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Assorted April PPV Countdown: 2001

The SmarK Rant for WWF Backlash 2K1

(2012 Scott sez:  In addition to the change from “Netcop Rant” to “SK Rant” and finally to “SmarK Rant” with this very rant in 2001, I was also doing the pretentious “2K1” year designation, possibly because I was playing a lot of NHL 2K1 on Dreamcast at that point.  Sadly, 2K1 failed to gain universal acceptance and I dropped it a couple of PPVs later.) 

Kinda ironic that the WWF is suffering from it’s own backlash, namely from the online fans who are getting increasingly pissed off with their short-sighted booking, empty promises and unfulfilled potential. (Sound familiar?) Of course, much like WCW when the same thing happened to them, their solution to the problem has been becoming a reliance on having their shills tell off the hardcore fans because they’re just “smarks” who don’t know how to run a promotion, and that the “real” fans are still responding to the stale main events and nonsensical storylines. (Sound familiar?) But no matter how much you try to sugar-coat the bile with excuses, Smackdown still did a 3.1 rating last Thursday and the interest for this PPV seems non-existent compared to even Royal Rumble, let alone Wrestlemania. (Vince McMahon would dance a jig in the streets if Smackdown did a 3.1 these days.)  And isn’t it funny how much of a non-factor Austin, the World champion mind you, has become since allying with HHH? After chasing the World title for a year, now he wins it and becomes a coffee-fetching flunky for a guy who tried to kill him less than six months before. (Yeah, that was absolutely an issue and one of the reasons why the heel turn was such a flop.)  One thing’s for sure: No matter how things shakedown in the next few months, you can bet HHH will end up on top. That’s not a criticism, by the way, just an observation.  (Indeed, that proved to be absolutely true.) 

By the way, for those who keep asking, my website has moved from to There’s a long story about why you now see an article on rape at the old address, but much of it is probably tied up in Sean Shannon’s various mental problems.  (That was quite the interesting day, as I woke up and discovered that I could no longer access my own website due to my webmaster having what can only be described as some sort of psychotic episode.  And no, I do not know whatever happened to Sean Shannon, aside from him getting a sex change and apparently doing quite well for herself.) 

Live from Chi-Town.

Your hosts are Paul E & JR.

Opening match: X-Factor v. The Dudley Boyz.

(Was there a theme song that got people less pumped up than X-Factor’s?  As a wrestling theme it was terrible and it also signalled that you’d have to watch X-Factor, so it was a double whammy of suck.)  Big brawl to start. The Dudz suplex Albert and Spike comes off the top with an ugly cannonball move, then he gets tossed over the top onto Justin & X-Pac. Back in, he gets a crucifix on Justin for two, and a rollup for two. Albert comes in and blocks the Acid Drop, and Spike takes a beating. Justin charges and posts himself, allowing the hot tag to D-Von. He nails X-Pac, but a cheapshot makes him brother-in-peril. The Glimmer Twins post him and and Albert gets some shots in. X-Pac’s lightning legdrop gets two and he hits the chinlock. Spinkick sets up some choking, and Justin gets a Bossman slam. Albert’s underhook slam gets two. D-Von gets the double-clothesline, hot tag Buh Buh. Bubba Bomb for Justin, sideslam for X-Pac. Justin takes Wazzup, but Buh Buh misses a blind charge and takes the superclique for the pin at 8:00. Perfectly Accectable Wrestling. **1/2 The bookers then annoy the shit out of me by having the Dudleyz IMMEDIATELY get their heat back by putting X-Pac through a table. Good lord, this promotion is on cruise control.

Hardcore title: Rhyno v. Raven.

Rhyno charges and runs into a stop sign for two. Trashcan to the head gets two, but Rhyno shoulderblocks Raven and uses a can for nefarious purposes. Raven hits the floor and gets covered for two. Rhyno sets up the stairs at ringside and tries a daring dive off them, but misses and smashes into a chair. Raven steals his idea and leaps off them with a lariat for two. Back in, Raven punches Rhyno to the floor and tosses more plunder in. Rhyno posts him, and uses the “Keep Off” SIGN OF DEATH for two. Again with that, it gets two. Back in, Rhyno hits him in the head with a shopping cart, but gets drop-toeholded into it. Ouch. Roadsign gives Raven a comeback and he gets the bulldog for two. Rhyno charges with the shopping cart, but Raven knocks him off, dropping the cart on him in the process. Raven runs him down with the cart, but walks into a sign for two. Rhyno preps the Gore, but misses and crashes into the shopping cart, trapping himself. That’s a brilliant spot. Raven pounds on him with a sink and gets two. Crowd was TOTALLY buying that near-fall. Rhyno pops up and gores him for the pin at 8:11. Really terrific hardcore match as the WWF continues to at least do a great job bringing Rhyno along. ***1/2  (I find it interesting that they just kind of gave up on Rhyno the way they did, given he was getting good reactions and had the kind of look and explosive offense that they usually dig.) 

Duchess of Queensbury match: Chris Jericho v. William Regal.

I think we all feared an outbreak of Russocity here. Regal actually brings the “Duchess” with him, who looks like Hank Azaria in drag, guaranteeing HOURS OF HILARITY for all. Jericho goes for the arm and gets some CANADIAN VIOLENCE. He goes up with a flying forearm and a dropkick sends Regal to the floor. They brawl for a bit, and back in as Jericho misses a dropkick badly. Regal gets two off a suplex. He spreads some goodwill and hits the chinlock. He goes up but gets dropkicked and rana’d. More Canadian Violence and a forearm set up the Lionsault, but the “first round” has expired, according to the Duchess, so the match continues. Everyone who CAN’T predict the finish from 8 miles away please leave the room now. Regal rolls him up for two. Jericho goes up, but gets caught, catapulted and suplexed onto his head. Nasty. Regal Stretch, but Jericho makes the ropes. Jericho gets the Walls of Doink, but of course now submissions don’t count. Note to future WWF writers: If you don’t have any GOOD ideas for a cutesy match, just DO A MATCH. Jericho goes after the Duchess but gets nailed with a scepter by Regal. Now it’s no-DQ, and the crowd just totally tunes out as they all see where this is going, too. The near-fall on Jericho back in hardly even gets a reaction. Regal gets a back elbow and a suplex for two. Jericho hits an enzuigiri and comes back to stomp a mudhole. Regal bails and lands in the Duchess’ lap (OH THE HILARITY! STOP MY SIDES FROM SPLITTING!), but Jericho tosses her into the ring, puts the Walls on her LIKE A MORON, thus leaving himself completely open to a chairshot for the pin at 12:34. Way too long to build to an obvious and totally unwanted Russo finish. ** Jericho’s character is just dying before our eyes, and they either need to get him up into the main event or find something new and different for him to do besides being the smart-ass Canadian who ends up back where he started. (He just kind of floundered in that position until they were suddenly like “Oh, let’s put both World titles on him and then have him headline Wrestlemania as Stephanie’s dog-walker” and wondered why he didn’t get more over in that position.)  With X-Pac, Kane, Benoit and Regal it’s always win one, lose one, win one, lose one. (Much like the entirety of the promotion today.)  Oddly enough, with HHH it was lose one, lose one, lose one. How about that.  (At least he’d get one back soon enough.) 

30-minute Ultimate Submission match: Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle.

Lockup series to start, and they do a sweet mat-wrestling clinic. Angle goes for the ankle early, Benoit makes the ropes. Back to the mat, Angle makes the ropes and bails. Back in, Benoit controls the mat again. He goes for the Crossface, Angle makes the ropes and bails. Back in, Benoit grabs a waistlock and they fall to the floor where Benoit locks on the Crossface to no avail. Angle stalls. Back in, Angle grabs a legbar and gets the first fall at the 22:54 mark. Benoit with some CANADIAN VIOLENCE, but Angle works the knee with a pair of clips. He walks into a cross armbreaker, however, to even it up at 21:55. Benoit pounds him in the corner and goes to the armbar again, but Angle makes the ropes. Benoit gets a shoulderbreaker and more CV to the shoulder, so Angle grabs a chair and clocks Benoit. Anglelock puts him up 2-1 at 19:38. Benoit is still out, so Angle puts him in a Crossface to go 3-1 at 18:18. Backdrop suplex and Angle stomps Benoit to the floor and they brawl. Back in, Benoit backdrops him out and posts him. Angle sends him to the stairs, however, and Anglelocks him on the floor. Into the ring, Benoit blocks an armbar and makes the ropes. Angle grabs an abdominal stretch, reversed by Benoit. Angle makes the ropes, but Benoit snaps on a Sharpshooter, drawing a huge pop from the crowd. The WWF should take note and build that up as a finish for Benoit. (They did in fact.)  Half-crab with a knee to the face is enough for a submission to make it 3-2 at 11:55. Angle runs away, Benoit chases. Angle runs again, Benoit chases again. Again, and Benoit gets caught coming in. Slugfest and Angle tosses Benoit. Back in, Angle suplex and Benoit hits the ropes to prevent anything. Good psychology there. Blind charge misses, but Angle goes for the ankle again. To the floor, Angle suplexes him. Back in, Benoit tries his own anklelock, but Angle makes the ropes. Dropkick misses and Angle stretches him with a choke. Benoit breaks but gets clotheslined. Overhead belly to belly, twice, by Angle. Benoit comes back with the rolling germans and counters the anklelock into one of his own to tie it at 2:07. Benoit goes after the knee, viciously clipping him. Back to the germans, but Angle goes low and grabs the anklelock until time expires at 30:00. The match, of course, continues into OT. If Angle was from Dallas, Benoit would be in REAL trouble. (Hockey reference there.)  Angle gets a Steiner-ish belly to belly, but Benoit takes him down and they tustle. Benoit struggles into the Crossface and gets the win at 1:33 of overtime. Really really solid psychology and intensity, but a lot of the stuff just didn’t seem to go anywhere and the fast submissions really hurt the believability of it for me. ***3/4  (Seems like they were kind of overdoing the submission match conceit with this gimmick.  Like, a submission match would have been fine without the need to cram a bunch of them into 30 minutes.) 

Shane McMahon v. The Big Show.

(I don’t have the foggiest recollection of how we got to this particular feud after Wrestlemania.)  Shane grabs a kendo stick and canes Show into dog chow to start, drawing a “Shane O Mac” chant. Show clotheslines him and back in we go. Shane uses a chair to put him down, then gets an ETHER-SOAKED RAG?!? Didn’t Paul Bearer retire that gimmick in 1999? Holy 60s flashback, Batman! Show goes down, but Vince runs in and chairs his boy. Show comes back with a sideslam and bumps Shane around, then hits the Final Cut (of Meat). Chokeslam, Show picks him up. Test runs in and brawls with Show to the entrance, and Shane climbs the scaffolding. Test puts Show on the VERY conveniently placed black staging area, and Shane comes off from 239 feet in the air or whatever they’re claiming this PPV and gets the win at 11:55. Why would you even waste the stuntman bump on a Big Show match that was already flirting with negative stars? *1/4

European title: Matt Hardy v. Christian v. Eddy Guerrero.

Well, we’ve got these guys, and we have no clue what to do with them, but they have good matches, so here you are. Welcome to the monopoly. (Going strong for 11 years and counting!) Heels beat on Matt and toss him, but Christian turns on Eddy. Powerslam gets two. Eddy gets a rana and they head up, but Matt shoves Eddy off and rolls him up for two. Christian nails Matt, but Eddy suplexes him. Everyone out. Matt sunset flips Eddy for two, and Eddy bails. Matt lariats Christian for two, but Eddy pulls Matt out. Christian follows and gets DDT’d by Matt. JR notes how nice it is that Edge & Jeff aren’t hanging around at ringside and that’s it man on man on man. Eddy suplexes Matt in, and then brainbusters him for two. Matt backdrops him and goes upstairs, but Eddy blocks with a rana attempt, which is stopped by Christian. Matt suplexes Christian onto Eddy and clotheslines them both. Yodelling legdrop on Eddy gets two, and Christian brawls with Matt outside, allowing Edge to run in and spear Matt on the floor. Oh, lord. Eddy covers Matt for two. Jeff then joins us and attacks Edge as Christian gets the Unprettier on Eddy, but Jeff comes in and swantons him, leading to the Twist of Fate for the pin to retain at 6:37. Way too short given all the interference allotted. This would be a good RAW match…but it’s a PPV, ya know? **1/2 In fact, I could make that comment about a lot of this stuff tonight.  (Yeah, I don’t remember one minute of this PPV this far.) 

WWF World title, Intercontinental title, Tag team title match: Undertaker & Kane v. Steve Austin & HHH.

(Cast in point, the main event, which I again didn’t even remember.  If you had held a gun to my head before re-reading this rant, I could not have told you what the main event for this show was.)  Heels bail right away and the Long Stall begins. UT beats on Austin in the ring, then Kane beats on HHH. Austin gets the same. HHH Uses the Knee on Kane and goes after the arm, but gets clotheslined. Austin comes in and runs like UT like a chickenshit. The Austin character gets weaker by the week. Taker stomps him and whips him hither and thither for a bit, and Kane comes in to continue. Austin nails the arm and tags HHH, who walks into a big UT right. Ropewalk on both heels and both bail. Back in, a HHH cheapshot puts UT down and they double-team. They beat on him on the floor and Austin hits a kneedrop back in the ring. More beating in the corner. DDT on HHH turns the tide, and Kane almost gets a tag, but not quite. Thesz Press for UT and FU elbow, but he no-sells and hits a double-clothesline on the heels. Hot tag Kane. Sideslam for Austin and Kane goes up with a lariat and slams HHH off the top. They nails the arm, but Kane fights them off. Austin finally gets the arm and they work on it, for TEN MINUTES. Seriously, that’s all it is. Austin comes off the top what feels like a year later and hits boot, and Kane breaks a sleeper with a suplex. HHH gets the Pedigree, but Austin wants the cover and gets one. Taker chokeslams him, and Kane gets two. Kanezuigiri for HHH, hot tag UT, but the ref misses it. UT cleans house and Wedgiebombs HHH, but HE’S NOT LEGAL. Of course, it’ll go uncalled the other 99/100 times it happens, but such is life. Stunner for Kane, and Austin goes brawling with UT and is basically forgotten. Vince runs in, gives HHH his trusty sledgehammer, and that finishes Kane at 25:02 to give HHH & Austin the tag titles. Like anyone cares. **1/2 I know it’s a main event and all, but 30 minutes (with stalling at the beginning) is just INSANELY long for what these guys are limited to right now. Notice how HHH gets the winning pin on Kane, a finish that pretty much everyone called, once again proving HHH is indeed the most intelligent person in our so-called sport. The match would have been higher on the spectrum of the good end if they didn’t have that immensely boring middle portion and if Austin wasn’t Budro to HHH’s Bill.  (Case in point about Austin, as they neutered him for the heel turn and built up HHH as the alpha dog, and then were stuck with cowardly heel Austin on top when HHH got injured.) 

The Bottom Line: The show lacked anything really bad, and the good was good enough for a VERY mild thumbs up, but does the world REALLY clamour for Austin v. Undertaker part 18 next month, or that show-stealing HHH v. Kane match? (This show and whatever the May show was called both did pretty putrid buyrates, a trend for WWE that continues to this day.)  Can the WWF at least throw me a bone and have the Canadian Chris Connection win the tag belts from Austin & HHH in a somewhat non-screwy fashion tomorrow night? (Well, a month after this, yes.)  Will Rick’s thumb be firmly in the middle for this show again?  (I find it astonishing that the months after they BOUGHT WCW would be so ungodly dull and boring.  You’d think that this would have been the most exciting time to be a wrestling fan ever, but it just went wrong in so many ways and killed the boom period once and for all.) 

Stay tuned for all the answers, same smark time, same smark channel! 


  1. (I find it interesting that they just kind of gave up on Rhyno the way they did, given he was getting good reactions and had the kind of look and explosive offense that they usually dig.) 
    Just as he was hitting his stride, he got sidelined with a neck injury and the spinal fusion and year long recovery, and he came back with no storyline, and the crowd wasn't into him anymore. 

    I was kind of into his TNA run. I thought they should have been able to do more with him than they did. 

  2. So do you still ponder what The Rick/Rick Scaia will think of a PPV as you give The Pulse on it?

  3. I said it before and I will say it again: they should have had Austin do a complete reset characterwise and have him, upon going heel, revert back to Stunning Steve Austin. Evil preppie sell-out Steve Austin would have made the cowardly crazy paranoid work and moreso, they could have had Austin channel Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho for his character's inevitable descent into crazy....  

  4. Would you have had Austin grow his hair out again, given him a wig, or left his look as it was?

  5. Oh and if it's any consolation, is available for sale. redirects to some forum.

  6. It's not actually for "sale", it's being held by a domain squatter who bought the rights when it came up years ago and awaits someone to make him an offer.

  7. The Austin Heel turn was a great example of how bad booking and bad writing can torpedo even the best performers.  Austin was a great cowardly heel, and that Smackdown match with Benoit was a great example of how it could have gone.

  8. Ah, I see.  Wonder how much he wants for it and/or who else he thinks would buy it as it would seemingly only have value to you.

  9. "(I find it astonishing that the months after they BOUGHT WCW would be so ungodly dull and boring.  You’d think that this would have been the most exciting time to be a wrestling fan ever, but it just went wrong in so many ways and killed the boom period once and for all.)"

    Ouch Scott, right in the childhood.

  10. Yeah, this time period was the biggest misfire in wrestling history- Buying WCW, creating new main event stars, and starting some new character pushes... and they fart it all away with injuries, poor booking and de-pushing.

  11. The reason Austin's heel run didn't work is because...

    Austin/Face: Austin 3:16, wears jorts, flips the bird, defies authority, swears, beats people up
    Austin/Heel: Austin 3:16, wears jorts, flips the bird, defies authority, swears, beats people up, hugs Vince

    That's it. If he had gone corporate, that would have worked wonders. He was still the same ol' Austin. Hell, he was arguably more entertaining than he had been in years because of the fact he was sucking up to Vince, and doing great comedy shtickt with Kurt.  

  12. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 14, 2012 at 5:04 AM

    I remember they had Rhyno team up with Benoit when he returned which Scott dubbed 'Team Spinal Fusion'. This lead to them having a few matches against each other that were very unspectacular and featured a lot of chinlocks from Rhyno. It seemed his push really died down after this and later that year I believe I remember reading that Vince McMahon interrupted a house show match between Rhyno and Tajiri, and  declared it boring. I can only speculate that perhaps working matches against Benoit back in the day was a measuring stick for a wrestler in that if Benoit couldn't get a great match out of them then they weren't consider upper-echelon material. Another example would be that in 2005 during the Great American Bash Pay-Per-View Orlando Jordan had a match against Benoit that went on for a good 15 minutes that saw Orlando retain his US title against Benoit in a very weak match. At the next Pay-Per-View Benoit defeated Orlando in 15 seconds and Orlando wasn't really pushed ever again. 

  13. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 14, 2012 at 5:19 AM

    I think Austin's heel turn could of worked but feuding against Taker and Kane, and also like Scott said allying cowardly Austin with Alpha dog Triple H really killed any interest after a great Wrestlemania 17. To go from that event to this in terms of creativity is astounding! I remember the Raw after Wrestlemania 17 in which Austin and Mcmahon are beating on The Rock, only for Triple H, who was Austin's arch enemy at the time, came out looking to confront Austin. I remember the crowd popped huge before groaning when Triple H sided with Austin. Just think how much better it would have been if they had turned Triple H and had him feud with Austin. Heck even make Triple H reluctantly side with Austin because of Stephanie in order to build it as a slow burn turn, just as long as Triple H had constant looks of reluctance and frustration every time he is around Austin. Sometimes it's not about surprising the audience that draws ratings but developing story lines were the fans can see where the story is heading towards in order to generate excitement. Batista's rise to stardom is a great example of this as as soon as they started dropping hints like Batista looking longingly at Triple H's belt the fans quickly bit on this story and couldn't wait for Batista to turn on Triple H. They bungled post Wrestlemanis 17 so much it's unbelievable and it just gets worse with the invasion! 

  14. It's amazing to think they followed the brilliant Wrestlemania 17 with this mess. Those few months after WM17 must rank as one of the biggest waste of opportunities of all time. Austin's heel turn was ridiculously timed with Rock off making a movie and the WWE desperately needing a top face to lead them in the Invasion angle. And yes, the sight of HHH and Austin teaming up just three months after their epic three stages of hell battle was surreal to say the least.

  15. I seriously would have busted a gut watching Austin, Angle, and HHH compare  business cards. I mean that is a good way.

  16. Hehe...jorts. I get it. 8 )

  17. I read this entire review of the PPV and the main thing I take from it is...

    Sean Shannon had a sex change?

  18. For the life of me, I will never ever know why they did not turn Triple H face the night after WrestleMania. The Austin/Rock cage match....Rock getting jumped....Triple H comes down....crowd is on the edge of their seat....and Triple H joins Austin.  Crowd goans.

    Triple H not turning face is one of, if not THE, worst booking decision in WWE history. They could've (should've) run Triple H vs. Austin part 2 until the Invasion started.

  19. He wants a "minimum value of $100" according to the page, which is pretty ludicrous.

  20. "Oddly enough, with HHH it was lose one, lose one, lose one. How about that.  (At least he’d get one back soon enough.)"How you figure? In the tag title match on RAW, Austin did the job for Jericho, not HHH. By my count, 13 years in the company and HHH has done exactly 0 meaningful jobs for Jericho.

  21. I think there's two reasons they didn't turn Triple H face: One) I'm pretty sure that by this period, it was known that he much preferred being a heel and outside of 1998, he hasn't been a very good face. And Two) I don't think they anticipated Rock preparing to permanently leave the business and probably figured he'd be the face they could build around, redoing feuds against Austin and Triple H.

    Hindsight being 20/20, knowing how bad things got with no big face besides Undertaker and Rock only having two runs left as a full-time worker, it's now obvious that Triple H should have turned face (or Austin not turned heel). But there's no way anyone could have known that at the time.

    All that said, none of it is really an excuse for the terrible job they did with the invasion angle. They probably should have done a slow burn throughout 2001 with just having random WCW guys they had under contract run out and interrupt matches and then chased away by security, until more of WCW's big stars had their WCW contracts run out and could sign with the WWF. They could have had guys like Booker T and DDP run out and break up random main event matches (but not every week, maybe once or twice per month), have some of the midcard guys break up random midcard matches (at the same rate), cruiserweight guys break up random light heavyweight matches (again, at the same rate). Then once they had the ability to sign Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and maybe overpay to get Goldberg and Scott Steiner in earlier than 2003, they could have had a far better balanced invasion angle for 2002. It'd also be imperative that they elevated Jericho and Benoit in 2001 to help lead things for the year. Can't run a combo of Austin/HHH/Taker/Kane for a whole year.

  22. They knew Rocky was gone all summer to film the Scorpion King.

    Triple H wouldve been a mega-face if he turned then because people WANTED to root for him. By 2002, the WWE made them root for him and the fun was over.

  23. Did Sean Shannon really have a sex change, or is that just a joke? 

  24. This was the first time I started to lose my enthusiasm for wrestling. To put that into perspective, I watched every week, bought pay per views, and had friends over to watch them during 1995/1996, and when things started to get exciting in 1997 I didn't miss a show. It's amazing that they went from the Rumble/No Way Out/Wrestlemania and then this in such a short period of time.

    I think if they were going to turn Austin heel, which was a huge move, they needed an equally huge storyline to come from it. But Austin never gave an explanation for his heel turn, he just did it, and the Bikertaker and Kane were not the guys to fill the void left by Steve Austin on the face side. I liked those two well enough as midcarders but this would have been the time to give a real push to Jericho, or Benoit. Also, not turning Triple H was a mistake. I get what they were going for, have him and Austin dominate until Triple H eventually turns face, but 1) Fans were rabid for him to turn face to take out heel Austin the night after Wrestlemania, 2) It would've worked better if HHH was the abused side-kick who finally stood up to Austin, rather than Austin clearly being his #2 and needing him to save him at every turn. Heel Austin should have been cowardly because he'd rather not have to fight, but still be able to kick the shit out of someone if he had to.

  25. It's uncanny how accurate your predictions were during these 'off' times. It's one of the reasons I value your blog and rants so much. /arsekissing

  26. And if it isn't, what is his/her new name?

  27. The worst part was, around this time period he was doing some of the best wrestling he had in years. But he was doing it with all the creepy hugging and singalongs, and it was just off-putting.

  28. I think he switched genitalia with Jeremy Botter when Botter joined the Army. That guy was a whiny cunt.

  29. So was Sean Shannon. I'm just wondering, if he really did have a sex change, would anyone notice? I still remember his "exit post", which ended with "fuck you all" or something to that effect. Little bitch...

  30. They could have filmed a bunch of vignettes of that group going to return video tapes!

  31. Sean Shannon became the Chyna of online wrestling writers.

  32. If Austin is Bateman, then I assume Triple H is Price, and Angle is McDermott.

  33. There was no problem with heel Austin, IMO. In fact, that's the most entertaining Austin ever was to me. I hated his babyface persona with a passion, but 2001 Austin is probably top three for my favorite characters ever (along with 2003 Hollywood Rock and 89-92 Mr. Perfect).

    As for the explanation of his heel turn, they did it (somewhat) subtly heading into WM17. Austin's promo where he told Rock he HAD to win the title, NEEDED it to live, was justification enough. But there's also a great scene at 17, before Austin goes to the ring, where he's looking at himself in the mirror. Brilliant storytelling. And Austin-Angle-McMahon led to some of the best wrestling comedy I've ever seen. Then Austin-Angle was one of the best (WWF) FEUDS I'd ever seen.

  34. So, I just HAD to look this up out of sheer curiosity, and HOLY CRAP!...

  35. See, reading that, it just sounds like this was a person who needed to find a more appropriate outlet for their personal/confessional type writing. I think every writer, especially on the internet, is guilty of injecting too many personal anecdotes into their work. But in Sean's case, obviously most wrestling fans weren't really going to be the most sensitive or understanding audience for what she had to share. While I do thing she sounds like someone who is a perpetual "victim", constantly feeling as though the world is out to get them (not that that's uncommon on the internet) and most definitely suffers from some deep depression, I actually don't think she went as "crazy" as the legend that preceded her.

  36. I always felt like Austin was unwilling to do the full turn. I guess he enjoyed the merchandise money too much.

  37. I disagree. I really loved the Two-Man Power Trip, and that alliance did a ton to get Benoit and Jericho over as main event threats. Plus, if HHH hadn't been injured, the plan was clearly to slow-burn a face turn and do Austin-HHH at Summerslam (though it would've come at the expense of the excellent Angle face turn and match).

  38. As a lifelong Sega Sports/2K fan, I love the term 2K[whatever]; when I was in high school at the time, I'd even write the date on papers as 2K1. 

    Speaking of NHL 2K...a shame that 2K2 had no Dynasty/Franchise mode. How do you make a sports title in the 21st century without one? It's not about winning the title, but also about retaining it! My Pens must go back-to-back!

  39. I disagree completely. He was doing the best wrestling of his career, and he was also doing the most entertaining TV of his career. Give me hugging/singing/creepy paranoid Austin over bionic redneck Austin any day.

  40. I've just never understood HOW Vince could have ever decided that the best follow-up to WM17 was the re-elevation of Taker and Kane as the main-event faces.

    In retrospect, turning Trips the night after WM17 would have made the most sense, or moving a bit more quickly in elevating Jericho and Benoit, but even without those two things... seriously? Taker and Kane? That was the best Vince could come up with? Both were pretty much in the low-points of their careers at that point, with boring matches and incredibly stale characters.

    And I don't mean anything overly negative about either of them, they've both had long, successful careers with more peaks than valleys, but, at the time, the choice just seemed to be in such stark contrast to the younger, faster-paced, stiffer, more athletic style (Angle, Benoit, Jericho, Hardys, Dudleys, E&C, Eddie, Tazz) that Vince was pushing at the time.

  41. Man, Rhyno vs. Raven from this show might be my favorite match no one remembers.

  42. Reading that, it appears that in basic terms he's a bisexual cross-dresser/transvestite.  Not quite sure how one lives as a member of the opposite sex when they have all the functioning parts of the opposite of the opposite sex (or something), though.

  43. You used she, awww, that's so cool of you.  Much love.

  44. Why won't you answer the question? Youngest of the family?

    C'mon, just how typical is your broken home?

  45.  Are you still going at this?

    My home was not broken at all.  My parents were divorced when I was six months old, my mom won custody but I saw my dad  every other weekend throughout my childhood.  If that's your idea of a "broken home" then you're really, really, really naive.

    Seriously, grow some perspective and look at the real broken homes, children running away from home and living on the street, physical and sexual abuse perpetuated or allowed by the parent, heavy addiction to gambling or drugs.  Those are blights on society, not divorce.

  46. So you were the youngest then? Right again. lol

    I'm 3/4 now. Goddamn I'm good at guessing you.

  47. I'm the youngest, yes.  Still don't see how that matters.

    And if you're the type of jackass that thinks an unhappy marriage is better than a happy divorce, well...fuck you too.

  48. Hahaha. Of course you are! You want to know how I knew? Because I can read you. You're an open book to me. =)

    Unhappy marriage better than a happy divorce? Who suggested that? I merely state the fact that you came from a broken home.

    Again, super obvious.

    This has been fun!

  49. Considering that you have put about ten times more effort than I have in this little clash of personalities...trolling has succeeded.


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