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Future Hall of Famers

Hey Scott,

I've been loving all the email answers lately so I thought I'd throw one out about future Hall of Fame inductees that I would like to see.  These are just personal choices but tell me what you think and talk about the likelihood of their inclusion.  I included possible inductors just for fun.

Randy Savage (besides Sammartino the most deserving non-Hall of Famer) inducted by Steamboat, DDP, or possibly Lawler?

Never gonna happen.  If it was going to go down, it would have been this year.

Midnight Express (a stretch because of politics with Cornette, but a man can dream!) inducted by JR or RnR Express?

Never say never I suppose, but they don’t have much behind them as far as political support.  Still, they’re on 24/7 and Vintage Collection a lot, so it’s not like they’re getting erased from history or anything, so if the Horsemen can go in, so could they. 

Rock n Roll Express inducted by Midnights or Shawn Michaels (wasn't he a big fan?)?

See Midnight Express. 

Rick Rude inducted by Steamboat, Austin, or Piper?

I’m actually surprised that he hasn’t already.  He was on good terms with WWE when he died and was actually going to make a comeback there, and he had a lot of powerful friends like Bret Hart.  Probably too late now, but he could easily go in. 

Big Boss Man inducted by ??? (no ideas here)

Ditto.  Seems like he would be a natural to be inducted.  And I’d say either Slick or One Man Gang inducting him. 

Magnum T.A. inducted by Dusty Rhodes, Arn, Tully?

Nah, he wasn’t around long enough to mean anything to current fans. 

Nikita Koloff inducted by Magnum TA, Dusty, or Ivan maybe?


Mr. T to the celebrity wing inducted by Piper?

Awesome idea.  Another one where I’m shocked they haven’t thought of it already.  You’d think they’d also throw Chuck Norris in there, too. 

Kevin Sullivan inducted by Dusty or Rotunda?

Uh, no, Sullivan does not have the right people behind him and in fact was pretty hated by a lot of other people. 


  1. I thought Mr. T didn't want to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame because Pete Rose was inducted before he was?

  2. This is the thing about the HoF: people want it to be comprehensive, but it's less interesting when everyone that's ever meant anything to wrestling goes in. Eventually, if they keep doing it or if they ever get a real building, all these guys will probably be in. At that point we'll be debating over whether Bart Gunn deserves induction over Evad Sullivan, and the whole thing will seem ridiculous.

  3. Hey now...Evad Sullivan had tons of potential! Like The Cosby Mysteries!

  4. Not to go off subject, but the WWE listened to the crowd that was going rabid for Daniel Bryan and gave them what they want.

    Oh wait, no they didn't.

  5. This is what I've always heard too.  They were CLEARLY trying to induct the entire WM1 main event in 2005 on the 20th anniversary of it, when they inducted Hogan, Piper, Orndorff, and Bob Orton Jr. all at once.  Snuka had previously been inducted, so that just leaves Mr. T as the Celebrity inductee and then it would be nice and symbolic.  But T didn't want it because Rose going in before him offended him.  Whatever T.

  6. Why hasn't Cyndi Lauper gone in yet? This is the most obvious one for me, and really, Vince should be kissing her ass 24/7 thanks to all the exposure she gave them, plus the incredibly hot angel she had with Albano/Piper. If any celebrity deserves a spot, it's her.

  7. My picks:
    1. Rick Martel
    2. Bruiser Brody 
    3. Vader
    5. Goldust
    6.Paul Heyman
    7. Jerry Jarrett (just to fuck with Jeff. Why they haven't done this one yet boggles my mind)
    8. Cyndi Lauper
    9. The Bushwhackers
    10. The Honky Tonk Man

  8.  Instead, we got an awesome Daniel Bryan promo tonight and the next logical step in the AJ vs. Bryan feud instead of haphazardly turning him face. I feel so cheated!

  9. Piper would never, ever induct Mr. T. He'd probably knock his lights out first. Lot of bad blood there.

  10. Magnum and Nikita won't go in... but Koko did?  I think that proves that ANYBODY can go in.

  11. Bunch of us over at Stablewars were trying to predict next year's HOF inductees once the news about it being at the Meadowlands broke up. Some of the names bandied about included:

    - Mick Foley (all agreed will be obvious headliner, with Rock inducting)
    - DDP
    - King Kong Bundy
    - Bam Bam Bigelow (RIP)
    - Lawrence Taylor (legal issues might be a problem in PG-land, though)
    - Tommy Dreamer
    - Brooklyn Brawler

    We couldn't come up with a tag team, but now that Ric Flair's Horsemen induction while signed to TNA set the precedent, maybe the Dudleys go in?

  12. Koko had longevity and a job in WWE going for him, something neither Magnum or Nikita had.

  13. With WM 29 being in NY/NJ next year, Paul Heyman gotta be as close as a lock as he will ever be. 

  14.  Lawrence Taylor's NOT going in while sitting in jail on child sex charges.

  15.  It's still real to Mr. T, DAMMIT!

  16. That was funny :)

  17. He's not in jail. He took a plea and got six years probation, plus registration as a sex offender (though at the lowest-risk level). So it's a problem, but it's not an instant killer like you imply.

  18. You don't think he has a chance? They have worked together recently, and I'm sure he was involved with the Brock negotiations. 

  19. My class prediction:

    Headliner: Mick Foley inducted by Terry Funk
    Kevin Nash inducted by HBK
    Paul Heyman inducted by CM Punk
    New Age Outlaws inducted by HHH
    Dean Malenko inducted by Chris Jericho
    Cyndi Lauper as the celebrity inductee

  20. All good picks, though I thought Foley was in already. Scott Hall and Curt Hennig should get in too, at least at some point. You mentioning Tommy Dreamer made me remember an idea I had a couple years ago of inducting a whole "Class of ECW". Dreamer, Sandman, Raven, Sabu, Heyman, Joey Styles, maybe RVD and Terry Funk (if Funk isn't in already). I think Rude and Bigelow go in next year, especially Bigelow with WM being in Jersey next year. 

    I'd love to see Owen's induction ceremony, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

  21. It would be awesome to see WWE induct the nWo next year, and see Virgil, Scott Norton, Nick Patrick, and fake Sting as the representatives because they have heat with all the legit guys.

  22. Some interesting predictions, a lot of which I could see panning out. There's NO WAY Rock isn't inducting Mick, though. I know Mick & Terry have the longer history, but as far as WWE is concerned, Rock & Sock are synonymous with each other.

  23.  Yeah, Mr. T has said numerous times that he's been asked and turned it down.

  24. Most of the time they let them pick their presenters if it's within reason, and Funk is within reason. Plus I think Foley would insist on it, even going so far as not doing it if Funk doesn't induct him.

  25. Funk got in the Hall in 2009 with his brother.

    A Class of ECW is an excellent idea, but for obvious reasons needs to be saved for a WM in Philadelphia. Plus, given the level of success RVD had in WWE, it's more likely IMO that he would go in whenever WM goes back to Detroit sometime down the road.

  26. I hadn't thought of that, but I'd love to see it.

    Only question is if we would get "respectful, overwhelmed with emotion" Heyman, or, well, the other one. Honestly, I'm inclined to believe that Heyman is over his "rebellious" years, he's no longer in competition, but you just never know... they'd better have someone hovering over the bleep button if that should happen.

    And, of course, Joey Styles would have to induct him. (Or Stephanie McMahon, was a total "fuck you".)

  27. I very much doubt Mick would insist on Funk, because Mick & Rock are very close as well and Mick would have to know the E would definitely prefer Rock.

  28. Hennig's already in.

  29. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I never noticed that about the 2005 names - I always thought it was short-sighted to induct Piper and Hogan in the same year, as Piper could have easily been a headliner on his own, but that explanation makes a lot of sense.

    Now that you mention it, though, it seems weird that it was never hyped on TV that way; no mention of the WM1 main-event or the twentieth anniversary of it.

  30. Funk is a lot closer to Mick, almost to the point of like a father. Plus there was legit heat between Rock and Mick at one point. 

  31. I'd just like to take this opportunity to say fuck Joey Styles. Such a mark for himself. 

  32.  And the New'll be around forever!

  33. As one myself I didn't want to lump him in with those guys but I couldn't think of any other insignificant nWo guys.

  34. Lauper and her then-husband/manager both believe that she hung around wrestling too long, and it harmed her music career.

  35. Heat which they got over a long time ago. Foley details how they talked it out in his second book. They've been fine for a while.

  36. I know, was using it to point out how Funk is much more important to Foley than Rock is.

  37. I think New York is close enough to Philly. After all, they had the One Night Stand PPVs there.

  38. Really? Cool. Sub Kevin Nash in for him then, it would only be right to induct him and Hall together. 

  39. I feel like I should know this already, but why does Piper hate Mr. T?

  40. Mr. T was generally an egomaniac, and I can't imagine Piper was much better. They rubbed each other the wrong way, BIG TIME.

  41. Man, I know that there has to be some heat somewhere, but how they haven't inducted The Honky Tonk Man by now is completely beyond me. As Scott has said, very few wrestlers did their job (no pun intended) as well as the greatest Intercontinental champ of all time. And he's not exactly a headliner for the Hall, but they still inducted Koko before him.

    And for the record, one of the favorite games in my little group of wrestling fans whenever the Hall comes up is (Wrestler)? I can't believe they inducted Koko before him!

  42. Whatever you're on that you think Lawrence "REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER" Taylor is ever going into the WWE HoF, I want a half-kilo of it.

    You know....for a friend.

  43. Here's a left field idea: Now that the Horsemen have set the "yes, we'll induct a stable" precedent, how about DX? Shawn and Hunter are locks, Road Dogg's already on the payroll, so he'll show, figure Billy Gunn can drop an indy appearance (or call in sick to whatever Arby's he's working the night shift at), Chyna can stop blowing guys on camera for one night...........Waltman........OK, Waltman's a question mark.

    Who inducts them, though.....Tyson? Maybe that scrawny guy from the "DX as the Nation" skit from way back when........

  44. I love that in Piper's DVD he made no attempt to be diplomatic about it at all. He just straight up said "I hate that guy." Some of the insults he used on T back in the day were pretty harsh. "This is the only guy that wears more chains than his ancestors."

  45. I'd imagine they wouldn't let Chyna show up. I think Waltman's a safer bet than her, he does a lot of indie shows with Gunn & Road Dogg and he is supposedly on decent terms with WWE. Chyna would just cause trouble.

  46. Waltman is actually currently employed by WWE - he works as a talent-scout or trainer or something.

    Come to think of it, has Shawn EVER had any on-screen interaction with Dogg or Gunn? We all know the history of The Clique, and Waltman was there for Shawn's induction into the HOF, but I'm really curious as to where he stands with Dogg and Gunn. Are they close friends like The Clique, or just acquaintances through mutual friends?

    It'd be really cool to see the "old" DX and the "new" DX together for the first time. We could even get a nice little comedic exchange over which was better.

  47. Styles may be a mark for himself (as are pretty much all of the "ECW" guys), but he was talented as hell.

    As for Heyman, it's all for show, no doubt, but you never know if he'd want to "put on a show" one more time.

  48. If Heyman WERE to return soon, I'd love to have him do commentary again. I could deal with Cole on one show or the other, but both shows is just too much. Have Heyman take the call on "Smackdown", Cole doesn't even bother staying in character there (often joking and smiling with Booker and Mathews).

  49. Come to think of it, they could be trying for Savage/Liz - Bryan rides high for a bit, maybe captures the title again, and then loses the belt in a crushing blow, only for AJ to be waiting there to pick him back up.

  50. I don't see it. Honestly I think Eric Bischoff would get in first and that shit definitely isn't happening. 

  51. Basically Piper didn't like Mr. T because he didn't act like one of the boys....which made sense because he wasn't one of the boys and the only wrestler he hung out with was Hogan, who certainly wasn't going to teach him to act like one of the boys.

    Mr. T arrived to the arena in a limo and had some bodyguards with him because that's how he rolled and he didn't know any differently. Honestly when Piper explains it, it seems more tacky than anything. Mr. T's involvement made him a lot of fucking money and I'm sure he liked that paycheck. 

  52. Horace
    Bryan Adams (Crush)
    Buff Bagwell
    Hennig (because Goldberg ducked him, you know...)
    Harris Twins

    Inducting the entire nWo, like every member ever, would be hilarious.

  53. Rude, Hennig, Konnan, Bagwell, and even Adams were pretty good nWo members. I wouldn't lump them in with the likes of Vincent and Horace.

  54.  How can I forget.

    Stevie Ray.

    And Giant.

    Most of those guys were nWo B team, even if they shouldn't have been.


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