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Scotsman's Mick Foley Experience

Hey Scott,
Here's my trip report - feel free to share on your blog :)

Someday Wrestlemania will come to Saskatoon, and then I too will get to go, and have the last laugh!  Granted I'll probably be 92 when it happens, but I'm patient!  Until then, I'll just be over here, being jealous.


  1. Speaking of Mick he's appearing on Raw next week.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have Moxley/Ambrose show up somehow.

  2. The Love-Matic Grandpa!April 7, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    Well, I'm definitely jealous. Sounds like he had one hell of a time.

  3. Mick Foley is, indeed, a really cool guy. Even at an autograph signing where he clearly didn't want to be (that TNA house show I reviewed on here, which prompted Mick to send the "empty arena" tweet that got him canned from TNA) he asked me all about the guys from my classroom he was signing the autograph for and what kind of program it is. Very cool guy, although he owes Massena, NY another appearance so we can make it right.

    Glad to see Graeme & the Vin man had fun, even if their little board buddies are a bunch of plagiarizing cunts.

  4. I doubt it's going to happen. It's such a weird way to start a feud with them.

  5. Yeah I guess they'd have to think of some heavily contrived way to get the two to interact.  The youtube clip worked it appeared spontaneous.  However they can still introduce Ambrose in a similiar fasion if they wanted.  Maybe as a "fan" who wins a contest to meet the legends or something.  Hell, kinda like the topic of this thread!

  6. Great trip report.  I was smiling as I read it.

    Being approached by Sgt. Slaughter for a picture while wearing a G.I Joe shirt is truly one of those "once in a lifetime" moments.

  7. That was pretty darn cool.  I heard everyone was staying at the IC-Hotel, downtown, but had no idea you could have that kind of interaction.  The Roddy Piper and UT parts had me laughing, great stuff.

  8. Man, aside from how awesome that trip sounded I'm most jealous because I think I'm the only person who met Mick Foley and had him be a dick.

    I met him at a signing for his second book in New Jersey back in 2001. He also didn't seem to want to be there for that plus he was pissed no one showed up. After I spent 25 bucks or whatever it was on his book to get his stupid autograph he was a total asshole to me.

    Scotsman, did you tell Mick and the other guys about your former career as a internet wrestling writing star?

  9. I have a friend who when younger met Slaughter, and a picture was taken with him sitting on Sarge's lap.  Fast forward 15/20 years and he met Sarge again and shows Sarge the picture and asks him to sign it.  He was going to get another picture with Sarge, and Sarge suggested they switch positions for the new picture (with Sarge sitting on my friend's lap, doing the same hand gestures as the original). Now THAT is a once in a lifetime experience. :)

  10. Mick asked what secrets they were telling us, and I suavely replied: “Don’t worry Mick – I’m sending everything they tell us to Dave Meltzer.”

    Most Awkward Silence in the World.

    Yeah., that's why wrestlers are down on smarks.  Smooth move, ex lax.

  11. *Obligatory review WCW Thunder joke*

  12. That was amazing....fuck you. I want to do that.

  13. Sarge is a really nice guy in person. I met him outside of a Raw back in 2002 and he was hamming it up with all the fans. I have a photo of him putting me in the cobra clutch. He was having as much fun as all of the fans.

  14.  Great review, though it's really weird seeing Scotsman being super positive. I guess marriage really does change you.

  15. Not marriage - more just a case of really wanting to get over how amazing this is so people will enter next year.  I think Mick was a bit down on the fact that he "only" raised $60k, and he went to town on the whole thing.  I wanted to really get that message across.

  16. Glad I could make wrestlers more down on you smarks.  Any more tips please let me know.

  17. We talked a bit about the internet, but it was more about internet and social marketing as a whole, and how wrestlers can use it to their own advantage.  Then a night or two later, Ambrose cuts that promo on Foley!  Funny that.

  18. Yeah Sarge is just an awesome guy.  Was a huge markout moment for me.  My favourite part of the trip by far.

  19. Thanks, although I was part of the plagiarizers.

  20. Be sure to enter next year then :). Tix were only $2 each and it all goes to charity anyway. Plus rainn is a great charity to support as it is not as mainstream/family friendly as many charities are like make a wish.

  21. Awesome read. I really need to do Mania next year.

    The only story I have even 1/100th as awesome as yours was when I met Chris Jericho at his book signing on my 23rd birthday. I wore a hoodie that had "No time for love, Dr. Jones" printed on the front (my friend bought it for me as a birthday gift two days prior). Jericho sees the hoodie before I'm at the front of the line, started laughing his ass off, and we proceeded to talk about Indiana Jones for the next ten minutes when I sat down. Even wrote "Happy Birthday" on the inside.

  22. That was the sweetest, most delightful thing I've read in a long time, I concur with what Tom Dawkings said. Great write-up, Scotsman. Makes me want to try for tickets next year, even though I'm in the wrong country to be entering, so I'd say your message worked.

  23. Wow, it's kinda weird that I 'know' the guy that won. Had no idea that was Scotman when Mick announced it on twitter.

  24. Well then you're a fucking plagiarizing cunt.

    Maybe you plagiarized this article and just photoshopped your face over some fat guy's body.

  25. Hah, I accidentally liked this instead of replying.

    Anyway, can you honestly not see how you acted inappropriately?  In both those situations, you acted way too familiar with them, when in fact you were a guest.  Mick Foley might be the most laid back guy, and might even have given you the explicit green light to treat him like an old friend.  But the other people didn't.

    I also find it ironic you said "*you* smarks."

  26.  Planning on it.

  27. You have a really sad life and I feel sorry for you.

  28. That doesn't even make sense.

  29. Don't stand for this Ryan, challenge him to a duel.  A Smark-Off.

  30. You know, people always talk about Rock being the only guy who got out of wrestling okay, but doesn't Sarge count? The guy retired on his own terms, seems to have made a lot of money, and seems happy and well-off. That makes me happy.

  31. Because there's nothing I can add to how awesome that sounds...

    Weirdest thing to me: JR smokes. I figure that some people in the 'E smoke, I just figured Vince would be down on it.

  32.  Man, you're a cunt.

  33. Dude, do you just come here to stalk Ryan?  Sad.

  34.  Actually I come here for the free backrubs.


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