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More Brock stuff

Hi Scott, hope you are well.
Saw this, and thought you might have a reaction (wind up Scott, watch him go!;)
A prominent MMA columnist says that he's glad Brock Lesnar is out of MMA and back in WWE. The Toronto Sun's Jose Rodriguez posted the following article, calling Brock "loud-mouthed" and saying he cheapened the sport:
Now, not questioning Lesnar's athleticism for a second, but it's a little like the righting of the Earth's axis to see him back where he belongs. I, for one, can't think of a better home for the loud-mouthed, brash and often times ignorant Lesnar. He did little to build the credibility of the sport and, if anything, cheapened it.
There is something seriously wrong when The Undertaker is one of the featured stars in the stands during a UFC pay-per-view. Just doesn't seem right. Brock, I will NOT miss you though I wish you nothing but success in your return to an acting career.
Obviously now that Brock's gone the sport can return to the untarnished state it was in before, with role models like Nick Diaz and Alistair Overeem to keep the class level up.  Brock might have been a loud-mouth, but he could back it up in the ring and never failed a single drug test.  Haters gonna hate.


  1. Now that Brock is out of the UFC, they can go back to their sub 1 million PPV buys. 

  2. Yes, how dare Brock cheapen the sport by bringing in new fans and multiple 6 figure PPV buys! A pox on thee!

  3. How dare a guy that does something else for a living enjoy coming to our shows!

  4. That entire article, reads like something you'd see on the Sherdog forumz.

  5. All is right with the world, because a guy left one worked sport for another.

  6. UFC is a far less interesting place now that Brock has left, now he is back HOME in the WWE.. things just got a lot more interesting for wrestling. Way to smarmy MMA fans out there, no matter what they will never give the credit that Lesnar deserves for taking UFC into the mainstream. Without Lesnar I'm not convinced they would ever of got to that level. 

  7.  No shit, I was just thinking that.  Is there a term of douchey MMA smarks?  Whatever it is, the vast majority reside at Sherdog.

  8. Over at sites like 411 where they do Wrestling and MMA coverage I've been seeing a lot of MMA fans completely disregard Brock's accomplishments. One guy said that he "barely beat Frank Mir at UFC 100" and Couture was far past his prime. 
    All I know is there would be no current heavyweight division without Brock and Dana White and the UFC fans (I'm one of them) should thank their luck stars that he ever walked into an octagon. 

  9. Actually Brock is just lucky he managed to get through his tenure in UFC with no major scandal. Between the homophobia incident* that hung over his head when he tried out for the NFL never coming out in a major way and the fact that his health crisis in the end turned out to be a legit (lots of rumors of the Jason Giambi kind followed him around during his illness) and he got out relatively healthy and wealthy and with his reputation in good order.   

    *A reporter covering Brock's attempt to get into pro football followed him around for a couple of days and during her time with him, revealed to him that he had a rather large gay following from his days in the WWE. Brock had a huge shit fit at hearing this and demanded that she make a point in her final article to quote verbatum that Brock hated homosexuality and was a proud homophobe.    

  10. Ugh, I'm a big wrestling AND MMA fan, and guys like this are the worst. It's funny, I actually agree with him in that I wished fighters acted more like pro athletes in the Big 4, where trash talk isn't manufactured, and more guys are like GSP. But to act like this (Brock's) type of behavior is uncommon in MMA, and beneath the sport? Diaz, Overeem, BJ Penn, Torres, Koscheck, Rampage, Sonnen, Bisping, I could could go on and on. I don't think there's a more insecure fanbase out there than MMA-only fans/media. They have a superiority complex towards wrestling (despite taking MANY elements from it), and an inferiority complex towards the Big 4.

  11. Brock is like the anti-Cena for me. I'm a huge mark for the guy, but the more I hear about his personal life and personality, the less I like him.

  12. I always perceived that about him.  He's always a heel to me.

  13. I don't agree with his views, but I think it's also unfair to think that he has to feel a certain way just because it's the PC thing to do.

  14. I hate that certain UFC fans constantly feel the need to attack wrestling when their sport gained so many viewers when Brock (a wrestler) started fighting. I wonder how many UFC fans grew up wrestling fans but refuse to admit it. I watched UFC as a kid in the Shamrock/Tank Abbott/Gracie days and later during the early days of Ultimate Fighter, but UFC has never held my attention like wrestling. Also, I really hate the idea of paying for a UFC ppv and knowing that a portion of that money will go to Dana White who sounds like a teenage douchebag every time he talks.

  15. I love that this guy basically ignores his NCAA background to put a spotlight on his professional wrestling. The guy was a legit ass kicker long before he signed with Vince.

    Just look at the fucking guy, he's corn fed danger. 

  16. That's what made his UFC run so fucking epic, for the first time ever UFC had a real life heel to play off their goody-goody "I learned to fight to get my moms out of the neighborhood" guys.

    When he refused to touch gloves with Mir the second fight? FUCKING EPIC HEEL. 

  17. Absolutely, people can dislike him as a fighter all they want (just opinion) but to try to deny his impact on the fighting business is ridiculous.

    Frankly I'm shocked Dana ever let him go, I though for sure he'd keep him as a real life heel TV announcer like he was at the first Fox show. 

  18. Oh yeah, Brock is a hateful piece of shit redneck. Part of the fun of him being in UFC was that you hoped someone absolutely wrecked him because of who he was. 

    That's part of why I said Brock's the perfect bully. I know people desperately want him to be dirty, but the guy is a physical freak bordering on a mutant (in the same sense that Michael Phelps is). Brock is a big guy who puts on muscle easily and is quick as hell with giant fists and a hard head. I want to see him bulldoze people and eventually have someone beat his ass as comeuppance. 

  19. Lesnar is allowed to express whatever ignorant, backwards views he has. Just like I'm allowed to call him an ignorant, rock-brained, jag off. 

    Not to get into a political rant here, but I think everyone should be tolerant, not accepting. If homosexuality makes Brock uncomfortable, that's his problem. I only ask that he tolerate it and not make a scene. If he thinks it's wrong, he doesn't have to accept it. 

  20. To Brocks credit he never destroyed a cardboard door on an episode of the Ultimate Fighter.

  21. I would love to see this guy interview The Undertaker. You know...if Taker ever broke kayfabe, Instead I guess I would settle for Jose taking a chokeslam and a tombstone, lol.

  22. But that's the thing. Brock pulled a John Rocker and went on a tirade AND demanded that the writer (who mentioned it as an aside) put said tirade into her article.

    Had he said "I'm flattered, kind of freaked out that guys like me for my looks, but flattered" or deflected the comment by changing the subject, it wouldn't be a big deal. But he went out of his way to be homophobic and to have the writer tell the world that he's homophobic and proud of it. He made a huge scene and is just damn lucky that it didn't come back and explode in his and Dana White's face when he went into the UFC and became the face of the company.    

  23. 1) actually what happened was that a woman went up to Lesnar an said he friend thought Lesnar was cute. Lesnar responded like the dumbass redneck he is.
    2) again, he's entitled to his views. They're ignorant and laughably awful, but they're his.
    3) how would it have hurt UFC?

  24. Personally, I think Brock is kinda a complainer. I enjoyed his book, but was a little annoyed at him bitching so much about a company that made him a world famous multi-millionaire a couple years out of college.

    I don't give a shit about UFC, but I watched every one of Brock's fight (as did alot of other people who apparently don't normally watch UFC). Character flaws aside, the guy is a legit bad ass, and was a seriously dangerous fighter for a time.

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