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Smackdown Blast from the Past Open Thread

Didn't see anyone else doing this, so here ya go.

Come out in a tentative guard position, and fight dirty.


  1. No red, white, and blue ring ropes=no buys. And Mean Gene can still get a promo over.

  2. Nice to see that Cowboy Bob's forearm has finally healed. That was some injury.

  3. I wonder if Iron Mike Sharpe's did as well. I'm guessing some breakthrough surgery or something.

  4. Less over: Lord Tensai or "Apex Predator"?

  5. Mark Henry has the best music in WWE.  I always look forward to someone gettin' they ass kicked.

  6. I think my favorite current entrance is Mark Henry's. Him walking into the camera with the ALL WILL SUFFER shirt is so bad ass.

  7. Is there any doubt that Kane is gonna grab Bob Orton and Henry will win by countout?

  8.  Personally, I always look forward to someone gettin' they wig split.

  9. This crowd is dead

  10. They really half assed it on the "old school" theme here: no red white & blue ropes, no yellow announcer blazers, no retro-styled set or opening. I know all that stuff's been done before but I'm not gonna lie: this feels kind of like a bait & switch.

  11. Booker T just told Michael Cole, "I had a dream you died."  That ruled.

  12. Yeah, showing Mean Gene and Bob Orton for a combined 45 seconds isnt exactly "old school" to me.

  13. Extreme Rules: Ortons vs Kane and Paul Bearer

  14. It would be a shame if Kane breaks Cowboy Bob's arm after it finally healed. 

  15. I wish they would have had the decency to tape it so I can read the spoilers and decide not to watch.

  16. Was that Hillbilly Jim? Or does Sylvester Terkay count as "old school"?

  17. That was an effective squash.

  18. I'll never get over seeing the guy who dressed in overalls all through the 80's, dresses like a pimp in real life.

  19. I agree with Tony Atlas. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

  20. It doesn't hurt Ryback to crib some of his moveset from Samoa Joe, not at all. But his muscle buster looks more like a running Samoan drop.

    And they could get Tyson Kidd and Heath Slater over as a team like high holy hell if they had Jimmy Hart as their regular manager.

  21. Heath Slater is a loser. I feel for Tyson Kidd though as he far too talented to be treated as an NXT loser.  

  22. Heath Slater's my second favorite guy to come out of NXT Season 1.

  23. Nice to see Tyson getting on Smackdown, even if it's to lose to Jimmy Snuka's daughter Tamina Snuka's tag team.

    And that Ryback squash, I concur, perfect.

  24. I think Ryback has a shot to stick. He got the insane roid rage act down.

  25. Huh. I assumed it was a running Samoan drop.

  26. Who knew Heath Slater posts on Scott's blog?

  27. The potential Kidd/Gabriel tag team was awesome. Sucks that Gabriel busted up his elbow in their first damn match together

  28. After the short squashes, I dont know what else they can do at this point. Screaming like a lunatic makes him seem like the Ultimate Warrior without the facepaint.

  29. For years now, every time I hear Foley's music hit I think Razor Ramon is about to come out. 

  30. Man, bring back Jimmy Hart NOW. Not like the guy's aging anyway.

  31. Sloppy stuff from the Uso's.

  32. The one man southern job guy.

  33. Man, Mick has just completely lost it. Everything he does just goes over like a fart in church.

  34. And he still doesn't like himself as much as Daniel Bryan.

  35. OK, I'd be perfectly willing to amend all my bitching from last night about not using Bryan if they'd have only fucking PROMOTED THE FACT THAT HE'D BE ON PIPER'S GODDAMNED PIT!!!!

  36. He's fine. He knows how to sell & he's relatively entertaining. It's not like he deserves a run with a title at the moment, but I look forward to his semi-weekly segments on Smackdown.

  37. Anybody else catch Foley's subtle little Owen Hart nod? 

  38. Ha, Cole remember the Boogeyman-Jillian Hall dreck just made my night.

    And Piper looks good(Jimmy Hart did too.).

  39. At least Piper seems coherent tonight.

  40. Was he trying to make a Larry David reference as well before he got cut off?

    Prett-ay.... prett-ay....

  41. What's with this loser crowd not doing "YES!" chants? Fuck these marks.

  42. So this match at Extreme Rules will last 54 seconds?

  43. 36. You know Bryan isn't getting a fall.

  44. Bryan might have the best shit eating grin of all time.

  45. This crowd sucks ass. Although the "18 Seconds" chant at least showed they are interested in D-Bry, but other than that, they're sitting on their fucking hands.

  46. This is not exactly the most exciting Piper's Pit I have ever seen.

  47. They are. WWE has been "zeroing out" the crowd noise all night. They did it last night, as well.

  48. So I guess they torpedoed Del Rio's push. Good.

    Every crowd since Miami has been disappointing, but Bryan should get a huge babyfaces reaction in Chicago. I smell title change, hopefully with AJ's help.

  49. I'm preferential to someone gettin' their neck broke.

  50. I enjoyed, "Jimmy Hart's not the most annoying guy to yammer in my ear... Hey Vince!"

  51. WWE "zeroing out" the crowd noise tonight is REALLY annoying. Let the fans CHEER WHO THEY WANT.

  52. Holy crap, they're TRYING to get me to change the channel.

  53. With the rematch being 2/3 falls, they have to have Sheamus brogue kick Bryan in 18 seconds for the first fall. It will piss off the smark crowd in Chicago so much, the heat for the rest of the match will be off the charts.

  54. Time to job the Bellas straight out of the company!

  55. Hey, look, Daniel Bryan's girlfriend jobbed almost as quickly! RIB THESE JOBBERS, WWE!


  56. Supposedly this will be one of the last Bellas matches we'll ever see, as neither one is going to renew their contract this month.

  57. Well... at least Mae Young made me smile.

  58.  I'm totally okay with that as long as their last appearance is Kharma KILLING them.

  59. The announcers are doing him no favors getting the move over. It looks like the impact is on the neck shoulders (I mean, I know it's not really, but it looks like that's where the impact is in hat worked wrestling way) and the announcers are just selling it like a slam.

    But the announcing has been fucking terrible, even by the low standards I hold this crew by.

  60. That mixed tag match was worth it just to see Natalya bounce.

  61. Who'd have thought ten years ago we'd be mark Henry marks?

  62. So Nat's a face again? And both Bella's are heels? Or...uh....okay.

    At least a Khali and Alicia Fox match was really short.

  63. It's fine to kill the Bellas heat, seeing as this is apparently their last month in WWE.

  64. My markdom for Mark Henry is to the point where I never want to see him lose. ever. 

  65. Alicia Fox was also worthwhile. For her sexy dancing. I guess that's how she keeps her job.

  66. She owes them one, doesn't she? Think the writers remember?

  67.  Daniel Bryan was on RAW!  He _totally_ had his arms all over Brock Lesnar's shoulders!

  68. Alicia shakes and Natalya bounces. Greatest tag team ever.

  69. Aaron Stevens is just gold in this gimmick. Let's just hope he can keep that shit straight live.

  70. I'll wait to see Damien Sandow do that spiel in front of a live crowd before I jump on the bandwagon. 

  71. At least Bob didn't bleed on anyone this time. 'Taker would have had to WHOOP SOME ASS.

  72. He really doesn't have to. Pre-tape anything that isn't a "me vs. you" promo, and let him do what he's doing. I'm more interested in seeing what he can do in the ring.

  73. Damien Sandow looks exactly like Brent Albright (aka Gunner Scott). Luckily about as many people remember Gunner Scott as remember Idol Stevens.

  74. "Mean" Gene's "announcer voice" is really disconcerting when he's not interviewing someone.

  75. Aw, man, I was hoping for Jim Duggan vs. Doink The Clown.

  76. This pre-match promo is leading to a Three-point Stance Squash.

  77. Hunico cuts a very similar promo to WCW Eddie Guerrero...and that's not a compliment.

  78. Oh, good lord. The Sarge, too? Why don't we bring out Shieky Baby, too? Oh, that's right, it's only a two hour show.

  79. This might be the worst wrestling television show I've seen this year (I think I've caught each episode of Raw, Smackdown, & ROH). Am I missing any other horrible Raws or Smackdowns in 2012?

  80. Irony: on Friday I'm going to a 2CW show with Slaughter on it. My buddy I'm going with is attempting to get out of weekend drill with the Reserves to attend a show, which is free to all active duty military, based on the fact that Sarge is there. So I have someone trying to ditch on his military duty to use his military status to see someone who's gotten famous pretending to be in the military.

  81. That could be the awesomest thing ever if Bryan goes over in straight after that. And somehow AJ helps Bryan win.

  82. Nah, Bryan will pick up a DQ on account of Sheamus beating on him too severely.

  83. Cody is going to take a bump for dad and it'll be the thrill of his life.

  84. Jesus Christ, Dusty looks like my grandmother.

  85. This show is killing me.

  86. Here's Sheamus playing Ricky Morton. Wait til he makes that hot tag to Okerlund and Bryan does the job.

  87. "Talk about your walking dead!"-Cole

    Dead wrestler jokes are soooo funny! 

  88. I now have no interest in seeing Legends House.

  89. Yech, that ending fell flat. I think they fucked the timing up with the beatdown on Ricardo and Cole had to go in the ring and improvise.

  90. They have no idea what to do with Sheamus. I would be shocked if he has the belt past Extreme Rules.

  91. I now remember why I don't watch Smackdown. That was just...bad.

  92. This would have been the perfect time to acknowledge Camacho as the son of Haku.

  93. Wow. Cole gets punched out for the first time in forever to ZERO reaction.

  94.  I do believe Bob/Robert Remus (aka Slaughter) was a marine.  I believe he even earned the name Sgt Slaughter as he was serving.  And he was a marine for about six years unlike say, Randy Orton, who was a marine for about six weeks before being dishonorably discharged.  Still, that's a pretty funny story about your friend.

  95. Yeah, I just looked it up. He was a staff sergeant for the marine corp with six years of service.

  96. The Love-Matic Grandpa!April 10, 2012 at 8:40 PM

    The Bryan/Piper/AJ segment worked, but it'll be interesting to see how they book Bryan if he's going to stay a heel. I'm not saying that he's on the road to Austin-dom, but those "Yes!" sign prove that there's something there that should be nurtured and explored at some point. Turning him into the Christian to The Great White's Orton won't help anyone, though.

  97. The Love-Matic Grandpa!April 10, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    My guess is that Bryan will get his rematch, lose and then Sheamus and Del Rio will continue to feud.

  98. He is wonderfully punchable isn't he.

    He just has natural heel charisma that just makes you want to see him get his ass kicked

  99. Hmm. I didn't see it at the top of his Wikipedia page, so I assumed he wasn't. Either way, he's not in the military now.

  100. And I love his burgers, fries, and chili, Oh, and the occasional Frosty.

  101.  Way to mention a guy 99% of the audience wouldn't know. Meaning Terkay, not Jim. Although how many people watching now know who Jim is either?

  102.  Now if they had Ryback wear facepaint he'd be a success. Just a thought.

  103.  Sad part is the only part I liked of the whole show was the Pit. The rest was a mindless waste of time.

  104.  We can call them "Milkshakes"! Nah, maybe not.

  105. He certainly seems it - he's always smiling ear-to-ear whenever he's interacting with fans or doing a "nostalgia" appearance.

  106. I feel bad for Hunico, I think he's a really talented in-ring guy, but he has no personality - he needs a manager or tag-team partner or something.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the chopping block soon.

  107. Call him "Hakunico".

  108. One of them (Nikki?) just beat Beth Phoenix last week. Ugh.

  109. Jimmy has only aged about ten years over the last thirty.

  110. I must have missed that - what did Foley say about Owen?

  111. Are you talking about him talking into the megaphone? Cuz I couldn't understand a word of it, I wouldn't blame that on Mick.

  112. Absolutely agree - I've been on Kidd's bandwagon since his first match in (WWE's) ECW. He's a fantastic wrestler, he just needs a good manager.

    I still think he'd look great in Vickie's stable. Either that, or team him with Trent Barreta as a MCMG-esque team of disrespectful smart-asses.

  113. It's kind of an amalgam of a Samoan Drop, Muscle Buster, and Perfect-Plex.

  114. Absolutely - I was expecting the Ovals or Fist or something along those lines.

  115. He said "Enough is a enough and it's time for a change!" 

    Owen's theme music:

  116.  He needs to get on commentary again.


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