Not sure which superlative I should be using, but it dawned on me while watching Survivor Series that R-Truth had the most important/biggest match of his career. Hell, Miz too, moreso than the WM main event. And while we're at it, Cena will have his in next March. But what about Rock? What about Austin? What about Triple H? What about Flair? Taker? Bret? Shawn? Nash? Hall? Angle? Funk? Some I think are no brainers: Foley, HIAC. Hogan's, I'd assume, was III against Andre, and in reverse. Goldberg, versus Hogan on Nitro. Big Show, against Mayweather; the same breath, Bam Bam, against LT. CM Punk, I'd say Money In The Bank. Your logical thoughts on this? Interesting topic. I don’t think Miz has had his yet. They’ll find something bigger for him, I’m pretty sure. Rock: I’m gonna go outside the box and say HHH at Backlash 2000. It was really the culmination of his entire babyface turn in 1999 and provided the logical payoff for the entire year. He never had