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Makes me wonder who said it, if true, thinking Punk or Cena, other wise they would have been fired.

But it brought up another question:

Does USA/NBC have the power to take over the production of Raw?  In that I remember that in the 90s when Attitude started Bonnie Hammer (USA CEO) getting involved with the production and making the product better.  Could at some point NBC start having an influence on production or, are they just the people buying Raw the infomercial and they are at the mercy of Vince.  

They definitely have influence on the production, although it seems like it's more of a "big picture" thing rather than micro-managing the show on a day-to-day basis.  I would think that after 1000 episodes Bonnie would trust them to do their thing, but I don't think they can step in and demand specific changes anyway.  Maybe back in 97 when they were directly responsible for keeping the product alive, but now they're basically just cutting them a cheque for TV rights and airing the show, best as I can tell.  


  1. Even though ratings aren't what they used to be, isn't the company still making a ton of money? Usually it's only when financial times are tough that you hear about this kind of thing happening...

  2. They are still making money, but their profit is declining badly. Stock already down 5% today.

  3. Well, NBC's president Jack Donoghey has been actively trying to sink the network, so maybe HE'S been writing Raw?

  4. Maybe if some of those supposed 104 million wrestling fans in the US alone bought stock it would be doing better...

  5. You do realize that that was posted on 411 a month ago, right?

  6. God knows it's affordable enough at this point.

  7. Legend was that Vince Russo was the one who popped off to Vince back when; maybe someone else grew a pair.

  8. Doesn't Scott have like a 2361085761 month backlog of emails?

  9. Well, there's another problem with marketing to little kids.

  10. It sounds more like Punk than Cena, at least based on what we know about them. Vince being out of touch sounds like something Punk would say, and he's the type to stand up and say it. Cena's never been known to do anything other than talk about Zack Ryder and Evan Bourne on twitter, has he?

  11. This definitely sounds like something Punk would say, and good for somebody to have the balls to speak up about the product. However, the last guy to do that was Steve Austin, and that didn't out so well for him at the time.

  12. If this item went up a month ago, who can we think of who's been buried since then? Ziggler seems to be losing every match he's been in.

  13. Ziggler always loses.

    On the other hand, Cena was demoted to pre-show interview at the last ppv and isn't in the main event of Survivor Series.......

    Not saying that makes it him. I'm just trying to follow your line of thinking,m

  14. Yeah, but how much of that ton is making it into the boys pockets? They get a guarantee, but isn't a lot of what the wrestlers make over the guarantee based on metrics like house shows, ppv buys, merch sales, which all suffer as the fans get turned off in droves?

  15. It has to be Punk, this is too direct and spot on for Cena to say.


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