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John Cena and the heat he's been getting really reminds me of Tim Tebow. You've got this All-American type saying and doing all the "right" things.  Half of America loves him and half of America thinks he sucks but can't stop talking about him or booing him either. Why would Cena need to change what he's doing when he's still getting such strong crowd reactions?

I just got back into wrestling when my brother convinced me to watch Mania for old times sake.  The following night's RAW won me back. That was a Ritner Street Crowd in a basketball arena. "The smarks have taken over" I thought. This weeks RAW showed me its samo. I've had a somewhat functional grasp on what was going on in wrestling but my "smark" days died out when ECW did. I used to read your stuff religiously back in the Stone Cold/Rock, WCW, Taz/RVD days. Good times. Glad I've caught up with your new site.

I don't actually know who Tim Tebow is, but I'll take your word for it.  At any rate, Cena has always been the most polarizing guy, and yeah, boo or yay he draws the biggest reactions and thus should be on top no matter how people feel about him.  I think are just saying he should tweak the act a bit, not seriously change it.  


  1. At least Cena is good at what he does...Tebow?  Not so much.

  2. Ignorance is Bliss, Scott. It would be wonderful to not ever have to hear the words "Tim Tebow" ever again.

  3. I'm a Cena hater and would love to see a change, but if he continues to work with guys like Rock and Brock I'm fine with him not changing a bit. A 2-3 month program with Lord Tensai? Heel turn goes right back to the top of the wish list.

  4. I can only imagine the epic player/coach clashes that will come about next season between Mr. Religious Tim Tebow and Sexy Rexy. Is HBO still doing that show about the Jets? If not I bet they fucking well wish they were.

  5.  They are (Hard Knocks) and I read that the Jets may again be the featured team.

  6. I can't stand Tebow, but you think this is the first time he'll be around foul-mouthed coaches or players in his career? He'll be fine.

  7. I'm sure he will be, I just think the interplay will be interesting.

  8. I think the main issue with Cena is that he's been doing the same thing since 2006. I mean, literally, his character is exactly the same as it was 6 years ago.

    No need to reinvent the wheel...but they could change the tire.

  9. Tim Tebow's a super famous Christian that's actually a gay guy.

    (Seriously...super duper good looking high school/college/professional quarterback that doesn't have sex with girls because of his MORALS? Puh-lease)

  10.  I'm not really a football guy and I even I know that Tim Tebow is pretty much slang for interception.

  11. If Tebow came out of the closet, it will explode every form of media. 

  12. I still think anyone who "Tebows" needs to get kicked in the balls. Except for Otunga, that was awesome when he did it.

  13. It's actually more like slang for "8 for 27 with 71 yards"...

    I get that in this PG era, they want their Hulk Hogan, that's fine, given today's environment, that's a good business decision, but there's got to be some way to make his character more palatable to "everyone else" except for kids, some women, and very few guys.

  14. He will. He's every closeted stereotype.

    Moving to New York was the worst idea he ever had. It's much harder to sneak someone into your apartment in Manhattan as opposed to Denver.

  15. My gaydar goes up when they start ranting and raving about gay people. To my knowledge Tebow hasn't done that yet. 

  16. You have a point, he hasn't done THAT yet.

    I just figure, any 24 year old man that doesn't have sex with girls because of his MORALS...well...

    (And secretly I just want it to be so because I'd love to see the disappointment in all these people that bought his jersey just because he says he loves The Jesus)

  17.  Wow, on behalf of whatever Christians hurt you to make you so angry at Christianity, I apologize.

  18. I believe the Iron Sheik has humbled him, old country style

  19. What's worse?  Tebowing or planking?

  20. What? I'm not angry at Christianity, I just think it would be funny if all the people that jumped on his bandwagon just because he praises Jesus (but only when he wins!) suddenly had their hopes dashed.

    The best part? All of those weirdo's will act like New York actually turned him gay when really he had been lying to them the whole time.

  21. that's just ignorant. there are people that are that religious or conservative that they will wait for the right person (= as in "the person they marry). why hate on that? it's their personal choice.

  22. why? you don't have to cheer for him and can easilypick someone else like CM Punk as your favorite.

  23. Seriously, stick with that.

  24. All he does is win. All he all he does is win.

  25. Right...until he ran into a team like the Patriots, with an actual great QB in Brady, who absolutely wasted Tebow in the playoffs. And don't blame the rest of the team, Denver's defense is better than New England's.

  26. I'm not necessarily talking about me personally, is it really impossible to have a main face that everyone likes???  Usually #1 faces don't have half the crowd actively booing them.  Yes, it makes for interesting reactions, but in my opinion, it speaks to WWE's lack of ability to make a compelling character that everyone can get behind and cheer because they feel they have to go over the top goodie two shoes for Cena rather than good guy, but he's human.

  27. Yes.

    (And I didn't mean that in the Daniel Bryan sense.)

  28. Wow you must not like football much Scott. All it takes is one NFL game and you'd know everything you wanted to know about Tebow. Even if his team wasn't playing. That's all they talk about.

    There have already been reports of Tebow getting "friendly" with some celeb chicks. I don't think he's gay but I also doubt highly he's a virgin. But hey, you never know. I've actually known people that held out till their 30s for religious reasons until they got married. Its much easier to not do it if you've never done it.

    As for Cena this is the WWE's own fault. One of the few Russo things still around is the "shades of gray" characters. They have tried to move away from it some what trying to get the little kids back into it but I don't think they'll ever be the same clear distinction between heel and face with the internet and smart fans. As someone said in another post. Adults smarks don't want to root for the same guy the little kids are cheering for.

    But also, and I think the Tebow comparison is perfect, anyone that gets too much attention is going to be disliked by a portion of the audience just because of the attention they receive.

  29.  lol, yeah, you can have him as your starter.  Good luck with that 45% completion percentage.

    I tell ya, Elway is so freaking relieved.  He so didn't want Tebow as his starter and lucky for him, he landed the only guy that would give him no backlash from the fans.

  30. to answer that question: yes, I think it's almost impossible to have a character that most of the little kids, teens, and men and women over thirty like.

  31. Faith Hilling.

  32. WTF are you talking about?!? Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Batista, Orton, Punk, Sheamus (it's early but so far it looks good) are all guys that made it work. Are you seriously rewriting history so that John Cena's reactions are considered typical?

  33. Yeah Elway is definitely relieved. It's kind of funny how he was all gung ho about wanting to work with Tebow in the off season but as soon as Manning was interested, all that talk about Tebow went right out the window. Oh well.

  34. Yeah I was just quoting from that "music video" that played on ESPN all throughout the season, but you probably knew that. I didn't think the Broncos would beat the Patriots, but then again I didn't think the Broncos would beat the Steelers either.

  35. Human Centipeding. (That's a bunch of people crouched down with their heads between each others legs in a row). It's handy though, you can just kick one in the ass and they all fall on their faces.

  36. In fact, any decent QB that could and did win a play-off game would automatically be the starter for the next season.  Elway was quoted as saying that Tebow "would go in as the starter in training camp."  Wow, thanks John, training camp.  That's how bad Tebow is as a QB, I mean, the Broncos were basically running the wishbone and limiting his passing to the minimum. 

  37. I'd add Austin there as well.  The attitude era fans were every bit as cynical as today and Austin in '98 would blow the roof off of any building.

  38. His feud with Brock in 2003 was part of what ended up really getting his white rapper gimmick over.   How fitting would it be if somehow a 2012 feud with the same guy somehow tweaked his character in the right direction again.


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