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Assorted April PPV Countdown: 2000

The Netcop Rant for Backlash 2000

- Live from Washington, D.C., proud home of Marion Berry, Tammy Sytch’s favorite mayor.

- Your hosts are JR & The King.

- And we get a bit of shock right away, as Debra comes to the ring, three months early for Fully Loaded, if you know what I mean. We’re talking Scott Hall terroritory here. And she’s the RING ANNOUNCER for the first match? Alcohol and microphones don’t mix, kids.

- Opening match, WWF tag titles: Edge & Christian v. High & Dry.

(Wait a sec, I’m assuming X-Pac would be “High”, but how would Road Dogg be “Dry”? That joke name doesn’t even make SENSE!) Nice to see that X-Pac has recovered enough from the death in the family to get right back on the bus and start thrusting his crotch at people again. Edge & X-Pac start. X-Pac bumps around a bit and gets leg lariated to the floor. DX regroups and Road Dogg pounds on Christian. He gets sent to the floor and eats stairs, thus going into the Ricky Morton role. Literally, in fact, as this match is a dead-on impersonation of the millions of Andersons v. Rock n Roll Express matches that happened in 85-86, and I mean that in the nicest way. (That’s quite the exaggeration there.  Somehow I don’t think this was quite up to that level, although E&C were going into their prime as a tag team as this point.)  Back in, and a false tag for the champs leads to heavy double-teaming from DX. A broncobuster leads to a chinlock to kill time. Edge sneaks in a diving headbutt on Road Dogg to give the champs a two count. Hot tag to Edge, who powerbombs X-Pac off a leg lariat for two. Christian tries the Tomikaze (aka Unprettier, aka Killswitch, aka the lamest finisher to get multiple names ever)  on Road Dogg to reverse a pumphandle slam, but Tori (Not to be confused with Torrie.) gets involved and distracts the ref. X-Pac hits her by mistake, but recovers enough to X-Factor Edge while the ref argues with Dogg and Tori on the outside. Christian sneaks in, blasts X-Pac with the ringbell, and covers for the pin to retain at 9:21. Welcome back, X-Pac, enjoy the J-O-B. *** X-Pac adds the manly bladejob to reinforce the shot. Right booking there, even if the Edge & Christian heel turn is STILL in limbo.  (Yeah, not for long.)

- WWF Lightheavyweight title: Dean Malenko v. Scotty 2 Hotty.

Now, is it “2”, “II” or “Too”, because I’ve seen it all three ways recently. (I believe the official designation was “2”) New belt for Deano, which is pretty cool. The black leather looks way cooler than the red. Slugfest to start. Scott hits a backdrop for two, and reverses a piledriver for two. Suplex reversal goes Scotty’s way, but he showboats and gets killed. He tries the bulldog, but Dean rips his head off. Scotty bails and Dean rams him into the post for good measure. No blood is evident, sadly. Back in, Dean dropkicks the knee and works it like the MOFO he is. Dean is the MAN. Two shots around the post follow. Scotty tries to counter with an enzuigiri, but Dean calmly ducks it and slaps on a leglock. He hits a kneebreaker, but Scott gets the enzuigiri this time. Scotty tries a comeback, but a whip to the corner kills that dead. Dean’s lining up of the shots of the knee with surgical precision is a joy to watch and pretty funny in the way he mocks him at the same time. Who said he couldn’t get over in the WWF on wrestling alone? (Many people, although it left him well-suited for a successful career as an agent and trainer later on.)  Spinning toehold is countered for two. Both guys hit the floor and Scotty mounts the comeback. Back in, Scotty goes up but gets superplexed off. Double-KO, and Scotty is up first with a backslide for two. Cloverleaf is countered with a cradle for two. Powerbomb attempt is countered with a bulldog, and the Worm follows. Match loses ½* because Scotty hops ON THE INJURED KNEE. Dean kicks out and gets the rope-assisted two-count, but the ref sees it and breaks it up. Reversal sequence leads to a Ligerbomb for two from Malenko. Blind charges misses, but Dean gets a powerslam for two. Scotty dumps Dean, who recovers and goes upstairs, but Scott tries a superplex, which is reversed, in MID-AIR, into a DDT OFF THE TOP! HOLY SHIT! Scotty is DEAD, DOA, toe-tagged, six feet under, and the pin is academic at 12:58. That finisher gets the ½* back. ****  (One of the great, underrated undercard matches they just kind of threw in around this time, which shows why the Radicalz were such a giant blow to WCW when they left.) 

- Bull Buchanan & Big Bossman v. The Acolytes.

Punchy kicky stuff for the first few minutes that I can’t be bothered with. The APA may be over, but keep ‘em out of the ring. Faarooq plays Seminole-in-peril as nothing of note happens. Hot tag to Bradshaw, usual brawl follows. Bradshaw goes up but gets superplexed for two. Clothesline from Hell kills Bull, but Bossman bops him with his trusty nightstick, and a scissor kick from the top finishes it for the Bossmen. Bleh. *  (Bull Buchanan was a rarity in WWE, actually, in that he was the big bodyguard paired with the smaller comedy guy later on who did not in fact end up getting the bigger push out of the deal, and in fact was fired when the act was just getting hot.  Of course, the smaller comedy guy ended up doing OK for himself as a solo act anyway.) 

- Hardcore title: Crash Holly v. Hardcore Holly v. Jeff Hardy v. Matt Hardy v. Tazz v. Saturn.

Everyone takes turns getting two-counts on Crash, as the only way the match ends is by pinning him. Or him pinning someone else. We go running to the back right away, where Crash and Matt climb up one of the giant meat hooks that’s swinging at the entranceway. Matt kicks Crash onto the rest of the boys, then dives off onto them himself, drawing a “holy shit” chant. Camera misses it, for some reason. Jeff swings off the hook with a rana on Saturn. Back in, the Hardyz double-team Crash, then Tazz. Hardcore smacks people at random with a 2x4, because he’s hardcore. Saturn steals it and utilizes it. More weapons get involved. A roadsign to the head gives Hardcore a two-count on Crash. Back out, Crash gets creamed. Tazz and Saturn double-team him on the outside for a bit, then back in. Match drags a bit here. Tazz goes nuts with the roadsign to liven it up again as everyone keeps beating on poor Crash. A moonsault from Jeff and one from Saturn get a two-count. We end up with the Hollies alone in the ring, and Hollycaust on a chair gets two. The Hardyz bring a ladder in, to a big pop, and clean house with it. Jeff heads up and hits the swanton from the top, but Matt breaks up the pin. They fight over the pinfall, and Tazz sneaks in and hooks the Tazzmission, and THAT looks to be it. Saturn breaks THAT up with a wicked shot to Tazz, and everyone ends up outside the ring except for Tazz and Crash, and with Tazz still out, Crash is able to roll over and get the pin to retain at 12:18. That was quite the ending. ***1/4  (This was of course the usual hardcore mess, although it’s interesting that it was moving away from the household objects and fresh fruit of the Vince Russo era and into a slightly more realistic style here.) 

- The Big Show v. Kurt Angle.

As if Angle’s pre-match ranking out of Marion Barry wasn’t funny enough, Big Show one-ups him to infinity by becoming…the Showster! Complete with “Real American” music, skullcap, bad yellow tights and boots, and a dyed moustache. He runs through the pre-match promo, using “dude” about 14 times, and we are LITERALLY laughing so hard TEARS are running down our faces. (Remember when impersonating Hogan used to be edgy and funny?)  Kinda puts “Oklahoma” in perspective, doesn’t it? Angle attacks, and Show hulks up right away, sending us in howls of laughter until we’re all nearly rolling on the floor laughing for real. Big boot and legdrop only get two (what a shock) and the crowd is dying. In a good way. (Wouldn’t be so funny 2 years later when the real deal came back and everyone went crazy for the same old shit until he got the belt again.)  Angle works on the leg, so the crowd chants “Hogan” to show that they’re in on the joke and Show makes the comeback, hitting the chokeslam for the pin at 2:36. Match was a DUD, but for sheer entertainment this was, seriously, the funniest thing I’ve seen in a good five years. Sure, Angle jobbed, but people will be talking about this match for YEARS. (It’s true, people still remember this match 12 years later.) 

- T&A v. The Dudley Boyz.

From funny to “let’s get this over with”. Brawl to start, as Buh Buh chases Trish around the ring and gets clocked by Test. Into the ring, where the Dudleys work Albert. Three elbowdrops get two. D-Von comes in and T&A takes over with some energetic double-teams for a while. False tag for Buh-Buh. If this were 1987, Gorilla would be calling for another referee right about now. D-Von gets a fluke sunset flip for two, but Albert follows with a powerbomb for two. Crowd chants “we want tables”, and honestly I prefer that to “we want puppies”, because at least the WWF can deliver the first one. Hot tag Buh Buh, and they double neckbreaker (IT’S NOT 3D, JR!) get two. T&A misses the powerbomb-elbowdrop finisher, but Trish distracts Buh Buh in the middle of 3D. Big boot from Test finishes at 11:08. Match was passable. *1/4 Trish gets caught by Buh Buh and D-Von sets up the table. Trish tries the greco-roman liplock, but Buh Buh finally acts like a MAN and shakes it off, then delivers the powerbomb through the table that everyone was waiting for. Now hopefully that ends this insipid feud.  (There was quite the oddball psychology at play with the Dudleyz during this period, with the weird table fetish that kind of sexualized putting women through them as a stand-in for rape.  It’s like Russo was all about teasing sex, whereas Vince McMahon was about teasing violence, and as I noted here, violence was the thing that they could deliver so there was no real harm in playing it up like that.  Whereas with the puppies, it was endless teases of a payoff you were never going to get.  That’s interesting to me for some reason.) 

- European title match: Eddie Guerrero v. Essa Rios.

Eddie, my hero, drives his ’57 Chevy to the ring and proceeds to wrestle in his tuxedo. Well, he loses the shirt and jacket, but KEEPS THE BOWTIE, which is just unspeakably hip for reasons lost on me at the moment. (This of course was the point where Eddie, who had been entirely focused on ringwork and not personality, finally broke through and connected with the fans as a character.  And once again, it was a few months after WCW let him walk away.)  Quick reversal sequence to start. Eddie drops Rios on his head with a backdrop suplex and works the arm. Essa comes back but messes up the bouncy-bouncy armdrag sequence. And this is the important part: He DOESN’T repeat the spot. THANK YOU! Finally someone listens to me. Eddy nails the plancha and sends him to the steps. Back in, and the slingshot senton follows. Essa bails and Chyna kicks his ass. Back in, Eddie controls, but Essa comes back with a monkey flip which nearly causes Eddie to land on his head. Eddie dumps him and Chyna bitchslaps him again. Eddie follows with a plancha, and takes a while setting up a powerbomb on the floor. Lita climbs the ropes to attack, but Chyna pushes her off and into the table. (Can you fathom a time when Lita was stuck with a midcard loser like Essa Rios?  She definitely fucked her way up the corporate ladder.  Rios –> Matt Hardy –> Edge proved to be the smartest series of moves she could have made.)  Essa follows with a quebrada on Guerrero, slamming into the American table on the way down. Ouch. Eddie comes in but hits the floor again on the other side, and Rios follows with the INSANE cross-corner tope con hilo. Back in, and Chyna crotches Rios on the top rope, and Eddie superplexes him. He goes up for the frog splash, but Essa pops up and armdrags him back down. Moonsault hits nothing but knees, and Eddie finishes the challenger with his modified Gory special – the spinning neckbreaker drop – at 8:41. Started sloppy but got mondo cool. ***1/2 Lita rips Chyna’s prom dress off out of spite. Growl. (Chyna was of course in that special zone at this point right before Playboy where she was hot from the surgery and not yet exposed as being the total batshit crazy trainwreck psychopath that she became after quitting in 2001.) 

- WWF Intercontinental title: Chris Benoit v. Chris Jericho.

Let the Canadian violence commence! (Man, that phrase has lost all meaning to me now.)   Slapfest to start. Pinfall reversal sequence and then they KILL each other with chops. That’s the #1 pastime up here, you know – chopping. (Well, that and finding more and more obscure ways to change “ck” to “que” in everyday spelling just to fuque with visiting Americans.)  Benoit gets two of the triple suplex, but Jericho bails and Benoit follows with a MANLY tope suicida that sees him missing and landing on his head. (And we wonder why he ended up with brain damage.)  Stairs get dropkicked into Jericho’s crotch, however, just so he doesn’t feel like Benoit has to shoulder all the pain and suffering. Back in, Benoit beats him up and hits a gutbuster. Jericho misses a dropkick and Benoit catapults him into the turnbuckles and drops him on the top rope. Snap suplex gets two. Into the abdominal stretch, which Lawler mocks, so Benoit starts slamming right hands into Jericho’s side to actually make it look painful. GOD BLESS CANADA! (That shit would HURT.  I wish more people would do rabbit punches to the ribs and kidneys while delivering an abdominal stretch.)  Jericho breaks and hits the Lionsault, but can’t capitalize. It eventually gets two. Benoit delivers more chops, but Jericho hits the leg lariat off a blind charge. Bulldog gets two. Rollup gets two. Jericho blocks a suplex, but misses the springboard dropkick – and this is the great part – and Benoit acts as if HE MEANT IT TO HAPPEN THAT WAY. Benoit goes upstairs and gets crotched, and Jericho hits a backdrop superplex, but takes the worst of it. Benoit backslide is reversed to the double powerbomb, which gets a two count. Benoit slickly hooks the Crossface off the pinning attempt, however, and holds on for a LONG time, nearly breaking Jericho’s head off, until Jericho makes the ropes. Second try is reversed to the Liontamer by Jericho, and now Benoit makes the ropes. Ref gets bumped on a flying forearm, and Benoit grabs the belt and blasts Jericho. It gets two. Snap suplex on the belt sets up the headbutt, but Jericho holds the belt in the air and Benoit hits that…drawing the DQ at 15:04? Fuck! (Fuque!) Crowd boos the hell out of that finish, rightfully so. Even JR admits that “the decision sucked”.  (Or “suqued” if you’re from Canada) Jericho snaps and puts the ref in the Liontamer. Great match with a bad ending. ****  (Notice the trend of re-energized WCW exiles having great matches here?  Although Jericho and Benoit of course had crazy good chemistry together, like transcendent and incapable of having a bad match together chemistry.  They actually headlined the greatest WWF house show I ever attended, which was in 2000 not coincidentally, doing a home-and-home series in Edmonton and then Calgary.  In Edmonton, Benoit played the babyface and Jericho the heel and they had an effortless **** match with Benoit going over, and then went to Calgary and had a totally different match, with Benoit now the heel and Jericho the babyface, and it was apparently great as well.)

- WWF title match: HHH v. The Rock.

Vince comes out and notes that Steve Austin will NOT be here tonight, no sirree. Big staredown to start. Slugfest goes HHH’s way, but Rock gets a quick elbow. Pedigree reversed and Rock stomps a mudhole. Shane pulls him off. HHH hits a neckbreaker during the interference. Brawl outside and Rock eats table. Vince sends him to the ringpost and tosses him back in for two. High knee gets a fast two. High suplex and kneedrop gets two, three times. Into the chinlock. Shane ignores the feet in the ropes, thus giving it a purpose. Rock fights out and gets clotheslined down for two. HHH pummels him in the corner, but Rock drops him on the top turnbuckle. Vince KO’s him with the title for two. Rock comes back and tosses HHH. Brawl outside, where HHH hurts his shoulder. Back in, Rock gets a DDT, but Shane won’t count, so Rock decks him. Back outside, Rock hits the stairs, and HHH goes for the Pedigree on the Spanish table. Rock reverses, however, and grabs BOTH HHH and Shane and delivers a double Rock Bottom through the table! That had to be seen to be believed. Back in, Vince attacks Rock, and Rock goes after him, only to get low-blowed from behind by HHH and Pedigreed. Shane is still dead, however, so no ref. Brisco and Patterson run out in ref gear and a big beatdown follows. Vince hits a wicked chairshot on Rock, and HHH goes for the final Pedigree…and THE GLASS BREAKS. The crowd goes INSANE as Austin (beer gut and all) uses a chair to destroy anything that moves. (I am of course not doing the crowd reaction here justice.  The arena came UNGLUED as Austin kicked everyone’s ass, and even watching at home 12 years later it still sends chills down your spine to see how perfectly booked and executed this whole deal was.)  Everyone is out cold except for Rock, and Linda leads Earl Hebner out, shoving Stephanie aside on her way. Back in, and Rock hits the spinebuster and academic People’s Elbow on HHH as Hebner comes in to count the pin at 19:22, and FINALLY it’s Game Over as the Rock is the 4-time WWF champion. ****1/2 (See, this was the one time where HHH’s usual theory about “I should go over everyone so that it’ll mean more when someone beats me” actually paid off the way it was supposed to.  He just got more and more heat through the early part of 2000 and Rock got more and more sympathy from the fans and you just wanted to see Rock kick the shit out of him and give HHH what was coming to him.  Test, meanwhile, was like “Oh yeah, you stole my fiancé and drugged and raped her in Vegas, whatevs.” and that’s why he wasn’t the Rock.)   Austin celebrates by towing the DX Express remains to the ring and sharing some cold ones with the Rock.

The Bottom Line: Wrestling? On a wrestling show? But…but…Vince Russo said that it doesn’t matter! How can such a contradiction exist? At any rate, if there’s been a better PPV from any company within the past year, it’s news to me, because this one blew them all away in terms of wrestling, entertainment and sheer markout value. Everyone goes home happy and only one real clunker drags it down. Now THAT’S a PPV.

Big, big thumbs up.  (Agreed, this was I think inarguably the best PPV of 2000, which is pretty high praise, but this would not have felt out of place as a Wrestlemania in a lot of ways.  The Rock-HHH main event is still one of my all time favorite matches for sheer entertainment value and marking the pinnacle of their feud, not to mention the financial highpoint for the company.  This was the time when they made a SHITLOAD of money, and it was well deserved.) 


  1. In a perfect world, this show is WM2000 and the actual WM2000 (or at least the main) never happens.

    And you kinda shortchanged Show/Angle. Take away Paul's turn as Hulk Showgan and it's a pretty good shortish brawl. ** minimum. Maybe ***. Maybe.

  2. Yeah, this was the show were the E were REALLY beginning to kick it into high gear

  3. Considering how amazing this show was, does anyone else think WM2000 (what with the stupid company sanctioned name and all) could've been the first instance of them shifting into their current gear?

    Think about it - main event that nobody wanted to see (with the guy nobody wanted to see go over GOING OVER), cramming as many people on the card as they could (I love Al Snow as much as... someone, but HEAD CHEESE?!), and the horseshit Divas match to end all horseshit Divas matches? Methinks they rode their goodwill about 12 years, and ill will has finally caught up to them.

    There was a lot of great stuff in the year 2000, but WM16 (or whatever the hell you call it) is the first time I ever remember thinking that Vince was saying "fuck y'all, this is what you're getting."

  4. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 13, 2012 at 2:57 AM

    This is still my favourite Pay-Per-View of all time and was the main reason I switched from being a casual fan to a hardcore wrestling fan. Just a great show from top to bottom with the only bad match being APA versus Bossman and Buchanan, and even that was short enough to be harmless. Also I now notice how much smaller the roster was as there were quite a few guys on the injured list including Taker, Kane, Austin and a few midcarders too. 

  5. I still find it funny how the planets can align sometimes, you know? I mean, here in WWE, they were having the absolute greatest matches & angles ever, and yet in WCW, they were having the absolute worth matches & angles ever. Truly the greatest example of yin and yang I can think of. Incredible.

  6. Amazing show. Possibly the best of all time. Ever since I first got into wrestling, I wanted to know what a top-rope DDT would look like, and this finally answered the question.

  7. I came back to wrestling following WM17, so missed the whole of arguably the company's best ever year. However, I've since caught up the majority of 2000's PPVs, and BY GAWD if they aren't close to perfect. Virtually all of them have multiple ****+ matches.

    The optimum mix of star power, fun, and great wrestling. And to think Austin, their biggest draw, wasn't there much of the time. 

  8. Parts of this PPV make you wonder if Vince McMahon took the night off. Dean Malenko getting a Light Heavyweight Title match that goes 12 minutes?! Essa Rios getting a PPV match that's third from the top and is allowed to go along enough to crack ***1/2?! If this show was done today, the company would fill all that PPV time with comedy skits and video packages telling us how great The Rock and Triple H are.

    There really has never been another WWE PPV like this which has done a better job at balancing sports entertainment and pure wrestling, and given virtually everyone on the card a chance to showcase themselves.

  9.  While it was an entertaining segment, it wasn't much of a match as it was mostly a squash.

  10. Regarding the High/Dry joke, I remember somewhere around this time that Road Dogg was making legitimate efforts to get sober and was rewarded with a stronger push.  It started with his IC Title run a year earlier, so maybe that's what it's carrying over from?

  11. I was at this show and I tell people to this day that the loudest crowd I've heard for anything (basketball, hockey, football, concerts, etc.) was when Austin started hitting people with chairs. Like it got louder and louder and louder and when the Rock finally won, it was pure batshit pandemonium.

    Im seriously getting goosebumps right now just from thinking about it. At the time, I believe it was the highest buyrate for a non-WrestleMania card in WWF history (like 650,000 buys) and was only surpassed by Invasion in 2001.

    If Benoit/Jericho had a finish, like they would at the May PPV, I may have considered it better than WrestleMania 17. That non-finish really bummed the place out though we quickly forgot about it.

  12. Scott thankfully gave me the official VHS version of this card and it's every bit as good as people say although 2000 Royal Rumble and Fully Loaded are right there as well.

    When I did my rant we agreed on nearly everything although I think he severely shortchanged the Dudleys vs. Test/Albert which was quite the power match with T&A doing some GREAT old-school double teams.

  13. Christopher HirschApril 13, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    Chyna was never hot.

  14. Earl Hebner being the ref was important since HHH had fired him a few weeks prior, no?  For the Jericho title reign that wasn't,

  15. Hot enough for Playboy at one time.

  16. Famous enough for Playboy, She looked like shit. I think I might have been able to find her average and inoffensive looking if I had just started watching wrestling after she had the jaw surgery and the boob job, but knowing what she looked like before that....yeesh.

  17. Judgment Day & Summerslam are up there as well. Just an incredible year for WWF PPV.

  18. Great, that doesn't convince me she was hot.

  19. Scott, as a fellow Canadian, I gotta take issue with your contention that we haphazardly throw -que on to words where -ck would be expected. Outside of tuque (and wouldn't toock look rather silly), I can't think of any words where we do that off the top of my head.

    I'm sure you or somebody else will correct me with an example or two, but I would say it's far from common. Of course, if you're doing this just to fuck with Americans, seeing how many start spelling words in a silly manner, then that I can respect;)

  20. I think Austin not being there had alot more to do with it than people think.

    On the new Austin DVD Hunter says basically "When Austin went out with the neck, well, I mean the reason we beat WCW was because we were ALL a bunch of sharks. When he was out for a year, the main event was fresh meat for all of us."

    Paraphrasing of course, but that was the general idea.

  21. Yeah this definitely goes down as one of the greatest PPVs of all time. I also have the original VHS which I haven't pulled out in awhile but is up there as one of my most watched VHS tapes of the past. It's funny how short sighted Vince is because this is widely considered one of the best all time PPVs and it had a perfect mixture of wrestling and sports entertainment and he still seems to think that people only want to see the sports entertainment stuff.

    I went back and watched the Rock vs HHH match after reading this and man what perfect booking all around. Nice storytelling with everything from the Rock/HHH storyline to the McMahon shit, to Austin's return, to even the side Hebner story getting paid off. It can be done. And this is not just nostalgia talking. I thought the same way when the PPV first aired.

    One thing I did notice watching that match over in the pre-match video package and the match itself, MAN, did people get chair shots to the head a lot back than! Now that they are pretty banned it's just weird to see how much people got hit in the head with chairs. And kind of uncomfortable to watch as well. Of course at the time we couldn't get enough of it.

    Also speaking of head shots and their effects. The plunder might have become more realistic at this time in the hardcore matches but I'm pretty sure that is what lead to Crash Holly eventually killing himself. Obviously I don't know all the details but knowing what we know now about head injuries that rein as hardcore champ had to have some effect on him. He would get his ass beat night in and night out.

    Line of the night was from JR: "The parade must be over because Patterson is here." Hilarious.

  22. As an almost-Canadian border dweller can I just say: people sound stupid calling winter hats "tuques" or "toques" or whatever. "Toque" is a French word meaning those big floppy chef hats, it has nothing to do with wearing a knit beanie.

  23. What's funny about that Dean/Scotty match is that it's VERY well known in fan circles- both for being a great match (and Scotty's best ever by a WIDE margin), and for Scotty shattering kayfabe by doing The Worm on the injured leg.

  24. Chyna was considered hot by a very large chunk of fans-- her issue of Playboy sold a LOT, and it wasn't just the curious buying it. Remember, this was years before we discovered the clenis, her body was tight, and her implants were appropriately sized at this point. Sure, you can look and "Before" pictures and go "eeerrrgggg", but I think she was pretty hot around this time.

  25. At least we have a real word for it- and in Canada, we actually need one. Americans are stuck combining words, like commoners.

  26. Yeah, if you were to list the French words that have been mangled in being adapted to Quebec French, you'd be at it for a long time.

  27. fuque.....bwaaaahahaha.

  28. "this was I think inarguably
    the best PPV of 2000"

    to me the "scariest" thing is. that it actually IS (at least) debatable because 2000 had so many amazing ppvs.

  29. The WWF had a combination of guys making the leap, new signings, and call ups that lead to a huge infusion of talent between Summerslam '99 and Wrestlemania XVI (HHH, Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, Angle) that made 2000 and most of 2001 just crazy entertaining to watch.

  30. Considering they followed up WM with incredibly hot shows, I'd be more inclined to just call it a misfire than shoehorning it into anything more.

  31. Yeah, the only time Chris has ever beaten Hunter. Says a lot.

  32. My memory's hazy, but I believe Summerslam '98 had a slightly higher buyrate.


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