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Showing posts from March, 2016

From the Grudge Match: Ted Blanchard Reviews Clash XV: Knocksville USA


From the Grudge Match: Ted Blanchard Reviews Clash XIV: Dixie Dynamite

The site: The Twitter: @grudgematchrcps FROM THE GEORGIA MOUNTAINS CENTER IN GAINESVILLE, GA. I think Cody Rhodes just discussed going to shows there on Jericho's podcast. Before we begin-  See this #AmazonGiveaway for a chance to win: The American Wrestling Association: The ESPN Years: 1986-1987 episode reviews (Kindle Edition).

From the Grudge Match: Ted Blanchard Reviews Clash XIII: Thanksgiving Thunder

From the Grudge Match: Ted Blanchard Reviews Clash XII: MOUNTAIN MADNESS!!

2016 Cereal Bowl Tournament

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children and adults of all ages…it’s time for the 2016 Cereal Bowl Tournament!  We’ve got 64 of the all-time best cereals pitted against one another in an attempt to narrow down to the #1 All-Time Favorite Cereal. The tournament is now live!  We hope you will participate and help us with the voting.  The tournament is being hosted by Challonge, and you can get to it by clicking on the link below.  If you’ve never voted in a Challonge tournament before, you’ll have to register, but it’s quick and simple.  I also ask that you share this post across all of your social media platforms so that we can get as many people as possible voting in this! Keep an eye open for the first round results, and news on when the next round opens up to voting.  Thank you for your help, and may the best cereal win! (I’m hoping Boo Berry wins it all!)

From the Grudge Match: Ted Blanchard Reviews Clash XI: Coastal Crush

American Gladiator Star "Hawk" Has Passed Away At only 49 years old, it's a shame to see him go so young.  While he was never my favorite on the show, American Gladiators is one of the shows I closely identify with my youth.  I watched religiously every Saturday afternoon, and Hawk surely contributed to those memories.   I was actually a big fan of his though as a commentator on the late 90's TNN action show, RollerJam.   As fans of wrestling, we are far too used to seeing our heroes die young, and I think American Gladiators is closely related to pro wrestling in the punishment some of those Gladiators took and what they may or may not have used to stay strong and cope with the pain.  I just hope Hawk's case doesn't turn out like so many other stories we've seen after the deaths of our favorite wrestlers.