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Brock v. Cena

PWtorch had a small snippet of how last time around, Brock wasn't a big fan of Cena, and would supposedly even bad mouth him to Vince .  I guess that could possibly explain their short feud, and was wondering if you had ever heard anything about it, or could elaborate on why Brock didn't like Cena.

Wait, you mean Brock Lesnar didn’t get along with another person?  That IS breaking news! 

Haven’t heard anything about it and I don’t recall hearing anything about it in the WON at the time either.  Probably just stemming from Brock being a miserable human being and Cena being the smiling goofball.  Come to think of it, this really is the perfect feud now, because everyone knows Cena is the outgoing smiling people person and Brock is the anti-social caveman who would just as likely give a dying kid an F5.  Brock can beat up the cancer-ridden Make-A-Wish child, and Cena will be all “Now I’m MAD!” and then he’ll laugh it off and make a poopy joke and people will wonder why he doesn’t draw anymore. 


  1. I'm probably going to hell for this, but I'm laughing at the thought of Lesnar going into a hospital and giving a sick kid an F5 before walking out.   While Cena is present.

    Please film this Vince.

    1. Yes, you are going to hell. You can sit next to me on the bus since I love that idea.

  2. They could do the same angle with Machine Gun Kelly. 

  3. People I want to see Brock murderize before losing to Rock (and thus making Shough's head explode to my everlasting delight): John Cena, CM Punk, Triple H, The Miz, Sheamus, Brodus Clay, Kane, Triple H again, CM Punk again, Lord Tensai, Triple H once more, Alberto Del Rio and finally John Cena again.

  4. You mean there is suddenly "real heat" behind their brand-new big on-screen feud? No way!

    These last few months have been amazing, I've never seen people so actively fall for the bit.

    "No seriously, Rock doesn't like Cena FOR REAL! I know because they say so on Twitter!"

  5. Here's the scary part, for me. I love Brock to death, but promos were never his strong suit (though eh got better at the end of his run and in the UFC). The Rock is one of the best promos ever (despite what some will say here). I'm just not sure the feud will be as compelling once we get into WWE Story Time.

  6. True that, I loved Brock in UFC (not so much not that he's coming in to overshadow Punk in his prime) but yeah, there is NO WAY that Brock can keep up with Cena or Rocky (or even Punk or Bryan) on the mic.

  7. Not enough Punk jobs but I approve of the lack of Orton jobs.

  8. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 11:49 AM

    Sometimes it's not all about being able to go toe to toe with your opponent on the mic, especially in Brock's case. Back when Brock was feuding with The Rock leading up to Summerslam 2002 none of the mic work by The Rock or Brock's manager Paul Heyman, each of whom were and still are extremely good talkers, made me want to see the match. What made me put my money down for the Pay-Per-View was down to two main points; Lesnar was a mother-effin monster nicknamed 'The Next Big Thing' who was ploughing through opponents every week which made me want to see if he lived up to his moniker, and the training videos they shot for The Rock and Brock which made Brock seem even more beyond human, especially when he takes an ice bath! Re-watching it actually made me realise that the video is almost UFC-ish in it's build up for Brock. Seriously check it out. I'm surprised WWe doesn't attempt to do video packages more like this. 

  9. I remember watching this when it first aired and thinking the ice bath was the most manly fucking thing any man ever did.

    I don't doubt they could build the story without mic work, it would just be very out of character for this current writing staff.

  10. HHH v. Brock would be amazing and I really want to see it. 

  11. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 12:09 PM

    Part of me wishes and hopes that they are going to book Cena versus Punk for Extreme Rules, only for Cena to be mysteriously taken out and replaced by Brock at the last minute. Brock wins the title only for Cena to come out looking to confront Brock. Instead he swerves everyone by further beating down an already beaten CM Punk. The next night on Raw he reveals that he has aligned himself with Brock because even though he is a man of the people, he is also a company man first and foremost, and if the company wants Brock has champ then he is going to ensure it. 

    I agree when other online fans say that turning Cena heel and completely changing his character would only make him more liked again and defeat the whole purpose of turning him. Instead they need make him more a goody two-shoes loyal to the company type character complete with an even more shit-eating smirk. He should also wrestle the way he did back at Money in the Bank, which I felt was subtlety heelish. This would also ensure that Brock gets heel reactions as I can imagine a lot of crowds getting behind him because some people just prefer a ruthless monster and also a winner. Still I doubt this will happen.

  12. Seriously. Someone get that guy a sandwich!

  13. Dude makes K-Fed look tough.

    Speaking of, as long as that guy's rap career is long over why hasn't Vince called him? He was the best heel in years on that Raw. 

  14. When you say "murderize" do you mean squash? Because I'd it's a competitive match I'm fine with it.

    But you're right, if Brock squashes Punk twice, Sheamus, and Broadus (NOT THE FUNKASAURUS!) and then loses to Dwayne after Dwayne mails it in again I might... Reconsider buying Wrestlemania XXX.

    If the Rock (I call him Dwayne because I didn't feel like we got the Rock, we got Dwayne) entertained you and got you off, fucking awesome. Your enjoyment doesn't make you stupid or less of a wrestling fan. I felt like Dwayne mailed it in from start to finish (though I think putting him over Cena was the right decision across the board) and wasn't entertained.

    Am I the new board heel? Because I'm not going to be able to write 500,000 word reviews stating how if you disagree with me you're a bad person and I don't have it in me to defend TNA.

  15. Not too dramatic.  It's a common tool for athletes.  We sat in ice baths back in high school when were doing our two-a-days in August for the soccer season.  They're to cool you down and also to reduce swelling.  The girls did it too.

  16. God I loved those packages. At the time it was the ice bath, but now it's those pushups and the hip speed drills. Jesus that's impressive.

  17. I played baseball, you could smoke a cigarette during the game, lol.

    Ice baths are scary.

  18. Right call on the Cena heel turn.  He should become the corporate pet (on camera rather than just in real life) that Mr. McMahon wanted Stone Cold to become back in 1998-99.  No one likes an office suck-up, even little kids.

  19. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 12:55 PM

    This could sadly be the case. I mean look how they marketed Bobby Lashley years ago. The guy looked like he had the same ruthless monster quality as Brock, but instead they made him a boring babyface. I remember they had a tag line in his titantron that was something like 'soft spoken but hard intensity' or some crap along those lines which made me think why would I possibly be interested in getting behind a character like that especially if he has a tag line that should belong to a male porn star! Or worse when he cut a promo on Finlay which went something like, "You say you're Finlay and you like to fight... well I say you're Finlay and you're a basthurd!" How it never struck them to make him a vicious machine ripping his foes apart whilst only uttering the odd grunt or snarl is beyond me! 

    Also the current staff seem too obsessed with trending on twitter, and general grunting or snarling doesn't really trend on twitter. 

    This is why I thought of the idea on my comment further down that they should align with Cena so at least he can take over the talking while Lesnar stands in the background looking as intimidating as possible.

  20. You're no Charlie, that's for sure (and a very, very good thing). We just have differing wrestling opinions, me loving the Rock and finding Orton very good in the ring (albeit terrible on the mic).

  21. That's bullshit, man. Commit to the heel turn! Defend TNA like you're the bastard love child of Wes Kirk and Elvy!

  22. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 1:24 PM

    Exactly. For Cena to work as a heel they need to take the qualities the current Cena character has that drive fans to boo him and further exemplify them. Yes people don't like a suck up, but they also don't like a fake.

    There are so many possibilities to this plot like aligning guys like Triple H (the new corporate power) and his protege Sheamus. I don't think turning Sheamus heel will be a bad thing because I feel his babyface character has already been made redundant as he has been turned into another smiling babyface that has spent months and months beating other opponents with no personal vested interest or blood-fuelled grudge. Doing a double turn against Daniel Bryan out of jealousy for Bryan's new found popularity with the crowd should work in doing this. Plus add in a few hired goons for the faces to beat on TV like Ezekial Jackson and that guy that's returning on Smackdown with a new name (read the spoilers). 

    While you have faces like Punk, Orton and a newly turned Daniel Bryan, there are other heel wrestlers that could turn face to go against the new corporation like say Mark Henry. They could spend weeks trying to get him to join the new corporation only for him to turn on them feeling he's being disrespected by being asked to be their henchmen. In fact the more I think about the more I like the thought of Mark Henry being the pissed-off black guy who is sick of being disrespected as a face. Don't change the character, just the alignment. Other possibilities include Jericho being beaten down for labelling the new corporation as hypocrites before he's due to tour this summer, only to return later trying to prove himself to his nemesis CM Punk. Then even later on they could have Punk turn on Jericho once Jericho has proven himself with the motive that he'd rather be on the winning team has he has already proven himself as a superstar due to his last title reign and now it's only about the money.

    This should all lead to culminate at Wrestlemania 29 where Rock returns to challenge Brock, Taker returns to challenge Cena and finally Stone Cold Steve Austin returns to challenge Punk. 

  23. I'll take it a step further -- if he ever  turns, he needs to wrestle exactly the same as he does now: Superman, defying the odds, winning with loosely applied STFs and smiling while pointing to whatever generic (and I'd make them increasingly generic and condescending) message is on his shirt.

  24. At that point they should just rip off those cloyingly inspirational bumper stickers moms put on the backs of their cars.

  25. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 1:39 PM

    Haha yes especially the Superman part because the problem I've always had his Superman routine is that it doesn't work if you are also trying to be an underdog. This is why I prefer a hero like Spiderman to Superman because I just cannot get behind a guy that barely has a weakness. I prefer my heroes flawed. You could have Orton represent a darker hero character ala Batman in that he's driven by anger and vengeance

    Cena's Superman routine should become more of a Terminator routine as a heel as in when every time the face thinks they have Cena beaten he keeps coming back to deliver more punishment like nothing has happened at all. Ironically before joining the WWE Cena's developmental character the Prototype was something of a terminator homage I think so feel free to correct me.

  26. Cena will never (as in pro-wrestling "never" meaning in the near future) turn heel. just let it go, guys.

  27. but you know that millions of other people love Superman just the way he is, right?

  28. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 1:45 PM

    To be fair I enjoyed it during the build up to Summerslam 2003 when Brock absolutely destroyed Zack Gowen which includes the highlights of Brock F-5ing Zack's good leg against the steel ring post and also throwing him down a flight of stairs. I seriously hope they have Brock do similar things to that little runt Hornswoggle like just punting him out of the ring and into the crowd or even swinging Hornswoggle by the feet around his head till Hornswoggle pukes lucky charms everywhere! 

  29. Brock without Paul Heyman just won't be as fun.   Plus, even after all these years he has the face of a child.

  30. CM Punk will never be the face of the WWE (as in real life "never" meaning never ever).

    Daniel Bryan will never be booked as the ass-kicking technical specialist people envision (ala Benoit from April-August04). At best he'll be Rey Mysterio, ultimate underdog.

    There will never be another wrestling boom period in the vein of Attitude or Rock 'N Wrestling.

    If you limited us to topics that have a realistic shot of happening, what the FUCK are we going to talk about? Nothing! Well, comic books apparently but other than that NOTHING! And then the blog traffic dries up, Scott shuts it down, and people will stop thinking I'm juggling 3 girlfriends based on how much time I spend on my phone.

    So if you'll excuse me, I've got a fantasy booking date with a Mr. Baker regarding a certain heel turn...

  31. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 2:03 PM

    That reminds me I once accidentally ran over a small child wearing a John Cena t-shirt...

    but in my defence I couldn't see him ;-D

    Sorry I tried my hardest to contain that one to myself but it was a loosing battle from the start. Feel free to mock my pathetic sense of humour!

  32. If you said I could only have one Brock match during this comeback I'd pick HHH. The behind the scenes stuff would be fascinating, cause there's real, documented heat between them (well we know HHH doesn't like Brock, I don't know if it's mutual). Plus they never crossed paths in Brock's 1st run (Australia doesn't count!).

    I couldn't imagine Triple H doing the job, so it would be surreal to see it happen.

  33. Relevance. 

    Nobody knows who K-Fed is anymore. Meanwhile, they should sign MGK and make him Cena's hype man. 

  34. Is it considered your good leg if it's your only leg?

  35. That was the thing about Monday's speech that Cena gave. What was likable about that and not at all hypocritical? Here's a guy who bashes the Rock constantly, on and off camera, for leaving the WWE. Yet Brock Lesnar shows up and what's the first thing he does? Offers a handshake? To the guy who really left the WWE high and dry to do what? Play for the Vikings? Go to the UFC? Bash the company up and down while he was gone? And the first thing you do is want to shake his hand? 
    Phony. Up and down John Cena is the world's biggest phony. And yet there are people that want their children to idolize him?

  36. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 5, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    Technically it's still a good leg :-S fair point though! 

  37. It's brilliant! Brock will come out with the head of said child and cut an intense promo about doing the same to Cena. Cena will spend the whole time smirking and then call him Brock Poopner. PRINT THE MONEY

  38. Right.  I meant for real athletes.  Baseball doesn't count.  Babe Ruth was the greatest ever yet had a beer belly and smoked cigars during the game.  What a joke.

  39.  If the girls did it, wouldn't it increase swelling in a couple of places?

  40. Agreed on that.  The training program was clearly very rigorous.  I want to rip off some of those techniques for myself when I lift weights.

  41. lol @ sports hipster =)

  42. Regarding Cena's promo and reaction to Brock's return, I have a different idead:

    Cena was calling out Rock to "join him for one last love fest" with the fans in the ring so he could finally turn heel and brutalize the Rock as payback for beating the shit out of him. That was why Cena was so fucking fake with his words of praise for Rock and the fans. He was making it look like he was still the same old Cena so he could get Rock to lower his guard and beat him to an inch of his life.

    Unfortunately Rock saw through Cena's disguise and didn't show up (or had already snuck out and not told anyone). Brock WAS backstage and decided to beat the shit out of Cena for being a tool like he did. Cena was not prepared for this at all, hence the handshake, since Cena was having to think on the fly and figured that shaking Brock's hand and faking "I'm glad to see you"
    was a decent way to buy some time while he figured out what Brock wanted. Which failed, as Brock instantly beat the crap out of him.

  43. To be fair, Brock offered the handshake first - Cena was just Sting-level dumb-good-guy stupid to take it.

    And in a way, that's who he reminds me of - early 1990s WCW Sting; colorful gimmick, over with the kids, everything.

  44. Regarding the heat between Cena and Brock in 2003, I remember reading an interview with Cena (I think in 2004 or 2005) that he wasn't happy with Brock after their match at Backlash 2003. Apparently, during this time, Brock and Kurt Angle would often show off to each other what they could do in their matches. I believe Brock did something to hurt Cena (maybe slamming him into the ringpost?) and Cena was pretty furious after.

  45. Babe Ruth can't be the best ever, he never played against minorities.

  46. Plus, even after all these years he has the face of a child.

    Yeah, he needs to grow that Viking beard again.

  47. You hit more home runs by yourself than any other TEAM in the league? You're the best hitter ever. You can say there have been better PLAYERS, but no one was a better hitter than Babe Ruth. I'd at least listen to an argument for Ted Williams, but I'd still pick Ruth.

  48. Southern_DiscomfortApril 5, 2012 at 4:06 PM

     People always say - in the Ryder arguments especially - that WWE doesn't know how to write a "good guy," and this has a lot to do with it as well. Cena's a good guy, fine, but he's like this bizarre cartoonish idea of a good guy that's over the top even by Disney standards.

  49. Southern_DiscomfortApril 5, 2012 at 4:12 PM

    I, personally, would consider my only existing leg to be "the good one" by default.

  50. An F5 would kill Machine Gun Kelly. Not in storyline terms, actually kill him.

  51. Am I wrong for laughing at the thought of Brock running through a cancer ward and F5-ing everyone?

  52. He lives in Minnesota. That was probablly like a jacuzzi to him.

  53. If John Cena went heel, the MGK could be his manager/mouthpiece.

  54. I thought Kane/Orton was actually pretty good and was surprised at all the hatred.

    I thought the Rocky/Cena was nothing but a bunch of loooong bearhugs.  But I'm still think Rocky's awesome.

  55. Sure, except he'd win all the time and in dominant fashion. So, no, not really.

  56. There were two bearhugs.

    The hate for Orton is staggering here, especially considering almost everyone (including his fellow wrestlers) acknowledges his tremendous in-ring run over the last year.

  57.  I'm not saying Babe Ruth wasn't among the best, but to never face ALL of the top pitching available simply because blacks and hispanics weren't allowed to play means that he never faced all of the best competition.  It's not his fault, but it's a fact.  For my money, it's hard to top Willie Mays.

  58. Ruth was the best Home Run Hitter Of All Time. Ted Williams was the Greatest Hitter Of All Time. That's the distinction, in my opinion (and I'd hope in others' as well)...

  59. Yeah, there are layers there that could make it really interesting. It's the only other HHH match I want to see ever again besides him giving Punk his win back from the fall.

  60. Orton being called shit in the ring blows my mind too. And that's not an exaggeration, there are a lot of people (I pick on Shough for fun but he's part of a large group) who think the guy is a legit terrible worker.

    He's had good matches with Mark Henry and just had a good match with Kane (good not great). He's a good worker, people are just blinded by his bad reputation backstage, his average to poor mic skills, and the douchebag aura he carries with him.

    Don't worry Randy, I'll always have your back.

  61. I know the answer is likely money, but apparently the big issue when signing Brock was the number of dates he'd appear - they settled somewhere between 30 and 40, supposedly and gave him a huge contract for it. But why are they so willing to give Brock what he wants? First off, The Rock is different - he has an active career outside of wrestling that he left and stayed away for - if he's willing to work wrestling into his career, of course, bend to make that happen. But what's Brock doing? He didn't make it in the NFL. He was a draw from the start in UFC because of his wrestling days, but MMA is done for him. What else is he going to do where he can't work more than 40 times in one year? If WWE didn't give him the deal he wanted, what else is he going to do? After his UFC career he's probably more of a draw now than he was during his wrestling days (he wasn't a huge draw, was he?), so I see why they brought him back.

    The rumored matches for WM29 are interesting - I'm not sure what I think of Punk/Austin - Austin won't be a heel and I don't think Punk's popular enough to get a 50/50 reaction with Steve Austin.

  62. Yeah; the entire promo reaked of Cena setting up Rock for a beating and for him to turn heel after said beating.  

  63. I like you, though that might mean we're just going to create a stable.  You can be Flair if I get to be Double A.

  64. That blows my mind too, though, because by EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT, he has become a locker room leader and hasn't had any backstage incidents in years.

  65. As a worker I'd describe Randy Orton as good (though good is a synonym for mediocre in my book). My problem with him is pretty much what jabber said + the way he's booked. If he were an upper mid-carder I'd be fine with him. But if you look at the continuous, monotonous push he's gotten for 8 years I start to hate the guy. Basically, if he stays at the level he's at now then I'm fine with him.

  66. For that to happen you'd have to hit me in the head with a hammer. Elvylanda and Wes Kirk are two of the dumbest, most ignorant trolls on the Internet.

  67. I'll start bouncing checks and pawning my most valuable possessions, wooo! Oh, I made myself sad.


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