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JR v. The Rock Haters

Oh yeah, wanted to forward this to you: 
Yeah, we just had Wrestlemania and we've talked about this topic ad nauseum; however, JR hits the nail on the head w/ this and some people in the IWC are gonna disagree. BUT, JR is an overwhelming voice of reason. Its still true, Haters gon' hate...
And then there's this -

See, JR wins the internet.  Roddy Piper also makes an awesome point, that people should be PROUD that WWE produced a homegrown star internally and then can bring him back instead of another Jersey Shore jerkoff or a fucking Kardashian or someone else who would be legitimately bumping a wrestler off the show.  


  1. Everything JR said x 1,000.

  2. Preach on JR! You too Piper!

    I really think the majority of the venom directed towards Rock by the IWC is cause of one guy: Punk. People resent Rock coming back cause they think WM28 should have been Punk's moment. Savage had 4. Warrior had 6. Bret had 10. Hogan had all the ones in between. Austin had 14... you get the idea. They think WM28 should have been Cena/Punk III with Punk closing the show celebrating with the title. Well I got news for you Punk marks (of which I am one): you may have gotten Punk/Cena III (even though Punk won the first 2 and even if Cena protested the 2nd one due to the foot on the ropes it still wouldn't be a rubber match but whatever), but a) Cena would have gotten his win back b) HHH/Taker would have closed the show and c) we just had a fan-fucking-tastic WM feat. THE ROCK and Punk got to have a moment as well. It wasn't *the* moment, but I really don't see them ever getting behind Punk to the point they'd let him close WM with a victory.

  3. I would love if they just let him close a Wrestlemania period. If they can let Randy Orton close one, surely they can let Punk close one?

  4.  I don't think we're that far from that moment, actually; with Taker and Hunter on their last legs, if not outright retired, there's not many people left - Brock, Austin, Rock again? - the company can keep dragging back for that kind of spot. In a way, Punk's match with Jericho prepared him for that kind of spot, in much the same way Savage's match vs. Steamboat paved the way for his title win the following year.

  5. Anyone privileged enough to have Classics On Demand will tell you... "The Celebrity Effect" was an AWESOME 80 minutes of television.. The best L.O.W. that they've done so far.. It was the Richards/Elgin of "Legends Of Wrestling".. To the point where they went all circle-jerk in the outro and put over how classic the show was..

    Almost as awesome was the fact that the TNT episode from the week before Mania '85 was also available through the channel at the time, and served as the perfect chaser, to really enforce what they were talking about as far as the Cyndi Lauper's, Mr. T's, Billy Martin's, and Liberace's went..

    It made for a mighty fine 2 hour DVD-R..

  6. Do I agree with Jim Ross and crew?


  7. I'm a huge Punk mark and I have no problem with the Rock. I think Punk's problem wasn't so much with Rock coming in, but the idea that Rock was the only thing on the show. Like he said in an interview, it's a team effort and The Rock is a part of the team. I have no doubt the Rock was responsible for most of the buyrate and he was the best part of the show for me this year, but he wasn't the only part of the show. 

    I was perfectly fine with Punk position on the card, the fact that he retained, and I think he'll have many more WrestleMania moments for years to come. And I think all the extra eyeballs brought by the Rock to last week's show will definitely help that. 

  8. This is what these fools in the locker room whining about The Rock do not understand and most likely, never will. Wrestling is an athletic business the same as any of the other pro sports. The common thread is that athletes that show desire and heart get to the top, while the complainers and passives ride the bench. That's how it is in the sports world. There are no rewards simply for showing up everyday or taking a beating in silence.

    I'm not sure how much of Cena's argument about Rock's schedule was real, but it took on a life of its own behind the scenes and convinced some very ignorant people to go blindly down a road without any understanding of where they were.

  9. The funny thing is that if Rock hadn't of fought Cena, the match we would have gotten would almost certainly have been Cena/Undertaker, which would have closed the show instead of a Punk victory. Agree with everything else you said as well. Punk wasn't destined to have a WM moment at 28. Perhaps at 29, if they do Punk/Austin and Punk goes over.

  10. Delete Randy Orton, insert "The Miz" and your point remains.

    If Punk can stay this hot, and I see no reason, why he can't, he'll get his chance. I thought he got good treatment for Wrestlemania this year, an overhead shot and pyro during his entrance. That's not bad. Living Colour has reunited, maybe they can play him out next year. 

  11.  To throw it back to another thread, this is why if there ever WILL be someone to end the streak (and there doesn't have to be, just IF there have has to be), it should be Punk, because he could channel those frustrations into great promos that would really sell the match.  I love the idea of Punk not getting his Wrestlemania moment, being pissed about it and flipping out and saying "f#*! it, I'm having my moment, I'm calling out Taker until he accepts and once I beat him, that will be a moment NO ONE can deny."

    Heck, even if you did that storyline and Punk ended up just becoming #21, it'd still be a great angle.

  12. "Jerkoff" is being pretty nice about it. Don't be surprised if that whole gang of fucking wankers shows up at WM 29, assuming that waste of oxygen they call a TV show is still on. I'm going to go find my Dead Kennedy's CD and listen to "MTV get off the air" now.

  13. I don't have any issue with guys like Rock coming back for a Wrestlemania appearance. What i do have a problem with, however, is the way guys like Dolph Ziggler, who has been crucial to the WWE this past year, didn't even have a feud for the biggest event of the year. A sprinkling of part-timers and former superstars coming back to generate interest and boost buyrates is fine. But to have most of your main event matches dominated by guys who will be nowhere to be seen for most of the year devalues the product and makes the modern day roster look useless.

    If this booking policy had existed in the late 1990s, the likes of Austin, Rock, HHH and Foley would have been stuck in meaningless 12-man tag matches at WM to accommodate people like Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Ultimate Warrior and Yokozuna in the main event!

  14. Um, plenty of whiners and bitchers have gotten really, really far in like every sport imaginable. Desire and heart is fine. That and a sack of nickels will get you, well, a sack of nickels. Talent wins.

  15. I loved that episode of LOW, but the verbal blowjob DDP kept giving Karl Malone was nauseating.  It was also the first episode in a long time where I didn't want to throw Michael Hayes through a wall.

  16. I've only watched the 1st half of the ep, so if the clip is from that, I don't recall it.  Was this anywhere in the 2nd half?


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