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The SmarKdown Rant–04.06.12


The SmarKdown Rant – 04.06.12

Taped from Orlando, Florida.

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Booker T & Josh Matthews

Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and General Manager of Smackdown Johnny Ace joins us to start the era of People Power on the shows. He brings out Teddy Long, who cuts a goodbye promo and goes to leave. Ace cuts him off and offers him a job, but Long refuses. So Johnny goes the evil lawyer route, and threatens to cut off his grandchildren’s WWE college fund. I’m pretty sure a real lawyer would have something to say about that. So Long is forced to accept a job and kiss Johnny’s ass.

R-Truth v. Mark Henry & David Otunga

This would be Truth’s punishment for losing at Wrestlemania. He gets a leg lariat on Otunga for two and a spinning elbow for two, but Otunga tags out to Mark Henry. Henry pounds away while Abraham Washington looks on in the back. World’s Strongest Slam and Otunga tags in for the pin at 2:00. It was what it was. ½*

Randy Orton v. Kane

This is NO DISQUALIFICATION, so both guys can embrace the hate fully without fear of repercussions. Normally you’d have to break on five while embracing the hate. NOT HERE. They brawl outside and Orton gets sent into the table and introduced to the stairs, and they fight up the ramp and over to the entrance. Orton tries the RKO and gets foiled, and both guys hit the ramp as we take a break. Back with them in the ring, and Kane gets two. Seated dropkick gets two. Kane goes up and gets crotched by Orton, and he gets the dropkick and makes the comeback. Powerslam and Kane bails to the apron, which of course sets up the DDT, but Kane blocks with a necksnap and they fight on the floor again. Orton clotheslines him into the timekeeper’s cubicle , but Kane boots him down again and loads up the plunder in the ring. However, he makes the rookie mistake of tossing Orton in first, resulting in the draping DDT for two. He sets up for the RKO, but Kane EMBRACES THE HATE and beats him down with a chair for two. Orton escapes the chokeslam and it’s RKO and goodbye at 12:18. Gotta love 50/50 booking. This was much better than Wrestlemania. ***

Barry Stevens v. Ryback

Stevens is just cannon fodder for the repackaged Skip Sheffield. Ryback tosses him around and hits a press slam into powerslam, then finishes with a muscle buster at 1:00. I don’t know that “Ryback” is any better of a name, but the booking is more important anyway. I approve of more squash matches like this.

Daniel Bryan joins us for a promo. You’d think the social media-obsessed WWE would make sure to take note of Bryan’s grassroots explosion online or the random crowds at sporting events who are unknowingly supporting a WWE Superstar with their “YES” chants and maybe play it up to make it seem like the cool thing to do, but no. As usual, they ignore it because they don’t know how to deal with it. Anyway, he’s dejected, but AJ tries to cheer him up while the fans do the “YES” chants despite the production crew’s best efforts to mute it. Bryan thinks that the fans are mocking him, and blames AJ for distracting him with the kiss at Wrestlemania. And they’re DONE. He’s gonna get his rematch and win it by himself. And she can take her cheeseburgers that she loves so much and hit the road in her SUV! Uh, I don’t think AJ has eaten many cheeseburgers lately. The fans don’t seem terribly concerned with her departure from Bryan’s life.

Big Show v. Heath Slater

Show pounds away and puts Slater down with a chop from his knees, then finishes with the spear and chokeslam at 1:08. He chases Cody Rhodes away afterwards, so THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE. Really? Because Show won it pretty decisively at Wrestlemania, I’d say.

Meanwhile, Big Johnny pitches the concept of People Power to Sheamus. So because of Sheamus’ sneak-attacks, he’s expecting that Sheamus will be held to a higher standard as champion.

Beth Phoenix v. Nikki Bella

Kelly Kelly joins us, so I guess we’re going around with Beth v. Kelly AGAIN. Beth chokes away on the ropes to start and pounds Nikki in the corner, but a blind charge misses due to Kelly’s distraction, and Nikki gets a carpet muncher for the upset pin at 1:00. Wait, are we supposed to be cheering for Nikki?

Damian Sandow is here to educate us and make us better people.

Let us take you back to RAW, where Brock beats up John Cena and KICKS HIS HAT in a demonstration of hatred and brutality unseen on the show since many years ago. And next week, THE THREE STOOGES. God I hate this company sometimes.

Next Week: OLD SCHOOL SMACKDOWN! I’m so there.

Sheamus v. Alberto Del Rio

Sheamus overpowers him and blocks a blind charge, then hits the Regal roll for two. ADR goes to the arm to take over, but can’t get the armbar and he bails as we take a break. Back with Sheamus pounding away with the forearms on the apron, but Del Rio puts him on the floor with the enzuigiri. Back in, ADR works on the arm for a while, until it’s the pre-approved time for Sheamus to make the comeback and ignore all the pointless working of the arm. He stops to beat up Ricardo, but grabs an errant steel chair and gets DQ’d at 10:40. What a pointless main event. Del Rio didn’t even get an attempt at the armbar, they just kind of wrestled back and forth and went nowhere and then had a random DQ finish. So now ADR is apparently the #1 contender after that awesome effort. *1/2

The Pulse

This was basically the anti-RAW. No excitement from the crowd, a bunch of meaningless and forgettable matches, and nothing to build on the momentum from Monday. It was fine to watch, but absolutely nothing you need to watch. Next week’s “blast from the past” live show should be pretty awesome, though.


  1. "Wait, are we supposed to be cheering for Nikki?"

    She was the Team Teddy cheerleader at WM for who knows what reason, so I guess that's their idea of a face turn.

  2. Greeeat, another big generic muscle-head.  At least the Skip Sheffield character had a tiny semblance of personality.

  3. It's impossible for Smackdown to carry over any momentum from good Raws, I don't know why they still bother. 

    And putting Del Rio in a main event role right off the bat is such a big mistake. He is just going to keep bombing and keep regressing. They should pair him and Ricardo up as a tag team and use them to carry the tag titles for awhile. The upper tier heel spot is way too crowded as it is anyway.

  4. Remember that list of things Daniel Bryan posted about how AJ could become a better Diva?

    "5. How about trading in those skulls you wear on your clothes for the butterfly of the Divas Title?"

    She went out for this interview with Daniel a butterfly shirt!

    Impressive attention to detail for the four people who noticed...


    I remember the day when, for instance, the Rock and Undertaker where temporary allies against the McMahons. It was made clear that they didn't really like each other and they were only working together because they had to. NOW, they'd be instantly written as friends because they're both faces. Though I will note that Punk and Cena are a modern exception, although they are portrayed as getting along now.

  6. Wait, what....

    "and Nikki gets a carpet muncher for the upset pin at 1:00"

    Umm.... I may need to go back and rewatch Smackdown.

  7. The only way to carry over the momentum from RAW is just to end all brand extensions. John Cena or Brock Lesnar should have opened the show and they should have made a big brawl to continue the feud. 

  8.  I know I'm just wishing on a star...

    But here's to hoping that this Ryback character will actually be an attempt to bring Steven Seagal's character from the Under Siege films, Casey Ryback, to life! A former Navy SEAL who's since become a cook, and thwarted two terrorist attacks now becomes a pro-wrestler. And he always finds himself at the right place, at the wrong time, and faces the lead terrorist in main events. I for one would pay good money to see a wrestling version of Seagal face a wrestling version of Gary Busey.

  9. Yeah but Punk admitted that he actually liked Cena, he just didn't like the idea of Cena being the best.

  10. That's very representative of the Attitude Era.  Nobody seemed to like anybody.  That's changed a lot now.....except when somebody is getting brutally attacked in the ring.  Then suddenly nobody seems to care enough about the person to come out and help.

  11. They're advertising Sgt. Slaughter for the live Old School Smackdown next week. I have tickets to an indie show that Sarge is supposed to be at that same night. I'm wondering which is which? I imagine some people would be bummed not to see Sarge. Not me though, I'm mainly in it for Kevin Steen & The Briscoes.

  12. Yeah, they should also be on superstars and nxt too to make sure the specialness wears off as soon as possible. Plus lesnar only is signed for less than 50 appearances, so let's burn through those by August.

  13. This show shouldve started with a Daniel Bryan promo. Period, end of story.

  14. More guest hosts on Monday?  I was going to pick up a ticket and go solo but I don't want to spend money on a show with guest hosts.  They kill the flow of the show as they have to appear in all kinds of wacky skits that suck away time from you know, wrestling.

  15. I still think ADR and Jinder Mahal should be a tag-team. That's easy heel-heat right there, and would give the tag division a shot in the arm.

  16. The only shot in the arm that the tag division needs is a lethal injection to euthanize it.  

  17. I hope they don't draw out the Teddy Long-Johnny Ace storyline too much. I didn't mind the feud in the build up to Wrestlemania, but it's run its course. Have Ace do some heelish authority figure stuff, and Teddy Long can manage a few guys, getting his revenge by having his guys beat up Johnny's guys.

    Only stuff that stood out this episode was Kane-Orton, Bryan's promo, & Ricardo Rodriguez grabbing the mic from Lilian Garcia and hastily announcing del Rio's victory as he ran away from Sheamus.

  18. I guess I'll be the lame ass joke-explainer and say that "carpet muncher" was a joke term used for the X-Factor sometime around the dying days of WCW, when a bunch of the converted Nitro girls were doing it. Or something like that.

  19. The overt misogyny of some of the recent crowd reactions to the Daniel Bryan - AJ interaction is troubling to me.  People booed the Macho Man for his mistreatment of Miss Elizabeth; many are cheering Daniel Bryan's mistreatment of AJ.  I understand enjoying the goofball nature of the Bryan character, but cheering a man for abusing a female who hasn't done anything wrong but like the man is just sick.

  20. Your standards are too high.  This is a wrestling show, not a legitimate measurement of people's moral fiber.  The crowd also pops when a babyface enters the ring and starts mashing people with a steel chair.  I'm guessing they'd react significantly different if the same thing happened in real life, at the library.

  21. Actually it was referred to the carpet muncher when Waltman used it as far back at 1997/8

  22. I've been using it as far back as Konnan doing it in WCW in the nWo days.  It came from Kevin Nash on commentary calling it that as a rib on Konnan, if I'm remembering right.  

  23.  *heads to library to test that theory*

  24. Just watched this show.

    Um... David Otunga is the man. That jacket (with no shirt underneath) was SWANK.

    He's the new Sid/Scott Steiner for me. I don't give a fuck how bad he is in the ring, everything he does makes me laugh and I'm a full fledged mark for the guy. I would pay good money to see Zach Ryder win back the US title only for Otunga to squash him for it on the next show. Make it happen Big Johnny!

  25. I'm with you on that. Bryan's been too enjoyable for me to get up in arms about it, but it does kind of put me off. I think that's part of why they broke them up. If they turn Bryan face, he can have his tearful reunion with her. If they keep him heel, they can pair him up with Brie Bella or Eve or whoever and have them both be obnoxious asshats.

  26. Couple of thoughts: Damien Sandow's promo was awesome. Really Genius-esque. Don't often hear a wrestler quote McLuhan. If he can back it up in the ring, guy might end up being a favourite of mine.

    Is Heath Slater the new Barry Horowitz? I laugh every time they cut to him after a big superstar's entrance. "Is this guy serious? Funkasaurus? Pfft. *squash*"

  27. As the creator of the Facebook group contained in the plug there, Scott...I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to post it.

    As for SD, it wasn't horrible IMO, but no where near as strong as Raw was. In fairness, when Raw has a week like it did, there isn't much SD can do.

  28. Loved Bowtunga's jacket, reminded me something that Benjamin Franklin would've wore.  Hilarious.

    Now, here's the conspiracy theorist (or not) in me talking.  The "Yes!" chants from RAW in the replay of the Sheamus-ADR segment were clearly tuned down and that replay was edited very carefully.  They couldn't ignore all of it, but that RAW crowd was loud and rabid.  I..I just don't get it.  I'm sure I'm crazy and someone will tell me Bryan is fine (which he is); but why not ride that wave and see where it goes? 

    I also thought they pulled the trigger on the break-up way too soon.  That could've gone on for awhile and maybe have a babyface start telling AJ that the way Bryan treats her is awful and she could do better, etc, etc.

  29. I think it would be stupid to completely throw out what is planned on the basis of the reaction of two shows.  They should wait at least a few weeks to see if it sticks.  I almost hope it doesn't, because Daniel Bryan is far more entertaining to me as a heel.

  30. Randy Savage often threatened Miss Elizabeth physically...never actually hitting her on camera to my knowledge, but often cocking his arm back with Liz cringing in terror.

    Daniel Bryan has been an ass, but he has never physically threatened AJ.  AJ has been portrayed as putting up with his crap because she wanted to...nobody physically forced her to.  She could have left on her own at any time, and I doubt that the Daniel Bryan character would have gone on a stalking rampage.

    So, people just choose who they like.  And as AJ could have avoided the situation if she chose to, the fans might feel sympathy for her, but would also feel like "well, girl, you kind of brought this on yourself!", so it would not prevent them for cheering for Bryan.

  31. So you're saying it's time for Vince to bring back the nWo again?

  32.  I am hoping this breakup is so that AJ can win the women's title and Daniel will get back together with her, hoisting the women's title above his head all the time.  =)

  33. Otunga is fine as a character, but I just wish he was better in the ring.  The main problem he's facing is that he's way out of his league in comparison to the push he's getting, and at some point they're gonna be tempted to stick him in a longish PPV match and it'll go really badly.  But as long as he's doing one minute squashes and matching his outfit to his coffee cup, I've got no issues with him.  

  34. ....yknow I thought I actually said something about Konnan when I posted that? Weird. Apparently I thought it and didn't type it. Still, I didn't know that's where it came from.

    There was also a snarky term for when one of the WCW women would use a Bronco Buster, am I correct?

  35. I was watching the Hogan/Savage WM5 match today, and Monsoon outright says "what about all the times he's slapped her around in the locker room?" These days we'd think of it as PG sidestepping of actually showing it. Then I'm pretty sure it was just a shoot from Gorilla.

  36. We're they really trying to hide the yes chants? They showed multiple signs and the crowd and it was a major part of the promo. Hiding would have been not referencing them at all. Thought it was a good heel point for Bryan to make that they also chanted it at the rock so it didn't mean anything

  37. More like a cure for insomnia.

  38. Fair point.  I was actually talking about the "na-na-na-na.... na-na-na-na.... hey, hey, hey... goodbye" stuff, which is usually reserved for hated heels, being sung for poor AJ after she had been humiliated in the ring.


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