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The SmarK RAW Supershow Rant–04.02.12


The SmarK RAW Supershow Rant – 04.02.2012

Johnny Ace gives a peptalk to the roster to start, but CM Punk is already standing up and lipping him off. So Johnny retaliates the best way he knows how: Making matches! Santino v. Jack Swagger v. Dolph Ziggler! CM Punk v. Mark Henry! It’s a new era…again.

Live from Miami, FL

Your hosts are Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler

The Rock opens the show to a pop that blows the roof off the arena. And finally, the Rock has come back home. He notes that the match with Cena gave him a “JHC moment”, as in “Jesus H Christ get this guy off me!” Yet another funny bit as he reminisces about getting cut from the Canadian Football League and noting how much you have to suck for that to happen. Ouch. But true. The crowd pleads with him to stay, but Rock had a vision while dancing the night away in Miami. And that vision is be WWE champion again someday. I wouldn’t bet against him.

US title: Santino Marella v. Jack Swagger v. Dolph Ziggler

Santino tries running away and gets double-teamed, and the heels take turns humiliating him. Santino manages to backdrop Ziggler out, and we take a break. I should note we just took a break BEFORE the match started. Hopefully they’re loading up the ads early to save time for something awesome. Back with Santino coming back with the cobra, but Ziggler DDTs him. The heels hit a double-team fameasser, but disagree on who should pin him. Swagger turns on Ziggler and eats the cobra as a result at 5:18. Team Vickie go for the beatdown, but Brodus Clay makes the save to finally get a storyline. Santino and Brodus could totally work as a unit. Match was nothing and mostly occurred during the commercial. *

LORD TENSAI v. Alex Riley

They actually acknowledge Matt Bloom’s past and the crowd chants “Welcome back” and then “A-Train”. As expected, this is a total demolition, as Tensai headbutts him into mush in the corner and hits a butterfly powerbomb and senton. Elbows in the corner knock Riley silly and the BALDO BOMB finishes at 2:50, with the ref stopping the match. Afterwards we get an IRON CLAW, which actually works well with him. Crowd wasn’t really buying into it, but we’ll see where they go with him. *1/2

WWE title: CM Punk v. Mark Henry

This is actually an interesting matchup that we haven’t seen before, which makes me wonder why they’d waste it on free TV. Henry easily overpowers Punk and stomps him on the ropes, as the crowd starts a “Yes!” chant (stemming from the Rock’s opening promo) to fire up Punk. That’s gonna get annoying. Henry pounds him in the corner (“I didn’t TELL you to move!”) , but Punk kicks at the knees and gets a DDT for two. Punk with kicks (“Yes! Yes! Yes!”) and a Shining Wizard for two. He goes up and gets caught, but fires back until Henry kicks him in the head to put him down again, thus RUINING the crowd’s climactic “Yes” chant. Vaderbomb misses, but Punk springboards right into a clothesline and we take a break. Back with Henry continuing the abuse with a nerve hold, but a blind charge misses and Punk fires back again and leads up to the high kick as this crowd is just insanely into the “Yes” thing. Punk with the flying elbow and the running knees into the corner, but Henry tosses him out of the ring on the bulldog attempt. And Punk is counted out at 14:10. That’s fine, keeps Henry strong and Punk retains the title. ***1/4 Henry destroys him with a World’s Strongest Slam on the floor afterwards, Johnny comes out and basically promises to make Punk defend the title every week to make his life miserable, and then Jericho comes out of the crowd to dump booze on him and smash a bottle over his head. So not Punk’s best week. And that is how you build sympathy for a babyface.

Sheamus joins us for his victory promo, but Alberto Del Rio immediately interrupts. The crowd, in rare form tonight, chants “Si!” for him. And then they talk over ADR with “Daniel Bryan” chants. And then they boo the shit out of Sheamus when he’s talking. Uh oh, they might have shot themselves in the foot with the 18 second thing. ADR basically announces himself as the next challenger, and the crowd boos it and chants for Daniel Bryan. I hope someone was paying attention there. Sheamus lays out ADR with the Brogue Kick, and then we cut back to Bryan in the back watching, which triggers a gigantic babyface pop from the crowd. BACKFIRED.

Cody Rhodes v. Kofi Kingston

Cody puts Kofi down with a clothesline to start, but gets hit with a bodypress for two. Disaster kick looks to finish, but Big Show interrupts with a Cody Rhodes Wrestlemania moment. And he walks into the kick and gets pinned at 1:40. Yeah, that really makes Kofi look tough. He was beaten in 40 seconds by Cody and then got a fluke win.

Meanwhile, Abraham Washington returns, attempting to solicit the services of Mark Henry. I don’t even really remember who he was.

Eve comes out and brags about screwing over Zack Ryder. And uh, yeah, that’s about it.

The Miz v. Zack Ryder

Zack is actually fired up for once, beating on Miz outside and bringing him in for two. Miz boots him out of the corner and goes to a chinlock, but Zack blocks a charge and makes the comeback. Broski Boot gets two. Miz sends him into the post and finishes with the stroke at 2:54. Another day, another job for Ryder. You’d think, hey, both guys are fired up after Wrestlemania and have an issue, maybe do a brawl between them and set something up for a PPV, but no, Miz just puts him away and that’s it. **

John Cena gets the main event interview, once again suffering the wrath of the insanely pumped Miami crowd. He’s not making excuses, and he meant everything he said. The crowd lets him know that he’s a loser. Why don’t they have every show in Miami? He assures us that he will not turn on the fans, and he’ll work even HARDER to be Super-Cena now. So he’s not here to “call out” the Rock, and now the crowd wants Lesnar. Cena does not, he wants the Rock, and he wants to tell him that he’s the greatest superstar in the industry. The crowd still wants Lesnar, so Cena leads them in a “Yes” chant and puts over Daniel Bryan, and he’s still going on about the Rock and how he was the better man. And in other news, the sky is still blue. And instead of the Rock, we get THE BROCK. And Cena eats an F5 to end the show. So there’s that. Lemme say, I basically stopped watching RAW originally because I basically followed Brock Lesnar to UFC, and now he’s back here, so if you think I’m obnoxious with my Rock fanboyism, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Pulse:

Who cares if the show was good or bad, it was an all-time classic thanks to the smarky crowd to end all smarky crowds, and I loved it. Here’s hoping Brock Lesnar continues the exciting new trend of John Cena getting his ass handed to him at the end of major PPVs, because I would buy them all if so.

Let’s close with an e-mail that I got while typing up the rant:

“Hi Scott,
Blog fodder:  The Miami crowd was extremely vocal this evening, surpassing places like Toronto and Philly as smark central, bizarro world, etc.  They were chanting for Daniel Bryan throughout, including during Sheamus' promo time, and obviously they sidetracked Cena with the chants for Lesnar.
In the past, the crowds in Toronto and Philly have been cute (Philly more so, maybe because of the legacy...I seem to recall more people than not wanting Toronto crowds just to STFU), but tonight for some reason, it was going overboard, like they crowd was determined that they WOULD be heard, dammit, whether anyone liked it or not.  Granted, the audience is always (or often) right in terms of what they want, but I'd have to say that Brock's return was somewhat lessened b/c of the chants for him, and Sheamus's big emergence as World champ was diluted by the crowd's focus on Bryan. And not that anyone would give a shit about del Rio really, but he had NO chance out there.
So I'm curious as to your and other people's thoughts regarding when the crowd is so overpowering, since tonight I think WWE almost lost control of the show with the crowd crossing from being a part of it to trying to dictate its pace.”

That’s what happens when you neuter your talent by forcing them to read lines off of scripts instead of training them to lead the crowd and improvise. If Vince can’t handle the crowd like the master showman he always hypes himself up to be, then too fucking bad for him. I hope the crowd shits all over his booking decisions every week until he takes the hint, because it’ll make for really entertaining television and hopefully wake him up. His mouthpieces are always “blah blah blah best fans in the world freedom of speech blah blah blah”, so now they can put up or shut up. Hopefully the latter since the former is unlikely.



  1. I don't think we have to worry about Vince anymore since Hunter and Steph have taken over now.  And if they were in charge of this show I'd say WWE is going in the right direction (so far).

    Now they just need to get Dean Ambrose and Antonio Cesaro on the main rosters.

  2. I was kind of shocked that they went ahead with the Sheamus/ADR segment when it must have been so clear long before that the crowd would shit all over it.

    Best crowd I've seen in years.

  3. I'm in the same boat as Scott in regards to Brock. The same reason I stopped watching. Loved the way he was looking at Cena, like he was an insect that he could stomp out. F5 still looks vicious after all these years.

  4. Well my guess is that Miami doesn't get a show for quite a while.  That'll show 'em!

  5. "as the crowd starts a “Yes!” chant (stemming from the Rock’s opening promo)"


    After the travesty of last night, Daniel Bryan's catchphrase and the smarky mark crowd, it was clearly due to Danielson.

    In addition, anyone else get vibes of John Cena slowly going down the road of Bret Hart in '96-'97 until he finally snaps and turns heel?

  6. What sucks is most likely, next weeks Raw will most likely be in front of the typical zombies Vince has cultivated. The Miami crowd, like the Chicago crowd for Money in the Bank, was one of those glorious aberrations that show us what WWE could be like if they'd stop dicking around.

    After watching Cena SMIRKING for Lesnar's arrival (and no doubt smiling while IN the F5), I am convinced Cena is either mentally retarded or a total mark for the business he is in. Unfortunately, his costume is worn by both, so you can't really tell which he is....

  7.  As silly as that gear makes Cena look, it made him look like a child
    compared to Brock. And for him to just put his hand out there, wow. I mean, Brock didn't even have to do the KICK WHAM to set it up. 

  8. Apparently Brock showed up literally 30 seconds before coming out.  I hope this doesn't telegraph his commitment level (assuming he showed up so late simply b/c that's when he got around to it).

    I'm down with Scott's Brock-mance, though.  I've always dug Lesnar.  It might be because he didn't have a chance to be over-exposed.

    I hope something good happens for Teddy in the company, since I have no idea where he goes now b/c of the GM angle (I don't see him being a manager).  He's earned respect and a place (and I also think he should have gone into the HoF last year in Atlanta).

  9. I think Rock's "YES" chanting in the opening promo is what really inspired the crowd to do it through the night.  Not saying they were doing it FOR the Rock, but it just happened to be a perfect storm of a hot crowd and Rock leading them in the right direction and then people rallying behind Bryan with it spontaneously.  

    1. Hahaha rock had nothingtyo do with it. People were chanting yes in the hours leading up to WM and RAW, more so with raw because it was filled with internationals like me pissed off about 18 seconds. Dafk match main event was amazing, orton got booooooed so loudly when he was on offence against Bryan

  10.  And Daniel Bryan will be coming out will greasy, parted hair and a pocket protector to emphasize that geeks are lame...RISE ABOVE HATE Y'ALL!

  11. The crowd had nothing to do with Miami and everything to do with all the Wrestlemania fans sticking around town for another day.  Most Miami shows are DEAD... see the 3-hour disaster show that Nexus debuted at for an example.
    A great Raw, pop for Brock was insane... and I'm not sure anyone was truly expecting him at that moment (I know I wasn't... if anything, I figured Cena might bait Rock to the ring and then Brock would come out and destroy him).  I really don't see how Bryan isn't due a rematch... but perhaps that will be addressed on Smackdown.

    As for the emailer to Scott above... as a company, you have to control and embrace the crowd. Remember in 1997 and 98, WWF was begging for wild crowds to add to the insane Attitude era atmosphere. Conversely, TNA's director chewed out the Impact Zone audience a couple years back for not going along with the show and now they don't respond to anything.

    And in this instance, the fans are right... why put Bryan and Sheamus through that on Sunday to cheapen both of them as performers, along with the World title.  Especially when Vince said that the point of Wrestlemania this year was to get lapsed fans to buy for the top two epic matches and introduce them to the new talent. Do you think anyone is going to PAY for a Sheamus or Daniel Bryan match now?  You could've had them work a brisk 12-15 minute match and still do the same finish where AJ accidentally takes Bryan's focus off the match for a split-second and it costs him.

    The only part where the crowd tonight looked bad was when they were taking it out on Sheamus... that makes no sense.  If you're smart enough to know it was a bad booking decision to do that, you have to know that Sheamus probably wasn't happy about a 18 second match either. And if you put it in kayfabe terms, the goal of every wrestler should be to win as quickly as possible... so the fans look bad taking it out on Sheamus.

    Anyway, my point is if you're going to make stupid booking decisions to rob fans out of a match they want to see... then they have to deal with the consequences of an angry crowd.

  12. This was booked in a near-flawless fashion. The crowd obviously helped things out, but damn near everything made sense. There's just too much goodness going on right now for me to pick at those nits, though.

  13. He probably showed up that late because they didn't want someone in the back getting the word out that Brock was backstage.

  14. In fairness, and I'm certainly not saying you're wrong about Miami, but that Nexus show was one of the most god awful pieces of garbage I've ever seen until the Nexus angle. It was the one where they promised the viewers could choose the matches, and then we'd get choices like "dance off or blindfold match" or "choose the opponent for Hornswoggle to face, is it Curt Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, or Tyler Reks??". I might have judged Miami if they DIDN'T sit on their hands for that whole show, pre Nexus angle.

  15. "
    Lemme say, I basically stopped watching RAW originally because I basically followed Brock Lesnar to UFC, and now he’s back here, so if you think I’m obnoxious with my Rock fanboyism, you ain’t seen nothing yet."

    Hooooo, brother. You have got yourself a hetero soul mate there. We could even form a tag team. Just think it over Scott. We could be like WGTT but for Brock, and be more of fanboys about. I smell money.

    Not much, mind...but surely enough to cover the rent?

  16. That would be my thought as well.

  17. I loved tonight's crowd. I could understand why some people would think they were obnoxious (though I disagree), but I like these crowds much better than the completely dead audiences (remember that Texas crowd a few months back?) or the "What?!" crowd. They were even chanting for Alex Riley (Let's Go Riley!) and del Rio (Si! Si! Si!), even if those were sarcastic.

    Anyway, everything came together so perfectly for this Raw:
    - Brodus is finally getting a feud. I'd much rather see Dolph Ziggler doing something more important on the show, but it's nice to see Clay with some direction.
    - Punk-Henry followed by the Jericho-Punk segment were my favorite moments of the night. I'm a mark for authority figure angles, and I hope Johnny Ace spends the entire summer throwing guys at Punk trying to get the title off of him. It was nice to see them build up Henry again too.
    - Even though I didn't follow wrestling much during Lesnar's time in the WWE, I lost my shit when his music hit.

  18. I have to watch it on my DVR again, but I thought they were chanting Yes before the Rock ever even tried to get them to, and he was playing into it. Plus my understanding was there was massive Yes chants at WM too for up to an hour before the show, and this was probably the same crowd.

  19.  "The crowd had nothing to do with Miami and everything to do with all the Wrestlemania fans sticking around town for another day"

    This. Hardcore wrestling fans are in Miami at the moment and we hardcore fans love us some American Dragon. I can't believe they pull off shit like that at Wrestlemania when the card IS going to be 'smarky', because we're the fans most likely to spend that much money on wrestling.

  20. Have to disagree with you on that one. According to the live reports, they were doing the YES! chants all through the Superstars tapings and even when they were outside the building waiting to get in. 

  21. A great Raw, pop for Brock was insane... and I'm not sure anyone was
    truly expecting him at that moment (I know I wasn't... if anything, I
    figured Cena might bait Rock to the ring and then Brock would come out
    and destroy him).

    See, it's exactly what I expected.  I of course watched the whole show knowing that he could show up for any reason, but once it got down to the end, I - and I'm sure many others at that point - knew that he'd answer Cena's challenge instead of the Rock. To me, it was obvious that he'd be brought in at the top level.  Remember Scott Hall showing up in WCW during a nothing jobber match?  That came from out of nowhere, and it caught people off guard.  And since the internet is omnipresent today as compared to '96, it's so hard to guard surprises, and it's almost as if you'd have to have Lesnar squash a nobody for it truly to be a "holy shit!" moment.

    Brock was touted as a big deal before his debut in '02 (if you were online, at least), and yet he debuted by taking out the Hardyz.  Granted, as far as tag teams and mid-carders they were near the top, but still, it wasn't cream of the overall crop, so when Brock debuted, it was a surprise b/c there was no obvious connection there.  Returning against Cena makes perfect sense, and by extension is "obvious" and therefore "well, duh!"

    And Cena's reaction to the Lesnar chants made wonder if he and others in the back were wondering they needed to scramble in order to change something, not unlike changing the Rumble winner for the hell of it simply b/c it's what the fans expected and even wanted.

  22. I've been thinking that with Cena on several occassions, including going into tonight... now I just don't think they'll ever cross that bridge, and it may be because Cena himself doesn't want to.  I think someone made the comparison last week... Cena is starting to resemble Hart in that not realizing that this is all a work, thinking he's a hero.  Perhaps when Cena's current fans become teenagers and catch on, then maybe they'll finally pull the trigger.

  23. I wonder if they decided to cut it short via the "dead mic" gimmick.

  24. Props to Lawler for the great line, "It's not what Cena wanted, but it's what he is getting!". 

  25. I think the Rock adapted to the crowd actually...which kinda supports Scott's point that most of the cast needs to learn to adapt on the fly.

  26. Yeah, I remember being in a chat during that show and lots of people left as the show developed.  The eight or so of us still left watching got the Nexus angle as our sweet payoff, but that show was just BAD.

  27. I beyond 100% agree with Scott that this crowd showed why the wrestlers have to be able to adapt on the fly. If it was Angle or Austin or Rock or even flippin' Hogan in the ring would they have been derailed by the crowd like ADR/Sheamus? Hell and no. Let them off their leashes so the cream can rise to the top and we can get more awesome shows like tonight!

    Also, LESNAR IS BACK! For me, good wrestling didn't die when the Attitude era ended - it died when Brock left after WMXX.

  28.  "And Cena's reaction to the Lesnar chants made wonder if he and others in
    the back were wondering they needed to scramble in order to change

    Huh?  Sorry, I don't mean that as snarky - just found it really hard to understand what you were saying here.

  29. Eh, it was like Goldberg showing up the night after WM 19. Remember when Rock made a comment about "his accountant, Ira Goldberg"? They weren't changing anything at that point.

  30. Who is with me in thinking how awesome it is that Daniel Bryan is now one of the most over men on the roster now, and how many are shocked that he is also one of the funniest?!?  Wow.

  31. Maybe Vince really is senile or out of touch, or maybe he, HHH, and Stephanie are hellbent on making the people THEY like into superstars.  But it's frustrating to see the fans really latch onto guys like Ryder, Ziggler, Kofi (during his angle with Orton), and now Bryan, only to see them fail to get that push that takes them to the next level (we'll see where they go with Bryan from here). Like Scott used to say, if the fans make it known who they want, strap a rocket to his ass and see what happens.  Instead, we keep being force fed guys like Kane, Del Rio & Big Show.  Thank God they finally took the hint about the Miz.

  32.  Bryan's speech after Raw. 

  33. I'm trying to recall a better RAW crowd than this one, and the only one that comes to mind is the Dallas crowd back in 2000 (?) when the Rock teamed with Rikishi & Too Cool against The Radicalz.  That crowd was nuclear.

  34. Agreed and agreed. One of the former writers commented on that during Eve's promo, that it suffered because she was sitting there reading from a script and didn't go off at all to react to the crowd chants save for a brief pause or something like that.

  35. Southern_DiscomfortApril 3, 2012 at 12:21 AM

    That first couple sentences is basically exactly what I was going to post. This is why the Raw after WM is my favorite one of the year, every year.

  36. That is awesome.  Despite what happened at Wrestlemania, it's probably gonna take a week to wipe the smile off of his face.  You have to feel good for guys like him that have put in the hard work on the indy circuit and have now found success in the big time.

  37. Yup...all most of the guys can do is pause and wait for the crowd to stop chanting whatever they're chanting.

  38. Southern_DiscomfortApril 3, 2012 at 12:28 AM


  39. I wonder if the WWE will learn anything from Sunday and NOT book Cena/Brock at WM29. The same thing will happen, the crowd will be rabid for Lesnar to destroy Cena but it would 2 years in a row that you job out your biggest star to someone is leaving. 

    I think maybe the better idea is to run Cena/Brock this month or at Summerslam. Have Brock go an entire year undefeated and challenge Taker at 29, streak vs streak. 

  40. What kind of idiot not only stands in the ring grinning when a killing machine like Brock Lesnar walks out with a bad disposition, but then extends his hand?

  41. There were people that were getting pissed on Twitter about the Miami crowd and their smarky-ness and I basically told them that the reason why they were like that is because that's the only way they can tell Vince and co. that they fucked up with making Bryan job to Sheamus in less than 10 seconds.

    And also Brock proved tonight that Dirt Sheets don't ruin returns, angles, etc. We've known Brock was coming back at some point for almost 3 days and it didn't hurt his return  not one bit. I'd still mark out the same as I did tonight if I didn't know. 

  42. Well their were only a select few of people who knew Brock was showing up and Cena was one. 

  43. Because Cena is a mark. His character is a wrestling mark. He thinks it's cool that Brock is back. Brock thinks it's cool to get paid to kick your stupid fucking green hat. 

  44.  This is ridiculous. That's like Austin circa 1997.

  45. At least with Austin it was gradual thing and you could see it coming. This is completely out of nowhere. One of the most amazing things I've seen in wrestling.

  46. Regarding Bryan Danials, why don't they just do Bryan/Punk? That would make the most sense to keep Bryan afloat as far as in the public eye AND give Punk an opponent to provide great matches and distract us from the fact that Punk and the World title continue to be made to play second fiddle to Cena?

    (As for Cena/Brock, they should have not let Cena have the mike and just have Brock massacre him in the ring and then have Brock take the mike and mock Cena as a loser who he's going to destroy. Basically acknowledge Cena failed and failed miserably and have him consciously pull himself out of a depression and regain his fire in order to beat Brock. Admitting failure and allowing Cena to wallow in pity would work especially if they have say Ryder or Punk or Shemus have to pull Cena out of his depression and basically get him to get over himself and his humiliating defeat in order to beat Brock Lesner)

  47. Yeah, Scott will go to any length to prop up Rock so take his comments with a grain of salt.

  48. Yeah, I wouldn't get excited...I was recognizing people in the front row tonight from the front row at Mania LAST night. Next week they'll be in Omaha or some shit and the crowd will be the same again.

    But WHO FUCKING CARES BROCK IS BACK! BROCK IS BACK THANK YOU WRESTLING JESUS (looks like HHH just a lil smaller)! God I quiver at the thought of the awesomeness of Punk/Lesnar.

  49. Just a great show all around, hurt only by the lack of Daniel Bryan. I actually feel bad for Sheamus as I like the guy but man, WWE was asking for backlash when they booked that shit at Mania. I love the idea of Punk as the fighting champion against Big Johnny who will likely be 'kept in check' by the board of directors but can still make Punk defend the title week in and week out, something that he haven't seen done since like 2000. And Brock...what else is there to say? I'd actually hope they run Brock vs. Cena at SummerSlam because they have wrestled before and it doesn't seem like THE BIGGEST DEAL IN THE WORLD like Rock vs. Cena did, and then that way you can have both guys free for something big at Mania 29.

  50. I find it much funnier to imagine Teddy Kennedy every time they talk about era's.

    Era, it is the, era, end, era, of an era, era.

  51. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut Sheamus' victory speech cause they could see the crowd was going to boo the shit out of him. He barely got a sentence in before Del Rio interrupted, that never happens.

  52. Just finished watching the show... wow. I saw that the live thread has over 400 comments, so I doubt I have anything new to add.

    God bless that crowd. I honestly can't think of a better WWE one I've evr seen. Loud, great energy throughout the night, clever ('si, si, si/no, no, no).

    That ending was perfect, EXACTLY how it needed to happen.

    Will be interesting to see how Cena goes after Brock, can't call him lame like he did with Rock. Brock went out and succeeded in the one field every single wrestler respects and would kill to excel in. Bryan, Punk, Angle, Rock, Austin, Taker, Del Rio, etc. They all wish they could kick ass in MMA.

  53. HA!  I've been saying Bryan could be the top babyface in the company for like...six months now.  He's charismatic without being an asshole, and his beard is fucking awesome.

    Is this the quickest a heel has gotten so awesome the fans have to cheer him?

  54. Here's the thing about Daniel Bryan's character that they may have miscalculated, in my ever humble opinion:

    He's likeable.

    That was a big problem with the character they wanted him to portray. He can't be Randy Savage if he's celebrating like he just won the Super Bowl after every single match in a completely goofy, over the top way. That just makes him look, well, fun. Everyone I talked to seemed to think they were going with a Savage type who yells at a defenseless woman and thinks he's God's gift to the world of wrestling; instead, they made him seem like he was just delusional about how awesome he is. And that's not an asshole character, it's a sympathetic one, because he just seems like he could be a good dude in the end. 

    So, when the guy twice his size takes advantage of him after his hot girlfriend kisses him for luck and pins him after all but attacking him from behind, who's the bad guy in that scenario? It would be one thing if he had been cheating like nuts for months on end to the point where people were begging to get rid of the guy, but who doesn't really identify with the guy who just got beat up by a guy who outweighed him by over a hundred pounds when he wasn't even ready? 

    THAT, to me, is what has led us to this place, where people blew the roof off for Daniel Bryan. And it could go away next week, when there isn't an arena full of smark fans wanting to get themselves over. But I don't think it will, because he's a little guy who seems so excited in a big way whenever he wins a match, especially against bigger guys. Yes, it's supposed to be so over the top that we roll our eyes when he celebrates like he does, especially considering the way that he wins, but that relies on the fans being jaded enough to recognize when the celebration is over the top and when it's genuine, and you're asking a group of fans whom you've been trying to train to recognize monster babyface good guys like John Cena to basically turn themselves in a complete 180 when Bryan comes out and celebrates like he does.

  55. But are they really cheering for Bryan, or just cheering against Vince?

  56. The problem is that others guys don't have _permission_ to adapt on the fly. They don't have the freedom to adapt on the fly any more than they have the freedom to change the outcome of a match.

  57. It was laughable watching Lord Tensai's fat ass roll around the ring after performing a power move.

  58. and i STILL need that match on DVD!  but, it won't happen because of You-Know-Who.

  59. I hate to sound like a Debbie Downer but you really need to cool your jets and see what the crowd reaction is like when the building isn't full of smarks.

    And he IS an asshole, look at how he treats AJ.

  60. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the first time that Brock Lesnar ever walked up the steps into the ring?

    It would be sad if he's no longer able to jump onto the apron.

  61. you watched WrestleMania, right? ;) they were chanting it all time the night before so it only makes sense that this crowd (which obviously - if you look at the front row - was full of people that were in attendence at WM) kept on doing it 24 hours later.

  62. in all fairness, Randy Orton has been over HUGELY. for example: when they first teased the current babyface run in 2010, the crowd at their shows went nuts.

  63. Best Raw I can remember in a long, long time.

    Everything worked (whether it was how the WWE wanted it to is another matter) and the crowd were amazing. Hope we get something similar out of Chicago at the PPV.

    Punk vs Henry was great as well. Am I alone in enjoying it more than the Jericho match from WM?

  64. what? The Miz is awesome!

  65. Yes, you're probably alone in that sentiment.  But it was still a good match.

  66. You are not alone. The wm match suffered a bit from some slow spots and a dead crowd.

  67. Was reading that Brock literally showed up a minute or two before his appearance and that Cena was stalling because Brock hadn't arrived.  Guess he didn't want to have to shake hands with everyone.

  68. Where has it been said that Vince is not running the show anymore?

  69. I was waiting for him to jump up on the apron too.  Hopefully he can still do it because that was awesome!

  70. Mostly because he was out there in support of Cena (his underdog speech didn't help), but also because he looked like he just stumbled out of a meth lab.

  71. John Cena the Pandering Idiot, that's who!

  72. 10 bucks says Punk doesn't bash Brock publicly like he did Rock.

    Neither does Hornswoggle.

  73. "The crowd had nothing to do with Miami and everything to do with all the Wrestlemania fans sticking around town for another day.  Most Miami shows are DEAD... "

    Right on the money.  I agree with this 100%  That's not your usual Miami crowd.  Those were leftover from 'mania

  74. The biggest reason why they don't do Bryan/Punk is that they are still doing Punk/Jericho.  And Jericho is only back to work with Punk.

    The second biggest reason is that Bryan was supposed to get shunted back to the midcard now.  It's not like the good old days of Wrestlemania 11, where Vince would see that HBK was getting a face pop and drop everything to turn him face the next night.  It will take the creative team at least another month to come to consensus to figure out what to do with Bryan now.

  75. I have a funny feeling that the "pipe bomb" known as CM Punk will keep his mouth shut and not say anything bad about Brock Lesnar.  Although I really hope Punk opens his mouth and decides to criticize Brock; only to see Brock shut that guy's mouth once and for all!

  76. I thought his debut went on a little too long.  It should have been a quick squash.  And why does he need a Japanese guy in his corner?

  77. I think AJ deserves some credit. She has played the Elizabeth role PERFECTLY. It helps that she's the first diva in ages that is more cute than plastic-y hot. AJ is obviously very attractive but she has the girl-next-door look that, say, Eve or Kelly Kelly or Rosa Mendes clearly don't have.

    She's done such a great job of being the girlfriend that they need to keep them together forever...sometimes, it just works.

    Of course, Im writing this assuming the WWE will do the stupidest thing possible with them by Extreme Rules. Can't have the wrong people getting over!

  78. Because Vince wants to capitalize on the recent bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  79. Next week's show is in DC. Northeast smarks unite!

  80. Ha! Whenever my friends and I talk about wrestling crowds, that Raw always gets brought up. I remember marking the fuck out when Rikishi and Too Cool came running down to help Rock. In fact, I might just try to find it on youtube now.

  81. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 8:03 AM

    I'll be there! No really I will be and I will definitely be chanting Yes! Yes! Yes!

  82. Never have I been more proud to be "an old man out of touch" as I was when I had no idea who "Machine Gun Kelly" is. I can't believe my television is intact after sitting through that crap.

  83. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 8:05 AM

    DC at the Verizon Center and I will be there, God I hope Brock is there.

  84. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 8:07 AM

    Its just another Internet rumor that has been accepted as fact. Vince just stays in the back tweeting as Cranky Vince, makes perfect sense.

  85. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 8:09 AM

    Awesome crowd last night. Not a crowd I would want to hear every week but every once in a while, a crowd like that makes a show special. I marked out like crazy for Lesnar, only time I ever watched the UFC was when Lesnar fought, he is a beast.

    Jericho forcing Punk to drink was great. I have become a big Bryan fan since he turned heel but I think it is too early to assume he will be this over as a face everywhere. They should stay the course with him and keep him heel, he was lame as hell as a face. I do hope this helps prevent him from getting shunted to the midcard. Assume he will get involved in ADR/Sheamus in some way on Friday and get his rematch at Extreme Rules.

  86. I think it's similar to what happened with Punk -- cheering for a talented guy who was jobbed out in 18 seconds after being entertaining for months.

  87. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 8:17 AM

    This Brock return definitely has parallels to Goldberg showing up, it will be truly scary if in a few weeks Goldust puts a wig on Brock in a backstage segment.

  88. The more I look at the video, it was clearly a smark-mark crowd, there's a guy wearing an ROH t-shirt jumping up and down as Brock's music is playing.

  89. I don't think they were booing Sheamus because they saw him as being an asshole in the title change, I think they were booing the idea of him as the champion instead of the guy they obviously prefer.  The Great White Ronnie Garvin.

  90. It is on youtube in a couple of places. Quality isn't great, but it doesn't stop the pop for the Kane return from being deafening

  91. This show was like a license to print money. So much good stuff happening this week, setting up the potential for greatness in the months to come. I can't remember watching an episode of Raw where almost everything was on mark. About the only thing that I don't remember them really touching on was the Triple H/Undertaker match, which was kinda strange. Then again, BROCK LESNAR. I haven't watched a full episode of Smackdown! since 2003, but I do believe I'll be making an exception this week.

    About the only thing better than salivating like Pavlov's dog over the prospects of watching to see this kind of product on display week in and week out is preparing to enjoy the vitriol that the internet unleashes when the WWE completely tanks this goodwill in record time.

  92. Perhaps the strangest thing about this whole deal is that they're not waiting until the end of Spring to unload their big storylines this year. Beginning with the HBK/Jericho feud a few years back, and continuing on through the Nexus and Summer of Punk angles, this time of year is always good to wrestling fans looking for something new and fresh.

  93. That crowd was insane, but I don't think you can compare them with last night, because that crowd was popping like crazy for all the faces, and this was a total smark crowd who cheered for whoever they felt like even if it went against the booking or face/heel status.

  94. I have to agree.  I do wonder how the crowd will react in some random part of the country and when they haven't been deprived of seeing him in action.  My hope is that this is the launching pad for a universal way to react to him....but my fear is that it was just a unique audience reacting to his screwy title loss.

  95. Yep I totally remember that much, I think it was remarkable in that the crowd was literally on their feet during the entire match, like it was the last few seconds of an NBA playoff game.  Unbelievable atmosphere that night.

  96.  Yeah. It seems to be something people have latched onto. Vince will never "hand over the show" unless he is unable or dead. The show won't magically get better when he stops running it anyway, Steph has been head of creative since 2000.

  97.  They should just do it anyway. If they get a better reaction, they'll probably be congratulated. The WWE is to blame for encouraging the reliance on scripts, but the talent could show some initiative.

  98. Chael Sonnen could be great in pro wrestling. Even just as a manager or heel color commentator.

  99. Can't agree with you there.  They were chating "YES!" throughout WrestleMania too.  And sorry, but their "YES!" chant also spilled into "Daniel Bryan!" chants throughout WrestleMania and last night.  It had nothing to do with the Rock, sorry.  Just like it had nothing to do with Cena at the end of the night.

  100. Lesnar was still sporting scars from his last UFC fight. I got to say that was the loudest pop I've heard since Austin came out during the Rock/Foley match in 99'. What a moment, and it opens up so many opportunities! I mean are we going to get Rock/Punk for the WWE title (I think Punk will school him because the crowd actually LIKE Punk)... Brock/ Cena at Summerslam leading to a WM match against Taker? So many windows of opportunity! Exciting times in the WWE! OH YES!

  101. Reports backstage say he's pretty much the "Defacto Vince" now although Vince himself handled most of the Mania buildup and actual show.  It's safe to assume that Hunter and Steph were responsible for this show, NOT Vince.  Even if McMahon still has final say on what goes on, his kids are in charge.

  102. Yeah I don't see how the fans have "latched" onto Ziggler.  He's a great talent don't get me wrong but he hasn't developed some Ryder-level following yet.

  103. Vince has been responsible for Mania and the build up, NOT Hunter and Steph so it's safe to lay the blame on the 18 second match on him.  Besides HHH is responsible for bringing in Kharma, Sin Cara (yeah I know but it was still a smart signing), and a bunch of highly regarded indy talent.  HHH is nothing at all like Vince.

  104. This was a great show but let's be honest: the crowd pushed it over the top.

    I've talked about micing the crowd, etc, but that was a loud crowd.

  105. I know it seems like I'm always on Hunter's dick but if he's primarily in charge now WWE will start to improve.  HHH has every reason to want to surpass Vince and show him he can be a successful promoter.  I don't buy that Vince has brainwashed him either.

  106. Miami and Atlanta are typically apathetic for sports in general outside of college football in Miami.

  107. Fridge logic: Brock works great as a heel for kids who love Cena. Everything about Brock Lesnar screams "BULLY!", his name (Brock is the sound a wolf makes when it snaps a deer's neck), his look, his style. If this had been a different crowd you would have had the equivalent to Miz girl when Cena got laid out. Also, has Cena ever beaten Brock?

  108. I meant to mention this yesterday in your post about a triathlon but we are like different sides of the same coin. I just trained for a 10k (ran it on saturday, I was 323 pounds 30 months ago, I'm a little proud). But I'm with you on this crowd.

    I love ECW Arena crowds but at times they and the Impact Zone seemed more enamored of themselves than getting the show over. This crowd was a participant and pushed a really good show over the top.

  109. Brock didn't talk about how much he loved wrestling and never wanted to leave. I'm a Brock mark but Brock was a mercenary; and that's fine. I think he came back to WWE because he could maximize his monetary potential but I doubt he'd say different.

    Also, I thin Brock would just punt Hornswogle. Can you tell I'm a Brock mark?

  110. It was a Wrestlemania crowd. Not a typical Miami crowd. Don't know if it was definitely smart mark.

  111. Yes, that is true.  Maybe Los Angeles as well?

  112. Damn the crowd was hot as hell both nights.  The real stars of the shows were them.

    I have to say I'm interested in what they do to follow up this Raw, this was one of the best Raws in a while, imo.  I'm even interested in Tensai's character and want to see what they do with him.  I instantly thought of Riley as "In the corner to my left" when I saw him.  Man, has that guy fallen off with the E.

  113. So going forward the WWE has a main event roster that is Cena, Lesnar, Punk, Sheamus, Bryan, Orton, Henry and ADR with Ziggler ready to make the leap? I didn't include the Rock because who knows his schedule but the full time guys I mentioned plus a midcard that's pretty stocked it's looking good for the WWE.

  114.  That's because they've pushed him down our throats for 10 years. And I still don't think he's ever had a reaction like D-Bry did last night.

  115. Christopher HirschApril 3, 2012 at 10:56 AM

    Why would anyone assume that? Vince is still the be all, end all on everything.

  116. Flew over from Australia for WM, must say that Raw was more fun, chanted Yes and Daniel Bryan and booed Sheamus, one of the best nights of my life. Crowd went ballistic for Rock, louder for Lesnar, and lost it for Bryan in the dark match, he'd tag out and the arena would erupt in 'TAG IN BRYAN' till he came back in, and of course youve all seen now the tshirt thing, special night :)

  117. Just because he still has final say doesn't mean he comes up with everything.  The guy is in his mid-sixties, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind leaving most of the booking up to Hunter and Steph.

  118. Actually, I heard a story about how a couple years ago, Miz was getting constant "WHAT?!" chants during his promo and decided to improvise the line: "Will you shut up? You sound like a bunch of ducks!". Apparently, he was rewarded by getting yelled at backstage for going off-script.

  119. "... if you think I’m obnoxious with my Rock fanboyism, you ain’t seen nothing yet."

    Exactly what I was hoping for.

  120. It's looking like I will be too.  Do you think the $20 tix will be available at the box office?  I hate the ticketmaster fees.

  121. Somewhat, though Brock is far more talented and a legit sports celebrity.

  122. Definitely trumps Snitsky punting a PLASTIC baby.

  123. I've seen the reports that Brock didn't arrive until right before he went out on stage, but I'd imagine they meant that Brock was probably hanging out in the parking lot, hiding inside a limo until it was time to appear. No way he decides "well, I go on in thirty minutes, and it takes twenty-nine to drive there..."

  124. I noticed, but I also noticed he's really out of shape.  He'll get in shape and jump to that ring apron again, my friend.

  125. I have to do the same now!  I'll walk over from my office after work.  Smarks in a professional shirt and tie unite!

  126. "Shit, I remember when Barry Horowitz was getting over and even though I
    didn't know the words at the time I kept thinking "He's so damn over why
    don't they give him a push?" I think my actually thoughts at the time
    were something like, "I like this guy, the people like this guy. He is a
    good wrestler. Why does he fucking lose every match? I know this shit
    is fake. Why can't the entertaining guys ever win? Why do the boring ass
    guys keep winning?"

    This is something that I've been saying for years, that the "average" (non-internet) fans aren't nearly as stupid as a lot of net-fans seem to think they are. It seems that just because somebody is a "mark" instead of a "smark", and doesn't follow online newsboards, or doesn't watch any company other than WWE, that they somehow don't know if they are watching something entertaining, and it's complete bullshit.

    There seems to be a common sentiment amongst net-fans that people who aren't net-fans will cheer for anyone or anything that Vince pushes, but it's the opposite that is actually true: WE are the ones that are still watching and supporting a product that we actually consider to be crap, while the "marks" (or "casuals" or whatever) are the ones that left a long time ago. We bitch and complain about Cena on top, and that "only marks like Cena", but guess what? We, the so-called "smarks", are the ones that are still watching, despite our complaints.

    I mean, if the "casuals" will just devour whatever Vince feeds them, why did they boo Scott Steiner out of the building at "Royal Rumble, 2003"? Why didn't they take to Great Khali or Vladimir Kozlov as credible main-eventers? Why did they turn on Cena when he was being put over Jericho, Angle, and Shawn at the end of 2005?

    Believe it or not, the audience is not stupid. They may not know terms like "face", "heel", "sell", etc., but they certainly have an opinion on what is entertaining and what is boring (or, in the case of WCW at the end, what is completely nonsensical). For those of us who have been wrestling fans from a very young age, I'm sure we can all remember one or two main-eventers or upper-carders that we found boring; it had nothing to do with being a "smark", it just had to do with whether certain performers piqued our interest. "I may not no art, but I know what I like", if you will.

  127. "Brock thinks it's cool to get paid to kick your stupid fucking green hat."

    That made me laugh so hard for some reason.

  128. Well, Brock's departure did lead to Bradshaw's elevation. (Nothing against JBL, I always liked him, but nobody wanted to see it.)

  129. Cena definitely could have done a better job with the chants, though - Rock made a great joke out of it, Cena basically tipped WWE's and just kept going through with a promo that nobody was buying.

    Cena is usually rock-solid in situations like that, but he faltered big time last night.

  130. "Most Miami shows are DEAD... see the 3-hour disaster show that Nexus debuted at for an example."

    To be fair, the show itself was atrocious - for those that don't remember, it was that "Viewer's Choice" episode with all the backstage skits of the A-Team trying to rescue Lawler's crown. The ending was fantastic, but the first two hours and forty-five minutes may have been the worst episode of "Raw" ever.

  131. Oops, just posted the same thing before noticing your post, but, yeah, that show was atrocious for the first 2:45 it was on.

  132. Brock was given the rocket push to end all rocket pushes. A LOT of guys helped make him the star he was. A lot of guys laid down for him, and he left abrubtly without returning the favour (besides Eddie). He could have given a few months notice, letting guys like Taker or Show get their wins back, or putting over a young guy like Cena or Orton.

    They gave him the world and he burned them. He's notorious for not being the friendliest guy in the back, and allegedly showed up 30 seconds before he was supposed to come out for his big return. If you listen to his  UFC press conferences (besides the first 2 when he was still establishing himself in MMA), he clearly tries to distance himself from pro wrestling. He never loved the business, was only in it for the money, and now has only come back because his other ventures haven't panned out. There is MUCH more reason for Punk to rip Lesnar than there was for him to rip Rock (a guy who put lots of people over). Especially considering Punk would have killed for the push Brock received, and ultimately didn't appreciate.

    But he won't say a thing. Wonder why...

    P.S. Despite everything I wrote about Brock, I'm a big mark for the guy as well and am jacked for his return. I'm going to miss arguing with you the merits of the E's current part-time main eventer. Oh well, we'll always have Rock/Cena...

  133. That glare that Brock was giving Cena could mean SO many different things - I'd love to hear Brock reference that they both came up together and debuted around the same time, and that he [Brock] is disgusted to see the corporate shill that Cena has become.

    "I don't like who you are" isn't as deep and cutting as "I don't like who you've become".

  134. Hey, I'm a D-Bry fan, but Orton's rock solid overness in ALL arenas for over a year is more impressive than 2 massive reactions in the same smark-infested city over 2 days for Bryan.

    Hell, how many guys since Austin and Rock have had that kind of reaction period. Maybe Batista, but I think that's it. Maybe Cena when he got drafted to Raw, but I don't think so.

  135. Actually, do you think there is a reason why Punk wouldn't say anything?

    Also, I'm a Brock mark but part of that was he was a rare combination of look and in-ring ability. If his UFC actions are any indication he's gotten better on the mic but I hope he can still work.

  136. How the hell are you a Brock Lesnar fan? Brock's a bona fide asshole who's never given a damn about the wrestling business--and you're a mark for this guy?

    "I don't remember making my Madison Square Garden debut against Ric Flair, but I sure remember getting paid for it!"

    -Brock Lesnar, Death Clutch 

    I understand making money is the name of the game, but Brock's ONLY priority is money. And when he doesn't get his way, he quits and goes back home and hides on his farm until the next circus comes to town. I really recommend you read his book, it'll definitely open your eyes. 

  137. Congrats on the 10k. Damn right that's something to be proud of.

  138. I still can't wrap my head around folks that watch movies, tv, wrestling, listen to music, watch sports; but want all the entertainers to be squeaky clean saints "off camera".  Dude, who cares?  Is he entertaining?  Is he talented at what he does?  I don't spend money on a ppv because I want the guy to be nice and not an a-hole, I pay to see a great match/angle/whatever.  smh.

  139. And the crowd reaction in Miami last night killed me, it really did. Obviously, they forgot about Wrestlemania 20 and that whole debackle.

    (Damn Jim Cornette and his 5-year-rule!) 

    Brock left this company on its ass eight years ago. He was literally handed the entire company and was pushed to the moon like no man before him, and with little reluctance whatsoever, walked away from it all with almost no remorse. It meant nothing to him. Nevermind the company, the talent, or the fans that had invested so much and made him a star--and a very rich man, mind you. He had made his money and was done with the business he "got in to get out" (his own words--or Curt Hennig's more specifically).

  140. Brock's an interesting case. I've heard all the negative stuff about him backstage and normally that type of stuff bothers me. But I don't know... he's just such an ass kicker I don't give a fuck. Man's a BEAST. Batista's a similar guy for me, I don't care what anyone says about the guy, I'm a Dave Batista mark.

    Plus I see that so many of the guys I like are cool with Brock so it makes it easier for me to like the guy (Rock, Goldberg, Austin, Heyman, Lance Storm, etc).

    It seems the 2 guys who have the biggest issue with Brock are HHH and Taker, so that might also explain part of the reason the IWC likes the guy.

  141. Lesnar v. rock for the title at mania 29. I'd walk to NYC for that one.

  142. Judging by all the negativity towards HHH, Hogan, Flair, etc you're in the minority.

    I want to agree with you, but I'd be lying if I said it never comes into play with me. I like knowing that people I'm a fan of are nice guys. I don't care if they drink, do drugs or steroids, or even cheat on their wives, just don't be a miserable asshole.

  143. Oh I just think Punk would be scared of the guy. Plus they're both ''Paul Heyman Guys". Both mostly I think he's just scared.

  144. I'm hoping they reference that Cena's first shot at the main event was against Brock. In fact, it happened almost 9 years to the day of Extreme Rules this year.

  145. I just think most fans are selfish hypocrites.  Derek is a good example, he's acting like Brock caring about getting paid is a bad thing.  However, I would bet that in his personal life, if offered a job at 50% of what he thinks he should make or it should pay, he'd probably pass and move on to the next thing and he should.  These guys have a very limited life shelf, they should fight for every penny they can get. 

    As for drugs and steroids, in most sports, that's cheating and illegal if policed.  I don't want my athletes cheating.  However, it's a safe bet that the majority of musicians cheat and some do drugs.  Will you not like or listen to their music?  I won't list examples, but we all know there are tons of GREAT musicians that died from overdoses or did drugs while writing/performing their music and we still like it and listen to it.  I would prefer they didn't, but the real world is a different animal.

  146. Heh, I guess Brock doesn't have the right to be happy, he must stay in WWE until Derek or Vince or HHH tells him it's ok to leave, he's lived up to his side of the bargain.

    Last I checked, folks are entitled to pursue other avenues in life if the one they're in doesn't make them happy.  And, if he made enough money to live comfortably, even better.

    BTW, Cena can thank Brock for opening that spot that he took.

  147. Finally someone speaks the truth for this guy. Lesnar will draw, yes due to his UFC success, but it is Ultimate Warrior 2.0. He was given everything, but didn't give a shit about wrestling and spit on the business. Anyone would have gotten over with that push, and the guy CAN'T ACT or give an interview to save his life (pansy voice don't help either). Re-watch Angle vs Lesnar WM 19, it sucks. Meltzer and Keith had some weird crush on this guy and other drones followed suit to be in with the internet 'in' crowd.

    Lesnar will refuse to put anyone over, act like a prima donna in the back, take his ball and go home again. Wait and see.

  148. Brock is such a bad ass that all he cares about is getting paid and kicking green hats off the face of the earth. This is why we love him. 

  149. Has Brock unified all of the titles yet into the Brock Super World title? Because if it hasn't happened yet, it should.

  150. If you do walk, just stop when you hit East Rutherford, NJ, or you'll miss WrestleMania

  151. I am rather interested, actually, in what John Cena thinks of Brock Lesnar.  Because it seems like everything he said about the Rock applies to Lesnar too.  Lesnar left WWE high and dry and absolutely wished to be distanced from it.  And this is the vehicle that initially made him a star.  I don't know how much of the feelings Cena had towards Rock were storyline driven opposed to personal, but if they were personal, I'm interested if he holds that same hostility towards Brock.

  152. Brock said that? That's pretty funny!!!

  153. I meant the guy in real life.  Yes his current gimmick is being an asshole.  But unlike, say Punk (who I love) Bryan can be a babyface with a personality without being a jackass.  Not too many guys can do that.

  154. Brock doesn't bother me as much as guys like HHH (at least the older version), Hogan, Nash, and other guys whose selfish attitudes bled over into the product and adversely affected it, where they refused to do certain jobs, "lost their smiles", made 2003 RAW shitty, or whatever. As far as I know, my impression of Brock is that he doesn't care about wrestling enough to get involved in that petty stuff, and as long as he puts effort into his time on my TV, which I've never been given reason to think he won't, I'm totally cool with it. 

  155. Let's make one thing clear, Brock never wanted to be a wrestler in the first place-- which is why I don't put the blame entirely on him.

    Even though the guy signed up for a job he knew full well he didn't want in the first place--again, I encourage you to read his book, he says this himself--it was the WWE that ultimately paid him and put the machine behind him despite the early signs that he was, in fact, a whiny quitter.

    In Death Clutch, Brock admits he had never watched 5 minutes of wrestling before in his life and only signed with the WWE because they were the highest bidders in the Brock Lesnar sweepstakes. And not only did the WWE pay him, but they gave him the richest developmental deal in company history--more money than he'd ever seen in his life (Brock's words, not mine). Inside one year at OVW, Brock had already walked out the door. He was convinced he was already head and shoulders above everyone else in the camp and demanded to be moved up. And when the WWE didn't comply, he went back home to Minnesota.

    THIS should have been the first indication that he wasn't a worthwhile investment. Had Brock entered the wrestling business 30 or so years ago, he'd have had his leg broken the first day he stepped through the ropes and dared to come back when/if he healed. This guy wasn't willing to pay dues in Ohio Valley... so what made the WWE think he was willing to/capable of carrying the company for the next decade? 



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