent all that time in NXT kicking asses and taking names was stupid. She's actually managed to turn a complete psycho-bitch like AJ face, so good on her.

  45. Also caused by breast milk sucking babies.

  46. When do you watch the show?

  47. Mister_E_KindaBuzzedAllBecauseJuly 22, 2014 at 7:20 AM

    You are SO smart.

    Seriously though, that does seem plausible.

  48. Well, Paige is British you see.

  49. again with the strawman garbage. *sigh*

  50. I often skip it entirely, one thing I agree with the majority is that there's just too many hours of Rasslin' every week. The reason why I am not burned out by it is that I definitely don't watch all of it.

  51. It's not impossible, but Batman v Superman seems to have SO much baggage right now. Most of the JLA are showing up there I believe (WW, Aquaman, Cyborg, maybe GL and Flash).

    Marvel will slow down, but not by next year. And if Batman v Superman gets trounced, DC isn't going to recover unless JLA makes like 3 billion domestically.

  52. Its going to be another 10 years before Marvel slows down.

  53. You made a snarky reply to Edgar based on something he didn't say. Tell me how this isn't a strawman argument?

  54. Problem with being Namor is that the character most likely is owned by Fox's Fantastic Four Universe.. and that is more of a train wreck than DC's at the moment.

  55. Maybe he likes big girls, cut the dude some slack.

  56. I'm okay with Rock playing Shazam. He has a natural charisma and an inherent goofiness that would suit the role, honestly. If anyone could play an 8-year old boy in a grown man's body, Rock would make me believe it.

  57. It's a side effect of the TV-PG thing. What's Cena going to do -- manhandle the Divas beating her up?

  58. I loved that movie. The Cross reveal was funny as hell.

  59. What if hes playing a villian?

  60. I'd argue against The Wolverine, but other than that you nailed all the good ones.

    I wish I was too cool to enjoy things. It seems SO fun.

  61. or better yet, teleport from his movie location to Raw? (well, he *IS* Super Cena...)

  62. Why? Shazam is a great property and COULD be a great property for kids to get into if DC would just get off their asses and play it up like that.

  63. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    or how about Harper becomes Brody and Ambrose becomes Hansen

  64. So basically, what you're saying is you don't like fun.

  65. I liked Pain & Gain, it made me laugh at times, but it's a movie I have no interest in ever watching again.

  66. So are we going to get Reigns-Orton at SS, or Reigns-HHH and Orton-Kane? If we get Reigns-Orton, when do we get the blowoff Reigns-HHH match? Survivor Series?

  67. I mentioned in the live thread that Miz, now being billed from Hollywood CA, should be wearing something other than plane black trunks. He's all glamour now, he should be flashy and his outfit should fit the character they are going for with him. Granted I know HHH has a black tight fetish and WWE doesn't think that in depth for their characters, so he'll stick with the black.

  68. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    My Kindle corrects Jess (a pretty friggin common name) to Jews. Cray Cray.

  69. I doubt it. That's not how Hollywood execs work. They see something that's making a lot of money and want to get on that gravy train ASAP before it runs out. Which it may, once Marvel is all done with their - I assume - trilogy of Avengers movies and subsequence spin-off movies.

    Right now, the superhero genre is almost guaranteed to bring in big bucks, especially with Marvel's name on it. WB has been struggling to catch up for years. They failed miserably once already with Green Lantern. And Man of Steel, which successful, wasn't AS successful as they'd hoped and the split among fans on its tone - to say nothing of Superman killing - left them in a panic. Which is why they're throwing their only guaranteed money maker in with him for the next one.

  70. Nah. He's not black enough to play Luke Cage. If he wasn't already in Thor, I would've said Idris Elba.

  71. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 7:39 AM


  72. I hate Michael Cera so much. The manboy cannot act.

    The Vega In N Out burger near the strip had a Michael Cera look-alike. I stared at him for hours, making sure it wasn't the actual actor. Or else I might have been tempted to assault him. Or from last night, battery.

  73. Actually, not even a joke, they should've made a big deal out of that. "C'mon, Nikki, who's gonna help you now? Your BOYFRIEND? He's too hurt from last night to show up to help you!"

  74. It'll probably break your heart, then, to hear Jane hasn't been cast as Punisher in the upcoming Daredevil Netflix series.

    They cast the guy who played the flying senator character from Heroes.

  75. I should clarify.

    Marvel is full steam ahead. But I think the public will slow down on their movies within 2 or 3 years.

  76. Cole: King, Xavier Woods is interesting because he went to college!

  77. I've always been a bigger DC fan than Marvel. These days, they're making it impossible for me to be a fan, though. The comics are horrible 90s wannabes and the movies are so grim and dark - and murderous - that I probably won't even bother seeing any of them in the future.

  78. As far as post-Groundhog Day Ramis goes, Ice Harvest rocks.

  79. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    I shall have to go back on my DVR to review this

  80. TJ: I played tennis yesterday and lost the first set 6-1. Then my opponent told me "the reason I won it is because you kept returning the ball right in the middle, which is my power zone". Needless to say, I won the final 2 sets 6-1, 6-1. I'm only writing this because it reminded me of a heel picking up his opponent after the 2 count, and losing the match. (plus I wanted to brag, OF COURSE).

  81. Swerve! He'll voice a CGI Mr. Mind!

  82. It would actually be kind of awesome if they delved into his character and it was revealed he was a big phony living a lie with a $400/month apartment in LA and working as a courier, and that's why he can't afford nicer trunks. He also stole his white jacket from a nightclub coat check.

  83. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 7:53 AM

    2) I was really freaked out by that, before the arms went back behind her they looked perfectly fine, then BAM a wasteland of skin

  84. Just more evidence that Vince is doing more harm than good to his own product these days.

  85. Good luck with that.

  86. Yeah, I loved that. The structure of the whole thing is very much my kind of humour.

    He's such a lucky bastard to be married to Amber Tamblyn who is also in that movie.

  87. So I didn't catch any of raw but the end. I just saw that the black guys formed some kind of stable and now lashely and MVP are playfully calling it a rip off of some angle I'm TNA? So did Kofi turn heel? And what's up with this TNA angle? Is it a rip off?

  88. I was fine with Jericho winning. Even though he's on mount eternally over, he really needed to be built up again. Let Wyatt win the eventual blowoff.

    Like Cesaro, I think Wyatt is currently in "cool down" mode. It happened to all the greats at some point when they couldn't be pushed to the moon at the moment.

  89. It is in the same way that Eric Young winning and then going onto be destroyed by their Really Big Guy is the same as the original D-Bry booking plans. Not the exact same thing but DAMN similar.

    The TNA has been copying The WWE for some while like this.

    Weirdly The WWE has now started coping them, with this and also the rumoured 'reaction' to The Beautiful People reforming in TNA. I forget what that it is. I don't care what it is.

  90. It's a Disaster is good. I never made it through This Is the End.

  91. Ambrose has really built up a huge head of steam with all the shield wins but yeaj , giving him some wins wouldn't hurt. Austin did a lot of high profile jobs in 97 though and believe it or not I think that's his template.

    However the Wyatt thing is a problem. I've said this from day one. Why is he wrestling? What motivation would a cult leader have to pin a guys shoulders to the mat for 3 seconds. I haven't followed the product outside of the shield guys too closely since mania but as best I can tell he still doesn't have one. The danger in that is he might become a guy who they job and assume can keep all his heat. I don't know about that.

  92. But he never screws with people and changes them to his way. Cena is champ. Shield become more dominant after defeating evolution 2x and then broke up. Bryan became champ. Kane went corporate and started getting title matches. If one of those people actually changed and not more than 2 weeks, then I would agree with you.

  93. Same argument of "why is he wrestling" can apply to literally dozens and dozens of other gimmick/characters from the past 20 years. I feel it's overthinking it.

  94. Alright so it pretty much is a rip off. I kind of thought laycool was a super shitty rip off of the beautiful people also.

  95. Hollywood execs aren't all stupid. Their goal is to make as much money as possible, which means creating crowd-pleasing franchises. Marvel has hit on an amazing money-making formula, but DC/WB can't just copy that formula and make millions.

    To me, GL was DC/WB's attempt at an Iron Man-like launch of their universe. However, GL proved that DC just couldn't throw out any superhero movie based on a known character and make millions. So I don't blame them for deliberately slowing down and retooling their approach.

  96. Tobias from Arrested Development? Well shit, good for him.

  97. It also didn't help that GL was a total turd and was obvious even from the trailers.

  98. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    I had to watch the video to know exactly what you meant (ooohh THAT SS) and yeah its awful, just like Swagger and his Macklemore hair-do (or hair-don't if you are Jerry Lawler).

  99. The difference is that very few of those characters were built on the foundation of "he doesn't care if he wins or loses."

    Ted Dibiase didn't need to wrestle, but it was assumed that he wanted to because he liked it and wanted to win because it satisfied his ego.

    Name a guy you're thinking of and I bet it's a lot easier to infer their motivation to wrestle than it is with Wyatt.

  100. I was wondering the same thing. Feels like Reigns/HHH is bigger than Survivor Series. But, maybe the idea is to put it on a show that is less popular to get interest? They could put it on the show after Summerslam. I think I might have read somewhere that that special is right around the renewal for most Network accounts.

  101. The Brood, the Ministry of Darkness, Kamala, The Goon, Mordecai, and it keeps on going.

  102. Ha, thanks. I just don't think the market can support 6-8 superhero movie releases a year, no matter how popular the heroes are.
    Heck, I think Marvel is taking a huge gamble by scheduling 3 Marvel movies for 2017. That's a lot of Marvel for one year.

  103. Basketball is great because you can change it up as necessary: book the school gym for some serious rec league, play some casual 3-on-3 at the playground courts, or just grab a friend and play 21s or Horse.

  104. "And he's so mad he's going to... complain on the Internet! And in that tweet, he'll threaten rioting! And then he and his friend Mark will stop watching!"

    Me love you long time, H. Also do we know if Stephanie calls HHH Hunter or Paul in real life? She called him Hunter while being arrested and I just feel like he would probably make her call him Hunter.

  105. Yeah. Saying that his promos will keep him over is assuming a lot. He's already lost a lot of his internet smark cred because of his booking.

  106. all true, however WWE did get the finish with Ambrose and Cesaro right last night. I know some people swear everything should be a clean finish or atleast have a pinfall/submission, but last night was how you book two guys who shouldn't lose. After the booking fiasco that was Battleground (at this point both Bray and Harper/Cowan are choke artists) and the stupidity of having yet another IC champ lose a non-title match, they needed this.

  107. Kamala had guys forcing him to wrestle. The brood were just goth dudes that wrestled. Wyatt is evil cult leader from the swamps who is wrestling because...

  108. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    Interviewer should have asked if he will go back to sports entertainment

  109. none of those folks ever said wins and losses don't matter. Kamala had handlers so he didn't really have a choice.

  110. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    And the Punk came back . . the very next day, oh the Punk came back . . .

  111. Oh no, not his internet smark cred! ANYTHING BUT HIS INTERNET SMARK CRED!!!!!!!

  112. Undertaker (version 1.0) and Kane are probably the closest examples right? Kane wanted revenge on his brother. Undertaker...well he was more of a unstoppable monster so what better place for him than the WWF.

    Doesn't Wyatt supposedly have an agenda that goes beyond wrestling?

  113. not really. He got the What treatment a little bit last night. Not a good sign.

  114. second point: it seems to be part of the idea of not having 100% heels/faces anymore.

  115. Tennis is great, wish I could play way more often.

  116. They should be faces! They, like the NoD before them, were RIGHT!!!

  117. Anyone who still does "What", regardless of the quality of the promo should be "escorted" out of the building immediately. Not for disrupting the show, but for being f'n morons stuck in the past decade.

  118. He didn't even know to pin a guy on his back. He was literally pulled out of the jungle and forced by an array of managers to fight for money. Fortunately slick saved him. "You're a man"

  119. Agreed. I love the Marvel movies, but even the mighty Pixar began to lose its footing after a decade.

    Something like Ant-Man or Dr. Strange might end up being a tough sell. So could an Iron Man 4 without Downey. Or they could make billions. Who the hell knows at this point?

  120. Is the TNA groups motivation that they were being held down by the man? Or it just a rip off because its a stable of black wrestlers, because that would be raycess.

  121. I kinda wish the Goon had more of a push. If he won a title or battle royal trophy, he could heft it around like the Stanley Cup!

  122. Edgar, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother Johnny. He was a shit-hot guitarist.

  123. Man, that six-man was awesome.

  124. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:18 AM

    caught Pain & Gain on Netflix a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it. It was probably 30 - 45 minutes too long but fun enough. I went and read the real reports of the story the next day on the internet and was incredibly surprised by how much was true. Stuff like trying to return the chainsaw after it blew its motor trying to go through bodies.

  125. The Brood and the MoD were both led by the Undertaker, a long-standing legend in the business who would of course want to brainwash and assemble a group of henchmen. Pre-MoD Brood were led by Gangrel, a vampire fetishist who tried to win every match he was in and never claimed or was said by others to not care if he wins or loses.

    Kamala was an African... Strongman? I dunno, seems like the wrong word. Big African Dude led into the business by his owner/trainer (side note: fuuuuck) because this big, strong guy could probably wreck dudes for profit.

    There's many things I can't explain about the Goon.

    Mordecai I hardly recall, but I seem to remember that he had his sights set on the Undertaker before he got scrapped.

  126. By that logic, most of WWE's main eventers should be escorted out.

  127. Cut better promos. Its what your paid to do along with a team of writers.

  128. I get it with Flair way back when, he was essentially pushed out by Bischoff, but to chant for a guy that left on his own accord and doesn't want to come back, is stupid.

  129. Maybe its a gang thing?

  130. The goon was the most violent hockey fighter, got banned, came to the WWF.

  131. That's my problem with Bray...he's not EVIL enough! They need to give him something villainous to do to opponents.

    Undertaker would bury dudes in coffins. Kane would light them on fire. Papa Shango would put curses on opponents. Raven would turn your family against you. What does Bray do?

  132. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    Id say IM 2 wasnt up to snuff

  133. obnoxious, arrogant Miz = awesome.

  134. Considering some of the people I've seen at live events, this might actually be considered a big achievement.

  135. I like watching ladies tennis.

  136. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    He's Cena in disguise

  137. They should have Kaientai join them then.

  138. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    This Hercules movie looks just as bad as the previous one this year.

  139. I agree, but that seemed to fall into the "Well, it's a superhero movie, who cares if it sucks? it's bound to make $600 million worldwide in this market!" attitude. I think execs from both Marvel and DC learned a lot from the less-than-great Iron Man 2 and the total-bomb GL in 2010-11.

    Since then DC/WB has made a concentrated effort to retool its approach to the Justice League universe. Is it slow-going? Yeah, definitely. But that's a better approach than tossing out turds like GL and pissing away a bad investment on a great character.

  140. but it's WWE's fault! Punk was a poor innocent victim who.... Nope, can't do it. PETULAND CHILD. #Farva

  141. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Kevin Hart as a GL creating construct stilts for himself would be great.

  142. How come "what" is the only crowd chant that gets hate and accusations of being outdated? How long have people been doing the "woo" thing?

  143. to his credit, he is the worlds first analrapist.

  144. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM

    Phil Dunphy - "Nailed it!"

  145. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonJuly 22, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    Blade 1 and 2 were good.

  146. Sports chants that get popular stick around for ever. I don't know what your boy Vince Jordan is talking about here.

  147. Woo is usually done as an homage to Flair. What isn't done to honor Austin.

  148. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonJuly 22, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    He doesn't dance enough for Vince.

  149. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 22, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    That would rule the world.

  150. Its done to shit on a promo.

  151. I actually think it's a shame they didn't cast him as Falcon initially, as now he's taking over as the new Captain America in the comics, they could have transitioned that to the screen. Rock would make a great Cap.

  152. A clean shaven CM Punk looks a lot like Michael Fassbender.

  153. Kamala was originally Idi Amin's bodyguard.

  154. Maybe the change had something to do with Jericho's dad and son being front row?

  155. No, I agree that neither guy should have lost clean last night, but then that highlights the other problem: booking guys who shouldn't be doing clean jobs against one another.

  156. God's got the best publicist ever. All of the credit when shit is going good, none of the blame when it goes bad.

  157. I personally don't mind it. The guy left on his own for sure, but it appears — at least from the outside — that it was fueled by decisions the company made.

    Plus, it shows that fans aren't entirely happy with the show their watching, and if that strikes a nerve with the office to improve things, I'm all for it.

  158. Knowing Vince, it probably has more to do with the release of the Fozzy album.

  159. So you are against strong, competitive matches on free TV then? Only squash matches should happen where the winner is obvious?

  160. The orgasming is the best part!

  161. His agenda that goes beyond wrestling appears to be the spreading of his message (which is troublingly non-specific and nebulous, changing with each new feud he gets into) and I think it was implied that Wyatt wanted to win the title at MITB because Champion = Exposure = Wider Audience To Spread Message To.

    That, of course, runs completely against his not caring if he wins, because nobody gets a world title without earning it by winning matches (kurt angle TNA lol).

  162. Plus, Woooo doesn't disrupt an entire promo, it just adds to the flow of a match. huuuggeee difference.

  163. I may have forgotten that. It's probably better that way.

  164. Uh, no?

    Why are the only two choices squashes or DQ/No Contest/Fuck Finishes?

    Do you write for the WWE?

  165. Oh, good point, I missed that one. I tried to convince myself that was a good movie, but on viewing it again...boy, not the best follow up.

  166. Oh, probably; I'm just commenting on how Vince found it a novelty that blackity black Xavier Woods went to college.

  167. Its crazy how those are the only two possible options. I can't believe the wwe has only 2 wrestlers under contract plus jobbers. What happened??

  168. Way to fuck it up by clarifying. AMATEUR!

  169. Who retired, then died without coming back at least once?

  170. You seem to be on a streak of bad days

  171. You just seem to be against a free TV match between 2 top guys who can't afford a loss. Seems like a good deal to me.

  172. #5: TNA is right there.

  173. I find myself agreeing with you far too often as of late.

  174. No its stupid booking. How about give Cesaro and ambrose two different matches they win?

  175. With Vince's penchant for humiliating people in their home towns, and in front of friends and family, I would think that would make him want Wyatt to win even more.

  176. Maybe he will go to New Japan Pro Wrestling, maybe he will go back to Ring of Honor.

  177. Bray Wyatt as delusional heel with illusions of grandeur only works if he wins more. Having him basically say he doesn't care about winning helps no one

  178. JR tells a great story about that.

  179. I've just remembered that they're going to possibly re-do LayCool, with Summer Rae and Layla, making it a rip-off of a rip-off or something.

  180. At their peak, the Beautiful People were a wonderful thing to watch. Those lucky middle ropes.

  181. You're a girl.

    I like Tennis too, but I just wanted to call you a girl.

  182. The difference between Wyatt and most of, if not all of, the guys you might compare him to is that Bray's working in an era where wins and losses are portrayed as not mattering. As horrible as the Double J gimmick was, for example, at least they still pushed him with wins because otherwise it would've been stupid to be giving him air time. That lesson is sadly lost.

  183. Then it's "Raw is so boring and predictable, nothing exciting ever happens".

  184. Yep. 19 years his junior. Cross got GAME.

  185. Yeah how annoying that you got to see two guys you like wrestle last night.

  186. That's for sure. They'll probably trot out Jim Ross next time they're in OKC so Vince can just push him in a mud puddle.


  188. One of my favorite things TNA ever did. They were very entertaining.


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