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Bring back motorized ring carts for WM29
If we can't have the ice cream bars, can't we at least have these?

Finally a movement I can get behind!  The ring carts were BADASS and gave the whole thing a sense of spectacle like something out of the Roman know, outside of WM9 at Caesar's Palace, of course.  Let's make this happen, people!  


  1. Daniel Bryan riding a cart at WM 29 shouting YES! YES! YES! the entire time is an image I need to see. 

  2. I'm exactly 50/50 on something like this, guys like Bryan or Cena could make it work but for guys like UT or Punk it would look SO stupid.

    Speaking of, with all the shock at Rocky winning and Brock returning no one's really talked about the lack of anything special as far as entrances this year. HHH's was the most special and even it was only interesting for the first 15 seconds. It just seemed weird especially for guys like Cena and UT who always have epic WM entrances (especially if that was UT's last match).

  3. I'm kinda against the idea because most wrestlers have really unique entrances these days, it would just seem weird seeing them carted down to the ring like some disabled person. I just think most of the entrances would come off as awkward if they reintroduced it. Though as cultstatus says if they had Daniel Bryan shouting 'yes' all the way to the ring as the cart trundles along at 2MPH, that would be epic. 

  4. Punk being a fan of the old school would know how to make it work. Undertaker riding down a goth themed cart could look bad ass. I'm pretty sure he rode something to ring for his WM match against Orton.

    As for the rest of the roster, your probably right. Maybe just limit the carts for the main events.

  5. What I really like about the entrances at WMIII is how using those carts really made the entrance of Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan special, in my view. I mean, everybody was carted down the ring, but those two were so, I don't know, fired up, they just walked down, which made them look a bit more bad-ass......

  6. I'd be just as happy if they got driven to the ring in an old school bullpen car.  

  7. FUCK YES~! 

    Seriously, why have they gotten rid of these things? I kind of figured they brought them out for Mainas 3 and 6 because there was no way Andre would be able to make it down to the ring. But as others have pointed out, it made guys like Hogan and Piper (and III) and Warrior (at VI) look better than everyone else when they were MAN ENOUGH to walk/run to the ring on their own. 

  8. As much as I loved the carts, they wouldn't work with the spectacle that is WrestleMania anymore.  The carts were used to have the wrestlers come down "above" the crowd (where as Piper and Hogan came "through" the crowds, and UW was just being crazy).

    The current setup with the grandiose stage and raised entrance ramp, the carts simply would not work. Besides, the walk just isn't long enough.

    I'd mark out for those things as much as the next guy, but unless the WWE decides to scale back their sets, we won't get them, and realistically don't need them. And I don't see the WWE doing that.

  9. If anything, perhaps you could give everyone a "custom" cart instead of the generic ring? Like modify Undertaker's into a hearse or a chariot, or what not. Let people use imagination for a change.

  10. They'll get imaginations when creative gives them one!!!  NOT BEFORE!

  11. One of the best moments from WM3 was Andre being pelted with garbage as he rolled slowly and helplessly to the ring. .

  12. Eh the carts were ok. Franky I would rather have the ice cream bars, (I remember laughing at my sister because I got Hulk Hogan and she got Hillbilly Jim)

  13.  I remember reading somewhere that Piper walked b/c the cart malfunctioned.

  14. And on the way back Heenan burying his head in shame.

  15. Don't forget that at WM IX, Taker came to the ring in a chariot accompanied by a vulture.

  16. There was the one WM where Take floated to the ring.  Maybe WM 21 was the one?

  17.  I don't know, part of what makes his entrance so appealing is how he hops to the ring almost sideways.  While envisioning a cart moving slowly I could see him actually lapping the cart!

  18. I don't see why Good Humor won't bring back the ice cream bars. Seems like an easy way to make money.

  19. Whenever I watch that match I feel bad that the fans are throwing garbage at Andre

  20. What I wonder is whether Good Humor has the specific license to those. I'm sure that they could make something similar with WWE pictures on it with another company. Good Humor might have the trademark on the cookie/ice cream/fudge combo, but it's not like no one else has ever had ice cream bars with cookie parts on them.

    Either way, Good Humor have been cunts about the whole thing. They put out a really condescending press release right after the Punk promo and the initial explosion of interest in them where they sounded like they were talking down to children and blaming lack of production on the cost of making them. Which is stupid because, seriously, when's the last time there was a grassroots movement to bring back a fucking Good Humor ice cream bar? They'd make a mint.

  21. I think this speaks to a much larger problem with WWE's presentation of Mania.  It didn't feel special this year.  The entrances were flat.  Excluding the set, it was treated like just another show.  What happened to all non-wrestlers wearing tuxedos?  A nice suit is not the same thing.  You couldn't have dusted the mothballs off Mean Gene to do some backstage interviews in front of a fucking banner?  Or even just Matt Striker?  It's the little things that are supposed to set the show apart from the rest.

  22. Well, the carts were initially used to save Andre the ordeal of having to walk all the way to the ring. If they ever book Great Khali in a big WM match again, maybe they'll bring them back since the poor guy really looked like he was struggling to make the long walk to the ring this year.

  23. umm yeah Piper did in his DVD. It was still badass that he and Hogan walked though.

  24. Actually the reason behind the carts were that since the show was in a stadium the wrestlers walking to the ring would have taken to long. Now that Mania is 4 hours long it kind of solved the problem. Besides the specialized entrances are half the fun.


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