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Memories Of Hulks Past

Hey Scott,

Thanks for recapping Raw again. I'm happy to read whatever you write, but especially like when you're commenting in the moment.

I've pinged you a few times, and I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know you might enjoy today's feature at our homepage. Since it's about my evolution as a wrestling fan and how that, circuitously, informed the way I view the world, I thought you'd find the subject matter interesting. It starts at a Hogan/Bundy main event at a house show in Denver in 1986 and digresses to a lot of other places. I hope you like it.

Additionally, I mention you specifically and refer to a discussion between some of your readers underneath a recent Raw recap. Like a lot of young internet writers in the early 2000s, I was pretty blatantly ripping off your style.

Hope you enjoy. Keep up the good work.

In fact my first house show was also Hogan v. Bundy in 1986, although I was 12 at the time and already couldn’t stand Hogan.  Thanks for the shoutouts and keep up the writing.
