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More TNA Stupidity?

Hey Scott, everyone is obviously focused on WrestleMania, but there is another
sports entertainment promotion too. Here's a link to their May PPV:
I'm not sure whether this is just TNA being clueless, or if someone figures
this is a good idea to get people talking...

Well, you e-mailed me about it, so mission accomplished so far.

That being said, am I not seeing something here that I should be?  It’s a dude with a TNA tattoo on his back, what’s so clueless about that?  Unless it’s supposed to be Jesse Sorenson or something, but it’s not like anyone would really know him just by looking at a poster. 


  1. The only thing I caught was that they spelled "Losing" wrong.

  2. People misspell "Losing" all the time.

  3. I guess it's supposed to be Batista (?). But dear God, does anything sum up TNA like misspelling a word in their PPV description? 

  4. Wouldn't it technically be In-Demand's fault for the misspelling? 

  5. If the emailer's problem with the ad was that it asked us to buy the PPV, he might be on to something here. They really should know the answer to that question by now.....

  6. If you want some real clueless news, check this one out i found on tnainsider

  7. Yes, it would.

    For the record, I think TNA is incompetent and everything, but aren't we really picking nits here?

  8. Ha!

    Yes, actually there should be a blog for In-Demand screw-ups for wrestling events, they are fairly infamous for this kind of thing.  The biggest one I can remember was putting Owen Hart's name as a featured performer on a WWF event after he had died.

  9. Well, there is the implication that their workers are willing to get themselves killed.  But HHH tried to murder Taker at Mania, so I don't get it...

  10. The only thing I can really see is the way the text makes it sound like watching this PPV will be a huge sacrifice for you.

    "The Stars of TNA are willing to make the ultimate Sacrifice, are you?"

    This makes it sound like I have to give up an arm to watch bad wrestling.

  11. For me TNA has engendered the worst quality a wrestling company can: apathy. I don't speak for anyone but myself but I stopped watching after the James Storm-Robert Roode stupidity and stopped paying attention to even reading Michael Bradley's recaps around Christmas (Michael, you do a good job of recapping and a yeoman's task recapping TNA but the program just lost me).

    With the WWE it may not always be good, but I can bitch about the bad stuff. And I still get shows like MITB 2011 and last Monday's Raw. I get mad at WWE because they can deliver and entertain. But TNA? I just don't care. I think I might be interested if Brock went there, but even DBD or CM Punk wouldn't interest me bc I think TNA would fuck it up. Much of what bothers me about WWE is present in TNA. And while I have bitched about the Rock and fretted over Brock burying guys I'm a mark for at least the guys I'm a mark for will be pushed again eventually.

  12. this sums up exactly the way I feel about TNA as well. I just don't care anymore.

  13. Seriously, what are we supposed to be mocking TNA for? I really wanna jump in here and pile on, but I need to know what's wrong with the ad. It can't be the misspelling, that's not on them. Who's the guy that emailed Scott about this? We need clarification!!!

    I actually don't even enjoy hating on TNA, it's no fun. I'm with Shough, all I feel is apathy towards this company. Even when the whole Jeff Hardy/Sting thing went down last year I couldn't muster up any shit to give and stayed out of it. But a throwaway line in a promo by Cena about Rock having notes on his arm? I must've pumped a good 20 comments in that thread! Hell, a TNA Original could DIE in a tragic Owen-style accident and I'd probably spend more time in the thread debating the pros and cons of Curt Hawkins' cane.

  14. It says "LOOSING is not an option"

  15. I think that TNA is doing a bit better lately.  Bobby Roode as world champion is great, Austin Aries seems to be taking off, and the inevitable Joe/Magnus vs. MCMG feud should be a good one.  There's still too much garbage that gets TV time though, like the Garrett Bischoff nonsense, Eric Young, Mexican America, etc.  Anybody know where the Pope has been?

  16. I'll probably start checking out the recaps then.

  17.  Batista was the 1st thing that came to my mind, too

  18. I'd love for their to be a viable alternative to compete with WWE. But now that ROH has a weekly tv show, Ryan and Colin doing such good recaps of ROH, and WWE pushing guys I want to watch on a weekly basis as well as putting on good tv why watch TNA?

    I loved this past Monday's Raw was pretty damn near perfect (minus Rock's pander-fear to open the show, but I digress). And even I would have given Rock's promo a pass because I thought the rest of the show was as close to perfect as any Raw I can remember. Criticizing it would have been picking nits.

    So if I get that kind of entertainment out of Raw, why watch TNA?

  19. I was thinking the same thing, that it looked like Batista in the advertisement. 

    As for TNA apathy, I'm right there with everyone else who just doesn't give a shit about TNA. I really thought when Russo was gone, I'd give the show another look, but he's was gone for months before he was "gone" and you still have Hogan and Flair and Bischoff all over the show ruining it (I'm sorry Flair, I used to love you but your just too damn pathetic to watch now). 

    Plus, there's so much good shit to watch on Thursday BESIDES crappy TNA wrestling. 

  20. There's so much being done wrong there that I didn't realize what they actually said.  I think you're absolutely correct.

    Incidentally, everything that's wrong we've uncovered so far:

    1. A spelling error (which insinuates that TNA's wrestlers are stuck, somehow)

    2. A heavy handed insinuation that they are willing to kill themselves

    3. A further insinuation that you might be required to do the same to watch the PPV.

    Not an effective piece of promotion.

  21.  Minor question, what did you dislike about Rocks opening promo? I thought it was his best since returning (well 2nd best after the one at survivor series) and didn't have that "wank-factor" that many of his recent ones have had.

  22. I realized I just don't like the Rock as a face. I just thought it was pandering and lazy. Like the, "finally... The rock has come back... HOME" line just had me rolling my eyes (as someone on the Withleather live chat said, "they're back in Allentown?!". Rock went to college in Miami, Miami is his hometown like Philadelphia is mine) and lazy. Maybe I would have been just as disappointed by heel Rock but I just found Dwayne to have mailed in performance from start to finish (I wasn't enamored of his performance at Wrestlemania as he looked like he wasn't in great cardio shape).

    But I really don't want to dwell on that because I didn't think it was as lame as some of his other promos and I thought the rest of Raw was wonderful. In kayfabe, if that was how Johnny Skateboard is going to run Raw then great!

    I marked out a bunch of different times, loved Dolph's bump off of Broadus' headbutt, loved the Punk-Henry match (thought Henry had the intangibles down), thought Tensai had a good debut (and the fridge humor of a guy "from Japan" doing a finisher called the A-Bomb), marked the fuck out for Brock, and the crowd was just icing on the cake.

  23. WOW! Another TNA PPV in the somewhat deep south. Such big news. 

  24. As much shit I give TNA, they know how to put on live show. I probably had more fun at that one show than I have had at any WWE live show. 

  25. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyApril 7, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    I don't have much to add to this other than fuck Garrett Bischoff! It angers me the way they have booked him because rather than force the crowd to buy him as a sympathetic babyface wouldn't make more sense to book him as a cowardly rat-fuck heel that hides behind others as I would pay money to watch him have the crap kicked outta him... hell I'd pay to watch him narrowly escape having the crap kicked outta him knowing it would be a matter of time till it happens. Having the surname of Bischoff would ensure he gets heel heat from the get-go. And why are we supposed to forget that he spent months as a crooked referee and then feel sorry for him because he managed to cock that up? Seriously if TNA had any sense (which they don't) they would turn him at Lockdown and reunite him with big Daddy Eric which would allow months of storyline of faces trying to exact vengeance on the dastardly father and son duo, only having to get past their enforcers first.   


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