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Edge of Fame

Hi Scott

With a new DVD announced and a HOF position beckoning (the DVD can't be a coincidence), would you expect Edge to go in as the Headline Name or as just another name?

I always think he is a hard one to judge. The accusations that get thrown his way are usually about his multiple reigns and how little they added up to plus limited drawing power.

However surely a few things should go in his favour:

1) Longevity - hell of a long career there in the WWE

2) Ability to break out from a team to make a star - not a big thing but only two have done it better in the E (Bret and Shawn)

3) Match quality - dude rarely had a bad match and there are some fantastic matches there as well including a few potential 5*

4) Charisma - good on the mic, always entertained

5) Abilty to work face/heel - was the top heel in the E from about 05 - 09 and one of the top faces in 2010/11.

All in all, I really think he deserves a top billing spot as he is a guy who I feel sometimes gets underappreciated by the IWC and while maybe not being the draw of a Hogan, Rock, Cena or as great a worker as a Shawn or Bret - is definitely up there at a Jericho sort of level?

What do we all think?

Well, he’s no Koko B. Ware or James Dudley, but who can be, really?  Edge is still fresh in peoples’ minds, and he’s won a ton of titles and was a great worker.  He’s totally deserving of going in as the headline guy this year. 
