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Shane Douglas "threatens" Vince and Dixie.

How pathetic and delusional does Shane look here?
Does he really think his one-time reunion of has-been (and in some cases, never-were) losers is going to pose any kind of threat to WWE or TNA? He sounds like he really does believe his own hype. All that was missing was a petty shot at Ric Flair. 

No, his master plan is clearly to show up at RAW with a mask and cause a scene.

Oh, wait, he already tried that.

I love how the tiny flyer is posted like 10 feet in the air, so no normal human being could even see it walking down the street.   Vince is shaking in his boots now!  You can't compete with that kind of advertising power!


  1. I wonder how many wrestling fans under the age of 25 even know who the heck Shane Douglas is.

  2. I'm going to hate myself for asking this...but why exactly does Shane Douglas hate Ric Flair so much?

    1. cuz he claims flair held him back during his wcw run while he was booker... then he claimed he was working the smarks and really wanted to work a program with him.

  3. He didn't even cause a scene at Raw cause no one there knew who he was.

  4. exodus316 exodus316April 9, 2012 at 11:44 AM

    What is the story behind his masked appearance at Raw?  

  5. The Love-Matic Grandpa!April 9, 2012 at 11:44 AM

    This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. 

    Then again, Shane as the star of his own HBO mockumentary sitcom (ala "Life's Too Short" or  "Curb") could be money. Especially if he wasn't in on the joke.

  6. Oh, plenty of them, given how WWE caters to younger audiences these days.

    Unfortunately for Shane, it's as a goofy-looking asshat skateboarding with John Laurinatis.

  7. Maybe 1% of how many who DO know who Paul Roma is.

  8. Pretty much Shane thought Flair had been ducking him in WCW back in the early 90s because Ric was "scared" of Douglas or some such nonsense.  That's the highly condescend version though.

  9. Tremendous response posted on Youtube:

    "vince and dixie youve been served ? is that a reference to your burger king job ?"

  10. I like the one on Wrestlezone:

    "Vince and Dixie just got served... an order of breadsticks at Olive Garden".

  11. Seeing this Shane Douglas post reminds me of something. I was recently watching some old and classic ECW matches on YouTube and my god...they suck so bad!

    I mean, back in the day, ECW was great since it was an exciting alternative to the crap the big two were coming out with but man, the matches do NOT age well at all.

  12. Christopher HirschApril 9, 2012 at 12:08 PM

    He's probably acting like this so he get's attention... and its working.

  13. I think it has more to do with Flair was the booker in 1989 and thought that he should have been pushing the young talent like Shane Douglas instead of the older guys. Granted history has kind of proven Douglas was only able to get over in ECW, and now he's a pathetic guy trying to hang on to that glory. 

    He should have stayed in teaching. 

  14. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to be a wrestling fan, not because some of the fans are booger eating degenerates, but because some of the wrestlers (i.e. Shane Douglas) are bogger eating degenerates.

  15. And I bet it eats him up now that his former tag team partner is now recognized world wide and he's only recognized as the guy greeting people at Target in South Philly.

  16. I don't know what you guys are talking about, I thought Shane was right on Target in that video.

  17. he is a moron.

    that's pretty much it.

  18. OK, that's two Target references that have been made. 

    Does Shane Douglas actually work at a Target?

  19. I'm not sure if he still does, but he did at one point.

  20. ECW matches most definitely do not age well.  RVD/Bigelow is one of the few that I can watch repeatedly.  I made the mistake of watching their first PPV again a while back, and that may be one of the worst shows I've ever seen.  The Dudleyz-Eliminators match was nothing but an exhibition of the Eliminators' big moves, Lance Storm's chairshots are the worst in history, Taz-Sabu was an enormous letdown, and the 3-way to determine Raven's opponent was embarrassing.  They should have just done Raven-Dreamer for the title.

  21. If I'm not mistaken, Shane Douglas worked at Target, and Justin Credible worked at Olive Garden. Foley confirmed Credible's employment in his fourth book, reprimanding fans for actually making fun of the fact that Credible was working there, saying something along the lines of "if he's happy doing what he does, who cares where he work?"

    And he's right, who cares in Credible's case, as he doesn't seem to be a self-righteous douche who acts like the wrestling world owes him everything. He may be genuinely happy doing what he does.

    Shane Douglas? Ripe for the mocking.

  22. You know what, if there's one thing WWECW did to leave it's mark on the business, it was kill the "E C DUB" chant dead. When do you ever hear it now except "Hardcore Reunions" or TNA imitation nonsense? You used to hear an ECW chant almost every show in the Northeast.

  23. People who've made way more money than anyone who mainly worked for Heyman have day jobs now that they're retired from wrestling. Haku sells cars, Mr. Fuji takes tickets at a movie theater, Ed Leslie was working on the subway somewhere in 2003 when he got busted for coke. Perry Saturn works in a factory that makes doors. Hell, Earthquake main evented a ppv against Hogan and when he died he was selling shoes at the mall.

  24. The Michinoku Pro match got 4 3/4 stars from Scott though.

  25. Those matches still hold up IMO.

  26. Who wouldn't buy a car from Haku?  One glare from that guy and I'd sign away 30 grand for a used Gremlin.

  27. I really wish people would realize that ECW is dead, and no amount of angles or resurrections is ever going to bring it back...


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