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Scott Hall: Model Citizen

Life just gets better and better for Scott Hall.  How is this guy still ALIVE?  Honestly.  When you're getting arrested for domestic battery and you're so drunk that the jail won't even book you, perhaps you have a problem.


  1. The Love-Matic Grandpa!April 10, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    I think a better question is: how screwed up do you have to be to date Scott Hall? I mean, love is blind all that, but the man is clearly a walking disaster. Did she think "I can fix him!" or something, or is she even more messed up than he is (scary thought)?

  2. Seriously if I'm WWE I would make him the lone excpetion of denying a former employee of theirs free rehab.  The phrase "fool me once" has taken on embarrasing levels in this situation.

  3. Can an addiction run so deep that there's no getting out of it no matter how much you may want to at times?  This must be Scott Hall's life and I don't wish it on my worse enemy.  And his girlfriend better wise up and get the fuck out of there.

  4. I'm sure it's possible, particularly with something like alcohol that can become so bodily addictive that quitting cold turkey can kill a person.

    It's just so fucking sad what happens to the vast majority of these people. 

  5. TheRealCitizenSnipsApril 10, 2012 at 2:05 PM

    Scott (...Hall) is in my Dead Pool. Along with Jake Roberts. And Matt Hardy.

    Right now I am gonna need Dixie Carter to book a truly spectacular TNA show if I have any hope of catching that bastard who guessed Whitney Houston, Etta James AND Gary Carter. 

  6. The problem is that when he drops dead and it comes out that WWE denied him treatment, they don't look too great.

  7. There's one proven course of treatment for Scott Hall:

    Give him one night (or possibly more) in Chyna. It sure as hell straightened out Waltman for the better it seems.

  8. And he'll probably STILL show up in TNA later this year!

  9. Honestly, the Hall jokes have ceased being funny to me now. It's just sad more than anything. So much talent flushed away, and so many enablers surrounding him.

  10. A night with Chyna or in Chyna?  I mean, I guess they're the same thing :-)

  11. It's gotten to the point where this isn't even news anymore.

  12. Did Scott Hall really have to choke a bitch?

  13. What a shame, after I saw that E60 piece on him, I really had hope that he would get it together. Waltman said it perfectly about how he's been preparing for Hall's death for awhile, and I agree and I know I'm not the only one.

  14.  And yet people bitch and moan when guys leave the business with their brains intact.

  15. Andre the Giant used to drink barrels of beer and he'd be OK. Some folks just cant handle their ungodly amounts of liquor.

  16. I would imagine that she's in just as rough, or rougher shape than Hall is.

    Most of the crackheads that I've ever known have had girlfriends.  Turns out that chicks who smoke crack are really into guys that have reliable crack hookups.

  17. You seriously have Matt Hardy in your Dead Pool? Don't you know that "MATT HARDY WILL NOT DIE!"?

    Side rant: That catchphrase of him is dumb.

  18. Yknow there is such a serious double standard in our judicial system that, if Hall were selling half the drugs he's taken over the years and gotten caught, he'd end up spending the rest of his life locked up in prison, whereas all the offenses he piles up as an addict and chronic user are the kind of things where it's nothing more than short stays and slaps on the wrist. Hall needs a court appointed detox & rehab where the security level is closer to that of a prison, and he needs to be there for a long while, because he's just delaying the inevitable at this point. For his own sake and for the sake of the people around him, not to mention any random motorists if he decides to drive, he needs to be off the streets and being forced to get clean. The way he's going, he'll be lucky if before he dies he doesn't kill somebody (else).

  19.  Hall was an alcoholic well before he was involved with pro-wrestling anyway.

  20. Yeah, he officially replaces Keith Richards as the "How is he still alive?!" poster boy.

  21.  Not as long as Triple H is married to Stephanie.

  22. Well I'll give Scott Hall credit, he didn't fall out of a coconut tree. 


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